105 resultados para origins of linguistic theory

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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This article attempts to trace the origins of competency-based training (CBT), the theory of vocational education that underpins the National Training Framework in Australia. A distinction is made between societal and theoretical origins. This paper argues that CBT has its societal origins in the United States of America during the 1950s, 60s and 70s. Public debate and government initiatives centred on the widely held view that there was a problem with the quality of education in the United States. One of the responses to this crisis was the Performance-Based Teacher Education movement which synthesised the theory of education that became CBT.The theoretical origins of CBT derive principally from behaviourism and systems theory - two broad theoretical orientations that influenced educational debate in the United States during the fomative period of CBT. Most of the component parts of CBT were contributed by specialists with a background in one or both of these theoretical orientations.


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It is argued, making reference to an Orwell text sample, that linguistic theory illuminates "positioning" (as term and concept), that positioning's flexibility contributes to critical textual analysis and to attempts to understand complex human processes, but how far language may constrain as well as facilitate such understanding must remain open.


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Michael Dummett has argued that the linguistic turn, initiated by Frege, is the decisive moment in the birth of the analytical tradition and what distinguishes that tradition from other movements. The thesis of the paper is that Dummett’s account of the origins of the analytical tradition understates the extent to which Frege’s work, and the linguistic turn more generally, are responses to antinomies in the modern philosophical project. An adequate characterisation of the origins of the analytic tradition presupposes an account of the fundamental conceptual shift that occurred during the time of the scientific revolution and the epistemological problems that arose in conjunction with this shift. This is why it is misleading to assert, with Dummett, that the really interesting developments in terms of understanding the analytical tradition are subsequent to Frege. The most productive contrast in terms of understanding the origins of the analytical tradition is not between pre and post Fregean thought, the paper argues, but between modern and premodern conceptions of philosophy and its relation to the world of everyday experience.


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Adaptive immunity, involving distinctive antibody- and cell-mediated responses to specific antigens based on "memory" of previous exposure, is a hallmark of higher vertebrates. It has been argued that adaptive immunity arose rapidly, as articulated in the "big bang theory" surrounding its origins, which stresses the importance of coincident whole-genome duplications. Through a close examination of the key molecules and molecular processes underpinning adaptive immunity, this review suggests a less-extreme model, in which adaptive immunity emerged as part of longer evolutionary journey. Clearly, whole-genome duplications provided additional raw genetic materials that were vital to the emergence of adaptive immunity, but a variety of other genetic events were also required to generate some of the key molecules, whereas others were preexisting and simply co-opted into adaptive immunity.


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The work of W. R. Bion changed the shape of psychoanalytic theory in fundamental ways, one of the most important of which was Bion's insight into the nature of normal projective identification. No other psychoanalytic theorist has Bion's ability to represent the horrors of psychic abandonment and the converse, the absolute necessity of the presence of another mind for psychic survival. Through a discussion of Bion's War Memoirs 1917-1919 (Bion, 1997), Attacks on linking and A theory of thinking (1993), this paper explores the link between war, masculinity, the maternal and Bion's sensitivity to the significance of everyday interpersonal contact. It is argued that Bion's apocalyptic experiences as a teenage tank commander gave him shattering insight into the extent to which mind is inter-mind, self is inter-self. Bion's life writing has the quality of survivor insight: 'And only I am escaped alone to tell thee' (Job 1: 14-19), as he returns repeatedly to the events of the day when he 'died ', 8 August 1918. His insight into the elemental passions nature of love, hate and mindlessness are borne of his experiences on the battlefield, and exquisitely crystallized in his repeated explorations of an encounter with a dying soldier.


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"Justin Clemens presents a valuable study of the links between Romanticism and contemporary theory. The central contention of this book is that contemporary theory is still essentially Romantic - despite all its declarations to the contrary, and despite all its attempts to elude or exceed the limits bequeathed it by Romantic thought." "This study will be of interest to literary theorists, philosophers, political theorists, and cultural studies scholars."--BOOK JACKET.


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The market for insurance has become increasingly competitive in recent years. However, it has not always been so. At the end of the nineteenth century, it was characterized by a highly concentrated and tightly controlled oligopolistic market structure. As such, the history of the fire insurance industry provides an interesting case study in the development of collusive behaviour amongst firms. Up to 1897, pricing agreements among firms were generally short-lived, and were followed by periods of intense competition. After this point, an agreement was forged, which proved very resilient to market pressures and formed the basis of premium rate setting until the 1970s. This paper investigates the difference between this agreement and previous efforts to set premium rates, and points to some of the common features of the later compact, which explain its longevity.


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The increased demands placed on solution propulsion by programmed flow systems, such as sequential injection analysis, lab-on-value technology, bead injection and multi-commutation, has highlighted the inability of many conventional pumps to generate a smooth, consistent flow. A number of researchers have examined ways to overcome the inadvertent, uncontrolled pulsation caused by the mechanical action of peristaltic pumps. In contrast, we have developed instruments that exploit the characteristics of a reproducible pulsed flow of solution. In this paper, we discuss our instrumental approaches and some applications that have benefited from the use of a reproducible pulsed flow rather than the traditional linear flow approach. To place our approach in the context of the continuously developing field of flow analysis, an overview of other programmed flow systems is also presented.


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The evolutionary relationships of the freshwater prawn genus Macrobrachium are obscure. Members of this genus are widely distributed across tropical and subtropical regions. The phylogenetic relationships among the seven endemic and six non-endemic Australian Macrobrachium, along with five non-Australian species, were inferred from the mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene sequences. Methods of analysis yielded phylogenetic trees of differing topologies; however, none supported a monophyletic origin for endemic Australian Macrobrachium. Enforced monophyly of a single origin of endemic Macrobrachium was statistically tested and rejected. These results support the view that the endemic Australian Macrobrachium arose from multiple origins. Previous biogeographical hypotheses related to the radiation of Macrobrachium into Australia are re-examined in the context of these results.


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With the proliferation of social investment vehicles, stakeholders, particularly investors, are increasingly aware of the relationship between economic, social and environmental performance, and disclosure to external parties. This is particularly evident in The Securities and Exchange Commission's Environmental Disclosure Rules. The thesis of this paper is that, after three decades of academic and professional research efforts, there are still no firm proactive guidelines to firmly link the financial performance with environmental and social performance. The purpose of this paper is to revisit empirical research efforts spanning three decades in order to delineate potential links that may assist in systematic, comparable reporting


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Recent discussion within the marketing literature has accentuated the overlap and interrelationships between relationship marketing and e-commerce. However, as discussion is yet to focus on relationship marketing’s theoretical antecedent of exchange theory, this paper considers the evolution of e-commerce in terms of the exchange continuum. It is proposed that insight can be derived from the application of the concepts of extrinsic and intrinsic value (Houston and Gassenheimer, 1987) to online exchange. A theoretical model of extrinsic and intrinsic evaluation is developed, based on online consumers’ valuation of the object of exchange (i.e., the product). Possible empirical measures, to test the model, are suggested, derived from the relationship and services marketing literature.


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Research findings become evidence when an individual decides that the information is relevant and useful to a particular circumstance. Prior to that point, they are unrelated facts. For research translation to occur, research evidence needs filtering, interpretation, and application by individuals to the specific situation. For this reason, decision science is complementary to knowledge translation science. Both aim to support the individual in deciding the most appropriate action in a dynamic environment where there are masses of uncensored and nonprioritized information readily available. Decision science employs research theories to study the cognitive processes underpinning the filtering and integration of current scientific information into changing contexts. Two meta-theories, coherence and correspondence theories, have been used to provide alternative views and prompt significant debate to advance the science. The aim of this article is to stimulate debate about the relationship between decision theory and knowledge translation. Discussed is the critical role of cognition in clinical decision making, with a focus on knowledge translation. A critical commentary of the knowledge utilization modeling papers is presented from a decision science perspective. The article concludes with a discussion on the implications for knowledge translation when viewed through the lens of decision science.


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Shamanic journeying imagery arguably transcends geographical space and historical time. However, to what extent is the content of the journeying imagery a construction of the shaman's cultural cosmology, belief systems, autobiographical memories, etc? It is suggested that attempts to answer this question are hampered by a fundamental methodological obstacle: how to detect contextual influences on imagery that the shaman cannot report on because they are outside his/her present awareness and memory. A partial solution is presented: Watkins' (1971) Affect Bridge, a hypnoanalytic technique used to uncover the origin of an affect. A nonhypnotic version of the technique developed for inquiry into shamanic journeying imagery is then explicated. Two recent empirical studies conducted by Rock (2006) and Rock, Casey and Baynes (2006), illustrating the utility of the Modified Affect Bridge with regards to investigating experimentally the origin of ostensibly shamanic journeying imagery reported by naive participants, are summarized. A tentative ostensibly shamanic journeying imagery origin typology is formulated and suggestions for future research are advanced.


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This paper describes the application of Grounded Theory to an exploration of multimedia design practices. It discusses the opinions of multimedia developers, as elicited from interviews, on the selected design tasks and the processes employed in their completion. Our findings, which emerge from the analysis of the collected data, indicate that the currently available multimedia models do not address some of the important concerns of practitioners. We believe that closing the methodological gaps in these models would provide bettersupport for the multimedia development process.