23 resultados para seeding

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Single crystal seeds of the nickel-base superalloy CMSX-4 have been partially melted in a temperature gradient and then quenched. Small islands of random orientation are observed throughout the melted-back semi-solid. These random orientations appear to be pinched-off secondary dendrite arms, but there is no evidence that they are transported ahead of the dendrite tips to nucleate stray grains during directional solidification.


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Ag particles were generated on Ag+-doped polyimide film by laser direct writing, followed by selective copper deposition using the metallic silver particles as seeds. Laser irradiation caused in situ reduction and agglomeration of silver on the polyimide film. The copper lines were less uniform and compact with higher scanning velocity and the width of the deposited copper line could reach 25 mu m. Equations of the relationship between scanning velocity and connectivity of the deposited copper patterns have been derived. The process was characterised by AFM, XPS, SEM, and semiconductor characterisation system.


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Online social networks have not only become a point of aggregation and exchange of information, they have so radically rooted into our everyday behaviors that they have become the target of important network attacks. We have seen an increasing trend in Sybil based activity, such as in personification, fake profiling and attempts to maliciously subvert the community stability in order to illegally create benefits for some individuals, such as online voting, and also from more classic informatics assaults using specifically mutated worms. Not only these attacks, in the latest months, we have seen an increase in spam activities on social networks such as Facebook and RenRen, and most importantly, the first attempts at propagating worms within these communities. What differentiates these attacks from normal network attacks, is that compared to anonymous and stealthy activities, or by commonly untrusted emails, social networks regain the ability to propagate within consentient users, who willingly accept to partake. In this paper, we will demonstrate the effects of influential nodes against non-influential nodes through in simulated scenarios and provide an overview and analysis of the outcomes.


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This paper presents an ensemble MML approach for the discovery of causal models. The component learners are formed based on the MML causal induction methods. Six different ensemble causal induction algorithms are proposed. Our experiential results reveal that (1) the ensemble MML causal induction approach has achieved an improved result compared with any single learner in terms of learning accuracy and correctness; (2) Among all the ensemble causal induction algorithms examined, the weighted voting without seeding algorithm outperforms all the rest; (3) It seems that the ensembled CI algorithms could alleviate the local minimum problem. The only drawback of this method is that the time complexity is increased by δ times, where δ is the ensemble size.


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Proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) has shown the potential for being a valuable tool in monitoring a commercial fermentation. In this preliminary study, a suite of organic analytes including ethanol, fructose, glucose, methanol, glycerol, malic acid, tartaric acid, succinic acid, acetic acid and lactic acid were simultaneously determined during the fermentation. Data collection and analysis using chemometric algorithms aided the understanding of key processes including the effects of seeding a wine with bacteria for malo-lactic fermentation.


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This paper captures development of the GDAL as understood by its instigators as a platform for reform. The GDAL would respond to the challenge being put before education and training providers to prepare young people to create and engage with a learning society through their capacity for lifelong learning. These teacher education students would, ideally, bring skills and knowledge already gained in a professional career. While they would gain teacher registration they were better conceptualized as professional educators for an emerging post compulsory education, training and employment sector: it was expected that graduates would not only teach in schools but would also move readily within the network of learning spaces that young people increasingly experience in their formal education. In the process, they would be a force for change, seeding reform within secondary schools. As a 'teacher' these graduates would have the credibility to challenge the entrenched practices of other teachers. It is the story of 'what happened' as a consequence of this specific aim that I am telling today.


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Five new species and a new genus of gall midge are described from flower galls on native chenopod plants in Eyre Peninsula, South Australia. Asphondylia vesicaria sp. n. induces galls on Atriplex vesicaria; A. mcneilli sp. n. on Sclerolaena diacantha; and A. tonsura sp. n. on Enchylaena tomentosa. Infested flowers develop into galls and produce no seeds. DNA analysis of part of the cytochrome-c oxidase subunit I mitochondrial gene supported the morphological and biological differences between each of the new species and the previously described A. floriformis (Veenstra-Quah & Kolesik) and A. sarcocorniae (Veenstra-Quah & Kolesik) that induce galls on leaves and branches, respectively, of Sarcocornia quinqueflora (Chenopodiaceae) in Australian salt marshes. A new genus, Dactylasioptera gen. n. and two new species of Lasiopterini, D. adentata sp. n. and D. dentata sp. n. are described – both were reared from galls of A. mcneilli and A. tonsura.


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The concept of tissue-engineered heart valves offers an alternative to current heart valve replacements that is capable of addressing shortcomings such as life-long administration of anticoagulants, inadequate durability, and inability to grow. Since tissue engineering is a multifaceted area, studies conducted have focused on different aspects such as hemodynamics, cellular interactions and mechanisms, scaffold designs, and mechanical characteristics in the form of both in vitro and in vivo investigations. This review concentrates on the advancements of scaffold materials and manufacturing processes, and on cell–scaffold interactions. Aside from the commonly used materials, polyglycolic acid and polylactic acid, novel polymers such as hydrogels and trimethylene carbonate-based polymers are being developed to simulate the natural mechanical characteristics of heart valves. Electrospinning has been examined as a new manufacturing technique that has the potential to facilitate tissue formation via increased surface area. The type of cells utilized for seeding onto the scaffolds is another factor to take into consideration; currently, stem cells are of great interest because of their potential to differentiate into various types of cells. Although extensive studies have been conducted, the creation of a fully functional heart valve that is clinically applicable still requires further investigation due to the complexity and intricacies of the heart valve.


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Despite demands for evidence-based research and practice, little attention has been given to systematic approaches to the development of complex interventions to tackle workplace health problems. This paper outlines an approach to the initial stages of a workplace program development which integrates health promotion and disease management. The approach commences with systematic and genuine processes of obtaining information from key stakeholders with broad experience of these interventions. This information is constructed into a program framework in which practice-based and research-informed elements are both valued. We used this approach to develop a workplace education program to reduce the onset and impact of a common chronic disease – osteoarthritis.

To gain information systematically at a national level, a structured concept mapping workshop with 47 participants from across Australia was undertaken. Participants were selected to maximise the whole-of-workplace perspective and included health education providers, academics, clinicians and policymakers. Participants generated statements in response to a seeding statement: Thinking as broadly as possible, what changes in education and support should occur in the workplace to help in the prevention and management of arthritis? Participants grouped the resulting statements into conceptually coherent groups and a computer program was used to generate a ‘cluster map’ along with a list of statements sorted according to cluster membership.

In combination with research-based evidence, the concept map informed the development of a program logic model incorporating the program's guiding principles, possible service providers, services, training modes, program elements and the causal processes by which participants might benefit. The program logic model components were further validated through research findings from diverse fields, including health education, coaching, organisational learning, workplace interventions, workforce development and osteoarthritis disability prevention.

In summary, wide and genuine consultation, concept mapping, and evidence-based program logic development were integrated to develop a whole-of-system complex intervention in which potential effectiveness and assimilation into the workplace for which optimised.


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This study investigated the feasibility of ranching the abalone Haliotis rubra (Leach) and Haliotis laevigata (Donovan) on concrete artificial reefs at a site chosen by industry investors on silty bottom off Altona Beach, Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, Australia. The study started from the premise that artificial reef deployment combined with abalone stock enhancement may achieve the dual purpose of habitat and stock improvement. It evaluated the hydrodynamics of the site in relation to artificial reef structural stability and drift algal transport, the development and ecology of the artificial reef assemblage, and abalone enhancement by seeding the reefs with hatchery juvenile abalone and transplanting adult broodstock abalone. Despite a scarcity of reports on culturing abalone on artificial reef, a literature review examined broadly the functions of artificial reefs, particularly in the context of abalone enhancement, and the relationship between artificial reefs, hydrodynamics and ecology. The major finding was that the success of artificial reef projects is highly dependent on the environment of the chosen site, and that preliminary studies are essential to predict their likely success. This consideration alone provided strong justification to undertake this study. The topography at the Altona site was generally flat, with natural patches of low basalt boulder reef, offering low habitat complexity, yet supporting a diverse range of flora and fauna, including a low-density wild stock of H. rubra. Water depth was a mean of 3.3 m at low tide and 4.4 m at high tide. A single, uncomplicated, concrete artificial reef of H-shape design, was tested as abalone habitat. The hydrodynamic analysis confirmed previous studies of Port Phillip Bay, with mild current speeds of mean 0.045 m.s-1, and maximum-modelled wave height (H1/3) of 1.21 m and period (T1/3) of 4.51 sec. Water temperature ranged from 9.9şC during July to 23.8şC during January, with salinity averaging of 35.5 ppt. The site had a low probability of receiving drift algae, necessary as a food source for abalone, because of its geographic location, potentially affecting ranch productivity. Ecological monitoring of the three-year old artificial reef shows complex changes in the flora and fauna over time, particularly in respect of the sessile fauna. Key differences between the artificial reef and a nearby natural reef community were: lower cover of corallines and late colonisers, such as sponges. High levels of sedimentation were recorded at the Altona site. Hatchery juvenile H. laevigata, with mean survival of 15% after two years and a mean annual growth rate of 39 mm, showed the most promise for outplanting. In comparison, for hatchery juvenile H. rubra, mean survival was 9% after three years and mean annual growth rate was 22 mm. No natural recruitment of H. laevigata was recorded on artificial reef despite transplants of adult broodstock on the reefs. Natural recruitment of H. rubra was also low and insufficient to reliably contribute to abalone ranch stock. Having examined the hydrodynamic, ecological and enhancement attributes of the Altona site, the study concluded that the site was marginally viable for abalone ranching, and that an alternative site near Werribee, 20 km further southwest, had superior attributes for growth and survival of abalone.


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The plant pathogen, Phytophthora dnnamomi, is a cause of dieback disease observed in sclerophyll vegetation in Australia, The effects of P. dnnamomi on flora and fauna were studied at two locations in heathland vegetation near the coastal town of Anglesea, Victoria. The pathogen was isolated from soils beneath diseased heathland plants. The extent of diseased vegetation was assessed by the presence and absence of highly sensitive indicator species, Xanthorrhoea australis and hopogon ceratophyllus. The characteristics of heathland vegetation exhibiting dieback disease associated with the presence of P. dnnamomi were investigated. Plant species richness was similar between diseased and non-diseased areas however diseased areas were characterised by significant declines in the cover and frequency of susceptible species, increases in resistant species and increases in percent cover of open ground. Compared to non-diseased areas, diseased areas exhibited fewer shrub species and decreased shrub cover. The percentage cover and number of species of sedges, lilies and grasses were higher in diseased areas. Structural differences were significant between 0-0.6 m with decreased cover of vegetation in diseased areas. Differences in structure between diseased and non-diseased areas were not as great as expected due to increases in the cover of resistant species. A number of regenerating X australis were observed in post-disease areas. Cluster analysis of floristic data could clearly separate diseased and non-diseased trap stations. The population dynamics and habitat use of eight small mammal species present were compared in diseased and non-diseased areas using trapping and radio-tracking techniques. The number of small mammal species captured in post-disease areas was significantly lower than non-diseased areas. Mean captures of Antechinus stuartii and Rattus fiisdpes were significantly lower in diseased areas on Grid B. Mean captures of Rattus lutreolus were significantly lower in diseased areas on both study grids. Significant differences were not observed in every season over the two year study period. Radio tracking revealed more observations of Sminthopsis leucopus in non-diseased vegetation than in diseased. Cercartetus nanus was frequently observed to utilise the disease susceptible X. australis for nesting. At one location, the recovery of vegetation and small mammal communities in non-diseased and diseased vegetation after fuel reduction burning was monitored for three years post-fire. Return of plant species after fire in both disease classes were similar, reaching 75% of pre-fire richness after three years. Vegetation cover was slower to return after fire in diseased areas. Of the seven small mammal species captured pre-fire, five were regularly captured in the three years after fire. General linear model analysis revealed a significant influence of disease on capture rates for total small mammals before fire and a significant influence of fire on capture rates for total small mammals after fire. After three years, the influence of fire on capture rates was reduced no significant difference was detected between disease classes. Measurements of microclimate indicate that diseased, burnt heathland was likely to experience greater extremes of temperature and wind speed. Seeding of diseased heathland with X. australis resulted in the establishment of seedlings of this sensitive species. The reported distributions of the mamma] species in Victoria were analysed to determine which species were associated with the reported distribution of dieback disease. Twenty-two species have more than 20% of their known distribution in diseased areas. Five of these species, Pseudomys novaehollandiae, Pseudomys fumeust Pseudomys shortridgei, Potorous longipes and Petrogale pencillata are rare or endangered in Victoria. Four of the twenty-two species, Sminthopsis leucopus, Isoodon obesulus, Cercartetus nanus and Rottus lutreolus am observed in Victorian heathlands. Phytophthora cinnamomi changes both the structure and floristics of heathland vegetation in the eastern Qtway Ranges. Small mammals respond to these changes through decreased utilisation of diseased heathland. The pathogen threatens the diversity of species present and future research efforts should be directed towards limiting its spread and rehabilitating diseased areas.


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This paper described the production of a novel biosynthetic material using the manufacturing technique of electro spinning for the construction of scaffold for organ replacement. This electrostatic technique uses an electric field to control the deposition of polymer fibres onto a specific substrate to fabricate fibrous polymer constructs composed of fibre diameters ranging from several microns down to 100 nm or less. Two areas of research, in particular, heart valve leaflets and blood vessel will be discussed. Here, a sandwich structure nanofibre mesh was used to construct materials for leaflets of heart valve and blood vessel. In the case of heart valve leaflet, the randomly oriented polyurethane nanofibres were prepared as the first layer, followed by gelatin-chitosan complex layer. Complex nanofibres were initially used to spin on the PU layer with cross orientation to mimic the fibrosa layer. A gelatin and chitosan complex was then spun onto the other side of PU nanofibre mesh to mimic the ventricularis layer. This particular sandwich structure using the PU layer was designed to simulate the mechanical properties of natural tissue. In addition, this design was aimed to provide good biocompatibility and improved cellular environment to assist in adhesion and proliferation. Smooth muscle cells adhered and flattened out onto the surface of the gelatin-chitosan complex as early as 1 day post seeding. There is great potential for this biosynthetic biocompatible nanofibrous material to be developed for various clinical applications.


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Arterial bypass and heart valve replacements are two of the most common surgical treatments in cardiovascular surgery today. Currently, artificial materials are used as substitute for these cardiac tissues. However, these foreign materials do not have the ability to grow, repair or remodel and are thrombogenic, leading to stenosis. With the aid of tissue engineering, it is possible to develop functional identical copies of healthy heart valves and arteries, which are biocompatible. Although much effort has been made into this area, there are still inconsistencies with respect to
endothelialisation and cell retention on synthetic biological grafts. These variations may be attributed to differences in factors such as cell seeding density, incubation periods and effects of shear stress. In this study, we have compared the endothelialisation and cell retention between gelain chitosan-coated electrospun polyurethane (PU), poly (lactide co-glycolide) (PGA/PLA) and collagen-coated pericardium. Endothelial cells adhered to all of the materials as early as 1–day post seeding. After 7-day of seeding, the coverage on PU was almost 45% and that on PGA/PLA was about 25% and the least was on collagen-coated pericardium of approximately 15%. It was observed that the PU showed superior cell coverage and cell retention in comparison to the PGA/PLA and collagen-coated pericardium.


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The construction of tissue-engineered parts such as heart valves and arteries requires more than just the seeding of cells onto a biocompatible/biodegradable polymeric scaffold. It is essential that the functionality and mechanical integrity of the cell-seeded scaffold be investigated in vitro prior to in vivo implantation. The correct hemodynamic conditioning would lead to the development of tissues with enhanced mechanical strength and cell viability. Therefore, a bioreactor that can simulate physiological conditions would play an important role in the preparation of tissue-engineered constructs. In this article, we present and discuss the design concepts and criteria, as well as the development, of a multifunctional bioreactor for tissue culture in vitro. The system developed is compact and easily housed in an incubator to maintain sterility of the construct. Moreover, the proposed bioreactor, in addition to mimicking in vivo conditions, is highly flexible, allowing different types of constructs to be exposed to various physiological flow conditions. Initial verification of the hemodynamic parameters using Laser doppler anemometry indicated that the bioreactor performed well and produced the correct physiological conditions.


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Polyethyleneterephthalate (PET) and polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) are polymers successfully used as large diameter arterial grafts for peripheral vascular surgery. However, these prosthetic grafts are rarely used for coronary bypass surgery because of their low patency rates. Endothelialisation of the lumenal surface of these materials may improve their patency. This study aimed to compare the endothelialisation of PET, PTFE and pericardium by examining their seeding efficiency over time and the effect of various shear stresses on retention of endothelial cells.


Ovine endothelial cells at 4 × 105 cells/cm2 were seeded onto PET, PTFE and pericardium, and cultured for 1–168 hours. Cell coverage was determined via en face immunocytochemistry and cell retention was quantified after being subjected to shear stresses ranging from 0.018 to 0.037 N/m2 for 15, 30 and 60 minutes.


Endothelial cells adhered to all of the materials one hour post-seeding. PET exhibited better cell retention rate, ranging from 66.9 ± 5.6% at 0.018 N/m2 for 15 min to 44.7 ± 1.9% at 0.037 N/m2 for 60 minutes, when compared to PTFE and pericardium (p < 0.0001, three-way ANOVA).


PET shows superior retention of endothelial cells during shear stress compare to PTFE and pericardium.