93 resultados para salt associates

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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During dyeing, salts are placed in a dyebath to aid the fixation of various dyes on to the fabric while bases are added to raise the pH from around neutral to pH 11. Afterwards, the used dyebath solution, called dyebath spent liquor, is discharged with almost all the salts and bases added as well as unfixed dyes. Consequently, a lot of raw materials are lost in the waste stream ending up in the environment as pollutants. In this study, possibilities of reusing water and salts of dyebathes were investigated, using a nanofiltration membrane. When the salt concentration in the spent liquor was increased from 10 to 80 g/L, the salt rejection by membrane was found to decrease initially; however, the salt rejection increased over the time, which was not expected. The aggregation of dye was also studied and found to decrease in the concentrate when the salt concentration was increased. This may be due to the aggregation of salt in the concentrate, which explains the increase in salt rejection. This information is useful for the textile industry in evaluating the treated water quality for the purpose of reuse.


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Results are presented from a series of laboratory model studies of the flushing of saline water from a partially- or fully-closed estuary. Experiments have been carried out to determine quantitatively the response of the trapped saline volume to fresh water flushing discharges Q for different values of the estuary bed slope α and the density difference (∆ρ)o between the saline and fresh water. The trapped saline water forms a wedge within the estuary and for maintained steady discharges, flow visualisation and density profile data confirm that its response to the imposition of the freshwater purging flow occurs in two stages, namely (i) an initial phase characterised by intense shear-induced mixing at the nose of the wedge and (ii) a relatively quiescent second phase where the mixing is significantly reduced and the wedge is forced relatively slowly down and along the bed slope. Scalings based upon simple energy balance considerations are shown to be successful in (i) describing the time-dependent wedge behaviour and (ii) quantifying the proportion of input kinetic energy converted into increasing the potential energy of the wedge/river system. Measurements show that the asymptotic value of the energy conversion factor increases with increasing value of the river Froude number Fro at small values of Fro, thereafter reaching a maximum value and a gradual decrease at the highest values of Fro. Dimensional analysis considerations indicate that the normalised, time-dependent wedge position (xw)3(g')o/q2 can be represented empirically by a power-law relationship of the form (xw)[(g')o/q2]1/3 =C [(t)[(g')o2/q]1/3]"where the proportionality coefficient C is a function of both Fro and the slope angle α and the exponent n has a value of 0.24. Successful attempts are made to relate the model data to existing field observations from a microtidal estuary.

Experiments with multiple, intermittent periodic flushing flows confirm the importance of the starting phase of each flushing event for the time dependent behaviour of the saline wedge after reaching equilibrium in the intervals between such events. For the parameter ranges investigated and for otherwise-identical external conditions, no significant differences are found in the position of the wedge between cases of sequential multiple flushing flows and steady single discharges of the same total duration.


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The crystal and molecular structure of Gingras' salt [n-Bu4N]+ [Ph3SnF2] is reported, which reveals a variety of inter- and intramolecular C---H...F hydrogen bonding interactions. A 119Sn MAS-NMR spectrum was recorded and a tensor analysis has been performed according to the method of Herzfeld and Berger. The results are discussed in terms of the molecular structure and are compared with the parent compound Ph3SnF as well as with Mes3SnF (Mes=mesityl).


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Plant natriuretic peptide immuno-analogues (irPNP) have previously been shown to affect a number of biological processes including stomatal guard cell movements, ion fluxes and osmoticum-dependent water transport. Tissue printing and immunofluorescent labelling techniques have been used here to study the tissue and cellular localization of irPNP in ivy (Hedera helix L.) and potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). Polyclonal antibodies active against human atrial natriuretic peptide (anti-hANP) and antibodies against irPNP from potato (anti-StPNP) were used for immunolabelling. Tissue prints revealed that immunoreactants are concentrated in vascular tissues of leaves, petioles and stems. Phloem-associated cells, xylem cells and parenchymatic xylem cells showed the strongest immunoreaction. Immunofluorescent microscopy with fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-conjugated goat anti-rabbit IgG supported this finding and, furthermore, revealed strong labelling to stomatal guard cells and the adjacent apoplastic space as well. Biologically active immunoreactants were also detected in xylem exudates of a soft South African perennial forest sage (Plectranthus ciliatus E. Mey ex Benth.) thus strengthening the evidence for a systemic role of the protein. In summary, in situ cellular localization is consistent with physiological responses elicited by irPNPs reported previously and is indicative of a systemic role in plant homeostasis.


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A series of laboratory experiments were carried out to investigate the response of a bar-blocked, saltwedge estuary to the imposition of both steady freshwater inflows and transient inflows that simulate storm events in the catchment area or the regular water releases from upstream reservoirs. The trapped salt water forms a wedge within the estuary, which migrates downstream under the influence of the freshwater inflow. The experiments show that the wedge migration occurs in two stages, namely (i) an initial phase characterized by intense shear-induced mixing at the nose of the wedge, followed by (ii) a relatively quiescent phase with significantly reduced mixing in which the wedge migrates more slowly downstream.

Provided that the transition time tT between these two regimes satisfies tT>g′h4L/q3α, as was the case for all our experiments and is likely to be the case for most estuaries, then the transition occurs at time tT=1.2(gα3L6/g′3q2)1/6, where g′=gΔρ/ρ0 is the reduced gravity, g the acceleration due to gravity, Δρ the density excess of the saline water over the density ρ0 of the freshwater, q the river inflow rate per unit width, and L and α are the length and bottom slope of the estuary, respectively.

A simple model, based on conversion of the kinetic energy of the freshwater inflow into potential energy to mix the salt layer, was developed to predict the displacement xw over time t of the saltwedge nose from its initial position. For continuous inflows subject to t<tT, the model predicts the saltwedge displacement as xw/h=1.1 (t/τ)1/3, where the normalizing length and time scales are h=(q2/g)1/3 and τ=g′α2h4L/q3, respectively. For continuous inflows subject to t>tT, the model predicts the displacement as xw/h=0.45N1/6(t/τ)1/6/α, where N=q2/g′h2L is a non-dimensional number for the problem. This model shows very good agreement with the experiments. For repeated, pulsed discharges subject to t<tT, the saltwedge displacement is given by (xw/h)3−(x0/h)(xw/h)2=1.3t/τ, where x0 is the initial displacement following one discharge event but prior to the next event. For pulsed discharges subject to t>tT, the displacement is given by (xw/h)6−(x0/h)(xw/h)5=0.008N(t/τ)/α6. This model shows very good agreement with the experiments for the initial discharge event but does systematically underestimate the wedge position for the subsequent pulses. However, the positional error is less than 15%.


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The mono-isopropylamine salt of glyphosate was selectively determined directly in industrial and commercial formulations using flow injection analysis with tris(2,2′-bipyridyl)ruthenium(II) chemiluminescence detection without the need for separation. Glyphosate and its mono-isopropylamine salt furnished detection limits of 7×10−9 and 3.5×10−10 M and relative standard deviations of 0.4% at 1×10−7 M and 0.8% at 5×10−8 M, respectively. The methodology is robust and reliable with samples subjected only to aqueous dilution prior to analysis.


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This study presents an environmental-friendly and cost effective method for the extraction of arsenic from contaminated soils.
Laboratory experiments using inorganic salts, potassium phosphate (KH2PO4), potassium chloride (KCl), potassium nitrate (KNO3), potassium sulfate (K2SO4), and sodium perchlorate (NaClO4) were evaluated as arsenic extractants. An Andosol soil was artificially contaminated with arsenite [As(III)] and arsenate [As(V)]. The soil was washed in a batch process with different salt solutions in the pH range 3–11 for 24 hours at 20◦C. Among the various potassium and sodium salts tested, KH2PO4 was found to be highly effective in extracting arsenic from As(III)-soil attaining more than 80% and 40% from As(V)-soil in neutral pH range. Other salts were particularly ineffective in extraction of arsenic from both soils. More arsenic was extracted more from the As(III)-soil than the As(V)-soil.


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Two new species of gall midge associated with two distinct galls on the succulent creeping shrub Sarcocornia quinqueflora are described from salt marshes in south-eastern Australia. The infestations caused by the new species hinder the growth of S. quinqueflora, the seeds of which are the major food of the critically endangered orange-bellied parrot Neophema chrysogaster. Asphondylia floriformis sp. n. Veenstra-Quah & Kolesik transforms leaf segments into flower-like galls, whereas Asphondylia sarcocorniae sp. n. Veenstra-Quah & Kolesik produces simple swellings on branches. Both galls have fungal mycelium growing in the apoplast of the gall tissue and lining the inner surface of the larval chamber where it is presumably grazed by the larva. Descriptions of the larvae, pupae, males, females and the geographical distribution of the two gall midges in south-eastern Australia are given.


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The Pick the Tick programme of the National Heart Foundation of New Zealand aims to provide a framework for cooperation with the food industry to improve nutrition labelling and to develop a healthy food supply. Food manufacturers, whose products meet defined nutritional criteria, are able to display the Pick the Tick logo on food labels. The tick is used by 59% of shoppers in assisting them make healthy food choices. Food companies are encouraged to reformulate product composition if they fail to meet criteria and develop new products to specifically meet the Pick the Tick criteria. The objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of the programme on food formulation. The main outcome measure was the amount of salt not added to food products. Changes to sodium levels were multiplied by the volume of sales and then converted to salt in tonnes to provide a tangible measure of the impact of the programme. In a 1-year period, July 1998 to June 1999, Pick the Tick influenced food companies to exclude ~33 tonnes of salt through the reformulation and formulation of 23 breads, breakfast cereals and margarine. Breakfast cereals showed the largest reduction in sodium content by an average of 378 mg sodium per 100 g product (61%). Bread was reduced by an average of 123 mg per 100 g product (26%) and margarine by 53 mg per 100 g (11%). Pick the Tick appeals to the food industry as a tool for marketing food products and has provided an incentive to improve the nutritional value of foods. The tick on approved products not only acts as a ‘nutrition signpost’ for consumers but can also significantly influence the formulation of products without sacrificing taste or quality.


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