55 resultados para three-term recurrence relation

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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This essay explores the concept of transnationalism, defi ning this term in relation both to the lived experience of transnational subjects, and to transnational texts for children. It argues that rhetorics of globalization have over-emphasized the impact and signifi cance of global cultural and economic fl ows, although the production of children’s books is to some extent shaped by the internationalization of publishing houses and markets. The concept of transnationalism provides a way of thinking about how children’s texts address and are informed by diverse, complex infl uences, sometimes from a variety of cultures and languages. Transnationalism is not a new phenomenon but is visible in colonial texts which are shaped both by the particular, local ideologies of colonial nations, and also by the common concerns and interests of such nations. The essay draws on two contemporary texts to illustrate the workings of transnationalism: the fi lm Howl’s Moving Castle, and Shaun Tan’s picture book The Arrival. It concludes by considering the concept of transnational literacy as a way of approaching scholarship and teaching in children’s literature.


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Background: The organizational context in which healthcare is delivered is thought to play an important role in mediating the use of knowledge in practice. Additionally, a number of potentially modifiable contextual factors have been shown to make an organizational context more amenable to change. However, understanding of how these factors operate to influence organizational context and knowledge use remains limited. In particular, research to understand knowledge translation in the long-term care setting is scarce. Further research is therefore required to provide robust explanations of the characteristics of organizational context in relation to knowledge use.
Aim: To develop a robust explanation of the way organizational context mediates the use of knowledge in practice in long-term care facilities.
Design: This is longitudinal, in-depth qualitative case study research using exploratory and interpretive methods to explore the role of organizational context in influencing knowledge translation. The study will be conducted in two phases. In phase one, comprehensive case studies will be conducted in three facilities. Following data analysis and proposition development, phase two will continue with focused case studies to elaborate emerging themes and theory. Study sites will be purposively selected. In both phases, data will be collected using a variety of approaches, including non-participant observation, key informant interviews, family perspectives, focus groups, and documentary evidence (including, but not limited to, policies, notices, and photographs of physical resources). Data analysis will comprise an iterative process of identifying convergent evidence within each case study and then examining and comparing the evidence across multiple case studies to draw conclusions from the study as a whole. Additionally, findings that emerge through this project will be compared and considered alongside those that are emerging from project one. In this way, pattern matching based on explanation building will be used to frame the analysis and develop an explanation of organizational context and knowledge use over time. An improved understanding of the contextual factors that mediate knowledge use will inform future development and testing of interventions to enhance knowledge use, with the ultimate aim of improving the outcomes for residents in long-term care settings.


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Predators exert strong selection pressures on their prey. Prey would therefore benefit by adjusting their behaviour to the risk of predation, while predators conversely would benefit from adjusting their behaviour to that of their prey. Extravagant ornamentation has evolved to attract mates and/or successfully compete with conspecifics of the same sex to secure high mating success, even if that occurs at a cost of increased risk of predation. Thus, sexually dichromatic species may be more susceptible to predation than sexually monochromatic species, and the presence of compensation is indicative of such species being more vulnerable. If extravagant ornamentation is costly in terms of predation risk, then we should expect sexually dichromatic species to have longer flight initiation distances (FID) than sexually monochromatic species. If ornamentation is acquired as a handicap with only individuals in prime condition being able to display with the smallest viability cost, we should expect sexually dichromatic individuals to have shorter FID than sexually monochromatic individuals. Such differences among individuals should, on an evolutionary time scale, translate into differences in FID being related to differences in sexual dichromatism among species. We investigated the relationship between FID and sexual dichromatism in phylogenetic analyses, while accounting for effects of continent (Australia, North America, and Europe), body mass, the interaction between sexual dichromatism and body mass and the interaction between sexual dichromatism and continent. In an analysis of 447 species we found shorter FID in sexually dichromatic than in sexually monochromatic species (consistent with the handicap hypothesis because sexually dichromatic species took greater risks), especially so at large body size. FID differed among continents and the relative difference in FID between sexually monochromatic and sexually dichromatic species was larger in Europe than in Australia and North America. These differences among continents may be attributed to latitudinal effects of predation. These findings are important for current ideas about the evolution of secondary sexual characters because they imply covarying continental differences in predation, especially for large bodied sexually dichromatic species.


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The impact of time since fire after two consecutive wildfires 44 years apart (1939 and 1983) within the same area, and the distance from the fire boundary «100 m or 500-2000 m), were investigated in relation to the distribution and abundance of arboreal marsupials in 1994. Arboreal marsupials were censused by stagwatching and spotlighting in two relatively young age classes of mountain ash (Eucalyptus regnans) dominated forest in the Central Highlands of Victoria. Five species of arboreal marsupial were detected, but only three were detected in sufficient numbers to determine habitat preferences. Petauroides volans (greater glider) was statistically more abundant in 1939 regrowth forests, while Trichosurus caninus (mountain brushtail possum) showed no significant preference for either age class of forest. All but one record of Gymnobelideus leadbeateri (Leadbeater's possum) came from young forest, though the effect of age-class was not statistically significant. Distance from fire boundary explained little or no variation in mammal distribution or abundance. While the actual number of hollow-bearing trees was similar in both age classes of forest, the long-term lifespan of hollow-bearing trees in more recently burnt forest is predicted to be lower than in unburnt or not recently burnt forest. Post-fire salvage logging following the 1983 wildfires appears to have reduced the number of hollow-bearing trees at sites burnt in 1983.


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Three strikes laws are discriminatory but not for previously advanced reasons. The three strikes laws are merely an acute example of a fundamentally flawed sentencing system that discriminates against economically and socially disadvantaged people, particularly the group that is the focus of this article – Indigenous Australians. The repeal of the Northern Territory's mandatory sentencing laws has not remedied the unfair manner in which sentencing law and practice operate against Aboriginals; either in the Northern Territory or generally. Criminal punishment systems around the world punish a disproportionate number of socially deprived people. In Australia, Indigenous Australians were grossly over-represented in Australian jails prior to the three strikes laws and will remain so unless steps are taken to address their disadvantage. The obvious solution to redress the over-representation by Indigenous Australians is to provide them with the same social opportunities and resources as the rest of the community. This is overly ambitious – at least in the short term. This article suggests a more attainable change in sentencing law to remedy some of the disadvantages experienced by Aboriginals. It suggests that far less weight should be accorded to prior convictions in the sentencing calculus.


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The purpose of the study was to quantify the strength of motor-unit coherence from the left and right first dorsal interosseous muscles in untrained, skill-trained (musicians), and strength-trained (weightlifters) individuals who had long-term specialized use of their hand muscles. The strength of motor-unit coherence was quantified from a total of 394 motor-unit pairs in 13 subjects using data from a previous study in which differences were found in the strength of motor-unit synchronization depending on training status. In the present study, we found that the strength of motor-unit coherence was significantly greater in the left compared with the right hand of untrained right-handed subjects with the largest differences observed between 21 and 24 Hz. The strength of motor-unit coherence was lower in both hands of skill-trained subjects (21–27 Hz) and the right (skilled) hand of untrained subjects (21–24 Hz), whereas the largest motor-unit coherence was observed in both hands of strength-trained subjects (3–9 and 21–27 Hz). A strong curvilinear association was observed between motor-unit synchronization and the integral of coherence at 10–30 Hz in all motor-unit pairs (r2 = 0.77), and was most pronounced in strength-trained subjects (r2 = 0.90). Furthermore, this association was accentuated when using synchronization data with broad peaks (>11 ms), suggesting that the 10- to 30-Hz coherence is due to oscillatory activity in indirect branched common inputs. The altered coherence with training may be due to an interaction between cortical inhibition and the number of direct common inputs to motor neurons in skill- or strength-trained hands.


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This review considers some of the broad principles that concern quality of life assessment. These are discussed in relation to health-related quality of life (HRQOL) and the measurement of subjective well-being. It is argued that there are serious logical and methodological issues concerning HRQOL measurement, to the extent that the instruments may not be regarded as valid measures of life quality as this term is generally understood. It is recommended that HRQOL measurement be abandoned in favor of three separate forms of measurement as medical symptoms, subjective well-being and specific dimensions of psychological ill-being.


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The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) is a hydrologic model that was developed to predict the long-term impacts of land use change on the water balance of large catchments. Stochastic models are used to generate the daily rainfall sequences needed to conduct long-term, continuous simulations with SWAT. The objective of this study was to evaluate the performances of three daily rainfall generation models. The models evaluated were the modified Daily and Monthly Mixed (DMMm) model, skewed normal distribution (SKWD) model and modified exponential distribution (EXPD) model. The study area was the Woady Yaloak River catchment (306 km2) located in southwest Victoria, Australia. The models were assessed on their ability to preserve annual, monthly and daily statistical characteristics of the historical rainfall and runoff. The mean annual, monthly, and daily rainfall was preserved satisfactorily by the models. The DMMm model reproduced the standard deviation of annual and monthly rainfall better than the SKWD and EXPD models. Overall, the DMMm model performed marginally better than the SKWD model at reproducing the statistical characteristics of the historical rainfall record at the various time scales. The performance of the EXPD model was found to be inferior to the performances of the DMMm and SKWD models. The models reproduced the mean annual, monthly, and daily runoff relatively well, although the DMMm and SKWD models were found to preserve these statistics marginally better than the EXPD model. None of the models managed to reproduce the standard deviation of annual, monthly, and daily runoff adequately.


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The interactions between cage culture and wild fishery activities in three Indonesian reservoirs, Saguling, Cirata and Jatiluhur, of the greater Ciratum watershed, West Java, were evaluated using historical data and interviews with cage culture operators. In all three reservoirs, cage culture of common carp, Cyprinus carpio L., and later of common carp and Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (L.), were encouraged as an alternative livelihood for persons displaced by the impoundment. Currently, a two-net culture system, locally known as 'lapis dua', in which in the inner cage (7 × 7 × 3 m) is used for common carp culture and the outer cage (7 × 7 × 5/7 m) is stocked with Nile tilapia, is practised. On average each cage is stocked with  approximately 100 kg fingerlings each of common carp and Nile tilapia. The numbers of cages and production of cultured fish has increased in the reservoirs, but total and per cage production began to decline from about 1995 in Saguling from 2200 kg cage−1 in 1989 to <500 kg cage−1 in 2002, and in Cirata from a peak of approximately 2300 kg cage−1 in 1995 to approximately 400 kg cage−1 in 2002. In Jatiluhur, which has a considerably lower cage density, total fish production and production per cage has increased since 2000, and currently is approximately 4000 kg cage−1, close to production in the early years of cage culture activities. The cage culture operations also resulted in substantial nutrient loading, estimated at 3.2, 15.2 and 3.1 t of nitrogen and 134, 636 and 128 kg of phosphorous per year in the maximum years of production for Saguling, Cirata and Jatiluhur reservoirs, respectively. In later years, when cage culture production was high, fish kills occurred in the cages, and in Jatiluhur reservoir coincided with a dramatic decline in wild fishery catches. An attempt is made to determine the maximum number of cages for each of the reservoirs that will bring long-term sustainability of cage culture operations and the wild fisheries in the three reservoirs.


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The Corporations and Markets Advisory Committee has been asked to consider whether the duties of directors under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) should be broadened to require directors to take into account the interests of stakeholder groups other than shareholders when making corporate decisions. In this article, the author argues that the existing statutory duties of directors in Australia should remain unchanged. The existing duties of directors, in particular the overriding duty of directors to act in the best interests of the company, already accommodates consideration of stakeholder interests by directors if the decision is justifiable as being in the company's best interests. Furthermore, corporate culture and norms are moving towards embracing stakeholder engagement, again with the implicit recognition that integrating stakeholder considerations within the decision-making processes of companies is integral to achieving long-term sustainable growth.


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The purpose of the study was to quantify the strength of motor unit synchronization and coherence from pairs of concurrently active motor units before and after short-term (4–8 weeks) strength training of the left first dorsal interosseous (FDI) muscle. Five subjects (age 24.8 ± 4.3 years) performed a training protocol three times/week that consisted of six sets of ten maximal isometric index finger abductions, whereas three subjects (age 27.3 ± 6.7 years) acted as controls. Motor unit activity was recorded from pairs of intramuscular electrodes in the FDI muscle with two separate motor unit recording sessions obtained before and after strength training (trained group) or after 4 weeks of normal daily activities that did not involve training (control group). The training intervention resulted in a 54% (45.2 ± 8.3 to 69.5 ± 13.8 N, P = 0.001) increase in maximal index finger abduction force, whereas there was no change in strength in the control group. A total of 163 motor unit pairs (198 single motor units) were examined in both subject groups, with 52 motor unit pairs obtained from 10 recording sessions before training and 51 motor unit pairs from 10 recording sessions after training. Using the cross-correlation procedure, there was no change in the strength of motor unit synchronization following strength training (common input strength index; 0.71 ± 0.41 to 0.67 ± 0.43 pulses/s). Furthermore, motor unit coherence z scores at low (0–10 Hz; 3.9 ± 0.3 before to 4.4 ± 0.4 after) or high (10–30 Hz; 1.7 ± 0.1 before to 1.9 ± 0.1 after) frequencies were not influenced by strength training. These motor unit data indicate that increases in strength following several weeks of training a hand muscle are not accompanied by changes in motor unit synchronization or coherence, suggesting that these features of correlated motor unit activity are not important in the expression of muscle strength.


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We critically evaluated population-monitoring programs for three endangered species of Australian honeyeater: the helmeted honeyeater, Lichenostomus melanops cassidix, the black-eared miner, Manorina melanotis, and the regent honeyeater, Xanthomyza phrygia (Meliphagidae). Our results challenge the common assumption that meaningful monitoring is possible in all species within the five-year lifetime of recovery plans. We found that the precision achievable from monitoring programs not only depends on the monitoring technique applied but also on the species' biology. Relevant life-history attributes include a species' pattern of movement, its home-range size and its distribution. How well understood and predictable these attributes are will also influence monitoring precision. Our results highlight the large degree of variability in precision among monitoring programs and the value of applying power analysis before continuing longer-term studies. They also suggest that managers and funding agencies should be mindful that more easily monitored species should not receive preferential treatment over species that prove more difficult to monitor.


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Background. Opinions on the clinical course and outcome of renal transplantation in patients with primary immunoglobulin A nephropathy (IgAN) have been controversial.
Methods. We conducted a retrospective single-centre study on 542 kidney transplant recipients over the period 1984–2001. Long-term outcome and factors affecting recurrence in recipients with primary IgAN were analysed.
Results. Seventy-five patients (13.8%) had biopsy-proven IgAN as the cause of renal failure, and their mean duration of follow-up after transplantation was 100 ± 5.8 months. Fourteen (18.7%) of the 75 patients had biopsy-proven recurrent IgAN, diagnosed at 67.7 ± 11 months after transplantation. The risk of recurrence was not associated with HLA DR4 or B35. Graft failure occurred in five (35.7%) of the 14 patients: three due to IgAN and two due to chronic rejection. Three (4.9%) of the 61 patients without recurrent IgAN had graft failure, all due to chronic rejection. Graft survival was similar between living-related and cadaveric/living-unrelated patients (12-year graft survival, 88 and 72%, respectively, P = 0.616). Renal allograft survival within the first 12 years was better in patients with primary IgAN compared with those with other primary diseases (80 vs 51%, P = 0.001). Thereafter, IgAN patients showed an inferior graft survival (74 vs 97% in non-IgAN patients, P = 0.001).
Our data suggested that around one-fifth of patients with primary IgAN developed recurrence by 5 years after transplantation. Recurrent IgA nephropathy in allografts runs an indolent course with favourable outcome in the first 12 years. However, the contribution of recurrent disease to graft loss becomes more significant on long-term follow up.


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With an increasing demand and reliance on volunteers in a host of different sectors, the need for organisations to understand motivating factors behind volunteering, and how to retain volunteer services, is crucial. This paper examines the recruitment, retention and attrition among a group of volunteers participating in a long-term monitoring program for the critically endangered orange-bellied parrot Neophema chrysogaster. This project is one of the longest running of its type in Australia with more than 20 years of survey activities. Volunteers were most often recruited via other environmental agencies. Almost three-quarters of respondents had been involved in birdwatching or other bird monitoring activities usually in connection with conservation organisations. The modal response was an involvement of 10-20 years, with most other responses in the range 0-5 years. The majority intend to continue volunteering, but cited perceived health and time commitments as the main factors behind possible future decisions to cease volunteering. Respondents suggested improvements in the volunteer management of the program, and in particular, thought a personal 'thank you', would maintain motivation and participation.