40 resultados para subgrain coalescence

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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The aim of the present work was to undertake a detailed investigation of the softening mechanisms during hot deformation of a 21Cr-10Ni-3Mo (steel A) and a 21Cr-8Ni-3Mo (steel B) austenite/ferrite duplex stainless steels containing about 60% and 30% of austenite, respectively. The steels were subjected to hot deformation in torsion performed at 900 ºC and 1200 ºC using a strain rate of 0.7 s-1 to several strain levels. Quantitative optical and transmission electron microscopy were used in the investigation. Austenite was observed to soften via dynamic recovery (DRV) and dynamic recrystallisation (DRX) accompanied by DRV for the deformation temperatures of 900 °C and 1200 °C, respectively, for the both steels studied. DRX of austenite largely occurred through strain-induced grain boundary migration, complemented by (multiple) twinning, and developed significantly faster in steel A than in steel B, indicating that considerably larger strains partitioned into austenite in the former steel during deformation at 1200 °C. The above softening mechanism was accompanied by the formation of DRX grains from subgrains along the austenite/ferrite interface and by large-scale subgrain coalescence. At 900°C, stressassisted phase transitions between austenite and ferrite were observed, characterised by dissolution of the primary austenite, formation of Widmanstätten secondary austenite and gradual globularisation of the microstructure with increasing strain. These processes appeared to be significantly more widespread in steel B. The softening mechanism within ferrite for the both steels studied was classified as “continuous DRX”, characterised by a gradual increase in misorientations between neighbouring subgrains with strain, for the both deformation temperatures.


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Data includes EBSD orentation maps of the specimens deformed in torsion at 1200 degrees celsius to strains of 0.1, 0.5, 0.9 and 1.3. The phase ratio is about 60% austenite and 40% ferrite. The miscrostructure is dynamically recovered and there is also some dynamic recrystallisation at strains of 0.9 and 1.3. The main portion of softening can be attributed to dynamic subgrain coalescence in austenite.


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The microstructure evolution and softening processes occurring in 22Cr-19Ni-3Mo austenitic and 21Cr-10Ni-3Mo duplex stainless steels deformed in torsion at 900 and 1200 °C were studied in the present work. Austenite was observed to soften in both steels via dynamic recovery (DRV) and dynamic recrystallisation (DRX) for the low and high deformation temperatures, respectively. At 900 °C, an "organised", self-screening austenite deformation substructure largely comprising microbands, locally accompanied by micro-shear bands, was formed. By contrast, a "random", accommodating austenite deformation substructure composed of equiaxed subgrains formed at 1200 °C. In the single-phase steel, DRX of austenite largely occurred through straininduced grain boundary migration accompanied by (multiple) twinning. In the duplex steel, this softening mechanism was complemented by the formation of DRX grains through subgrain growth in the austenite/ferrite interface regions and by large-scale subgrain coalescence. At 900 °C, the duplex steel displayed limited stress-assisted phase transformations between austenite and ferrite, characterised by the dissolution of the primary austenite, formation of Widmanstätten secondary austenite and gradual globularisation of the transformed regions with strain. The softening process within ferrite was classified as "extended DRV", characterised by a continuous increase in misorientations across the sub-boundaries with strain, for both deformation temperatures.


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The austenite and ferrite microstructure evolution and softening mechanisms have been investigated in a 21Cr-10Ni-3Mo duplex stainless steel, containing about 60% austenite, deformed in torsion at 1200°C using a strain rate of 0.7 s-1. The above experimental conditions led to the formation of a small volume fraction of new austenite grains through discontinuous dynamic recrystallization (DDRX), which could not account for the observed large softening on the flow curve. DDRX grains mainly formed through the strain-induced migration of the pre-existing austenite grain boundaries, known to dominate in single-phase austenite, complemented by subgrain growth in the interface regions with ferrite. A significant portion of austenite dynamic softening has been attributed to the large-scale subgrain coalescence, the extent of which increased with strain, which seems to have contributed substantially to the observed flow stress decrease. The above process thus appears to represent an alternative mode of austenite dynamic softening to the classical DDRX in the duplex austenite/ferrite microstructure, characterised by limited availability of the pre-existing austenite/austenite high-angle boundaries, deformed at a high temperature. The softening mechanism within ferrite has been classified as "continuous DRX", characterised by a gradual increase in misorientations between neighbouring subgrains with strain and resulting in the progressive conversion of subgrains into "crystallites" bounded partly by low-angle and partly by large-angle boundaries.


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Film thinning experiments have been conducted with aqueous films between two air phases in a thin film pressure balance. The films are free of added surfactant but simple NaCl electrolyte is added in some experiments. Initially the experiments begin with a comparatively large volume of water in a cylindrical capillary tube a few millimeters in diameter, and by withdrawing water from the center of the tube the two bounding menisci are drawn together at a prescribed rate. Thismodels two air bubbles approaching at a controlled speed. In pure water, the results show three regimes of behavior depending on the approach speed; at slow speed (<1 μm/s) it is possible to form a flat film of pure water, ∼100 nm thick, that is stabilized indefinitely by disjoining pressure due to repulsive double-layer interactions between naturally charged air/water interfaces. The data are consistent with a surface potential of -57mV on the bubble surfaces. At intermediate approach speed (∼1-150 μm/s), the films are transiently stable due to hydrodynamic drainage effects, and bubble coalescence is delayed by ∼10-100 s. At approach speeds greater than ∼150 μm/s, the hydrodynamic resistance appears to become negligible, and the bubbles coalesce without any measurable delay. Explanations for these observations are presented that take into account Derjaguin-Landau-Verwey-Overbeek and Marangoni effects entering through disjoining pressure, surface mobility, and hydrodynamic flow regimes in thin film drainage. In particular, it is argued that the dramatic reduction in hydrodynamic resistance is a transition from viscosity-controlled drainage to inertia-controlled drainage associated with a change from immobile to mobile air/water interfaces on increasing the speed of approach of two bubbles. A simple model is developed that accounts for the boundaries between different film stability or coalescence regimes. Predictions of the model are consistent with the data, and the effects of adding electrolyte can be explained. In particular, addition of electrolyte at high concentration inhibits the near-instantaneous coalescence phenomenon, thereby contributing to increased foam film stability at high approach speeds, as reported in previous literature. This work highlights the significance of bubble approach speed as well as electrolyte concentration in affecting bubble coalescence.


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The formation of purely metallic meso-porous metal thin films by partial interface coalescence of self-assembled metal nano-particles across aqueous solutions of Pluronics triblock lyotropic liquid crystals is demonstrated for the first time. Small angle X-ray scattering was used to study the influence of the thin film composition and processing conditions on the ordered structures. The structural characteristics of the meso-structures formed demonstrated to primarily rely on the lyotropic liquid crystal properties while the nature of the metal nano-particles used as well as the their diameters were found to affect the ordered structure formation. The impact of the annealing temperature on the nano-particle coalescence and efficiency at removing the templating lyotropic liquid crystals was also analysed. It is demonstrated that the lyotropic liquid crystal is rendered slightly less thermally stable, upon mixing with metal nano-particles and that low annealing temperatures are sufficient to form purely metallic frameworks with average pore size distributions smaller than 500 nm and porosity around 45% with potential application in sensing, catalysis, nanoscale heat exchange, and molecular separation.


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The evolution of dynamic ferrite softening in a plain-carbon steel was investigated by torsion tests during warm deformation at 810 °C, in the two-phase (ferrite + austenite) region, and strain rate of 0.1 s−1 with different strains up to 50. The warm flow behaviour and ferrite microstructural parameters, such as grain size, misorientation angle across ferrite/ferrite boundaries, and the fraction of high-angle and low-angle grain/subgrain boundaries were quantified using electron back scatter diffraction. The results show that with increasing strain up to not, vert, similar2, the ferrite grain size and fraction of high-angle boundaries rapidly decrease and the fraction of low-angle boundaries increases. However, these parameters remain approximately unchanged with increasing strain from not, vert, similar2 to 50. The dynamic softening mechanism observed during large strain ferritic deformation is explained by dynamic recovery and continuous dynamic recrystallization.


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The present work describes a hybrid modeling approach developed for predicting the flow behavior, recrystallization characteristics, and crystallographic texture evolution in a Fe-30 wt pct Ni austenitic model alloy subjected to hot plane strain compression. A series of compression tests were performed at temperatures between 850 °C and 1050 °C and strain rates between 0.1 and 10 s−1. The evolution of grain structure, crystallographic texture, and dislocation substructure was characterized in detail for a deformation temperature of 950 °C and strain rates of 0.1 and 10 s−1, using electron backscatter diffraction and transmission electron microscopy. The hybrid modeling method utilizes a combination of empirical, physically-based, and neuro-fuzzy models. The flow stress is described as a function of the applied variables of strain rate and temperature using an empirical model. The recrystallization behavior is predicted from the measured microstructural state variables of internal dislocation density, subgrain size, and misorientation between subgrains using a physically-based model. The texture evolution is modeled using artificial neural networks.


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Microstructures and mechanical properties of a low carbon steel were studied after plate rolling and bar rolling. Plate rolling is characterized as a monotonic compressive loading, while bar rolling is characterized as a cross-compressive loading. A four-pass plate rolling and bar rolling experiment was designed so that the material experiences the same amount of strain at each pass during rolling. The rolling experiment was performed at moderately high temperatures (450, 550 and 650 °C). The microstructures and mechanical properties of the low carbon steel acquired from the two types of rolling experiments were compared. The results revealed that differences of loading path attributed by monotonic loading (plate rolling) and cross loading (bar rolling) significantly influenced the microstructures and mechanical properties such as yield stress, ultimate tensile stress, strain hardening exponent and elongation of the low carbon steel.


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Ferrite grain/subgrain structures evolution during the extended dynamic softening of a plain low carbon steel was investigated throughout the large strain warm deformation by hot torsion. Microstructural analysis with electron back-scattering diffraction (EBSD) scanning electron microscope (FEG/SEM) was carried out on the ferrite microstructural parameters. The results showed that the warm flow stress–strain curves are similar to those affected only by dynamic softening and an extended warm flow softening is seen during large strain deformation up to 30. Furthermore, with an increase in strain up to ~ vert, similar1 the grain size of ferrite, misorientation angle and fraction of high-angle boundaries gradually decrease and fraction of low-angle boundaries increases. With a further increase in the strain beyond ~, vert, similar2, these parameters remain approximately unchanged. No evidence of discontinuous dynamic recrystallisation involving nucleation and growth of new grains was found within ferrite. Therefore, the dynamic softening mechanism observed during large strain ferritic deformation is explained by continuous dynamic recrystallization (CDRX).


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The effect of grain size on the warm deformation behaviour of a titanium stabilized interstitial free steel was investigated using hot torsion. Tests were performed at temperatures between 765 °C and 850 °C at strain rates between 0.003 s−1 and 1 s−1 for samples with grain sizes of 25 μm, 75 μm and 150 μm. The structures were observed using EBSD analysis and are consistent with those expected for materials dominated by dynamic recovery. Some evidence was found for small amounts of thermally induced migration of pre-existing boundary (bulging) and for the generation of new segments of high angle boundaries by continuous dynamic recrystallization. The early onset of a steady-state flow stress in the finer grained samples is attributed to one or a combination of thermally induced boundary migration and enhanced rates of recovery near subgrain (and grain) boundaries.


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The microstructure and crystallographic texture development in an austenitic Ni-30 pct Fe model alloy was investigated within the dynamic recrystallization (DRX) regime using hot torsion testing. The prominent DRX nucleation mechanism was strain-induced grain boundary migration accompanied by the formation of large-angle sub-boundaries and annealing twins. The increase in DRX volume fraction occurred through the formation of multiple twinning chains. With increasing strain, the pre-existing Σ3 twin boundaries became gradually converted to general boundaries capable of acting as potent DRX nucleation sites. The texture characteristics of deformed grains resulted from the preferred consumption of high Taylor factor components by new recrystallized grains. Similarly, the texture of DRX grains was dominated by low Taylor factor components as a result of their lower consumption rate during the DRX process. The substructure of deformed grains was characterized by “organized,” banded subgrain arrangements, while that of the DRX grains displayed “random,” more equiaxed subgrain/cell configurations.


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An austenitic Ni-30%Fe model alloy was employed to investigate the texture and substructure development within the deformed matrix and dynamically recrystallized (DRX) grains during hot torsion deformation. Both the deformed matrix and DRX grains predominantly displayed the crystallographic texture components expected for simple shear deformation. The characteristics of the deformed matrix texture evolution during deformation largely resulted from the preferred consumption of high Taylor factor components by new recrystallized grains. Likewise, the comparatively weaker crystallographic texture of DRX grains became increasingly dominated by low Taylor factor components as a result of their easier nucleation and lower consumption rate during DRX. There was a significant difference in the substructure formation mechanism between the deformed matrix and DRX grains for a given texture component. The deformed matrix substructure was largely characterized by “organized”, banded subgrain arrangements with alternating misorientations, while the substructure of DRX grains was more “random” in character and displayed complex, more equiaxed subgrain/cell arrangements characterized by a local accumulation of misorientations. Substructure characteristics of individual orientation components were principally consistent with the corresponding Taylor factor values.