42 resultados para spectral redistribution

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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In this paper I focus on a neglected aspect of Australian political history, the extent to which Australian governments actually redistributed income. The German sociologist Rudolf Goldscheid argued that 'the budget is the skeleton of the state stripped of all misleading ideologies'. In Australia a party that claimed to represent lower income earners, the Labor Party, was a major political force, but did Labor actually make a difference to the distribution of income across social classes, or did Labor's rhetoric of equity merely serve to incorporate workers into the capitalist system? A quantitative approach to the political history of labour may enable us to escape both nostalgia for old labourism (which the Howard years have encouraged) and a simple and undifferentiated rejection of labourism as a reformist agent of social integration.

This paper incorporates some material from a 2005 paper that examined overall expenditure patterns and taxation patterns across the states and Commonwealth from 1910 to 1940 but it goes beyond the aggregate approach of this paper to consider the extent which the varying patterns of taxation and public expenditure across Australia impacted on different social classes during the 1930s. It is very much a preliminary analysis based on existing compilations of taxation statistics. It is a static analysis and does not consider if nominally redistributive taxation and expenditure patterns might be rendered ineffective by consequent interstate migration.


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Higher education plays an important role in determining lifetime earnings. In turn, the decision to become educated depends to a large extent on family characteristics, such as wealth and education. In this paper, we focus on the interaction between fiscal policies and educational choices when parental education matters. We derive optimality conditions for a linear income tax and a lump‐sum subsidy for education in a dynamic framework in which generations are linked by educational background. The factors that determine their sign and magnitude include concerns for redistribution, efficiency, and the educational externality on future generations.


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This paper examines the properties of the optimal nonlinear income tax when preferences are quasi–linear in leisure and individuals differ in their ability and their preferences for leisure. The government seeks to redistribute income. It can perfectly observe the level of endogenous income but cannot observe either ability or preferences. The heterogeneity of preferences leads to problems of comparability between individual utilities which challenge the design of redistributive schemes. We analyze the consequences of adopting a utilitarian social welfare function where the government is allowed to give different weights to individuals with different preferences. Under this particular social objective and given the quasi–linearity of preferences, we are able to obtain closed–form solutions for the marginal tax rates and to examine the progressivity of the tax system according to the weights used.


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Spectral methods, as an unsupervised technique, have been used with success in data mining such as LSI in information retrieval, HITS and PageRank in Web search engines, and spectral clustering in machine learning. The essence of success in these applications is the spectral information that captures the semantics inherent in the large amount of data required during unsupervised learning. In this paper, we ask if spectral methods can also be used in supervised learning, e.g., classification. In an attempt to answer this question, our research reveals a novel kernel in which spectral clustering information can be easily exploited and extended to new incoming data during classification tasks. From our experimental results, the proposed Spectral Kernel has proved to speedup classification tasks without compromising accuracy.


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Catch-up growth, a risk factor for later obesity, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases, is characterized by hyperinsulinemia and an accelerated rate for recovering fat mass, i.e., catch-up fat. To identify potential mechanisms in the link between hyperinsulinemia and catch-up fat during catch-up growth, we studied the in vivo action of insulin on glucose utilization in skeletal muscle and adipose tissue in a previously described rat model of weight recovery exhibiting catch-up fat caused by suppressed thermogenesis per se. To do this, we used euglycemic-hyperinsulinemic clamps associated with the labeled 2-deoxy-glucose technique. After 1 week of isocaloric refeeding, when body fat, circulating free fatty acids, or intramyocellular lipids in refed animals had not yet exceeded those of controls, insulin-stimulated glucose utilization in refed animals was lower in skeletal muscles (by 20–43%) but higher in white adipose tissues (by two- to threefold). Furthermore, fatty acid synthase activity was higher in adipose tissues from refed animals than from fed controls. These results suggest that suppressed thermogenesis for the purpose of sparing glucose for catch-up fat, via the coordinated induction of skeletal muscle insulin resistance and adipose tissue insulin hyperresponsiveness, might be a central event in the link between catch-up growth, hyperinsulinemia and risks for later metabolic syndrome.


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We attempt to generate new solutions for the moisture content form of the one-dimensional Richards' [1931] equation using the Lisle [1992] equivalence mapping. This mapping is used as no more general set of transformations exists for mapping the one-dimensional Richards' equation into itself. Starting from a given solution, the mapping has the potential to generate an infinite number of new solutions for a series of nonlinear diffusivity and hydraulic conductivity functions. We first seek new analytical solutions satisfying Richards' equation subject to a constant flux surface boundary condition for a semi-infinite dry soil, starting with the Burgers model. The first iteration produces an existing solution, while subsequent iterations are shown to endlessly reproduce this same solution. Next, we briefly consider the problem of redistribution in a finite-length soil. In this case, Lisle's equivalence mapping is generalized to account for arbitrary initial conditions. As was the case for infiltration, however, it is found that new analytical solutions are not generated using the equivalence mapping, although existing solutions are recovered.


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Disease caused by the soilborne plant pathogen Phytophthora cinnamomi causes long-term floristic and structural changes in native vegetation communities in Australia. Key components of the management of this disease are to know where it occurs and the rate at which it spreads. The distribution of P. cinnamomi has generally been assessed as locality points of infestation and mapping the extent of diseased vegetation in any area is difficult and costly. This study was undertaken in P. cinnamomi-infested heathland communities in southern Victoria, Australia, where the symptoms of P. cinnamomi arise as a mosaic within healthy vegetation. We investigated the potential to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of mapping and monitoring vegetation affected by P. cinnamomi using digital multi-spectral imaging. This technique was developed for the purposes of monitoring vegetation and provides a single, seamless ortho-rectified digital image over the total area of interest. It is used to spatially quantify small differences in the characteristics of vegetation. In this study, the symptoms of disease caused by P. cinnamomi infestation were related to differences in the imagery and were used to map areas of infestation. Comparison of the digital multi-spectral imaging indications with on-ground observations gave moderate accuracy between the datasets (κ = 0.49) for disease and healthy indications. This study demonstrates the ability of the technique to determine disease extent over broad areas in native vegetation and provides a non-invasive, cost effective tool for management.


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Higher education plays an important role in determining individuals lifetime
earnings. In turn, the decision to become educated depends to a large extent on innate ability and on family characteristics, including both family
wealth and educational background. In this paper, we abstract from family
income differences to concentrate on the effects of fiscal policies on the
decision to undertake higher education when the educational background
matters. In a dynamic framework, where successive generations are linked by educational background, we consider a government that uses both linear income taxation and a lump-sum subsidy to education. Conditions for
optimality of each policy are derived. The factors that determine the sign
and magnitude of the tax rate and the subsidy are identified and include
concerns for redistribution, efficiency and the educational externality on
future generations


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The exhibition held 15 paintings and covered over a year of work investigating the relationship of tonal interactions in a large body of work. This modulates suite of paintings comprised many enigmatic, mystical images, beautifully painted in a classical style. This is a solo exhibition of a series of metaphysical paintings, exhibited for the first time at a leading gallery in Brisbane.


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If the end-effector of a robotic manipulator moves on a specified trajectory, then for the fault tolerant operation, it is required that the end-effector continues the trajectory with a minimum velocity jump when a fault occurs within a joint. This problem is addressed in the paper. A way to tolerate the fault is to find new joint velocities for the faulty manipulator in which results into the same end-effector velocity provided by the healthy manipulator. The aim of this study is to find a strategy which optimally redistributes the joint velocities for the remained healthy joints of the manipulators. The optimality is defined by the minimum end-effector velocity jump. A solution of the problem is presented and it is applied to a robotics manipulator. Then through a case study and a simulation study it is validated. The paper shows that if would be possible the joint velocity redistribution results into a zero velocity jump.