45 resultados para temporal embeddedness

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Recruitment is known to influence distributions and abundances of benthic marine organisms. It is therefore important to document patterns of variability in recruitment and how these relate to patterns in established assemblages. This study provides an integrated assessment of the temporal and spatial variation in supply and recruitment of propagules and established populations of several macroalgae. Propagules in water samples from two stages of the incoming tide, recruitment to artificial substrata and percentage cover of species established on the shore were recorded every 2 months from December 1994 to October 1995, in two zones of an intertidal, wave-exposed rocky shore. Variability in recruitment was measured at three spatial scales: 10s cm, 100s cm and 100s m. Availability and recruitment of most taxa were greatest between April and August, although many species had available propagules and recruited throughout the year. Temporal variation in the established assemblages was, however, more species-specific. Differences in established assemblages between zones were reflected in differences in availability and recruitment of propagules between zones. Recruitment could not be predicted directly from supply of propagules, but the two processes were linked. For most species, the greatest variation in recruitment occurred at the smallest spatial scale of 10s cm, although there was also considerable large-scale (between site) variation in recruitment of several species. Results indicate that while pre-and post-settlement mortality are likely to influence macroalgal distribution and abundance, the temporal and spatial variability in supply and recruitment of propagules can explain much of the patchiness in macroalgal assemblages.


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Estimation of nutrient load production based on multi-temporal remotely sensed land-use data for the Glenelg-Hopkins region in southwest Victoria, Australia, is discussed. Changes in land use were mapped using archived Landsat data and computerized classification techniques. Land-use
change is unparalleled in recent history, with 13% of the region transformed in the last decade. Total nitrogen and phosphorus loading were estimated using an export coefficient model. The analysis demonstrated a disturbing increase in nitrogen and phosphorus loadings from 1995 to 2002. Whilst such increases were suspected from past anecdotal and ad-hoc evidence, our modelling quantitatively estimated such increases and thus demonstrated the enormous potential of using remote sensing and GIS for monitoring land-use change and hence improve land-use management.


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The confirmed vector of Ross River virus, Ochlerotatus camptorhynchus (Thomson), is the dominant mosquito species inhabiting saline marshes in coastal Victoria. This paper re-examines previously published data on Oc. camptorhynchus, plus additional data collected since that time, and provides greater spatial and temporal definition of Oc. camptorhynchus numbers at seven sites across the Gippsland Lakes system of eastern Victoria. A total of 357 672 Oc. camptorhynchus was captured from 1188 trap-nights across the seven trap sites during trapping seasons from 1990 to 2001. The  dominance of Oc. camptorhynchus across the seven sites averaged 75%, with significant differences in mean abundance of Oc. camptorhynchus found between all trap sites. Significant differences in monthly abundance of Oc. camptorhynchus were observed for Wellington Shire. Increase in populations of Oc. camptorhynchus was associated with increases in rainfall at all trap sites, higher minimum temperatures at two of the seven trap sites, and wind speed at one trap site. Prioritisation of mosquito control may be applied based on spatial and temporal factors according to the findings of this study.


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The dietary importance of prey of estuary perch (Macquaria colonorum; Percicthyidae: Günther) was examined spatially, temporally and among size classes. Fish were collected from the Hopkins River, south-western Victoria, from September 1998 to February 1999. The species is a euryhaline, euryphagic carnivore with spatial, temporal and size class variations in diets. Fish caught from estuarine locations consumed primarily Paratya australiensis (40% IRI) while freshwater fish consumed mostly Tricopteran larvae (63.5% IRI). In both freshwater and estuarine locations, the relative importance of P. australiensis decreased with increasing length of fish. Diet changed seasonally, indicating opportunistic changes in prey. The species selected particular prey items relative to environmental availability (P. australiensis, Amarinus lacustrine).


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Colour and luminance-contrast thresholds were measured in the presence of dynamic Random Luminance-contrast Masking (RLM) in individuals who had had past diagnoses of optic neuritis (ON) some of whom have progressed to a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis (MS). To explore the spatio-temporal selectivity of chromatic and luminance losses in MS/ON, thresholds were measured using three different sizes and modulation rates of the RLM displays: small checks modulating slowly, medium-sized checks with moderate modulation and large checks modulating rapidly. The colour of the chromatic stimuli used were specified in a cone-excitation space to measure relative impairments in red–green and blue–yellow chromatic channels. These observers showed chromatic thresholds along the L/(L + M) axis that were higher than those along the S-cone axis for all display sizes/modulation rates and both red-green and blue-yellow colour thresholds were higher than luminance-contrast thresholds. The principal change in thresholds with spatio-temporal changes in the display was a reduction in thresholds for L/(L + M) and S-cones with increasing check size and modulation rate. However, luminance contrast thresholds did not change with display size/rate. These results are consistent with MS/ON selectively affecting processing in colour pathways rather than in the magnocellular pathway, and that within the colour pathways neurones with opposed L- and M-cone inputs are more damaged than colour-opponent neurons with input from S-cones.


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This paper reports an investigation into the temporal stability of aqueous solutions of psilocin and psilocybin reference drug standards over a period of fourteen days. This study was performed using high performance liquid chromatography utilising a (955% vlv) methanol: 10 mM ammonium formate,
pH 3.5 mobile phase and absorption detection at 269 nm. It was found that the exclusion of light significantly prolonged the useful life of standards, with aqueous solutions of both psilocin and psilocybin being stable over a period of seven days.


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The infaunal bivalve Soletellina alba is susceptible to mass mortalities during annual winter flooding in the Hopkins River Estuary, southern Australia. Periods of low salinity (≤1) are the likely cause of these mass mortality events, which can occur in seasonally-closed estuaries when high winter flows are sufficient to flush all salt water from the estuary. Core samples of S. alba were collected from two water depths across four times and at three sites near the mouth of the estuary. Minimal to zero abundances of large S. alba (>1 mm) were expected to be sampled, particularly at the shallower water depth, during a typical winter flood event. However, the present study occurred during a period of drought, which led to the absence of winter flooding. This absence of winter flooding prevented the occurrence of lethal salinities (i.e. ≤1) in the estuary during this period and a greater number of living S. alba adults were sampled. Abundances of juvenile and adult S. alba were still variable, even in the absence of winter flooding, and reflected an interaction between date, site and water depth. However, no mass mortalities of adults were observed during the drought conditions in contrast to what occurs during typical winter flood events and provides support for the hypothesis that winter flooding is responsible for past mass mortalities.


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Information on the variability in supply of algal propagules is scarce, hindered by the difficulty in identifying propagules, but this variability may affect the distribution and abundance of algal assemblages. This study examined the small-scale (½ hourly to hourly) temporal variation in propagule supply of Chondrus verrucosus (Gigartinaceae, Rhodophyta) over a dense, isolated bed in south-eastern Japan in summer and winter of 1999. Either 0.5 litre scoop samples or 5 litre pump samples were collected ½ hourly to hourly over 13, 22.5, and 30 h on three occasions in summer (June & July) and 32 h on one occasion in winter (December). Sampling was conducted around either the new moon (two occasions in summer) or full moon (one occasion in both summer and winter) and incorporated full tidal sequences including daytime (summer) and nighttime (winter) low-low (LL) tides. Chondrus verrucosus was the only red alga with spores within the size range of 15–20 μm that was fertile in the study area and surrounds at the time of sampling facilitating identification of spores. Spores in scoop samples were settled onto Petri dishes and identified on the basis of cell shape, colour and size. Pump samples were filtered onto transparent membrane filters and identified using epifluorescence microscopy: C. verrucosus spores fluoresced bright yellow and were easily distinguished from other micro-organisms of similar size, which fluoresced red or green. Results showed that while propagules could be found in the water column at most times, propagule supply of C. verrucosus was greatest during the 1–2 h period following LL tides. Variability in propagule supply was less than in previous studies examining surface or offshore waters. Spore release is thought to be stimulated by either desiccation or salinity changes associated with periods of emersion at low tide followed by re-immersion on incoming tides.


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Accurate assessment of the fate of salts, nutrients, and pollutants in natural, heterogeneous soils requires a proper quantification of both spatial and temporal solute spreading during solute movement. The number of experiments with multisampler devices that measure solute leaching as a function of space and time is increasing. The breakthrough curve (BTC) can characterize the temporal aspect of solute leaching, and recently the spatial solute distribution curve (SSDC) was introduced to describe the spatial solute distribution. We combined and extended both concepts to develop a tool for the comprehensive analysis of the full spatio-temporal behavior of solute leaching. The sampling locations are ranked in order of descending amount of total leaching (defined as the cumulative leaching from an individual compartment at the end of the experiment), thus collapsing both spatial axes of the sampling plane into one. The leaching process can then be described by a curved surface that is a function of the single spatial coordinate and time. This leaching surface is scaled to integrate to unity, and termed S can efficiently represent data from multisampler solute transport experiments or simulation results from multidimensional solute transport models. The mathematical relationships between the scaled leaching surface S, the BTC, and the SSDC are established. Any desired characteristic of the leaching process can be derived from S. The analysis was applied to a chloride leaching experiment on a lysimeter with 300 drainage compartments of 25 cm2 each. The sandy soil monolith in the lysimeter exhibited fingered flow in the water-repellent top layer. The observed S demonstrated the absence of a sharp separation between fingers and dry areas, owing to diverging flow in the wettable soil below the fingers. Times-to-peak, maximum solute fluxes, and total leaching varied more in high-leaching than in low-leaching compartments. This suggests a stochastic–convective transport process in the high-flow streamtubes, while convection–dispersion is predominant in the low-flow areas. S can be viewed as a bivariate probability density function. Its marginal distributions are the BTC of all sampling locations combined, and the SSDC of cumulative solute leaching at the end of the experiment. The observed S cannot be represented by assuming complete independence between its marginal distributions, indicating that S contains information about the leaching process that cannot be derived from the combination of the BTC and the SSDC.


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Background: 'MRI negative PET positive temporal lobe epilepsy' represents a substantial minority of temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). Clinicopathological and qualitative imaging differences from mesial temporal lobe epilepsy are reported. We aimed to compare TLE with hippocampal sclerosis (HS+ve) and non lesional TLE without HS (HS-ve) on MRI, with respect to quantitative FDG-PET and MRI measures.

Methods: 30 consecutive HS-ve patients with well-lateralised EEG were compared with 30 age- and sex-matched HS+ve patients with well-lateralised EEG. Cerebral, cortical lobar and hippocampal volumetric and co-registered FDG-PET metabolic analyses were performed.

Results: There was no difference in whole brain, cerebral or cerebral cortical volumes. Both groups showed marginally smaller cerebral volumes ipsilateral to epileptogenic side (HS-ve 0.99, p = 0.02, HS+ve 0.98, p < 0.001). In HS+ve, the ratio of epileptogenic cerebrum to whole brain volume was less (p = 0.02); the ratio of epileptogenic cerebral cortex to whole brain in the HS+ve group approached significance (p = 0.06). Relative volume deficits were seen in HS+ve in insular and temporal lobes. Both groups showed marked ipsilateral hypometabolism (p < 0.001), most marked in temporal cortex. Mean hypointensity was more marked in epileptogenic-to-contralateral hippocampus in HS+ve (ratio: 0.86 vs 0.95, p < 0.001). The mean FDG-PET ratio of ipsilateral to contralateral cerebral cortex however was low in both groups (ratio: HS-ve 0.97, p < 0.0001; HS+ve 0.98, p = 0.003), and more marked in HS-ve across all lobes except insula.

Conclusion: Overall, HS+ve patients showed more hippocampal, but also marginally more ipsilateral cerebral and cerebrocortical atrophy, greater ipsilateral hippocampal hypometabolism but similar ipsilateral cerebral cortical hypometabolism, confirming structural and functional differences between these groups.


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Objectives: To compare hippocampal surface structure, using large deformation high dimensional mapping (HDM-LD), in subjects with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) with (HS+ve) and without (HS−ve) hippocampal sclerosis.

: The study included 30 HS−ve subjects matched with 30 HS+ve subjects from the previously reported epilepsy patient cohort. To control for normal right–left asymmetries of hippocampal surface structure, subjects were regrouped based on laterality of onset of epileptic seizures and presence of HS. Gender ratio, age, duration of epilepsy and seizure frequency were calculated for each of the four groups. Final HDM-LD surface maps of the right and left TLE groups were compared to define differences in subregional hippocampal involvement within the groups.

: There were no significant differences in comparisons of the left TLE (left HS−ve compared with HS+ve) or right TLE (right HS−ve compared with HS+ve) groups with respect to age, duration of epilepsy or seizure severity scores. HDM-LD maps showed accentuated surface changes over the lateral hippocampal surface, in the region of the Sommer sector, in the hippocampi affected by HS. However, HS−ve hippocampi showed maximal surface changes in a different pattern, and did not involve the region of Sommer sector.

: We conclude that differences in segmental volume loss between the HS−ve and HS+ve groups are suggestive that the underlying pathophysiology of hippocampal changes in the two groups is different, and not related to chronic seizure duration or severity.


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The temporal dynamics of oocyte growth, plasma sex steroids and somatic energy stores were examined during a 12 month ovarian maturation cycle in captive Murray cod Maccullochella peelii peelii under simulated natural photothermal conditions. Ovarian function was found to be relatively uninhibited in captivity, with the exception that post-vitellogenic follicles failed to undergo final maturation, resulting in widespread pre-ovulatory atresia. Seasonal patterns of oocyte growth were characterised by cortical alveoli accumulation in March, deposition of lipids in April, and vitellogenesis between May and September. Two distinct batches of vitellogenic oocytes were found in Murray cod ovaries, indicating a capacity for multiple spawns. Plasma profiles of 17β-oestradiol and testosterone were both highly variable during the maturation period suggesting that multiple roles exist for these steroids during different stages of oocyte growth. Condition factor, liver size and visceral fat stores were all found to increase prior to, or during the peak phase of vitellogenic growth. Murray cod appear to strategically utilise episodes of high feeding activity to accrue energy reserves early in the reproductive cycle prior to its deployment during periods of rapid ovarian growth.


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We aim to support user interface designers in capturing, representing and reasoning about temporal information. We have developed a method to support user interface designers in considering how the temporal aspects of software impact the user. Importantly the method is based on a detailed analysis of data from a set of situated interviews that capture the views of practicing user interface designers. This paper discusses the background research and the motivation for the method.


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The present investigation examined thehypothesis that early auditory temporalprocessing deficits cause later specificreading disability by impairing phonologicalprocessing (Farmer & Klein 1995; Tallal1980, 1984). Temporal processing ability atschool entry was examined using Tallal'sRepetition Test in a large unselected sample ofover 500 children followed over subsequentyears. Although our data confirmed the presenceof certain non-speech auditory processingdeficits in children later classified asspecific reading-disabled, many findings wereclearly at odds with a causal interpretation ofthis relationship. (1) Reading-disabled (RD)children were impaired at school entry on thesubtest with long interstimulus intervals(ISIs) but not the critical short-ISIsubtest. (2) RD children were not inferior toreading-age (RA) controls. (3) A subgroup of RDchildren with evidence of temporal deficitswere no less proficient on later phonologicalor reading measures than RD children with noevidence of early temporal impairment. (4)Although there was a reliable concurrentcorrelation between temporal deficits andphonological awareness at school entry(suggesting a possible common causeexplanation), early temporal deficits did notpredict later phonological impairment,pseudoword processing difficulties, or specificreading disability. On the other hand, earlytemporal deficits did predict later oralreceptive vocabulary and reading comprehensionweaknesses. These findings suggest thatauditory temporal deficits in dyslexics may beassociated with the same dysphasic-typesymptoms observed by Tallal and her colleaguesin specific language-impaired populations, butdo not cause the core phonological deficitsthat characterize dyslexic groups.


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Constraint satisfaction is a challenging problem in Interval Algebra (IA). So there are many efforts to attack this problem. After building a matrix method to deal with temporal reasoning problems, we develop basic techniques for applying the matrix method to constraint satisfaction in this paper. Thus, the propagating rules and the algorithms of 3- and path-consistency are studied. If our matrix method is used, then the temporal constraint satisfaction problem can be transformed into a problem that can be effectively solved.