39 resultados para suppression of Fermi acceleration

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Bitterness is an ongoing taste problem for both the pharmaceutical and food industries. This paper reports on how salts (NaCI, NaAcetate, NaGluconate, LiCI, KCI) and bitter compounds (urea, quinine-HCI, caffeine, amiloride-HCI, magnesium sulfate, KCI) interact to influence bitter perception. Sodium salts differentially suppress bitterness of these compounds; for example urea bitterness was suppressed by over 70% by sodium salts, while MgSO4 bitterness was not reduced. This study indicated that lithium ions had the same bitter suppressing ability as sodium ions, however the potassium cation had no bitter suppression ability. Changing the anion attached to the sodium did not affect bitter suppression, however, as the anion increased in size, perceived saltiness decreased. This indicates that sodium's mode of action is at the peripheral taste level, rather than a cognitive affect. A second experiment revealed that suppressing bitterness with a sodium salt in a bitter/sweet mixture causes an increase in sweetness. This suggests adding salt to a food matrix will not only increase salt perception, but also potentiate flavor by differential suppression of undesirable tastes such as bitter, while increasing more desirable tastes such as sweet.


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Bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) is a ubiquitous viral pathogen that affects cattle herds’ worldwide causing significant economic loss. The current strategies to control BVDV infection include vaccination (modified-live or killed) and control of virus spread by enhanced biosecurity management, however, the disease remains prevalent. With the discovery of the sequence-specific method of gene silencing known as RNA interference (RNAi), a new era in antiviral therapies has begun. Here we report the efficient inhibition of BVDV replication by small interfering (siRNA) and short hairpin RNA (shRNA)-mediated gene silencing. siRNAs were generated to target the 5′ non-translated (NTR) region and the regions encoding the C, NS4B and NS5A proteins of the BVDV genome. The siRNAs were first validated using an EGFP/BVDV reporter system and were then shown to suppress BVDV-induced cytopathic effects and viral titers in cell culture with surprisingly different activities compared to the reporter system. Efficient viral suppression was then achieved by bovine 7SK-expressed BVDV-specific shRNAs. Overall, our results demonstrated the use of siRNA and shRNA-mediated gene silencing to achieve efficient inhibition of the  replication of this virus in cell culture.


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to explore the relationship between anti-money laundering (“AML”) and combating of financing of terrorism (“CFT”) customer due diligence (“CDD”) measures in the financial services industry, and exclusion from financial services.
Design/methodology/approach – An introduction to the concept of financial exclusion is provided as well as an overview of international AML/CFT CDD standards. The paper highlights a softening of national CDD measures in South Africa and the UK to lessen the impact on financial exclusion.
Findings – Countries should consider the impact that CDD requirements may have on financial exclusion when they design their AML/CFT systems.
Research limitations/implications – Multi-discilinary research is required to improve the understanding of the broader interaction between AML/CFT objectives, financial exclusion and economic development, especially in countries with a large informal economy.
Practical implications – CDD requirements may unnecessarily exacerbate financial exclusion if they are not formulated with care to reflect the reality of the particular country setting.
Originality/value – The paper offers insights into the international standards resulting to the identification of clients and the experiences in the UK and South Africa regarding the implementation of these standards on financial exclusion.


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Stress compromises reproductive function and the major physiological system activated during stress is the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis. Corticotrophin-releasing hormone and arginine vasopressin (AVP), which are produced in neurones of the paraventricular nucleus (PVN), drive the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis and are also implicated in the suppression of the reproductive axis. We used retrograde tracing and Fos labelling to map the projections from the PVN to the preoptic area (POA) where most gonadotrophin releasing hormone (GnRH) neurones are found. Fluorogold (FG) injections were made into the POA of gonadectomised male and female sheep (n = 5/sex), the animals were stressed and the brains recovered for histochemistry. All animals responded to stress with an increase in the number of Fos-labelled nuclei in the PVN. Few retrogradely labelled cells of the PVN were activated by stress. Dual labelling showed that very few FG-labelled cells also stained for corticotrophin-releasing hormone, none for AVP or enkephalin. Dual labelling for FG and Fos in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST) and the arcuate nucleus showed that no FG-labelled cells in the BNST and only few in the ARC were activated by stress. No sex differences were observed in the activation of FG-labelled cells in any of the nuclei examined. We conclude that, although cells of the PVN, BNST and/or arcuate nucleus may affect reproduction via the GnRH cells of the POA, this is unlikely to involve direct input to the POA. If cells of these regions are involved in GnRH suppression during stress, this may occur via interneuronal pathways.


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The use of convection suppression devices has been widely discussed in the literature as a means of reducing natural convection heat loss from enclosed spaces. In this study the use of a single baffle was examined as a possible low cost means of suppressing heat loss by natural convection in an attic shaped enclosure.

Recently the authors experimentally demonstrated that the natural convection heat transfer for an attic shaped enclosure with Grashof Numbers in the range of 107 to 109 [1] could be predicted using a correlation in the literature developed for Grashof Numbers in the range 105 and 106 [2]. However, in this study the impact of adding a single baffle to the enclosure was examined. It was found that the heat transfer coefficient changes with increasing baffle length, and can be predicted using a modified form of the correlation presented in [1], as shown in Eq. (1).


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Previous studies have shown that the medial prefrontal cortex can suppress the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis response to stress. However, this effect appears to vary with the type of stressor. Furthermore, the absence of direct projections between the medial prefrontal cortex and corticotropin-releasing factor cells at the apex of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis suggest that other brain regions must act as a relay when this inhibitory mechanism is activated. In the present study, we first established that electrolytic lesions involving the prelimbic and infralimbic medial prefrontal cortex increased plasma adrenocorticotropic hormone levels seen in response to a physical stressor, the systemic delivery of interleukin-1β. However, medial prefrontal cortex lesions did not alter plasma adrenocorticotropic hormone levels seen in response to a psychological stressor, noise. To identify brain regions that might mediate the effect of medial prefrontal cortex lesions on hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis responses to systemic interleukin-1β, we next mapped the effects of similar lesions on interleukin-1β-induced Fos expression in regions previously shown to regulate the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis response to this stressor. It was found that medial prefrontal cortex lesions reduced the number of Fos-positive cells in the ventral aspect of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. However, the final experiment, which involved combining retrograde tracing with Fos immunolabelling, revealed that bed nucleus of the stria terminalis-projecting medial prefrontal cortex neurons were largely separate from medial prefrontal cortex neurons recruited by systemic interleukin-1β, an outcome that is difficult to reconcile with a simple medial prefrontal cortex–bed nucleus of the stria terminalis–corticotropin-releasing factor cell control circuit.


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The obligate soil-borne biotroph Plasmodiophora brassicae has a significant economic impact on Brassicaceae crops. The pathogen severely disrupts the roots by inducing the production of galls which leads to malformation and reduced growth of the roots and a reduced ability to take up water and nutrients. Control of P. brassicae is difficult because it has a number of survival and dissemination strategies that involve both motile and resting stages that need to be targeted by any control agent. We investigated, under controlled conditions and in glasshouse and field experiments, the potential of salicylic acid (SA), a key phytohormone, that is required for defence against certain biotic and abiotic stresses, to reduce infection by P. brassicae in broccoli (Brassicae oleracea var. italica). Under controlled conditions in a growth cabinet exogenous application of SA to roots resulted in its transport systemically to the leaves where it promoted the up-regulation of the pathogenesis related genes PR-1 and PR-2 in an SAR-like response as early as 24 h post-treatment. Concentrations of SA >20 mM reduced significantly both shoot and root weights when applied exogenously but lower concentrations had little measureable effect on plant growth. When SA was applied to plants above 5 mM there was a significant reduction (25-65 %) in gall formation 6 weeks post-inoculation with P. brassicae, indicating that the pathogen was being controlled by the addition of SA. A combination of SA and JA was also shown to reduce severity (25-35 %) of disease associated with P. brassicae. These findings indicate that there may be SA inducible mechanisms in B. oleracea that if fine-tuned could provide enhanced resistance to clubroot disease.


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The present study examined the acute effects of metformin on fatty acid (FA) metabolism in oxidative soleus (SOL) and glycolytic epitrochlearis (EPT) rodent muscle. SOL and EPT were incubated for either 30 or 180 min in the absence or presence of 2 mM metformin and with or without insulin (10 mU/ml). Metformin did not alter basal FA metabolism but countered the effects of insulin on FA oxidation and incorporation into triacylglyerol (TAG). Specifically, metformin prevented the insulin-induced suppression of FA oxidation in SOL but did not alter FA incorporation into lipid pools. In contrast, in EPT metformin blunted the incorporation of FA into TAG when insulin was present but did not alter FA oxidation. In SOL, metformin resulted in a 50% increase in AMP-activated protein kinase α2 activity and prevented the insulin-induced increase in malonyl-CoA content. In both fiber types, basal and insulin-stimulated glucose oxidation were not significantly altered by metformin. All effects were similar regardless of whether they were measured after 30 or 180 min. Because increased muscle lipid storage and impaired FA oxidation have been associated with insulin resistance in this tissue, the ability of metformin to reverse these abnormalities in muscle FA metabolism may be a part of the mechanism by which metformin improves glucose clearance and insulin sensitivity. The present data also suggest that increased glucose clearance is not due to its enhanced subsequent oxidation. Additional studies are warranted to determine whether chronic metformin treatment has similar effects on muscle FA metabolism.


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Incremental sheet forming enables sheet metal to deform above a conventional strain-based forming limit. The mechanics reason has not been clearly explained yet. In this work, the stress-based forming limit was utilized for through-thickness necking analysis to explain this uncovered question. Stress-based forming limit which has path-independency shows that the stress states in top, middle and bottom surfaces did not exceed the forming limit curve at the same time and each layer has different stress state in terms of their deformation history to suppress necking. It has been found that it is important to consider the gradient stress profile following the deformation history for the proper forming limit analysis of incremental sheet forming. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A survey of 168 White Australian community members examined whether ambivalence toward certain social groups by some religious individuals constituted a suppression effect in which authoritarian motivated prejudice suppressed more pro-social attitudes toward asylum seekers. Using mediation analysis, it was found that Christian religious identity was not significantly associated with prejudice at a bivariate level. However, when Right-Wing Authoritarianism (RWA) was taken into account, Christians (compared with non-Christians) were less likely to hold negative attitudes toward asylum seekers in Australia. Inclusion of acculturation ideologies (assimilation, multiculturalism, and color-blindness) in the models indicated that the suppression effect was specific to RWA rather than due to other intergroup attitudes. However, findings suggest that multiculturalism may be one proximal indicator of Christian pro-sociality.


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Microwave Doppler radar has received considerable attention as a non-contact form of measuring human respiration; in particular for long term monitoring. One of the main challenges in converting this into a viable application is to suppress or separate the artefacts and other interfering signals from the desired respiration signal using a less complex and practically feasible design for regular and potentially real time use. Existing systems either require complex experimental setups or multiple Doppler radar modules to achieve this. In this paper, we propose an approach based on EMD-ICA and approximate entropy ideas to systematically separate received Doppler shifted signal into distinct components and reconstruct the desired respiration pattern pertaining to respective physiological activity. Indeed this allows suppression of the undesirable artefacts and interference from other competing signals. Practical experiments confirmed comparable performance of the proposed method to the measurements obtained through chest straps which are widely used clinically for monitoring respiration.


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Abscisic acid (ABA) has been implicated in determining the outcome of interactions between many plants and their pathogens. We had previously shown that increased concentrations of ABA within leaves of Arabidopsis induced susceptibility towards an avirulent strain of Pseudomonas syringae pathovar (pv.) tomato. We now show that ABA induces susceptibility via suppression of the accumulation of components crucial for a resistance response. Lignin and salicylic acid concentrations in leaves were increased during a resistant interaction but reduced when plants were treated with ABA. The reduction in lignin and salicylic acid production was independent of the development of the hypersensitive response (HR), indicating that, in this host-pathogen system, HR is not required for resistance. Genome-wide gene expression analysis using microarrays showed that treatment with ABA suppressed the expression of many defence-related genes, including those important for phenylpropanoid biosynthesis and those encoding resistance-related proteins. Together, these results show that resistance induction in Arabidopsis to an avirulent strain of P. syringae pv. tomato is regulated by ABA.


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The photoinduced growth reaction of silver nanoparticles was accelerated by reduced graphene oxide (RGO) produced from graphene oxide (GO) during the light irradiation process in aqueous solution. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and Raman spectroscopy demonstrated that RGO was generated in the photoinduced process. The acceleration effect of RGO was investigated through monitoring the extinction spectra of silver nanoparticles during the synthesis process. Moreover, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) was employed to characterize the evolution of morphologies of silver nanoparticles at different irradiation times to demonstrate the effect of RGO. The results indicate that RGO accelerates the photoinduced synthesis of silver nanoparticles. It is proposed that the acceleration effect of RGO on the photoinduced reaction is attributed to the particular property of high electronic conductivity