83 resultados para recrystallization (metallurgy)

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Recrystallization of austenite during and following hot deformation has been studied in detail in a type 304 austenitic stainless steel. Furthermore, the effect of second phase on the softening process of austenite has been investigated using a 2205 duplex stainless steel. The mechanical and microstructural features have been compared for dynamic and post deformation recrystallization.


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The microstructures of hot- and cold-rolled Mg-3Al-1Zn (AZ31) are examined using scanning electron and optical microscopy. It is shown that the microstructures following multipass hot rolling and annealing are more uniform than those formed by heavy single pass rolling and annealing. The importance of twins in producing intragranular recrystallization is evident, although the most dominant nucleation site is grain boundaries. The cold-rolled structure after a rolling reduction of 15 pct is dominated by the presence of deformation twins. Twin trace analysis suggests that approximately two thirds of the twins are a form of “c-axis compression” twin. A number of “c-axis tension” twins were also observed and additional in-situ scanning electron microscopy experiments were performed to confirm earlier observations that suggest these twins can form after deformation, during unloading.


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he microstructural evolution is examined during the hot compression of magnesium alloy AZ31 for both wrought and as-cast initial microstructures. The influences of strain, temperature, and strain rate on the dynamically recrystallized microstructures are assessed. Both the percentage dynamic recrysallization (DRX) and the dynamically recrystallized grain size were found to be sensitive to the initial microstructure and the applied deformation conditions. Lower Z conditions (lower strain rates and higher temperatures) yield larger dynamically recrystallized grain sizes and increased percentages of DRX, as expected. The rate with which the percentage DRX increases for the as-cast material is considerably lower than for the wrought material. Also, in the as-cast samples, the percentage DRX does not continue to increase toward complete DRX with decreasing Z. These observations may be attributed to the deformation becoming localized in the DRX fraction of the material. Also, the dynamically recrystallized grain size is generally larger in as-cast material than in wrought material, which may be attributed to DRX related to twins and the inhomogeneity of deformation. Orientation maps of the as-cast material (from electron backscattering diffraction (EBSD) data) reveal evidence of discontinuous DRX (DDRX) and DRX related to twins as predominant mechanisms, with some manifestation of continuous DRX (CDRX) and particle-stimulated nucleation (PSN).


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The deformation behaviour of magnesium alloy AZ31 was examined. The work found that dynamic recrystallisation operates during hot deformation. The influence that different process variables have on this mechanism were quantified. The optimisation of dynamic recrystallisation allows magnesium alloys to be formed into products more easily whilst developing enhanced final properties.


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This project aimed to model the microstructure evolution during and following hot deformation using a cellular automaton approach. The flow curves, softening kinetics and final microstructures were used as the input data for the post-deformation simulation to elucidate the effect of dynamic recrystallization on the post-deformation softening.


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This study compared two potential model alloys, 304 stainless steel and Ni-30wt.%Fe, to study the behaviour of austenite during the thermo-mechanical processing of steel. The deformation behaviour as well as the textural and microstructural evolution was characterised in detail over a wide range of deformation conditions.


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A general relationship between the kinetics of dynamic and static recrystallization is developed. It is predicted that conventional dynamic recrystallization will occur whenever the deformation time exceeds the adjusted start time for static recrystallization. This approach is verified using data for austenite and lead. It is then applied to current and previous work on ferrite. The model provides support for the contention that conventional dynamic recrystallization occurs in low carbon ferrite if deformation is carried out at high temperatures and low strain rates. In the present work, which was carried out at 700 °C, evidence for dynamic recrystallization was observed for strain rates less than around 0.01 s−1. At higher strain rates, the model predicts a critical strain for the onset of dynamic recrystallization that exceeds the critical strain for the beginning of the recovery steady-state region. While the model allows dynamic recrystallization to begin in this region, the critical strain for its onset is expected to increase rapidly with increasing strain rate and decreasing temperature once steady state has been reached.


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The microstructures and textures of coarse grained cold rolled, partially recrystallized and fully recrystallized low carbon and interstitial free steel were examined by optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD). The recrystallization textures of the two grades are markedly different, with the low carbon steel having a predominantly Goss {11O}<OOl> texture and the interstitial free steel having a <1ll>/1ND texture with a strong {III }<112> component. One possible explanation for the texture difference is that less severe localization of flow during deformation of interstitial free steels causes less Goss nuclei to be generated. While some support for this view is provided by the results presented in this paper, the results suggest that another mechanism may be at least partially responsible. Examination of micro
shear bands on the surface of pre-polished samples showed that a higher proportion of micro shear bands remained active at high rolling reductions in the low carbon steel, compared with the interstitial free grade. Regions of Goss orientation within bands that have ceased to operate rotate to
near-{ III }<112> orientations with further deformation. Consequently, the recrystallization texture of coarse grained interstitial free steels can be rationalized by a reduction in the availability of Goss nuclei and an increase in the availability of {Ill }<112> nuclei due to a "Goss to {Ill }<112>" rotation within micro shear bands that have ceased to operate.


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The microstructures of magnesium AZ31 are examined following hot compression testing and annealing. The grain size, fraction dynamically recrystallized and, in a couple of cases, the crystallographic texture are reported. It was found that the progress of dynamic recrystallization is strongly sensitive to processing conditions but that the dynamically
recrystallized grain size was less sensitive to stress than in other metals. It was also found that, for structures containing between 80 and 95 % dynamic recrystallization, abnormal grain growth occurs during annealing. The crystallographic texture produced is also sensitive to the deformation conditions.


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Two experiments were conducted to clarify the roles of grain size, solute carbon and strain in determining the recrystallization textures of cold-rolled and annealed steels. In the first experiment, samples of coarse-grained low-carbon (LC) and interstitial-free (IF) steels were cold-rolled to a 75% reduction in thickness. One sample from each steel was polished and cold-rolled an additional 5%, while the remaining samples were annealed for various times at 650°C. In the second experiment, three samples from a commercial LC steel sheet were rolled 70% at 300°C. Two of the samples were given a further rolling reduction of 5% of the original thickness, with one of the samples being given this additional reduction at 300°C and the other at room temperature. Goss recrystallization textures are strengthened by coarse initial grain sizes, the presence of solute carbon and rolling at a temperature where dynamic strain ageing occurs, but are weakened by additional rolling beyond a reduction of 70%, especially when this extra rolling is conducted at a temperature where dynamic strain ageing does not occur. Characterization of key features of the deformed and recrystallized steels using optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and electron back-scatter diffraction (EBSD) supports a rationale for these effects based on the repeated activation and deactivation of shear bands and the influence of solute carbon and dynamic strain ageing on the operating life of the bands and the accumulation of strain within them.


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The ideal starting condition for selective growth experiments is one having a layer of randomly-oriented nuclei adjacent to a matrix with negligible orientational variation but sufficient stored energy to promote growth. In practice, cutting or deformation processes are used in an attempt to approximate these ideal conditions, but the degree to which this is achieved has not been rigorously quantified. In this work, Fe-3wt%Si single crystals were cut or deformed using six different processes. The variation in texture with distance from the cut or deformed surface was measured using electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) in a field emission gun scanning electron microscope (FEG-SEM) in order to assess the ability of each process to create conditions suitable for selective growth experiments. While grooving with a machine tool produced the best spread of orientations at the cut surface, the suitability of this process is diminished by the presence of a differently-textured deformed layer between the cut surface and the single crystal matrix. Grinding produced a less ideal distribution of orientations at the cut surface, but the presence of these orientations in a very thin layer adjacent to the matrix makes this process preferable for preparing crystals for selective growth experiments, provided the results are corrected for the deviation in the distribution of nuclei orientations from a random distribution.


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The influence of grain size on the deformation of extruded Mg-3Al-1Zn tested in tension at temperatures between room temperature and 300°C is investigated. The results enable estimation of the deformation conditions for the transition from slip to twinning dominated flow and for the initiation and completion of dynamic recrystallization. A map illustrating these critical parameters is constructed and it is shown that the operating conditions of the common wrought processes straddle key transitions in microstructure behaviour.


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A 304 austenitic stainless steel was deformed using hot torsion to study the evolution of dynamic recrystallization (DRX). The initial nucleation of dynamically recrystallization occurred by the bulging of pre-existing high angle grain boundaries at a strain much lower than the peak strain. At the
peak stress, only a low fraction of the prior grain boundaries were covered with new DRX grains. Beyond the peak stress, new DRX grains formed layers near the initial DRX and a necklace structure was developed. Several different mechanisms appeared to be operative in the formation of new high angle boundaries and grains. The recrystallization behaviour after deformation showed a classic transition from strain dependent to strain independent softening. This occurred at a strain beyond the
peak, where the fraction of dynamic recrystallization was only 50%.


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There is now considerable interest in the development of ultrafine grained steels with an average grain size of the order of 1µm. One of the methods with currently the greatest industrial interest is by dynamic strain induced transformation from austenite to ferrite. This involves deformation below the
equilibrium transformation temperature so that transformation occurs during the deformation. However, large strains are required to completely transform the microstructure during deformation. It is potentially possible to activate transformation during deformation then continue transformation
during subsequent cooling. It is shown that there are two critical strains: the first is where dynamic transformation commences and the second is the minimum strain for a fully ultrafine final microstructure after cooling to room temperature. The deformation and potential role of dynamic
recrystallization of the dynamically formed ferrite is also considered. Overall it is clear that for full industrial exploitation there is a need to understand and exploit the competing issues of nucleation, growth and recrystallization of the ferrite by both dynamic and static processes.


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A rapid method has been developed to determine recrystallization kinetics of Nb microalloyed steels by interrupted hot torsion test. The softening behaviour was achieved as a function of different processing parameters. The method clearly identified three regions, where the strain dependency of the recrystallization rate varied. Firstly, at large strains the rate of recrystallization was not a function of strain; this is generally ascribed to metadynamic recrystallization. At lower strains the time to 50% recrystallization showed a power low relationship with strain, characteristic of static recrystallization. A further break point exists on the time for 50% softening curve when strain induced precipitation occurs in the material. The onset of strain induced precipitation was at strains below the strain to the peak stress at temperatures below 900°C. The experimental results were used to estimate the time for 50% softening and to anticipate the onset of the strain induced precipitation for the alloy of this study. Grain refinement of the recrystallized austenite continued to strains significantly beyond the peak stress and beyond the static to metadynamic recrystallization rate transition.