16 resultados para reproductive cycle

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Urolophus bucculentus, the largest urolophid species found in southern Australia, exhibits a biennial reproductive cycle. Ovulation occurs during October to January followed by a 15–19 month period of gestation followed by parturition during April to May and a short rest period while the ovarian follicles continue to develop for subsequent ovulation. Male breeding condition peaks during April to June to coincide with the period of parturition. Urolophus bucculentus has the highest matrotrophic contribution reported for any urolophid species, with a mean wet mass gain from egg in utero (4 g) to full-term embryo in utero (250 g) of c. 6250% (maximum c. 7200%), and perhaps explains the biennial female reproductive cycle where 50% of females contribute to each year's recruitment. Litter size (one to five) increases with total length (LT). Females reach a longer maximum LT (LTmax) than do males (885 v. 660 mm). The LT at maturity for males and females at 50% mature (LT50) is c. 414 mm (63% of LTmax) for males and c. 502 mm (57% of LTmax) for females, length at maternity indicates that recruitment production occurs later in life at c. 632 mm LT (71% of LTmax).


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Determining the periodicity of the reproductive cycle in chondrichthyan species when the population is recruiting asynchronously, as found for Urolopus viridis, can be problematic. The reproductive cycle generally requires distinguishable trends in reproductive indices across the population. The present study utilised other similar and sympatric urolophid species with synchronous reproductive cycles. Through data collected in the present study and comparisons of maximum total length (TL), periodicity of egg and embryo in utero, ovarian cycles, largest ovarian follicle diameter, and matrotrophic contribution (percentage increase from egg to embryo after maternal histotroph supplement) from similar studies, an annual reproductive cycle can be hypothesised. Sampling across two separate regions of Lakes Entrance (LE) and Western Bass Strait (WBS), U. viridis also showed regionality in several of the reproductive indices. Maximum TL and mass for females, mean size-at-birth, and female size-at-maturity and size-at-maternity in LE were markedly smaller than in WBS. In both regions litter size (1–2) increased with TL, with an exception of one female in WBS producing a litter of 3 which could be attributed to the larger TL. The implication of U. viridis producing such few young annually is they have the lowest biological productivity of any urolophid species in south-eastern Australia.


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Observations of synchronous rapid growth of embryos and ovarian follicles in pregnant females during the half-year December–May leading to parturition, ovulation, mating, and fertilization suggest Urolophus cruciatus has the capacity for an annual reproductive cycle. Conversely, the higher proportion of the pregnant females in the population carrying eggs than carrying embryos in utero during December–May and all pregnant females in the population only carrying eggs in utero during June–November indicate a longer reproductive cycle. Analysis based on the usual assumptions implies that the species most likely exhibits a biennial cycle with ~18-month period of diapause following ovulation prior to ~6-month period of rapid embryogenesis. However, it is feasible that the period of the cycle is triennial with ~30-month period of diapause or alternatively diapause varies among individuals and varies from year to year. Rather than exhibiting a fixed-term reproductive cycle where obligatory diapause leads to parturition timed every year to provide favourable conditions for neonates, as suggested for several other chondrichthyan species, U. cruciatus may exhibit facultative diapause where the period of diapause and hence the reproductive cycle varies depending on the prevailing environmental conditions or density-dependent factors as described for many terrestrial species. U. cruciatus is highly matrotrophic (>4000 % wet mass gain from ovum to full-term embryo), litter size (1–4) increases with maternal length, sex ratio among embryos is 1:1, and male breeding condition varies seasonally with peak sperm production coinciding with female ovulation.


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Abstract. In applying a quantitative approach to the reproduction of Trygonoptera imitata, the present study contributes to understanding the wide diversity in the reproductive biology of the family Urolophidae and provides insights to help determine phylogenetic relationships. This localised species is taken as bycatch in several inshore fisheries and potentially impacted by a range of other anthropogenic pressures, including introduced species, particularly in shallow-water pupping areas.T. imitata can be characterised as a species of comparatively lowmatrotrophic histotrophy with an extended period of relatively large eggs in utero (5–8 months) followed by rapid growth of the embryos (4–6 months). The reproductive cycle is annual with parturition occurring during late-February–April, followed immediately by ovulation. Mean size-at-birth is ~225mm total length and there is a ~1000% gain in mean wet mass from egg (15 g) to full-term embryo in utero (150 g), the lowest reported for any viviparous batoid. Litter size increases with maternal length, reaching a maximum of seven, and sex ratio of embryos is 1 : 1. Maximum length and estimates of the maturity–ogive parameters l50 and l95 are similar for females and males.


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Whether spatial variation occurs in the life-history traits of chondrichthyan species is important to fisheries modelling and assessments. A study on the reproductive parameters of Urolophus paucimaculatus from four separate regions across south-eastern Australia found regional differences in maximum total length (TL), size-at-maturity, size-at-maternity and litter sizes. Inshore embayments (Port Phillip Bay (PPB) and Corner Inlet (CI)) appear to allow for larger TLs (females and males) than do offshore areas (Lakes Entrance (LE) and Western Bass Strait (WBS)). Size-at-maturity and size-at-maternity decreased across longitude from west (PPB) to east (LE) and seasonality of parturition and ovulation occurred earlier in PPB (August-October) than in LE (September-December). Maximum litter size correlated with maximum TL (six in PPB, five in each of CI and LE, and four in WBS). There was uncertainty in classifying females for maternal condition because the reproductive cycle appears to range from a continuous annual cycle to a non-continuous biennial cycle. Much of the uncertainty arises from the ambiguity of observation of non-pregnant mature females, which have either aborted through capture and handling, or are in a 'resting year' between pregnancies. Most likely, the majority are reproducing annually with an unknown proportion of females non-continuous and resting between pregnancies.


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The hymenosomatid crab Amarinus lacustris is abundant in some south-eastern Australian rivers; however, little is known of its ecology. Patterns of habitat use by crabs in rivers may be affected by seasonal changes in river discharge. This study investigates population characteristics, timing of reproduction and patterns of habitat use by A. lacustris in five riffle and pool habitats from each of the Hopkins and Merri Rivers in south-west Victoria, Australia, sampled over a twelve-month period. Distribution of Amarinus lacustris was similar between the two rivers, but log-linear modelling showed that there was a strong association between crab sex, habitat occupied and time of year because female A. lacustris showed a shift from riffle to pool habitats during March and April, coinciding with the non-gravid period of the year. Male crabs also showed a change in relative occurrence, occurring most often in riffles during winter–spring (July–November) but being equally common in both habitats in summer–autumn (January–May). These patterns are probably the result of the reproductive cycle of A. lacustris, which appears to show both ontogenetic and sex-related changes in habitat use during its life cycle, taking advantage of seasonal fluctuations in flow regime that may assist egg/larval development and dispersal.


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Patterns of spawning activity were assessed by monitoring gonad states over 2.5 years for Chlamys asperrima and Chlamys bifrons at two sites in Gulf St Vincent, South Australia. Chlamys asperrima appeared to have a minor spawning in June, followed by a major spawning starting in late August. In contrast, the gonads of C. bifrons were regressed only during winter and it appeared that C. bifrons spawned for a long period, from late spring (September) until early autumn (March). At one site where sampling was frequent, there was evidence of three series of C. bifrons spawning events during the summer of 1994/95 and at least two series of events during 1995/96. Build-up and decrease in gonad weight was quick, but there was strong evidence of serial spawning for both species. Subsequently, we once observed C. asperrima spawning in situ at Edithburgh Jetty, at a time when gonad weights had been decreasing in previous years, but also long after the time when peak gonad weights had usually occurred. Only patches within the population were seen spawning, with scallops not spawning observed less than 100 m away from those that were. Indirect sampling of gonad condition also suggested that spawning in C. bifrons at Largs Bay was not always synchronous among patches of scallops within a population, nor always between sexes within patches.


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Most seabirds form groups on land and at sea, but there is little information whether seabird groups are formed deliberately or randomly. We investigated whether little penguins formed groups composed of the same individuals when they crossed the beach each day over four breeding seasons (2001–2004) using an automated penguin monitoring system (APMS). We used an association matrix to determine the number of times any two birds crossed the APMS in the same group. The number of these group associations or ‘synchronized parade’ behaviour was determined for every possible pair of individuals, giving a total association value for each pair of birds during the postguard stage of the reproductive cycle. We concluded that a penguin group was composed of 5–10 individuals within 40-s intervals. Penguin groups were formed nonrandomly in years of high breeding success (2002 and 2003), but not in years of low breeding success (2001 and 2004). Age of birds was a significant factor in composition of groups. Little penguins with higher association values shared similar characteristics or ‘quality’, which in turn may increase the functional efficiency of their groups, especially if they are also foraging together. However, low association indices indicated that seeking the same associates was not a priority. It is costly for any animal to synchronize their attendance with the same individuals, so it could be beneficial to display synchronized parade behaviour in good breeding years but it could result in intraspecific competition for food during poor breeding years.


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The temporal dynamics of oocyte growth, plasma sex steroids and somatic energy stores were examined during a 12 month ovarian maturation cycle in captive Murray cod Maccullochella peelii peelii under simulated natural photothermal conditions. Ovarian function was found to be relatively uninhibited in captivity, with the exception that post-vitellogenic follicles failed to undergo final maturation, resulting in widespread pre-ovulatory atresia. Seasonal patterns of oocyte growth were characterised by cortical alveoli accumulation in March, deposition of lipids in April, and vitellogenesis between May and September. Two distinct batches of vitellogenic oocytes were found in Murray cod ovaries, indicating a capacity for multiple spawns. Plasma profiles of 17β-oestradiol and testosterone were both highly variable during the maturation period suggesting that multiple roles exist for these steroids during different stages of oocyte growth. Condition factor, liver size and visceral fat stores were all found to increase prior to, or during the peak phase of vitellogenic growth. Murray cod appear to strategically utilise episodes of high feeding activity to accrue energy reserves early in the reproductive cycle prior to its deployment during periods of rapid ovarian growth.


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Macroscopic- and histological-based assessments of gonad condition were compared with ultrasound images to determine the feasibility of this technology as a non-invasive diagnostic tool for identifying sex and assessing maturation status of Murray cod. Four age-classes (1+, 2+, 3+ and 6+ years), were sub-sampled at monthly intervals throughout their annual reproductive cycle and scanned with a 5 MHz linear transducer. An interpretation of sex was made from the resulting images and maximum cross-sectional gonad diameter and area were recorded. Fish were subsequently dissected to confirm gender, and the weights and maturation status of gonads determined and then compared with their respective image profile. Ovaries of females were usually a distinctive feature in ultrasound images, being particularly obvious in older and/or more developed fish. In contrast, the identification of male testis was more problematic. Nonetheless, identifying sex from ultrasound images was consistently achieved by recording the presence/absence of a female ovary (96% total sexing accuracy). Maximum cross-sectional ovary diameter and area were highly correlated with gonad weight (r2 = 0.90 and 0.89, respectively) suggesting that indices of maturation status, comparable to the gonadosomatic index (GSI), can be obtained non-destructively from ultrasound scans of females. A less distinct relationship occurred between these dimensions and weight of testes (r2 = 0.41). Significant increases (P < 0.05) in mean gonad index (GI, calculated from gonad diameter) occurred for most gonad development stages. However, differences in mean GI between maturation stages were confounded by phenotypic variability, indicating that GI may be limited to population level studies. Nevertheless, ultrasound images of ovaries at each development stage were visually distinctive and enabled qualitative evaluations of maturity, thereby complementing quantitative GI assessments. Repeated serial-monitoring of the same population using ultrasound appears to have great potential for tracking maturation-induced changes in broodfish.


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Life-history parameters of Deania calcea and Deania quadrispinosa suggested that their productivity was very low. Maturity (LT50) occurs at c. 80% of maximum observed total lengths (LT) for both species and sexes. A large proportion of mature females were neither pre-ovulatory nor pregnant, and the reproductive cycle included a distinct resting phase after pregnancy. For D. calcea, mean ovarian fecundity was 12 and maximum observed litter size was 10 (average of six); D. quadrispinosa averaged 17 pups per litter. Birth LT was 28-33 cm for D. calcea and 23-25 cm for D. quadrispinosa. The male and female reproductive cycles were aseasonal, and consequently, the length of the reproductive cycle could not be determined. Preliminary ageing data from dorsal-spine growth bands suggested that female D. calcea lived to 31-36 years and males to 24-32 years. The LT-at-age data using external bands on the spines showed maturity occurring at 15·5 years (males) and 21·5 years (females), whereas banding on the internal dentine indicated maturity at 10·5 and 17·5 years for males and females. Thus, a female lifetime of 31-36 years allowed for a maximum of 7 litters if a 2 year cycle is assumed or only five litters with a 3 year cycle, resulting in a lifetime fecundity of only 42 pups (2 year cycle) or even lower (3 year cycle).


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Endemic asp, Aspius vorax, from the middle section of the Euphrates River flowing through eastern Syria were studied to determine the main characteristics of their population structure, morphological parameters and reproductive biology. Samples ranged between 0+ and 4+ years of age and were dominated by 2+ years old group. Total length (TL) ranged between 19 and 70 cm corresponding with 46 to 2824.5 g weight, respectively. Fish growth has isometric pattern and the overall sex ratio was unbiased. Seasonal changes in the condition factor were related with the water temperature as well as the spawning season. Annual cycle of gonadosomatic index (GSI) readings indicated that spawning season occur around March when fish longer than 36 cm can mate. Average pre-spawning GSI was greater in individuals older than 2 years. Meanwhile, female fecundity was highly related to TL and weight. These findings did not always concur with previous observations from other asp populations, mainly in southern and northern Mesopotamia. Our results highlighted basic biological aspects of the local population and indicated differences between populations which can assist in fisheries management, conservation and commercial culture of the investigated species.


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Lactation is a key aspect of mammalian evolution for adaptation of various reproductive strategies along different mammalian lineages. Marsupials, such as tammar wallaby, adopted a short gestation and a relatively long lactation cycle, the newborn is immature at birth and significant development occurs postnatally during lactation. Continuous changes of tammar milk composition may contribute to development and immune protection of pouch young. Here, in order to address the putative contribution of newly identified secretory milk miRNA in these processes, high throughput sequencing of miRNAs collected from tammar milk at different time points of lactation was conducted. A comparative analysis was performed to find distribution of miRNA in milk and blood serum of lactating wallaby.


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 In the context of reproduction, glucocorticoids (GCs) are generally considered to have negative effects. However, in well-studied model species, GCs fluctuate predictability across the estrous cycles, and short-term increases promote healthy ovarian function. Reproductive challenges have plagued captive elephant populations, which are not currently self-sustaining. Efforts to understand reproductive dysfunction in elephants have focused on the suppressive effects of cortisol, but the potential permissive or stimulatory effects of cortisol are unknown. In this study, we provide a detailed examination of cortisol patterns across the estrous cycle in Asian elephants (Elephas maximus). Time series analysis was used to analyze cortisol and progesterone data for a total of 73 cycles from eight females. We also compared cortisol profiles between females that successfully conceived and females that failed to conceive despite repeated mating attempts. Our results revealed that cortisol fluctuates predictably across the estrous cycle, with a peak during the second half of the follicular phase followed by low levels throughout the luteal phase. Furthermore, this pattern was significantly altered in nulliparous females; cortisol concentrations did not decline during the luteal phase to the same extent as in parous females. This study highlights the complexity of cortisol signaling and suggests future directions for understanding the role of cortisol in reproductive dysfunction.