32 resultados para morphological and histological alterations

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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In this study, we aimed to detect morphological and biochemical changes in developing germ cells (Gc), testicular sperm (Tsp), and spawned sperm (Ssp) using capacitation-associated characteristics. Gradual changes in the profiles of two membrane proteins, namely NaCl- and detergent-extractable proteins, were observed as compared Gc with Tsp and Tsp with Ssp. These membrane modifications were accomplished mostly through the introduction of new protein sets, both peripheral and integral, into Tsp and Ssp membranes. Activation of serine proteases, particularly in Ssp detergent-extracted proteins with the molecular masses of 38–130 kDa was evident and marked a major difference between Ssp and Tsp. An increase in the level of tyrosine phosphorylation of the proteins ranging from 15 to 20 kDa was noted in Tsp and remained constant in Ssp. Specifically, these three capacitation-associated characteristics could be detected in Ssp, possessing full fertilizing capacity. The lack of an activated proteolytic activity in Tsp resulted in a delayed fertilization, but not affected fertilizing ability. We believe that these characteristics should be advantageous in predicting abalone sperm fertilizing capability, particularly in cases when isolated germ cells or purified Tsp are used in place of spawned sperm in abalone aquaculture.


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During the summer season 2009/10, a comprehensive environmental impact assessment of the sewage discharge was conducted at Davis Station in the Vestfold Hills region of East Antarctica. As part of this project, a survey of the histology of liver, gill, gonad and muscle tissues in the Antarctic rock cod Trematomus bernacchii from nearshore sites in the receiving environment close to Davis Station in was completed. Fish from 4 sites were examined; 1 site adjacent to the Davis Station sewage outfall (within 500 m of the point of discharge), 2 sites approximately 2 km from the outfall (Anchorage Island and Antennae farm), and 1 site approximately 10 km away from the outfall and adjacent to an Adelie penguin population (Kazak Island). All fish sampled from the sewage outfall site exhibited significant histological alterations in all major tissues. Fish from the other 3 sites showed some alterations in either gill and/or liver tissues. Pathological abnormalities present in all fish collected near the sewage outfall included: extensive multifocal cysts of unknown etiology with necrotic liquification; multifocal granuloma with associated inflammation; coagulative necrosis in the liver; and lamellar hyperplasia with associated proliferation and lamella fusion of the gills. Results of this work form part of a weight of evidence approach alongside ecological monitoring, chemical analysis, ecotoxicological testing and dispersal modelling of the discharge plume which is being used to inform and direct upgrades to the Australian Antarctic Divisions operations and current sewage discharge practises at Davis Station.


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The effects of environmental stress on the physiology and behaviour of higher vertebrates has become an important avenue of research in recent years. Evidence from recent studies has suggested that the avian stress-related hormone corticosterone (CORT) may play a role in immunocompetence and sexual selection. We tested whether CORT is immunosuppressive by studying humoral and cell-mediated immune responses in populations of captive zebra finches selected for divergent peak levels of CORT. We also investigated whether selection for peak CORT has an effect on the quality of several sexually selected regions of the male zebra finch; in addition we compared morphometric parameters and the dominance ranking in males from the different selection lines. We also tested whether different components of the immune system compete for limited resources. We found that selection for divergent levels of peak CORT had little effect on humoral immunity, male sexual signal quality or dominance ranking. However, contrary to expectations, we did find a positive relationship between CORT titre and cell-mediated immunity, as well as a greater cell-mediated response in the birds selected for high CORT titre than those selected for low CORT titre. Consistent with predictions, significant negative relationships were found between both testosterone and CORT titre on humoral immunity. Birds from the low CORT lines were significantly larger in terms of skeletal size than those from the high CORT lines. Overall, our results suggest that the cell-mediated immune response is associated with a reduction in the humoral response, but only in males, and that there is no simple relationship between peak CORT levels and immune function.


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Over the past decade, major advances have been made concerning the systematics and species diversity of Malagasy bats, largely based on specimens collected during inventories and associated morphological and molecular genetic studies. Herein we describe a new species of endemic bat from southern Madagascar, Miniopterus griffithsi sp. n., which is the sister taxa to Miniopterus gleni, a taxon described in 1995 (holotype from Sarodrano, just north of the Onilahy River in the southwest). Based on current information, M. griffithsi is found in the sub-arid bioclimatic zone, south of the Onilahy River, and M. gleni occurs in a variety of different bioclimatic zones, north of the Onilahy River to the northern portion of the island and on the near shore island of Ile Sainte Marie. The realization that M. griffithsi was a separate entity was first based on phylogeographic studies of the M. gleni complex. Comparisons using 397 bp of mitochondrial cytochrome b found a divergence of 1.2% within animals occurring across much of Madagascar north of the Onilahy River, 0.07% in those south of the Onilahy River, and 7.4% in populations separated by this river. Subsequently, morphological characters were identified that supported the specific separation of populations occurring south (M. griffithsi) and north of the Onilahy River (M. gleni), which include tragus shape, pelage coloration, and skull proportions.


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Information based on the accurate identification of species is a vital component for achieving successful outcomes of biodiversity conservation and management. It is difficult to manage species that are poorly known or that are misidentified with other similar species. This is particularly problematic for rare and threatened species. Species that are listed under endangered species classification schemes need to be identified accurately and categorised correctly so that conservation efforts are appropriately allocated. In Australia, the emballonurid Saccolaimus saccolaimus is currently listed as ‘Critically Endangered’. On the basis of new observations and existing museum specimens, we used a combination of genetic (mitochondrial DNA sequence) and morphological (pelage characteristics, dig III : phalanx I length ratio, inter-upper canine distance) analyses to identify six new geographic records for S. saccolaimus, comprising ~100 individuals. Our analyses also suggested that there are likely to be more records in museum collections misidentified as S. flaviventris specimens. The external morphological similarities to S. flaviventris were addressed and genetic, morphological and echolocation analyses were used in an attempt to provide diagnostic characters that can be used to readily identify the two species in the field. We recommend genetic testing of all museum specimens of Australian Saccolaimus to clarify species’ distributions and provide data for reassessing the conservation status for both S. saccolaimus and S. flaviventris. Museum curators, taxonomists and wildlife managers need to be aware of potential species misidentifications, both in the field and laboratory. Misidentifications that result in misclassification of both threatened and non-threatened species can have significant implications.


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We report, for the first time for Withania somnifera, the use of a modified in vitro system for morphological and phytochemical screening of true to type plants as compared with those grown in a conventional in situ system. Eleven germplasms of cultivated W. somnifera from different regions of India were collected to examine chemotypic variation in withaferin A (WA). Methods were developed to optimize WA extraction. The maximum concentration of WA was extracted from manually ground leaf and root material to which 60 % methanol was added followed by sonication in a water bath sonicator. Variation in WA concentration in whole plants was observed amongst the different germplasms. In the in vitro system, the concentration of WA ranged between 0.27 and 7.64 mg/g dry weight (DW) and in the in situ system, the range in concentration was between 8.06 and 36.31 mg/g DW. The highest amount of WA found in leaves was 7.37 and 41.42 mg/g DW in the in vitro and the in situ systems respectively. In roots, the highest WA concentration was 0.27 mg/g DW in the in vitro and 0.60 mg/g DW in the in situ system. There are distinct advantages in using the in vitro grown plants rather than those grown in the in situ system including the simplicity of design, efficient use of space and nutrition and a system which is soil and contaminant free. The proposed in vitro system is therefore ideal for utilization in molecular, enzymatic and biochemical studies.


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Ageing is a complex biological process for which underlying biochemical changes are still largely unknown. We performed comparative profiling of the cellular proteome and metabolome to understand the molecular basis of ageing in Caspase-2-deficient (Casp2(-/-)) mice that are a model of premature ageing in the absence of overt disease. Age-related changes were determined in the liver and serum of young (6-9 week) and aged (18-24 month) wild-type and Casp2(-/-) mice. We identified perturbed metabolic pathways, decreased levels of ribosomal and respiratory complex proteins and altered mitochondrial function that contribute to premature ageing in the Casp2(-/-) mice. We show that the metabolic profile changes in the young Casp2(-/-) mice resemble those found in aged wild-type mice. Intriguingly, aged Casp2(-/-) mice were found to have reduced blood glucose and improved glucose tolerance. These results demonstrate an important role for caspase-2 in regulating proteome and metabolome remodelling during ageing.


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The pattern of tonic and phasic components in an EMG signal reflects the underlying behaviour of the central nervous system (CNS) in controlling the musculature. One avenue for gaining a better understanding of this behaviour is to seek a quantitative characterisation of these phasic and tonic components. We propose that these signal characteristics can range between unvarying, tonic and intermittent, phasic activation through a continuum of EMG amplitude modulation. In this paper, we present two new algorithms for quantifying amplitude modulation: a linear-envelope approach, and a mathematical morphology approach. In addition we present an algorithm for synthesising EMG signals with known amplitude modulation. The efficacy of the synthesis algorithm is demonstrated using real EMG data. We present an evaluation and comparison of the two algorithms for quantifying amplitude modulation based on synthetic data generated by the proposed synthesis algorithm. The results demonstrate that the EMG synthesis parameters represent 91.9% and 96.2% of the variance of linear-envelopes extracted from lumbo-pelvic muscle EMG signals collected from subjects performing a repetitive-movement task. This depended, however, on the muscle and movement-speed considered (F=4.02, p<0.001). Coefficients of determination between input and output amplitude modulation variables were used to quantify the accuracy of the linear-envelope and morphological signal processing algorithms. The linear-envelope algorithm exhibited higher coefficients of determination than the most accurate morphological approach (and hence greater accuracy, T=8.16, p<0.001). Similarly, the standard deviation of the coefficients of determination was 1.691 times smaller (p<0.001). This signal processing algorithm represents a novel tool for the quantification of amplitude modulation in continuous EMG signals and can be used in the study of CNS motor control of the musculature in repetitive-movement tasks.


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In marine cartilaginous fish, reabsorption of filtered urea by the kidney is essential for retaining a large amount of urea in their body. However, the mechanism for urea reabsorption is poorly understood due to the complexity of the kidney. To address this problem, we focused on elephant fish (Callorhinchus milii) for which a genome database is available, and conducted molecular mapping of membrane transporters along the different segments of the nephron. Basically, the nephron architecture of elephant fish was similar to that described for elasmobranch nephrons, but some unique features were observed. The late distal tubule (LDT), which corresponded to the fourth loop of the nephron, ran straight near the renal corpuscle, while it was convoluted around the tip of the loop. The ascending and descending limbs of the straight portion were closely apposed to each other and were arranged in a countercurrent fashion. The convoluted portion of LDT was tightly packed and enveloped by the larger convolution of the second loop that originated from the same renal corpuscle. In situ hybridization analysis demonstrated that co-localization of Na(+),K(+),2Cl(-) cotransporter 2 and Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase α1 subunit was observed in the early distal tubule and the posterior part of LDT, indicating the existence of two separate diluting segments. The diluting segments most likely facilitate NaCl absorption and thereby water reabsorption to elevate urea concentration in the filtrate, and subsequently contribute to efficient urea reabsorption in the final segment of the nephron, the collecting tubule, where urea transporter-1 was intensely localized.


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The evolution of a secondary terrestrial lifestyle in diving beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) has never been analysed in a phylogenetic framework before. Here we study Terradessus caecus Watts, a terrestrial species of the subfamily Hydroporinae endemic to Australia. We infer its phylogenetic placement using Bayesian inference and maximum-likelihood methods based on a multilocus molecular dataset. We also investigate the divergence time estimates of this lineage using a Bayesian relaxed clock approach. Finally, we infer ancestral ecological preferences using a likelihood approach. We recover T. caecus nested in the genus Paroster Sharp with strong support. Therefore, we establish a synonymy for both species of Terradessus with Paroster: Paroster caecus (Watts) n.comb. and Paroster anophthalmus (Brancucci & Monteith) n.comb. Paroster is an endemic Australian genus that has a remarkable number of subterranean species in underground aquifers with highly derived morphologies. Our results highlight one of the most remarkable radiations of aquatic beetles with independent ecological pathways likely linked to palaeoclimatic disruptions in the Neogene. Paroster caecus (Watts) n.comb. originated from a mid-Miocene split following the onset of an aridification episode that has been ongoing to the present day. The deep changes in ecological communities in association with the drying-out of palaeodrainage systems might have pushed this lineage to colonize a new niche in terrestrial habitats.


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Morphology has often been used as an indicator of variability within species. The present study investigated morphological and physiological characteristics of isolates of Phytophthora cinnamomi collected from diseased vegetation communities at Anglesea, Victoria, and isolates collected from other regions in the State. Characteristics studied included growth rate on potato-dextrose agar (PDA), corn-meal agar and V8-juice agar at 24°C, growth rate on V8 agar at 15°C, colony morphology on PDA, sporangial and gametangial morphology, sporangial production and mating type. Phenotypic variation was demonstrated in radial growth rate, colony morphology and sporangial dimensions. Sporangial and oogonial dimensions and sporangial production were not significantly different between isolates from different geographical regions. All isolates were found to be of the A2 mating type suggesting variation was derived asexually. Paragynal associations, in an organism characteristically defined as amphigynal, were observed following crossing with A1 isolates. This is the first such study undertaken in southern Victoria. The findings highlight the importance of appropriate management of an area of such high conservation value as the Anglesea Heath to contain the current infection and to prevent introduction of new isolates into the area.


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Diseases in natural ecosystems are often assumed to be less severe than those observed in domestic cropping systems due to the extensive biodiversity exhibited in wild vegetation communities. In Australia, it is this natural biodiversity that is now under threat from Phytophthora cinnamomi. The soilborne Oomycete causes severe decline of native vegetation communities in south-western Victoria, Australia, disrupting the ecological balance of native forest and heathland communities. While the effect of disease caused by P. cinnamomi on native vegetation communities in Victoria has been extensively investigated, little work has focused on the Anglesea healthlands in south-western Victoria. Nothing is known about the population structure of P. cinnamomi at Anglesea. This project was divided into two main components to investigate fundamental issues affecting the management of P. cinnamomi in the Anglesea heathlands. The first component examined the phenotypic characteristics of P. cinnamomi isolates sampled from the population at Anglesea, and compared these with isolates from other regions in Victoria, and also from Western Australia. The second component of the project investigated the effect of the fungicide phosphonate on the host response following infection by P. cinnamomi. Following soil sampling in the Anglesea heathlands, a collection of P, cinnamomi isolates was established. Morphological and physiological traits of each isolate were examined. All isolates were found to be of the A2 mating type. Variation was demonstrated among isolates in the following characteristics: radial growth rate on various nutrient media, sporangial production, and sporangial dimensions. Oogonial dimensions did not differ significantly between isolates. Morphological and physiological variation was rarely dependant on isolate origin. To examine the genetic diversity among isolates and to determine whether phenotypic variation observed was genetically based, Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analyses were conducted. No significant variation was observed among isolates based on an analysis of molecular variance (AMQVA). The results are discussed in relation to population biology, and the effect of genetic variation on population structure and population dynamics. X australis, an arborescent monocotyledon indigenous to Australia, is highly susceptible to infection by P. cinnamomi. It forms an important component of the heathland vegetation community, providing habitat for native flora and fauna, A cell suspension culture system was developed to investigate the effect of the fungicide phosphonate on the host-pathogen interaction between X. australis and P. cinnamomi. This allowed the interaction between the host and the pathogen to be examined at a cellular level. Subsequently, histological studies using X. australis seedlings were undertaken to support the cellular study. Observations in the cell culture system correlated well with those in the plant. The anatomical structure of X australis roots was examined to assist in the interpretation of results of histopathological studies. The infection of single cells and roots of X. australis, and the effect of phosphonate on the interaction are described. Phosphonate application prior to inoculation with P. cinnamomi reduced the infection of cells in culture and of cells in planta. In particular, phosphonate was found to stimulate the production of phenolic material in roots of X australis seedlings and in cells in suspension cultures. In phosphonate-treated roots of X australis seedlings, the deposition of electron dense material, possibly lignin or cellulose, was observed following infection with P. cinnamomi. It is proposed that this is a significant consequence of the stimulation of plant defence pathways by the fungicide. Results of the study are discussed in terms of the implications of the findings on management of the Anglesea heathlands in Victoria, taking into account variation in pathogen morphology, pathogenicity and genotype. The mode of action of phosphonate in the plant is discussed in relation to plant physiology and biochemistry.


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Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, is a pollutant-impacted environment that is extensively fished both professionally and recreationally. Consumption of contaminated fish represents a potential threat to human health, and fish exposed to environmental contaminants may themselves be affected in a similar fashion. This study describes a fish health index based on histological alterations identified in multiple organs of the sand flathead Platycephalus bassensis. Alterations were evident in tissues from all individuals assessed, with common pathologies observed in the gills, skin, kidney, liver and spleen. Alterations commonly present included necrosis, melanomacrophage centres, inflammation and multiple alterations of the gill epithelium (e.g. hyperplasia and hypertrophy). Fish health, calculated using severity of histological alterations, differed significantly across Port Phillip Bay, with heavily industrialized regions of Altona and St. Helens showing greatest alteration prevalence across multiple organs. This study indicates that the health of P.bassensis from Altona, St. Helens, and Mornington to a lesser extent, are currently compromised, potentially due to complex pollutant exposures which require further investigation