253 resultados para sex

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Recent studies are pointing to higher rates of anxiety, depression and other mental health concerns among bisexual-identifying young people in Australia as compared to homosexual and heterosexual young people (Jorm et aI., 2002). International research has found that bisexually active adolescent males report especially high levels of AIDS risk behaviour (Goodenow et aI., 2002). There appears to be a strong link between these findings and the under-representation and mis-representation of bisexuality in Australian school curricula, cultures and communities (McLean, 2001, 2003a, forthcoming 2004; Owens, 1998; Pallotta-Chiarolli, in preparation 2005) .


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The modification of denial, defensiveness, and cognitive distortions and the enhancement of victim empathy are central components in the treatment of pedophilic sex offenders (PSOs) and are thus important factors to evaluate. This review of the literature highlights three broad problems with self-report measures of these variables. First, the psychometric properties of measures vary enormously, with some having no established validity or reliability. Second, the purpose of the measure is generally quite transparent, enabling the respondent to easily pick the socially acceptable responses. Finally, it is difficult to determine which are the best measures to use in assessing PSOs. Measures range from those designed for the general public to those designed specifically for PSOs. Also, they range from those that assess broad processes (e.g., general empathy) to those that assess offensespecific variables (e.g., victim empathy). This article argues that these issues need to be addressed to improve both the assessment of these processes among PSOs and the evaluation of treatment programs for PSOs.


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The modification of deviant cognitions and the enhancement of victim empathy are central components in many treatment programs for sex offenders. There appear to be three broad problems with self-report measures of these factors: variations in the psychometric evaluation of measures; the transparency of items and thus the likely influence of social desirability; and the difficulty of determining which measures are specific to particular types of sex offenders. The aim of this study was to investigate these three issues among child molesters (CMs), and men convicted of sex offences against adults (ASOs). Data were collected from 36 CMs and 31 ASOs and from two comparison groups (33 men convicted of nonsexual offences and 40 nonoffenders from the community), to assess the reliability (internal and test-retest) and validity (discriminant, construct, and face) of measures, the influence of sexual social desirability on responding and the specificity of measures to both sex offender groups. Collectively, the results raise issues related to the assessment of sex offenders that require further investigation. They also have theoretical implications about the relationship between cognitive and emotive processes among sex offenders.


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Motivation for behavior change is considered a crucial issue in the treatment of sex offenders. However, there has been no systematic investigation of this issue. The first aim of this review is to draw together the literature related to motivation for behavior change among sex offenders. The second aim is to highlight issues that need to be addressed to facilitate an empirical investigation of motivation for change among sex offenders. It is argued that a better understanding of motivation for change among sex offenders will contribute to enhancing the efficacy of treatment programs for these offenders.


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This article considers whether the marriage power contained in the Australian Constitution could support a Commonwealth law that recognised same sex marriages. To this end and after outlining the current constitutional meaning according to the High Court, three methods used for interpreting constitutional terms (connotation/denotation, moderate originalism, non-originalism) are examined to ascertain whether they could source such a law to the marriage power. It is submitted that none can do so without betraying their own core interpretative principle or the text and structure of the Constitution. However an alternative method for interpreting [*2] constitutional terms is proffered which may be able to establish a sufficient connection between a law that recognises same sex marriages and the marriage power. It involves recognising 'marriage' as a constitutionalised legal term of art whose meaning can be informed by developments since federation in common law and statute.


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A better understanding of motivation for behaviour change among sex offenders against children would improve treatment programmes designed to modify sexual offending behaviour. However, investigation of this issue is limited by lack of theoretically and empirically sound measures of motivation for behaviour change among sex offenders. This paper reports on two studies that were conducted to investigate the psychometric properties (validity, reliability, and social desirability) of the Stages of Change Questionnaire, adapted to measure motivation for behaviour change among sex offenders against children. In Study 1, the psychometric properties of the questionnaire were assessed for sex offenders against children (n=36) who were on a treatment waiting list. In Study 2, the psychometric properties of the questionnaire were assessed for sex offenders against children (n=47) at pre-treatment, mid-treatment, and post-treatment. Both studies supported the validity and reliability of the adapted Stages of Change Questionnaire, and the influence of social desirability upon responding was less than expected. The results of this investigation supported the potential utility of the Stages of Change Questionnaire as a measure of motivation for behaviour change for sex offenders against children.


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Inheritance of three kinds of molecular genetic markers (mtDNA, random-amplified polymorphic DNAs (RAPDs) and allozymes) and sex were investigated in crossbreeding experiments between three populations of the Australian freshwater crayfish Cherax destructor. Crossbreeding did not disrupt the ively maternally inherited, and allozyme and RAPD markers were transmitted following expected Mendelian principles for co-dominant and dominant traits respectively. Unlike these three markers, sex ratios were found to be distorted by crossbreeding in some families. Two crossbred families produced only females. The implications of these findings for freshwater crayfish population genetics, taxonomy and aquaculture are discussed.


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In avian species with no obvious differences in plumage or body size between the sexes, such as penguins, discriminant function analysis (DFA) of morphometric measurements that display sexual dimorphism can provide a simple and rapid means of determining sex in the field. Like most other penguin species, the Little Penguin (Eudyptula minor) displays sexual dimorphism in bill shape and size. In the present study, discriminant functions (DFs) were developed for sexing adult Little Penguins at two colonies in northern Bass Strait, Victoria, Australia, and their accuracies were compared with those obtained previously in other parts of the species' range. Backwards stepwise DFA indicated that birds at Phillip Island can be sexed with an accuracy of 91% using a single measurement of bill depth (>13.33 mm classed as males). Similar analyses at Gibson Steps produced a DF incorporating bill length, bill depth and head length [although the model with the greatest accuracy when applied to birds from Phillip Island (91%) also contained only bill depth]. Published DFs derived in New Zealand had accuracies of 50–85% when applied to birds from Phillip Island and Gibson Steps, supporting earlier suggestions that DFs are not applicable across subspecies of the Little Penguin. In contrast, there was little difference between the accuracy of the DFs in the present study and that previously derived for the same subspecies in Tasmania when applied to birds from Phillip Island (89%) and Gibson Steps (92%). However, as the degree of variation in bill size within a subspecies is unknown it may still be prudent to derive colony-specific DFs.


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This paper discusses the use of the Trans-theoretical Model of Behavior Change in the treatment of sex offenders. Constructs within this theory are the Stages of Change, Processes of Change and Decisional Balance. The first section of this paper provides a brief description of these constructs. The second section provides a brief review of research related to these constructs and discusses the implications of this research in relation to the treatment of sex offenders. The third section of this paper provides a practical description of the use of the constructs of the Trans-theoretical Model of Behaviour Change in the treatment of sex offenders. Although the validity of this model among sex offenders requires further investigation, the Trans-theoretical Model of Behavior Change appears to have considerable utility as an overarching theoretical model to conceptualize and facilitate behavior change among sex offenders.


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As D' Augelli and Grossman point out, there is an underrepresentation in LGB research of "youth who have had sexual experiences with both males and females." Indeed, Heath (2005) refers to the "silent B" in much GLBT research. And, Owens (1998, p. 55) discusses how heterosexism "formalizes a societal dichotomy of heterosexuality versus homosexuality with little room for bisexuals" in educational research. Most of the information on bisexuality has been obtained from studies with adult samples, and it is "unclear to what extent a separate bisexual cultural identity is consolidated during adolescence" (Ryan & Rivers, 2003, p.105). As Bryan, a 17-year-old bisexual young man in my research, declared: "It's simple bullshit logic! They don't have evidence of bi kids in schools because they don't want to find it and so don't write their research looking for it."


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The commendable intention to protect children from risk must be weighed against loss of personal freedom when imposing extended supervision orders under the Serious Sex Offenders Monitoring Act.