98 resultados para nest location

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Climate change is predicted to affect many species by reducing range, habitat suitability and breeding success. Cavity-nesting species, already threatened by deforestation and declining natural hollows, may be particularly at risk because they are limited in nest-site location, and climatic alterations may further reduce usability of natural cavities. It is therefore essential to determine how cavity-users may be affected. We recorded internal nest box temperatures and modelled the relationships of four temperature parameters (relating to mean temperature, variability in temperature, low temperature extremes and high temperature extremes) with breeding success and nestling growth in an Australian cavity-nesting parrot, the Crimson Rosella (Platycercus elegans). We found that less extreme low temperatures resulted in heavier nestlings; however, higher mean temperatures tended to result in lighter nestlings. Greater temperature variability tended to reduce fledging success; however, no temperature variables had a clear effect on clutch size or hatching success. Our findings indicate that there may be a complex relationship between nestling growth and temperature, and although less extreme cold temperatures may benefit nestlings, continued increases in mean temperature and variability may have negative consequences.


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In species with biparental care, individuals adjust their workload to that of their partner to either compensate or match its investment. Communication within a pair might be crucial for achieving this adjustment. Zebra finches, Taeniopygia guttata, form life-long monogamous pair bonds, in which partners are highly coordinated and both incubate the eggs. When relieving each other during incubation, partners perform a structured call duet at the nest. If this duet functions to coordinate incubation workload, disrupting the pair's usual nest-relief pattern by delaying the male's return to the nest should affect the structure of the duet. Using domesticated birds breeding in a large aviary, we found that delaying the male's return induced shorter duets with higher call rates. In addition, we tracked the location of individuals with a transponder at the nest and the feeder, and showed that these accelerated duets were associated with an increased haste of the partners to take turns incubating and foraging. Females also spent less time incubating during their subsequent shift, and females' time off-nest was best predicted by their mate's calling behaviour in the previous duet. Taken together, these results suggest that duets may function as 'vocal negotiation' over parental care.


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We apply an adaptation technique to explore the neural code for the visual location of textures defined by modulation of orientation over space. In showing that adaptation to textures modulated around one orientation shifts the perceived location of textures modulated around a different orientation, we demonstrate the existence of a neural code for the location of orientation change that generalises across orientation content. Using competitive adaptation, we characterise the neural processes underlying this code as single-opponent for orientation, that is with concentric excitatory/inhibitory receptive areas tuned to a single orientation.


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Theories explaining the mechanics of sport sponsorship relationships arc underdeveloped (Gilbert, 1 988; Hock, Gendall, & West, 1990; Pope, 1 998), bolstered by studies lacking systematic methods (Kuzma, Shanklin, & McCall, 1993) and tending toward broad, descriptive, macro-level analysis (Sandler & Shani, 1993). This paper attempts to redress this empirical chasm in a small way by examining an element of the sponsorship relationship. Specifically this paper explores the importance of one particular mode of sponsorship delivery: the location of a venue containing sponsor affiliations or what has been named location dependency. Location dependency of sport sponsors has been shown to be a pivotal determinant when devising sponsorship proposals or when assessing the attractiveness of a sponsorship opportunity (Wester- beek, 2000). Factor analysis was used to determine if sponsors' response patterns would deliver a number of constructs that could be related to the concept of location dependency. Factor analysis revealed five factors that principally reinforced the notion of location dependency of sponsorship. T-tests delivered significant differences between location dependent and location independent sponsors on some of the factors. The results of this study suggest that appreciating the concept of location dependency may assist companies in the effective discharge of their sponsorship decisions.


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We measured the effects of coherent motion of one set of dots on the perceived location of Gaussian envelopes formed by luminance modulation of a second set of dots. Perceived shifts in envelope location in the direction of coherent motion were obtained even when the dots forming the envelopes did not physically move in the direction of coherent motion. In such cases, perceived shifts coincided with stimulus configurations that permitted motion integration of the envelope dots with the coherently moving dots, for example, when envelope dots moved in random directions as opposed to being static. In subsequent experiments we explored the type of motion integration underlying the positional shifts obtained. We discounted the possibility that the visual system incorrectly attributes motion signals associated with coherently moving dots to envelope dots by demonstrating that positional shifts could be obtained even when the coherent dots were laterally displaced to either side of the envelope dots such that the regions occupied by the dots did not overlap. We also discounted spatio-temporal summation within the receptive fields of low-spatial-frequency motion-sensitive mechanisms by demonstrating that positional shifts persisted even when the dot displays were high-pass filtered. These results, coupled with the observation that the proportion of coherently moving dots required to produce positional shifts correlated well with global motion thresholds measured for the same dot configurations, suggests that visual processes which underlie motion-dependent positional shifts are based at least in part on cooperative interactions of the type implicated in global motion.


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Provisioning of real-time multimedia sessions over wireless cellular network poses unique challenges due to frequent handoff and rerouting of a connection. For this reason, the wireless networks with cellular architecture require efficient user mobility estimation and prediction. This paper proposes using Robust Extended Kalman Filter as a location heading altitude estimator of mobile user for next cell prediction in order to improve the connection reliability and bandwidth efficiency of the underlying system. Through analysis we demonstrate that our algorithm reduces the system complexity (compared to existing approach using pattern matching and Kalman filter) as it requires only two base station measurements or only the measurement from the closest base station. Further, the technique is robust against system uncertainties due to inherent deterministic nature in the mobility model. Through simulation, we show the accuracy and simplicity in implementation of our prediction algorithm.


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This paper studies the effect of the normal distribution assumption on the power and size of the sign test, Wilcoxon's signed rank test and the t-test when used in one-sample location problems. Power functions for these tests under various skewness and kurtosis conditions are produced for several sample sizes from simulated data using the g-and-k distribution of MacGillivray and Cannon.


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Routing in ad hoc networks faces significant challenges due to node mobility and dynamic network topology. In this work we propose the use of mobility prediction to reduce the search space required for route discovery. A method of mobility prediction making use of a sectorized cluster structure is described with the proposal of the Prediction based Location Aided Routing (P-LAR) protocol. Simulation study and analytical results of P-LAR find it to offer considerable saving in the amount of routing traffic generated during the route discovery phase.


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The conservation of roosting and nesting resources is of critical concern for many hollow-dependent species around the world. We investigated the nest-tree requirements of the threatened brush-tailed phascogale (Phascogale tapoatafa) in a highly cleared agricultural landscape in south-eastern Australia. We documented the physical characteristics of selected nest trees and describe the spatial and temporal patterns of nest-tree use as revealed by radio-tracking. Nine phascogales (seven females, two males) were radio-tracked between March and July 1999 in an area where most woodland habitat is confined to linear strips along roads and streams or small patches and scattered trees in cleared farmland. Female phascogales were monitored for 13–35 days over periods of 5–15 weeks and two males were monitored for 2 and 9 days respectively. A total of 185 nest-tree fixes was collected and all nests occupied by phascogales were in standing trees. Eighty-three nest trees were identified, ranging in diameter at breast height (dbh) from 25 to 171 cm, with a mean dbh for the trees used by each individual phascogale of >80 cm. Phascogales did not discriminate between canopy tree species in selecting nest trees, but showed highly significant selection for trees in the largest size class. All individuals used multiple nest trees, with the seven females occupying an average of 11.4 nest trees from a mean of 25 diurnal locations. The number of nest trees continued to increase throughout the study, suggesting that more would be identified during a longer or more intensive study. Occupied nest trees were located throughout each individual’s home range, highlighting the importance of a continuous spatial distribution of suitable nest trees across the landscape. Nest trees were also located in adjacent farmland up to 225 m from roadside vegetation, demonstrating the value that scattered clumps and even single trees in farmland can have for wildlife conservation.


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Concern about the growth of greenhouse gas emissions in Victoria has prompted the introduction of legislation to improve the thermal performance of the residential building envelope. Unfortunately, the size of the house is not considered in the rating tool that underpins the legislation. The energy embodied in the constructional materials is also not considered although it too is directly related to the size of the house. Another intrinsic factor relating residential housing energy and greenhouse gas emissions is the location of the residence and the travel preferences of the homeowner. The relationship between the operational, embodied and travel energy associated with a typical residential scenario in Melbourne over the last 50 years is examined in this paper. The analysis found that by the year 2000, the energy associated with work-related travel (44%) now exceeds the operational energy (37%). In terms of greenhouse gas emissions, the contribution from travel energy is almost double that from operational energy (28%).


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Provisioning of real-time multimedia sessions over wireless cellular network poses unique challenges due to frequent handoff and rerouting of a connection. For this reason, the wireless networks with cellular architecture require efficient user mobility estimation and prediction. This paper proposes using robust extended Kalman filter (REKF) as a location heading altitude estimator of mobile user for next cell prediction in order to improve the connection reliability and bandwidth efficiency of the underlying system. Through analysis we demonstrate that our algorithm reduces the system complexity (compared to existing approach using pattern matching and Kalman filter) as it requires only two base station measurements or only the measurement from the closest base station. Further, the technique is robust against system uncertainties due to inherent deterministic nature in the mobility model and more effective in comparison with the standard Kalman filter.


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Many arts managers and marketers are looking intently at the importance of high-speed communication and other technologies for the creation of virtual places. These places in cyberspace can only be accessed via a computer terminal and high-speed telecommunications tools. This paper asserts that there is still much for managers and marketers to learn about the importance of physical spaces for the arts. We use a model of place and apply it to three Australian arts organisations located in heritage buildings. One organisation failed, the other changed ownership, the third moved location. The findings demonstrate the importance of place and of strategy in determining place. We note the tension between the strategy, the venue, the objects, and the essential task and call for further analysis of place(s) for the arts.