11 resultados para salmonella bredeney

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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A sustained increase in Salmonella enterica serovar Virchow notifications in South Eastern Australia between September 1997 and May 1998 instigated a case-control study and environmental investigations. Cases were defined as having locally acquired culture-confirmed S. Virchow phage-type 8 infection and diarrhoeal disease. Matched controls were selected by progressive digit dialling based on cases telephone numbers. An exposure and food history questionnaire was administered by telephone. Phage typing and pulse field gel electrophoresis were performed on case and environmental isolates. Thirty-two notifications of S. Virchow infection met the case definition, 37% reported bloody diarrhoea and S. Virchow was isolated from blood in 13% of cases. Twelve patients were admitted to hospital and one died. Fresh garlic (OR 4·1, 95% CI 1·3-12·8) and semi-dried tomatoes (OR 12·6, 95% CI 1·5-103·1) were associated with these cases. The associations remained significant after adjusting for sex and age. S. Virchow (PT 8) was cultured from two brands of semi-dried tomatoes associated with cases in two different states. We provide sufficient evidence for semi-dried tomatoes and fresh garlic to be considered as potential risk foods in future Salmonella outbreak investigations.


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The interaction between probiotic (Enterococcus spp., Lactobacillus spp., and Lactococcus spp.) and enteric (Bacteroides spp., Escherichia coli, and Salmonella spp.) bacteria with respect to menaquinone production was examined. Menaquinones were measured in cell pellets by high-pressure liquid chromatography and the main homologues produced were MIK7–11. The growth of both Bacteroides and E. coli cultured with the 3 probiotics was significantly inhibited with concomitant reduction in menaquinone production. The vitamin K status of humans could be affected by consumption of probiotic dairy foods via the contribution made by gut microflora.


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Inhibition of bacterial adhesion to intestinal epithelial receptors by the consumption of natural food components is an attractive strategy for the prevention of microbial related gastrointestinal illness. We hypothesised that Muc1, a highly glycosylated mucin present in cows’ milk, may be one such food component. Purified bovine Muc1 was tested for its ability to inhibit binding of common enteric bacterial pathogens to Caco-2 cells grown in vitro. Muc1 caused dose-dependent binding inhibition of Escherichia coli, Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (S. Typhimurium), Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus subtilis. This inhibition was more pronounced for the Gram negative compared with Gram positive bacteria. It was also demonstrated that Muc1, immobilised on a membrane, bound all these bacterial species in a dose-dependent manner, although there was greater interaction with the Gram negative bacteria. A range of monosaccharides, representative of the Muc1 oligosaccharide composition, were tested for their ability to prevent binding of E. coli and S. Typhimurium to Caco-2 cells. Inhibition was structure dependent with sialic acid, L(-) fucose and D(+) mannose significantly inhibiting binding of both Gram negative species. N-acetylglucosamine and N-acetylgalactosamine significantly inhibited binding of E. coli whilst galactose, one of the most abundant Muc1 monosaccharides, showed the strongest inhibition against S. Typhimurium. Treatment with sialidase significantly decreased the inhibitory properties of Muc1, demonstrating the importance of sialic acid in adhesion inhibition. It is concluded that bovine Muc1 prevents binding of bacteria to human intestinal cells and may have a role in preventing the binding of common enteropathogenic bacteria to human intestinal epithelial surfaces.


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Monoclonal antibodies were developed against pathogenic vibrios for use in rapid identification in disease situations of humans, fish and shellfish. Of the 12 fusions performed using V. alginolyticus, V. anguillarum, V. carchariae, V. cholerae, V. damsela, V. furnissii, V. harveyi, V. ordalii, V. parahaemolyticus and V. vulnificus, a total of 102 hybridomas were obtained. Based on cross-reactivity of a wide range of Vibrio strains and other gram-negative bacteria, three broad types of monoclonal antibodies were found. The three categories were: (1) ones that were species-specific or specific to a particular surface antigen, (2) a large number that reacted with several Vibrio species, and (3) three that reacted with most Vibrio strains but no other gram-negative bacteria. Each species-specific monoclonal antibody only recognized its corresponding Vibrio species and was used for identifying unknown species, confirming diagnosis of clinical isolates. In addition, several monoclonal antibodies only cross-reacted with similar Vibrio species, e.g. V. parahaemolyticus and V. alginolyticus which share a common H-antigen. Monoclonal antibodies reacting with several Vibrio species were not of particular use in diagnostic situations. Three monoclonal antibodies of the last group did not react with other genera of the family Vibrionaceae, namely Aeromonas, Photobacterium and Plesiomonas nor a wide range of gram-negative enteric bacteria. These data indicated the existence of an antigenic surface determinant common to Vibrio species. One monoclonal reacted with the heat-stable antigenic determinants on the cell surface as v as lipopolysaccharide extracted from all the vibrios studied, thus making it useful for large- scale screening of acute infections of vibrios. In a blind test, seven Vibrio species, isolated from 6 marine and a freshwater source were identified by two laboratories using phenetic tests. Results of immunotyping using monoclonals, three of seven were diagnosed as the same species, another three were designated as Vibrio species but could not be classified further due to the library not having the corresponding monoclonal, and one was diagnostically questionable. Two further tests were carried out. An unknown Vibrio formalin-fixed isolated from diseased marine animal was identified as V. parahaemolyticus by ELISA and FITC. Clinical human isolates of V. alginolyticus, V. parahaemolyticus and V. vulnificus were confirmed by monoclonals. Australian isolates of V. anguillarum appeared to be mostly of serotype O1. monoclonals raised to V. anguillarum AFHRL 1 reacted with only serotype O1 from Denmark but also most Australian isolates. All vibrios pathogenic to fish and shellfish, i.e. V. anguillarum, V. ordalii, V. alginolyticus, V. carchariae, V. cholerae, V. damsela, V. harveyi, V. parahaemolyticus and V. vulnificus, were used for attachment studies to fish cells using phase contrast and FITC-immunofluorescence microscopy. Of these vibrios, V. anguillarum, V. ordalii and V. perahaemolyticus, were found to adhere to different cells and tissues of rainbow trout while others did not appear to attach. However, attachment was inhibited by monoclonal antibodies specific to only these three vibrios. Lipopolysaccharide is well known as being a contributing factor in pathogenicity of gram-negative bacteria. PAGE electrophoresis of extracted LPS from 9 strains covering 6 Vibrio species showed the presence of a common 15,000 D fragment. This fragment was verified by immunoblotting with a genus-specific monoclonal antibody (i.e. F11P411F) recognizing nearly all vibrios. The common LPS fragment was separated and used to raise polyclonal antisera in mouse which reacted strongly with LPS itself, live as well as sodium azide-killed vibrios, but not with other gram-negative bacteria. This raised the possibility of developing vaccine from Vibrio LPS. Monoclonal antibodies developed in the present study enabled rapid identification of a number of pathogenic Vibrio species. There is still further work to produce monoclonal antibodies against additional vibrios that are probably pathogenic. These included V. fluvialis, V. hollisae, V. metschnikovii, V. minicus, V. salmonella and V. tubiashii. Together the application will be of significance in clinical diagnostic work, in the monitoring of vibriosis in fish farms and in quarantine.


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Lactoferrin (Lf) is present in milk and gland secretions and serve as an antimicrobial function. Insufficient amounts of Lf in some secretions also appear to correlate with certain health problems. Protection against gastroenteritis is the most likely biologically relevant activity of lactoferrin. Multiple in vitro and animal studies have shown a protective effect of lactoferrin on infections with enteric microorganisms, including rotavirus, Giardia, Shigella, Salmonella and the diarrheagenic Escherichia coli. Lactoferrin has two major effects on enteric pathogens: it inhibits growth and it impairs function of surface expressed virulence factors thereby decreasing their ability to adhere or to invade mammalian cells. Lf also inhibits several species of fungi and certain parasites. This review covers the role of Lf in clearing the parasitic infections. The mechanism by which lactoferrin inhibits some parasites may be via stimulation of the process of phagocytosis, whereby immune cells engulf and digest foreign organisms. Trichomonas vaginalis is a protozoan responsible for the number one, non-viral sexually transmitted disease. In this review, we also discussed the role of Lf in cervical infections.


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Cathelicidins secreted in milk may be central to autocrine feedback in the mammary gland for optimal development in addition to conferring innate immunity to both the mammary gland and the neonate. This study exploits the unique reproductive strategy of the tammar wallaby (Macropus eugenii) model to analyse differential splicing of cathelicidin genes and to evaluate the bactericidal activity and effect of the protein on mammary epithelial cell proliferation. Two linear peptides, Con73 and Con218, derived from the heterogeneous carboxyl end of cathelicidin transcripts, MaeuCath1 and MaeuCath7 respectively, were evaluated for antimicrobial activity. Both Con73 and Con218 significantly inhibited the growth of Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aureginosa, Enterococcus faecalis and Salmonella enterica. In addition both MaeuCath1 and MaeuCath7 stimulated proliferation of primary tammar wallaby mammary epithelial cells (WallMEC). Lactation-phase specific alternate spliced transcripts were determined for MaeuCath1 showing utilisation of both antimicrobial and proliferative functions are required by the mammary gland and the suckled young. The study has shown for the first time that temporal regulation of milk cathelicidins may be crucial in antimicrobial protection of the mammary gland and suckled young and mammary cell proliferation.


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This study determines the inhibitory effect of Stevia rebaudiana leaf extracts and its purified bioactive compound ‘stevioside’ against food-related pathogens. The S. rebaudiana solvent extracts (1000 μg/mL) displayed antibacterial activity to Serratia marcescens, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Bacillus cereus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, B. subtilis, Alcaligenes denitrificans and Salmonella typhimurium. Of the six solvents, ethanol and acetone extracts displayed the highest zone of inhibition. The bioactive compound from S. rebaudiana was purified by solvent extraction, thin-layer chromatography followed by structural characterization by spectroscopy evidence. Purified stevioside prevented the growth of tested bacterial species, i.e. B. subtilis, K. pneumoniae and S. typhimurium. Significant zone of inhibition (12 mm) was observed against B. cereus which proposes potential application of stevioside in foods to increase their shelf life.


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Objective: To investigate the temporal relationship between the monthly count of salmonellosis notifications and the monthly average temperature in New Zealand during the period 1965–2006.

Methods: A negative binomial regression model was used to analyse monthly average ambient temperature and salmonellosis notifications in New Zealand between 1965 and 2006.

Results: A 1°C increase in monthly average ambient temperature was associated with a 15% increase in salmonellosis notifications within the same month (IRR 1.15; 95% CI 1.07 – 1.24).

Conclusion: The positive association found in this study between temperature and salmonellosis notifications in New Zealand is consistent with the results of studies conducted in other countries. New Zealand is projected to experience an increase in temperature due to climate change. Therefore, all other things being equal, climate change could increase salmonellosis notifications in New Zealand.

Implications: This association between temperature and salmonellosis should be considered when developing public health plans and climate change adaptation policies. Strategically, existing food safety programs to prevent salmonellosis could be intensified during warmer periods. As the association was strongest within the same month, focusing on improving food handling and storage during this time period may assist in climate change adaptation in New Zealand.


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Monotremes (platypus and echidna) are the descendants of the oldest ancestor of all extant mammals distinguished from other mammals by mode of reproduction. Monotremes lay eggs following a short gestation period and after an even briefer incubation period, altricial hatchlings are nourished over a long lactation period with milk secreted by nipple-less mammary patches located on the female's abdomen. Milk is the sole source of nutrition and immune protection for the developing young until weaning. Using transcriptome and mass spectrometry analysis of milk cells and milk proteins, respectively, a novel Monotreme Lactation Protein (MLP) was identified as a major secreted protein in milk. We show that platypus and short-beaked echidna MLP genes show significant homology and are unique to monotremes. The MLP transcript was shown to be expressed in a variety of tissues; however, highest expression was observed in milk cells and was expressed constitutively from early to late lactation. Analysis of recombinant MLP showed that it is an N-linked glycosylated protein and biophysical studies predicted that MLP is an amphipathic, α-helical protein, a typical feature of antimicrobial proteins. Functional analysis revealed MLP antibacterial activity against both opportunistic pathogenic Staphylococcus aureus and commensal Enterococcus faecalis bacteria but showed no effect on Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus epidermidis, and Salmonella enterica. Our data suggest that MLP is an evolutionarily ancient component of milk-mediated innate immunity absent in other mammals. We propose that MLP evolved specifically in the monotreme lineage supporting the evolution of lactation in these species to provide bacterial protection, at a time when mammals lacked nipples.


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Aim: This study aimed to evaluate the potential antimicrobial efficacy of alginate gel-encapsulated ceramic nanocarriers loaded with iron-saturated bovine lactoferrin (Fe-bLf) nanocarriers/nanocapsules (AEC-CP-Fe-bLf NCs). Materials & methods: The antimicrobial activities of non-nanoformulated apo (iron free), Fe-bLf and native forms of Australian bLf against pathogenic Salmonella typhimurium (wild strain) were studied in vitro. The efficacy of AEC-CP-Fe-bLf NCs were checked in vivo using Balb/c mice model. Results: The study revealed that native bLf is more effective in combating infection than the conventional drug ciprofloxacin (0.4 mg/ml). The efficacy of the drug was also revealed in vivo when BALB/c mice that, after being challenged with S. typhimurium (200 μl of 10(8) CFU/ml suspension), were fed orally with a nanoformulated bLf diet and the infection was observed to be eliminated. However, chronic infection developed in the group of infected mice that did not receive any drug treatment, as well as the mice treated with ciprofloxacin. The immune response to bacterial infection and to various drug treatments thereafter was studied in the mice. Conclusion: The study concludes that bLf and nanoformulated Fe-bLf are more effective in the treatment of Salmonella-infected mice than ciprofloxacin.