48 resultados para neurodegenerative

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Brain is a delicate organ, isolated from general circulation and characterized by the presence of relatively impermeable endothelial cells with tight junctions, enzymatic activity and the presence of active efflux transporter mechanisms. These formidable obstacles often block drug delivery to the brain across the blood-brain barrier (BBB). Although several promising molecules have the potential in the in vitro settings but lack of in vivo response is probably because the molecule cannot reach the brain in a sufficient concentration. Drug delivery across the BBB is a major limitation in the treatment of central nervous system (CNS) disorders and CNS infections. This review deals with the role of nanobiotechnology in CNS drug delivery, in which three categories of carbon nanotubes, nanowires and nanoparticles (NPs) are explained. The small size of the NPs makes them an ideal choice to penetrate the BBB. Several mechanisms are involved in this process and various strategies are used. There are some concerns about the safety of NP entry in the brain that need to be resolved before human use. Although there is no approved nanotechnology-based CNS drug available the future for such neuro-nanobiotechnology based delivery system developments is promising.


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Apoptosis is an important contributing factor during neuronal death in a variety of neurodegenerative disorders, including multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease and sciatic nerve injury. Whereas several clinical and preclinical studies have focused on the neuroprotective effects of caspase inhibitors, their clinical benefits are still unclear. Here, we discuss novel alternative strategies to protect neuronal cells from apoptotic death using members of the inhibitors of apoptosis (IAP) family. We specifically review the different roles of survivin, which is an important member of the IAP family that serves a dual role in the inhibition of apoptosis as well as a vital role in mitosis and cell division. Due to the various roles of survivin during cell division and apoptosis, targeting this protein illustrates a new therapeutic window for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases.


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Copper (Cu) is a potentially toxic yet essential element. Menkes disease, a copper deficiency disorder, and Wilson disease, a copper toxicosis condition, are two human genetic disorders, caused by mutations of two closely related Cu-transporting ATPases. Both molecules efflux copper from cells. Quite diverse clinical phenotypes are produced by different mutations of these two Cu-transporting proteins. The understanding of copper homeostasis has become increasingly important in clinical medicine as the metal could be involved in the pathogenesis of some important neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's disease, motor neurone diseases and prion diseases.


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Copper is an essential element for the activity of a number of physiologically important enzymes. Enzyme-related malfunctions may contribute to severe neurological symptoms and neurological diseases: copper is a component of cytochrome c oxidase, which catalyzes the reduction of oxygen to water, the essential step in cellular respiration. Copper is a cofactor of Cu/Zn-superoxide-dismutase which plays a key role in the cellular response to oxidative stress by scavenging reactive oxygen species. Furthermore, copper is a constituent of dopamine-β-hydroxylase, a critical enzyme in the catecholamine biosynthetic pathway. A detailed exploration of the biological importance and functional properties of proteins associated with neurological symptoms will have an important impact on understanding disease mechanisms and may accelerate development and testing of new therapeutic approaches. Copper binding proteins play important roles in the establishment and maintenance of metal-ion homeostasis, in deficiency disorders with neurological symptoms (Menkes disease, Wilson disease) and in neurodegenerative diseases (Alzheimer’s disease). The Menkes and Wilson proteins have been characterized as copper transporters and the amyloid precursor protein (APP) of Alzheimer’s disease has been proposed to work as a Cu(II) and/or Zn(II) transporter. Experimental, clinical and epidemiological observations in neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer’s disease and in the genetically inherited copper-dependent disorders Menkes and Wilson disease are summarized. This could provide a rationale for a link between severely dysregulated metal-ion homeostasis and the selective neuronal pathology.


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Copper is an essential trace element that can be extremely toxic in excess due to the pro-oxidant activity of copper ions. Inherited disorders of copper transport, Menkes disease (copper deficiency), and Wilson disease (copper toxicosis) are caused by mutations of two closely related Cu transporting-ATPases, and demonstrate the essentiality and potential toxicity of copper. Other copper toxicosis conditions in humans and animals have been described, but are not well understood at a molecular level. Copper homeostatic mechanisms are being discovered. One such mechanism is copper-induced trafficking of the Cu-ATPases, which allows cells to provide copper to secreted cupro-proteins but also to efflux excess copper. Oxidative damage induced by copper may be involved in the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer's disease, familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and prion diseases.


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The molecular mechanisms influencing muscle atrophy in humans are poorly understood. Atrogin-1 and MuRF1, two ubiquitin E3-ligases, mediate rodent and cell muscle atrophy and are suggested to be regulated by an Akt/Forkhead (FKHR) signaling pathway. Here we investigated the expression of atrogin-1, MuRF1, and the activity of Akt and its catabolic (FKHR and FKHRL1) and anabolic (p70s6k and GSK-3β) targets in human skeletal muscle atrophy. The muscle atrophy model used was amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). All measurements were performed in biopsies from 22 ALS patients and 16 healthy controls as well as in G93A ALS mice. ALS patients had a significant increase in atrogin-1 mRNA and protein content, which was associated with a decrease in Akt activity. There was no difference in the mRNA and protein content of FKHR, FKHRL1, p70s6k, and GSK-3β. Similar observations were made in the G93A ALS mice. Human skeletal muscle atrophy, as seen in the ALS model, is associated with an increase in atrogin-1 and a decrease in Akt. The transcriptional regulation of human atrogin-1 may be controlled by an Akt-mediated transcription factor other than FKHR or via another signaling pathway.


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Copper is essential for human health and copper imbalance is a key factor in the aetiology and pathology of several neurodegenerative diseases. The copper-transporting P-type ATPases, ATP7A and ATP7B are key molecules required for the regulation and maintenance of mammalian copper homeostasis. Their absence or malfunction leads to the genetically inherited disorders, Menkes and Wilson diseases, respectively. These proteins have a dual role in cells, namely to provide copper to essential cuproenzymes and to mediate the excretion of excess intracellular copper. A unique feature of ATP7A and ATP7B that is integral to these functions is their ability to sense and respond to intracellular copper levels, the latter manifested through their copper-regulated trafficking from the transGolgi network to the appropriate cellular membrane domain (basolateral or apical, respectively) to eliminate excess copper from the cell. Research over the last decade has yielded significant insight into the enzymatic properties and cell biology of the copper-ATPases. With recent advances in elucidating their localization and trafficking in human and animal tissues in response to physiological stimuli, we are progressing rapidly towards an integrated understanding of their physiological significance at the level of the whole animal. This knowledge in turn is helping to clarify the biochemical and cellular basis not only for the phenotypes conferred by individual Menkes and Wilson disease patient mutations, but also for the clinical variability of phenotypes associated with each of these diseases. Importantly, this information is also providing a rational basis for the applicability and appropriateness of certain diagnostic markers and therapeutic regimes. This overview will provide an update on the current state of our understanding of the localization and trafficking properties of the copper-ATPases in cells and tissues, the molecular signals and posttranslational interactions that govern their trafficking activities, and the cellular basis for the clinical phenotypes associated with disease-causing mutations.


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The MNK (Menkes disease protein; ATP7A) is a major copper- transporting P-type ATPase involved in the delivery of copper to cuproenzymes in the secretory pathway and the efflux of excess copper from extrahepatic tissues. Mutations in the MNK (ATP7A) gene result in Menkes disease, a fatal neurodegenerative copper deficiency disorder. Currently, detailed biochemical and biophysical analyses of MNK to better understand its mechanisms of copper transport are not possible due to the lack of purified MNK in an active form. To address this issue, we expressed human MNK with an N-terminal Glu-Glu tag in Sf9 [Spodoptera frugiperda (fall armyworm) 9] insect cells and purified it by antibody affinity chromatography followed by size-exclusion chromatography in the presence of the non-ionic detergent DDM (n-dodecyl b-D-maltopyranoside). Formation of the classical vanadate-sensitive phosphoenzyme by purified MNK was activated by Cu(I) [EC50=0.7 µM; h (Hill coefficient) was 4.6]. Furthermore, we report the first measurement of Cu(I)-dependent ATPase activity of MNK (K0.5=0.6 µM; h=5.0). The purified MNK demonstrated active ATP-dependent vectorial 64Cu transport when reconstituted into soya-bean asolectin liposomes. Together, these data demonstrated that Cu(I) interacts with MNK in a co-operative manner and with high affinity in the sub-micromolar range. The present study provides the first biochemical characterization of a purified full-length mammalian copper-transporting P-type ATPase associated with a human disease.


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Studies have suggested that cholesterol imbalance in the brain might be related to the development of neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's disease and Niemann–Pick disease type C. Previously, we have reported that U18666A, a cholesterol transport-inhibiting agent, leads to apoptosis and intracellular cholesterol accumulation in primary cortical neurons. In this study, we examined the effects of U18666A-mediated neuronal apoptosis, and found that chronic exposure to U18666A led to the activation of caspases and calpains and hyperphosphorylation of tau. Tau hyperphosphorylation is regulated by several kinases that phosphorylate specific sites of tau in vitro. Surprisingly, the kinase activity of cyclin-dependent kinase 5 decreased in U18666A-treated cortical neurons whereas its protein level remained unchanged. The amount of glycogen synthase kinase 3 and mitogen-activated protein kinases were found to decrease in their phosphorylated states by Western blot analysis. Gene transcription was further studied using microarray analysis. Genes encoding for kinases and phosphatases were differentially expressed with most up-regulated and some down-regulated in expression upon U18666A treatment. The activation of cysteine proteases and cholesterol accumulation with tauopathies may provide clues to the cellular mechanism of the inhibition of cholesterol transport-mediated cell death in neurodegenerative diseases.


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The brain contains two main polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), arachidonic acid (AA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). These PUFA are located almost exclusively in the sn2-position of phosphoglycerides which are found in the neural cell membranes. Liberation of these PUFA from the phosphoglycerides occurs via the action of specific phospholipases (PLA2). Free AA can be metabolised by cyclooxygenases to prostaglandins and  thromboxane, while both AA and DHA can be metabolised by lipoxygenases to form hydroxy derivatives and leukotrienes. AA is also metabolised to  lipoxins via the 5-lipoxygenase pathway. The eicosanoids formed play important roles in neural function including sleep induction (PGD2), long  term potentiation, spatial learning and synaptic plasticity (PGE2), resolution of inflammation (lipoxins) and anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective  bioactivity (dihydroxy-docosatriene, neuroprotectin D1, formed from DHA). COX-inhibitors have been shown to reduce oxidative stress and cognitive impairment. Additionally, drugs which are used to treat depression have been shown to reduce the turnover of AA to PGE2 in the brain. Diets deficient in omega 3 PUFA lead to reduced DHA in the brain and increased turnover of AA to eicosanoids, an effect which is overcome by restoring the omega 3 PUFA to the diet. In neural trauma and neurodegenerative diseases, there is a dramatic rise in the levels of AA-derived eicosanoids. In contrast,  DHA-derived compounds can prevent neuroinflammation. Clearly, the eicosanoids are very important for the normal functioning of the brain, while the PUFA themselves are important in membrane structure and function.


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Zn and DHA have putative neuroprotective effects and these two essential nutrients are known to interact biochemically. We aimed to identify novel protein candidates that are differentially expressed in human neuronal cell line M17 in response to Zn and DHA that would explain the molecular basis of this interaction. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and MS were applied to identify major protein expression changes in the protein lysates of human Ml7 neuronal cells that had been grown in the presence and absence of Zn and DHA. Proteomic findings were further investigated using Western immunoblot and real-time PCR analyses. Four protein spots, which had significant differential expression, were identified and selected for in-gel trypsin digestion followed by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionisation MS analysis. The resultant peptide mass fingerprint for each spot allowed their respective identities to be deduced. Two human histone variants H3 and H4 were identified. Both H3 and H4 were downregulated by Zn in the absence of DHA (Zn effect) and upregulated by DHA (DHA effect) in the presence of Zn (physiological condition). These proteomic findings were further supported by Western immunoblot and real-time PCR analyses using H3- and H4-specific monoclonal antibodies and oligonucleotide primers, respectively. We propose that dietary Zn and DHA cause a global effect on gene expression, which is mediated by histones. Such novel information provides possible clues to the molecular basis of neuroprotection by Zn and DHA that may contribute to the future treatment, prevention and management of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease.


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Motor neurone disease (MND) is an uncommon neurodegenerative disease that is terminal and has an insidious onset. With no known cause or cure, the disease triggers progressive death of motor neurones that causes increasing difficulties with mobility, communication, breathing and nutrition. Most research focuses on the disease process, but little is known of the illness experience from the perspective of those diagnosed with the disease. The aim of this study was to explore what it is like to live with MND and how people with the disease negotiate with others to exercise choice over the way they live. A grounded theory methodology was used to explore the life world of people diagnosed and living with MND. Data were collected via in-depth interviews, their stories and photographs, poems and books participants identified as important and fieldnotes. The textual data were analysed using constant comparative analysis. The majority of participants experienced difficulty with verbal communication. Some invited a third person to interpret their speech and others used assistive technologies such as Lightwriters and computers. Analysis revealed three constructs that, together, told the story of the MND illness experience. First, was the “diagnosis story” that described the devastating process of repeated tests had on the participants, shattering their trust in the competence of the health care system. The second construct revealed the process of living with MND as cyclical and repetitive requiring constant decision-making to adapt to the ongoing changes connected with the disease. The core theme and basic social process of “maintaining personal integrity” evolved as the third construct. This process underpinned and explained participants’ decision-making. Finally a substantive theory was conceptualised as the illness experience: “maintaining personal integrity in the face of ongoing change and adaptation”. This theory illustrates that the basic social process of maintaining personal integrity is central to decision and choice making while living with MND. The findings have implications for people with MND, their carers, health professionals and service providers. Recommendations include improved counselling services for people at the time of diagnosis; the introduction of nurse specialists to support health professionals, people diagnosed with the disease and their families; open, accessible, realistic health and funding policies.


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The Alzheimer’s disease Aβ peptide can increase the levels of cell-associated amyloid precursor protein (APP) in vitro. To determine the specificity of this response for Aβ and whether it is related to cytotoxicity, we tested a diverse range of fibrillar peptides including amyloid-β (Aβ), the fibrillar prion peptides PrP106–126 and PrP178–193 and human islet-cell amylin. All these peptides increased the levels of APP and amyloid precursor-like protein 2 (APLP2) in primary cultures of astrocytes and neurons. Specificity was shown by a lack of change to amyloid precursor-like protein 1, τ-1 and cellular prion protein (PrPc) levels. APP and APLP2 levels were elevated only in cultures exposed to fibrillar peptides as assessed by electron microscopy and not in cultures treated with non-fibrillogenic peptide variants or aggregated lipoprotein. We found that PrP106–126 and the non-toxic but fibril-forming PrP178–193 increased APP levels in cultures derived from both wild-type and PrPc-deficient mice indicating that fibrillar peptides up-regulate APP through a non-cytotoxic mechanism and irrespective of parental protein expression. Fibrillar PrP106–126 and Aβ peptides bound recombinant APP and APLP2 suggesting the accumulation of these proteins was mediated by direct binding to the fibrillated peptide. This was supported by decreased APP accumulation following extensive washing of the cultures to remove fibrillar aggregates. Pre-incubation of fibrillar peptide with recombinant APP18–146, the putative fibril binding site, also abrogated the accumulation of APP. These findings show that diverse fibrillogenic peptides can induce accumulation of APP and APLP2 and this mechanism could contribute to pathogenesis in neurodegenerative disorders.


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The Mediterranean diet is associated with a lower incidence of atherosclerosis, cardiovascular disease, neurodegenerative diseases and certain types of cancer. The apparent health benefits have been partially ascribed to the dietary consumption of virgin olive oil by Mediterranean populations. Much research has focused on the biologically active phenolic compounds naturally present in virgin olive oils to aid in explaining reduced mortality and morbidity experienced by people consuming a traditional Mediterranean diet. Studies (human, animal, in vivo and in vitro) have demonstrated that olive oil phenolic compounds have positive effects on certain physiological parameters, such as plasma lipoproteins, oxidative damage, inflammatory markers, platelet and cellular function, antimicrobial activity and bone health. This paper summarizes current knowledge on the bioavailability and biological activities of olive oil phenolic compounds.