21 resultados para recirculating aquaculture system (RAS)

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) are essential for the reduction in fresh water usage as well as the discharge of nutrients along with aquaculture effluents. A RAS consisting of an anoxic reactor, a membrane bioreactor (MBR) and a UV-disinfection unit was used to process 10,000 L/d of aquaculture effluent providing high-quality treated water for recirculation to a Barramundi fish culture. The system maintained low levels of nitrate (<20 mg/L), nitrite (<3 mg/L) and ammonia (<0.6 mg/L) in the fish tank. Permeate from the membrane that was recirculated to the fish tank contained <21 mg/L of nitrate, <2 mg/L of nitrite and 0 mg/L of ammonia. However, the rate of fouling of the membrane in the MBR was around 1.47 kPa/d, and the membrane in the MBR required cleaning due to fouling after 16 days. Cleaning of the membrane was initiated when the TMP reached around 25 to 30 kPa. In order to reduce the rate of fouling, 500 mg of powdered activated carbon (PAC) per litre of MBR volume was introduced, which decreased the rate of fouling to 0.90 kPa/d. Cleaning of membrane was needed only after 31 days of operation while maintaining the treated effluent quality. Thus the frequency of cleaning could be halved due to the introduction of PAC into the MBR.


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This study, based on 3 years of commercial data, presents the results of an economic analysis of a 20-tonne per annum (TPA) commercial recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) facility located in Warrnambool, Victoria, Australia. Based on the assumptions of the analysis, results highlight the non-viability of the facility, with a 10-year projected negative cumulative cash flow of − $648,038, and negative net present value (NPV) of − $707,546. Economies of scale were assessed by the development of economic models for hypothetical 50-TPA and 100-TPA facilities, based on the actual figures obtained from the 20-TPA case study. These analyses highlighted marginal viability for the 50-TPA facility (with a ten-year projected cumulative cash flow of $1,030,300; negative NPV of − $167,651 and internal rate of return (IRR) of 11.75%), and an economically viable 100-TPA facility (with a ten-year projected cumulative cash flow of $3,176,750; NPV of $522,200 and IRR of 21.03%). Sensitivity analysis highlighted that the greatest gains to be realised in improving profitability were those associated with increasing the productive capacity of the facility, increasing the sale price of the product, and decreasing the capital costs of RAS facilities. Contradictions between the results from the present study to similar studies clearly highlight a need for further economic analyses of commercial RAS facilities, using commercial data sets and standard economic analysis procedures.


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The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effects of altered dietary n-3/n-6 LC-PUFA ratio, adaptation to diet over time, different water temperatures, and their interactions on nutrients and fatty acids digestibility in juvenile Atlantic salmon. Three experimental diets were formulated to be identical, with the only exception of the ratio of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, 20:5n-3) to arachidonic acid (ARA, 20:4n-6), and fed to triplicate groups of juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) of 55. g initial body weight. Fish were reared in a fully controlled recirculating aquaculture system, fed to apparent satiety twice daily and kept at 10. °C and for an initial period of 100. days, and faeces were collected for digestibility estimation. Then, half of the fish of each experimental tank were moved to a separate system, where the water temperature was gradually increased up to 20. °C. Fish were maintained in the two systems for an additional period of 50. days, and faeces were collected for digestibility estimation from both groups of fish at the two water temperatures. This study concluded that dietary treatments and time had only minor effects, whereas environmental temperature resulted in modified digestibility values, with increased nutrient digestibility with increasing temperature. Varying EPA/ARA ratio in the diet had only minor direct effects on digestibility, with no direct effect on overall nutrients digestibility, and fundamentally only statistically significant effects in the fatty acid digestibility of EPA and ARA themselves. Because of current increasing pressure for more efficient fish oil replacement strategies, increasing interest in dietary ARA in aquafeed and increasing relevance and occurrence of sub-optimal rearing temperature in commercial aquaculture, this study can be considered to be important as it provided a series of fundamental information, which are envisaged to be useful towards addressing these constraints and possible nutritional remedial strategies.


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Obesity is a major health problem worldwide; it is associated with more than 30 medical conditions and is a leading cause of unnecessary deaths. Adipose tissue not only acts as an energy store, but also behaves like an endocrine organ, synthesising and secreting numerous hormones and cytokines. Angiotensin II (ANG II) is the biologically active component of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS). The RAS is present in adipose tissue and evidence suggests that ANG II is intimately linked to obesity. Indeed, ANG II increases fat cell growth and differentiation, increases synthesis, uptake and storage of fatty acids and triglycerides and possibly inhibits lipolysis. Evidence obtained using genetically modified animals has shown that the amount of body fat is directly related to the amount of ANG II, i.e., animals with low levels of ANG II have reduced fat stores while animals with excessive ANG II have increased fat stores. In humans, epidemiological evidence has shown that body fat is correlated with angiotensinogen, a precursor of ANG II, or other components of the RAS. Furthermore, blocking the production and/or actions of ANG II with drugs or natural substances decreases body fat. The decrease in body fat caused by such treatments predominantly occurs in abdominal fat depots and appears to be independent of energy intake and digestibility. Clearly, ANG II has an important role in the accumulation of body fat and the possibility exists that treatment of obesity will be enhanced by the use of natural or synthetic substances that interfere with ANG II.


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The study examined the implication of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) in regulation of splanchnic blood flow and glucose production in exercising humans. Subjects cycled for 40 min at 50% maximal O2 consumption (VO2 max) followed by 30 min at 70% VO2 max either with [angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) blockade] or without (control) administration of the ACE inhibitor enalapril (10 mg iv). Splanchnic blood flow was estimated by indocyanine green, and splanchnic substrate exchange was determined by the arteriohepatic venous difference. Exercise led to an ~20-fold increase (P < 0.001) in ANG II levels in the control group (5.4 ± 1.0 to 102.0 ± 25.1 pg/ml), whereas this response was blunted during ACE blockade (8.1 ± 1.2 to 13.2 ± 2.4 pg/ml) and in response to an orthostatic challenge performed postexercise. Apart from lactate and cortisol, which were higher in the ACE-blockade group vs. the control group, hormones, metabolites, VO2, and RER followed the same pattern of changes in ACE-blockade and control groups during exercise. Splanchnic blood flow (at rest: 1.67 ± 0.12, ACE blockade; 1.59 ± 0.18 l/min, control) decreased during moderate exercise (0.78 ± 0.07, ACE blockade; 0.74 ± 0.14 l/min, control), whereas splanchnic glucose production (at rest: 0.50 ± 0.06, ACE blockade; 0.68 ± 0.10 mmol/min, control) increased during moderate exercise (1.97 ± 0.29, ACE blockade; 1.91 ± 0.41 mmol/min, control). Refuting a major role of the RAS for these responses, no differences in the pattern of change of splanchnic blood flow and splanchnic glucose production were observed during ACE blockade compared with controls. This study demonstrates that the normal increase in ANG II levels observed during prolonged exercise in humans does not play a major role in the regulation of splanchnic blood flow and glucose production.


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BACKGROUND: The placenta is an essential organ that provides nutrients and oxygen to the developing fetus and removes toxic waste products from the fetal circulation. Maintaining placental blood osmotic pressure and blood flow is crucial for viable offspring. The renin-angiotensin system (RAS) in the placenta is a key player in the regulation of maternal-fetal blood flow during pregnancy. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine if RAS genes are differentially expressed in mid to late gestation in rat placenta. METHODS: Whole placental tissue samples from pregnant Sprague Dawley rats at embryonic (E) days 14.25, 15.25, 17.25 and 20 (n = 6 for each gestational age) were used for genome-wide gene expression by microarray. RAS genes with expression differences of >2 fold were further analyzed. Quantitative Real-Time PCR (qPCR) was performed on independent samples to confirm and validate microarray data. Immunohistochemisty and Western blotting were performed on a differentially expressed novel RAS pathway gene (ANPEP). RESULTS: Six out of 17 genes of the RAS pathway were differentially expressed at different gestational ages. Gene expression of four genes (Angiotensin converting enzyme (Ace), angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (Ace2), membrane metalloendopeptidase (Mme) and angiotensin II receptor 1A (Agtr1a)) were significantly upregulated at E20 whereas two others (Thimet oligopeptidase 1 (Thop1) and Alanyl aminopeptidase (Anpep)) were downregulated at E20 prior to the onset of labour. These changes were confirmed by qPCR. Western blots revealed no overall differences in ANPEP protein expression in the placentae. Immunohistochemical studies, however, indicated that the localization of ANPEP differed at E17.25 and E20 as ANPEP localization in the giant trophoblast cell of the junctional zone was no longer detectable at E20. CONCLUSIONS: The current study investigated the expression of members of the RAS pathway in rat placentae and observed significantly altered expression of 6 RAS genes at 4 gestational ages. These findings present the need for further comprehensive investigation of RAS genes in normal and complicated pregnancies.


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In addition to its role in the storage of fat, adipose tissue acts as an endocrine organ, and it contains a functional renin-angiotensin system (RAS). Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) plays a key role in the RAS by converting angiotensin I to the bioactive peptide angiotensin II (Ang II). In the present study, the effect of targeting the RAS in body energy homeostasis and glucose tolerance was determined in homozygous mice in which the gene for ACE had been deleted (ACE-/-) and compared with wild-type littermates. Compared with wild-type littermates, ACE-/- mice had lower body weight and a lower proportion of body fat, especially in the abdomen. ACE-/- mice had greater fed-state total energy expenditure (TEE) and resting energy expenditure (REE) than wild-type littermates. There were pronounced increases in gene expression of enzymes related to lipolysis and fatty acid oxidation (lipoprotein lipase, carnitine palmitoyl transferase, long-chain acetyl CoA dehydrogenase) in the liver of ACE-/- mice and also lower plasma leptin. In contrast, no differences were detected in daily food intake, activity, fed-state plasma lipids, or proportion of fat excrete in fecal matter. In conclusion, the reduction in ACE activity is associated with a decreased accumulation of body fat, especially in abdominal fat depots. The decreased body fat in ACE-/- mice is independent of food intake and appears to be due to a high energy expenditure related to increased metabolism of fatty acids in the liver, with the additional effect of increased glucose tolerance.


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Age-related changes in ovarian development characteristics and plasma sex steroids in female Murray cod were examined throughout their second, third and fourth years of life to better understand the physiological and endocrine processes associated with puberty in this species in captivity. Spawning performance of 2+ and 3+ year old females was also assessed to identify ontogenetic differences in egg fertility. Puberty was acquired in 38% of 1+ year old females and 100% of age 2+ females. By age 3+, all females had developed full (adult) reproductive function. Ovarian development in pubertal fish was characterised by a rapid transition between cortical alveoli and lipid droplet oogenic phases, coinciding with significantly lower plasma 17β-oestradiol in age 2+ females (p < 0.05). Mean mature oocyte diameter (2.44 mm), post-fertilisation viability (30.80%) and hatchability (0.99%) of eggs from age 2+ females were significantly reduced relative to age 3+ adults (2.81 mm, 84.89% and 23.58%, respectively). Ovaries of pubertal Murray cod exhibited both vitellogenic and ovulatory capacities, yet functional abnormalities during secondary oocyte growth are likely to have contributed to poor egg fertility and consequently, evaluations of age-at-first maturity based on the presence of advanced ovarian stages may overestimate the reproductive potential of younger broodstock populations.


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Identifying dietary modifications that potentiate the blood pressure (BP)-lowering effects of antihypertensive medications and that are practical for free-living people may assist in achieving BP reduction goals. We assessed whether two dietary patterns were effective in lowering BP in persons on antihypertensive therapy and in those not on therapy. Ninety-four participants (38/56 females/males), aged 55.6 (sd 9.9) years, consumed two 4-week dietary regimens in random order (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH)-type diet and low-Na high-K (LNAHK) diet) with a control diet before each phase. Seated home BP was measured daily for the last 2 weeks in each phase. Participants were grouped based on antihypertensive drug therapy. The LNAHK diet produced a greater fall in systolic BP (SBP) in those on antihypertensive therapy ( - 6.2 (sd 6.0) mmHg) than in those not on antihypertensive therapy ( - 2.8 (sd 4.0) mmHg) (P = 0.036), and this was greatest for those on renin-angiotensin system (RAS) blocker therapy ( - 9.5 (sd 6.4) mmHg) (interaction P = 0.007). The fall in SBP on the DASH-type diet, in those on therapy (overall - 1.1 (sd 6.2) mmHg; renin-angiotensin blocker therapy - 4.2 (sd 4.7) mmHg), was not as marked as that observed on the LNAHK diet. Dietary modifications are an important part of all hypertension management regimens, and a low-Na and high-K diet enhances the BP-lowering effect of antihypertensive medications, particularly those targeting the RAS.


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The renin–angiotensin system (RAS) is functional within adipose tissue and angiotensin II, the active component of RAS, has been implicated in adipose tissue hypertrophy and insulin resistance. In this study, captopril, an angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor that prevents angiotensin II formation, was used to study the development of diet-induced obesity and insulin resistance in obesity prone C57BL/6J mice. The mice were fed a high fat diet (w/w 21% fat) and allowed access to either water or water with captopril added (0.2 mg/ml). Body weight was recorded weekly and water and food intake daily. Glucose tolerance was determined after 11–12 weeks. On completion of the study (after 16 weeks of treatment), the mice were killed and kidney, liver, epididymal fat and extensor digitorum longus muscle (EDL) were weighed. Blood samples were collected and plasma analysed for metabolites and hormones. Captopril treatment decreased body weight in the first 2 weeks of treatment. Food intake of captopril-treated mice was similar to control mice prior to weight loss and was decreased after weight loss. Glucose tolerance was improved in captopril-treated mice. Captopril-treated mice had less epididymal fat than control mice. Relative to body weight, captopril-treated mice had increased EDL weight. Relative to control mice, mice administered captopril had a higher plasma concentration of adiponectin and lower concentrations of leptin and non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA). The results indicate that captopril both induced weight loss and improved insulin sensitivity. Thus, captopril may eventually be used for the treatment of obesity and Type 2 diabetes.


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The literature over the past 25 years indicates that there has been a continued interest in using passive and active solar technologies to reduce the conventional energy required to maintain water temperatures in small recirculation aquaculture systems. Although all of the experimental systems reviewed report favourable results, there is little information available to guide system designers. This paper describes the use of a simulation model to predict the annual conventional energy consumption of a 10.6 m3 RAS enclosed in a double layer polyethylene greenhouse in two different climates. The water was maintained at 22.5 °C and the recirculation rate was 10% of tank volume per day. Simple unglazed solar collectors have also been combined with the greenhouse to further reduce energy consumption. The effect of increasing collector area on the solar fraction and utilization of useful energy was predicted. Finally, the model was used to investigate the relationship between the occurrence of condensation on the inner cover, ventilation rates and energy use. It was found that in a hot dry climate, the greenhouse alone was sufficient to reduce the conventional energy requirements by 87%; while in the cooler temperate climate reductions of 66% were possible. When solar collectors were added to the system, conventional energy requirements were reduced further and depended on the area of collector used. For example, in the temperate climate location, conventional energy requirements were reduced to 23% of a RAS enclosed in a non-solar building when 26 m2 of solar collector inclined at the optimum angle for winter energy collection were used. Although condensation could be successfully reduced by ventilation of the greenhouse, this increased conventional energy requirements because the potential for evaporation was increased. Covering the tanks at night was found to be a more effective strategy because it reduced condensation and conventional energy use simultaneously.