159 resultados para nutritional recovery

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Formulated feeds for cultivated abalone have received considerable attention to improve the feeding costs, efficiency and productivity of the growing cultivated abalone industry in Australia. Less attention has been given to the resulting quality of the seafood product from formulated feeds and the effect of the reduction of marine ingredients in these feeds. Marine n-3 fatty acids are particularly important nutritional factors of seafood that are lacking from feed ingredients at the base of the aquaculture production chain. Considering that this important category of nutrients is already deficient in the western diet, further erosion through cultivated seafood products is of concern. This study tested the effect of three diet categories on the fatty acid profiles of commercially farmed abalone. Two commercial formulated feeds, Ulva spp. macroalgae, and combinations of the formulated feeds and macroalgae were fed to six replicate baskets of 20 abalone (~62 mm) for 12 months in Victoria, Australia. The macroalgae diets represented overall lower fatty acid content, including eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and docosahexaenoic (DHA), but higher relative amounts of alpha linolenic acid (ALA) and docosapentaenoic acid (DPA), than the formulated feeds. The total lipid content of abalone tissue did not vary substantially across diet categories; however, the ratio of n-6:n-3 fatty acids decreased incrementally with the increasing macroalgae content in the diet and by a factor of two with a 100 % macroalgae diet. Also, equal or higher content of all important long chain n-3 fatty acids was achieved with a macroalgae diet despite the lower dietary content of some of these fatty acids. Marine fatty acid-deplete aquaculture feeds can result in decreased n-3 fatty acid content in the abalone tissue. The inclusion of macroalgae in the diet of abalone can offset this reduction.


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Fire is an integral part of savanna ecology and changes in fire patterns are linked to biodiversity loss in savannas worldwide. In Australia, changed fire regimes are implicated in the contemporary declines of small mammals, riparian species, obligate-seeding plants and grass seed-eating birds. Translating this knowledge into management to recover threatened species has proved elusive. We report here on a landscape-scale experiment carried out by the Australian Wildlife Conservancy (AWC) on Mornington Wildlife Sanctuary in northwest Australia. The experiment was designed to understand the response of a key savanna bird guild to fire, and to use that information to manage fire with the aim of recovering a threatened species population. We compared condition indices among three seed-eating bird species-one endangered (Gouldian finch) and two non-threatened (long-tailed finch and double-barred finch)-from two large areas (> 2,830 km2) with initial contrasting fire regimes ('extreme': frequent, extensive, intense fire; versus 'benign': less frequent, smaller, lower intensity fires). Populations of all three species living with the extreme fire regime had condition indices that differed from their counterparts living with the benign fire regime, including higher haematocrit levels in some seasons (suggesting higher levels of activity required to find food), different seasonal haematocrit profiles, higher fat scores in the early wet season (suggesting greater food uncertainty), and then lower muscle scores later in the wet season (suggesting prolonged food deprivation). Gouldian finches also showed seasonally increasing stress hormone concentrations with the extreme fire regime. Cumulatively, these patterns indicated greater nutritional stress over many months for seed-eating birds exposed to extreme fire regimes. We tested these relationships by monitoring finch condition over the following years, as AWC implemented fire management to produce the 'benign' fire regime throughout the property. The condition indices of finch populations originally living with the extreme fire regime shifted to resemble those of their counterparts living with the benign fire regime. This research supports the hypothesis that fire regimes affect food resources for savanna seed-eating birds, with this impact mediated through a range of grass species utilised by the birds over different seasons, and that fire management can effectively moderate that impact. This work provides a rare example of applied research supporting the recovery of a population of a threatened species.


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Aim: Poor nutritional status has negative effects on post-operative outcomes, further compounded by surgical stress and fasting, places gastrointestinal surgery patients at high risk of malnutrition. Recent published research has challenged historic surgical nutrition practices; however, changes to practice in Australia have been slow. The aim of this study was to investigate current nutritional management of gastrointestinal surgery patients and compare this with the best practice guidelines, while exploring enablers to implementation of best practice. Methods: A 30-question telephone survey was developed to explore demographics and nutritional management of gastrointestinal surgical patients during pre-admission, inpatient stay and post-operative care. Forty-one gastrointestinal surgery dietitians were identified and contacted from 31 public hospitals in Victoria, Australia, and invited to participate. Results: Twenty-five dietitians participated in the survey (response rate 61%). Very few dietitians (12%) were funded for pre-admission clinics or outpatient clinics, and, overwhelmingly, dietitians reported not being involved in nutritional decision-making, and reported feeling unsatisfied with current nutritional management of patients. Despite half the hospitals reporting following best practice guidelines, only 22% implemented guidelines completely. There was no correlation observed between dietitian experience, department size or full-time equivalents allocated to surgery and nutritional intervention; however, the presence of a care pathway made a significant difference to the dietitian's overall satisfaction with dietetic care (P = 0.002). Conclusions: Current nutritional management of gastrointestinal surgery patients in Victorian hospitals is far from best practice. The implementation of a care pathway is the most effective way of ensuring best practice nutritional management of gastrointestinal surgical patients.


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Unaccustomed exercise consisting of eccentric (i.e., lengthening) muscle contractions often results in muscle damage characterized by ultrastructural alterations in muscle tissue, clinical signs and symptoms (e.g., reduced muscle strength and range of motion, increased muscle soreness and swelling, efflux of myocellular proteins). The time course of recovery following exercise-induced muscle damage depends on the extent of initial muscle damage, which in turn is influenced by the intensity and duration of exercise, joint angle/muscle length and muscle groups used during exercise. The effects of these factors on muscle strength, soreness and swelling are well characterized. By contrast, much less is known about how they affect intramuscular inflammation and molecular aspects of muscle adaptation/remodeling. Although inflammation has historically been viewed as detrimental for recovery from exercise, it is now generally accepted that inflammatory responses-if tightly regulated-are integral to muscle repair and regeneration. Animal studies have revealed that other cell types including mast cells, eosinophils, CD8 and T regulatory lymphocytes, fibro-adipogenic progenitors and pericytes also help to facilitate muscle tissue regeneration. However, more research is required to determine whether these cells respond to exercise-induced muscle damage. A large body of research has investigated the efficacy of physicotherapeutic, pharmacological and nutritional interventions for reducing the signs and symptoms of exercise-induced muscle damage, with mixed results. More research is needed to examine if/how these treatments influence inflammation and muscle remodeling during recovery from exercise.


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The goals of pre-exercise nutritional strategies are to optimise the availability of carbohydrate (CHO) and fluid. Ingestion of CHO 3-4 hr prior to exercise can increase liver and muscle glycogen stores and has been associated with enhanced endurance exercise performance. The metabolic effects of CHO ingestion persist for at least 6 hr. Although an increase in plasma insulin following CHO ingestion in the hour prior to exercise inhibits lipolysis and liver glucose output, and can lead to transient hypoglycemia during subsequent exercise, there is no convincing evidence that this is always associated with impaired exercise performance. Having said that, individual experience should inform individual practice. Interventions to increase plasma FFA availability prior to exercise have been shown to reduce CHO utilisation during exercise, but do not appear to have major ergogenic benefits. It is more difficult to hyperhydrate prior to exercise and although there has been interest in glycerol ingestion, to date research results have been equivocal. At the very least, athletes should ensure euhydration prior to exercise.


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The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of stroke on survivors of the condition and to identify their physical and psychosocial needs in rural and regional settings. Data were collected via focus group interviews with stroke survivors, carers and key informants. Data were managed using NUD*IST and analysed using a content analysis method identifying major themes related to the impact of living in the community after having a stroke. It was found that stroke survivors suffered severe physical and emotional effects. The findings also identified the vulnerability of this group and a lack of organised, on-going psychosocial and rehabilitative support. Recommendations are made to enhance the current management of stroke after the acute and subacute phases.


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A new genus, Meishanorhynchia, is proposed based on new material from the Lower Triassic of the Meishan section, South China. It is of a late Griesbachian age based on both associated biozones (ammonoids and
bivalves) and radiometric dates of the intercalated volcanic ash beds. Comparison with both Palaeozoic and Mesozoic-Cenozoic-related genera suggests that it may represent the first radiation of progenitor brachiopods in the aftermath of the end-Permian extinction. The lowest brachiopod horizon that contains the genus is estimated to be about 250.1±0.3 Ma. This implies that the initial stage of recovery of Brachiopoda in the Early Triassic was probably about 1.3±0.3 myr after the major pulse of the end-Permian mass extinction (dated as 251.4±0.3 Ma). This is in agreement with Hallam's expectancy that biotic recovery typically begins within one million years or so of major mass extinctions, in contrast to current views on the end-Permian extinction event which propose that the recovery of most if not all biotic groups in the Early Triassic was severely delayed and only began about five million years after the end-Permian extinction.


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Patients who sustain multiple orthopaedic injuries through trauma frequently undergo lengthy rehabilitation. There is little information available about how patients experience hospital rehabilitation programs. In particular, not much is known about factors that inhibit or facilitate the rehabilitation process. This paper describes a qualitative study that explored the rehabilitation  experiences of thirteen patients who had serious orthopaedic injuries.  In-depth interviews revealed issues about good and bad care, the importance of mateship, getting through the day and living with pain. In addition, participants spoke of the impact that the accident and resulting injuries had on their relationships, their experience of loss, how difficult it was to manage everyday issues and the ways in which the accident changed them. The findings of the study have been set into a framework of therapeutic emplotment, a novel way to view the role of the rehabilitation nurse.


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In southeastern Australia ecological burning is frequently used to maintain a number of plant and animal populations. However, many of these prescribed fires are small, and may focus intense grazing activity on new regrowth. At Reef Hills Regional Park, Victoria shrub species have senesced, presumably due to the absence of fire. Ecological burning may be necessary to promote regeneration, however, the population density of the Eastern Grey Kangaroo (Macropus giganteus) is high (approx 38 per km2), and grazing pressure presents a significant risk to postfire vegetation recovery. An assessment of grazing patterns and their effects on postfire recovery was carried out at Reef Hills Regional Park through grazing exclusion plots. Preferential grazing by Eastern Grey Kangaroos occurred on small burnt plots compared to adjacent unburnt areas as determined by faecal pellet counts. On burnt areas, there was a significant reduction in shrub diversity on grazed plots compared to ungrazed plots. Most observations of kangaroos were of animals grazing on farmland surrounding the Park, and it is likely that any burning might shift grazing from farmland to burnt areas when new growth occurs. This needs to be considered before any ecological burn plan is applied to manage vegetation communities, particularly if the plan requires small areas to be burnt. We recommended that a large area up to 200 ha area be burnt and monitored to determine whether burning larger areas disperses grazing pressure from macropods to a level where impacts on vegetation are reduced and localized plant extinctions do not occur.


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Objective: To identify consumer perceptions of whole milk, reduced-fat milk and soy milk, and to investigate demographic influences on perceptions and types of milk consumption.

Design and setting:
Questionnaires covering nutritional and sensory perceptions of three types of milk.

Three hundred and sixty-one randomly selected shoppers in Melbourne, Australia.

: Generally, respondents held positive perceptions about milk. Milk was considered as having good sensory properties, providing a good source of nutrients, and being a convenient and safe product. However, despite these findings, misperceptions and unawareness about the nutrient content of milk were prevalent. Negative perceptions were most common for whole milk and were mostly related to its perceived high fat, cholesterol and energy contents. Soy milk received lower ratings on sensory quality and convenience than dairy milk. There were few sociodemographic differences in consumers' perceptions. Although reduced-fat milk consumption was more frequent among elderly people and type of milk consumption was related to parenthood, no other significant effects of demographic variables were found on the consumption of specific milk types.

Although positive perceptions were common, negative perceptions and misperceptions appear to be prevalent, presenting a challenge for nutrition education. Sociodemographic factors were not shown to be important predictors of perceptions and type of milk consumption.


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This paper reports a study investigating the post operative experiences of 80 women following gynaecological day surgery. Women kept a diary for the first 4 days following surgery. The diary included a recovery rating scale and a symptom management index focusing particularly on symptoms. A telephone interview conducted on post-operative day 10 further explored experiences. Results at day 4 indicated women experienced significant problems with pain, moving around and tiredness. By day 10, women were still experiencing tiredness, pain and other lingering problems. The study indicates that patients experience more problems than discharge education assumes.


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An important goal of the athlete's everyday diet is to provide the muscle with substrates to fuel the training programme that will achieve optimal adaptation for performance enhancements. In reviewing the scientific literature on post-exercise glycogen storage since 1991, the following guidelines for the training diet are proposed. Athletes should aim to achieve carbohydrate intakes to meet the fuel requirements of their training programme and to optimize restoration of muscle glycogen stores between workouts. General recommendations can be provided, preferably in terms of grams of carbohydrate per kilogram of the athlete's body mass, but should be fine-tuned with individual consideration of total energy needs, specific training needs and feedback from training performance. It is valuable to choose nutrient-rich carbohydrate foods and to add other foods to recovery meals and snacks to provide a good source of protein and other nutrients. These nutrients may assist in other recovery processes and, in the case of protein, may promote additional glycogen recovery when carbohydrate intake is suboptimal or when frequent snacking is not possible. When the period between exercise sessions is  <8 h, the athlete should begin carbohydrate intake as soon as practical after the first workout to maximize the effective recovery time between sessions. There may be some advantages in meeting carbohydrate intake targets as a series of snacks during the early recovery phase, but during longer recovery periods (24 h) the athlete should organize the pattern and timing of carbohydrate-rich meals and snacks according to what is practical and comfortable for their individual situation. Carbohydrate-rich foods with a moderate to high glycaemic index provide a readily available source of carbohydrate for muscle glycogen synthesis, and should be the major carbohydrate choices in recovery meals. Although there is new interest in the recovery of intramuscular triglyceride stores between training sessions, there is no evidence that diets which are high in fat and restricted in carbohydrate enhance training.


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Cluster systems are becoming more prevalent in today’s computer society and users are beginning to request that these systems be reliable. Currently, most clusters have been designed to provide high performance at the cost of providing little to no reliability. To combat this, this report looks at how a recovery facility, based on either a centralised or distributed approach could be implemented into a cluster that is supported by a check pointing facility. This recovery facility can then recover failed user processes by using checkpoints of the processes that have been taken during failure free execution.