47 resultados para medical outcomes

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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This linguistic study examined the interpersonal features of the talk between doctors and patients in consultations where a professional medical interpreter was required for them to communicate. Such features affect the relationship between doctor and patient and can impact on medical outcomes. The findings will assist interpreters and doctors in talking to patients and forms part of a larger project to develop a theory of medical interpreting.


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Buruli ulcer disease (BUD), a devastating tropical disease caused by Mycobacterium ulcerans, occurs in more than 80% of the administrative districts of Ghana. To elucidate community perceptions and
understanding of the aetiology of BUD, attitudes towards Buruli patients and treatment-seeking behaviours, we conducted a survey with 504 heads of households and seven focus group discussions in Ga West District, Ghana. Although 67% of participants regarded BUD as a health problem, 53% did not know its cause. Sixteen per cent attributed the cause to drinking non-potable water, 8.1% mentioned poor personal hygiene or dirty surroundings, and 5.5% identified swimming or wading in ponds as a risk factor. About 5.2% thought that witchcraft and curses cause BUD, and 71.8% indicated that BU sufferers first seek treatment from herbalists and only refer to the hospital as a last resort. The main
reasons were prospects of prolonged hospital stay, cost of transport, loss of earnings and opportunity associated with parents attending their children’s hospitalization over extended period, delays in being
attended by medical staff, and not knowing the cause of the disease or required treatment. The level of acceptance of BUD sufferers was high in adults but less so in children. The challenge facing health workers is to break the vicious cycle of poor medical outcomes leading to poor attitudes to hospital treatment in the community. Because herbalists are often the first people consulted by those who contract the disease, they need to be trained in early recognition of the pre-ulcerative stage of Buruli lesions.


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There have been few longitudinal studies of quality of life in patients with all stages of lung cancer, particularly those that have included measures of utility. The purpose of this study was to examine the psychometric properties of the Assessment of Quality of Life instrument (AQoL) in patients with lung cancer. The AQoL is a health-related quality of life questionnaire and provides a descriptive system for a multi-attribute utility instrument (MAU), so that scores can be used in cost-utility evaluations. In the present study the reliability (internal consistency) of the AQoL was examined and the concurrent validity was assessed using the Medical Outcomes 36-item Short Form Health Survey (SF-36) as the comparator instrument. The sensitivity to different health states of the AQoL and the responsiveness to change over time was also examined. A prospective, non-experimental cohort study was undertaken. Ninety-two participants with all stages of lung cancer were recruited from a tertiary multi-disciplinary lung cancer clinic. Ninety participants had non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and two had limited stage small cell lung cancer. The AQOL and SF-36 surveys were administered concurrently at baseline. In patients with NSCLC the surveys were then repeated 3 and 6 months later. Correlations between the baseline AQoL summary scales and SF-36 summary scales support the divergent and convergent validity of the AQoL. Reliability was also found to be sufficient (Cronbach's Alpha = 0.76). In addition, in patients with inoperable NSCLC, baseline AQoL scores were found to be predictive of survival at 6 months in Cox proportional hazards multivariate analysis. However, the physical components summary score of the SF-36 was more sensitive to differences in health states between patients with different stages of NSCLC at 6 months of follow-up and more responsive to change over time in both operable and inoperable patients with NSCLC than the AQoL. The findings support the construct validity and reliability of the AQoL in this population. However, there remains some uncertainty about whether the AQoL has sufficient sensitivity to different health states in this population. Further studies using other MAU instruments may determine whether alternative instruments are more sensitive to different health states in individuals with lung cancer.


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Background: Multidisciplinary team meetings (MDMs) have become an important decision-making forum in oncology. These meetings bring together expertise from each relevant field to improve continuity of care and health care outcomes for cancer patients. However there is a lack of evidence demonstrating the effectiveness of MDT meetings in improving cancer patient outcomes. The aim of this study was to explore the perceived value and potential usefulness of multidisciplinary team meetings for patients with advanced breast cancer (ABC).

Methods: ABC MDMs have been conducted since 2002 at two sites of Eastern Health, the second largest health service in Melbourne. Attendees were invited to complete a confidential questionnaire in November 2007 that comprised seven areas aimed to assess their judgment of how well the MDMs have improved patient management, including medical recommendations, psychosocial care, palliative care, community care, and team development. Average scores were calculated for improvement of each area.

Results: A total of 16 (69%) health practitioners participated in the survey, with main representation from nursing (37%), allied health (25%) and medicine (19%). Preliminary results indicate that the broad areas members reported the meeting had improved patient outcomes were in palliative care and medical management. Specific areas of perceived improvement were medical outcomes for patients; early referral to palliative care services; confirmation of diagnosis; referral to supportive care; and appropriateness of palliative care referrals. Conversely, the area that had least improved was community care, as there was no input from GPs or community services other than palliative care. Attendance by GPs and radiologists were considered important for further improving medical outcomes for patients.

Conclusions: This study demonstrates the perceived value of the MDT approach in the care of ABC patients, particularly in improving patient outcomes. The next stage of this research is to conduct a survey of ABC patient satisfaction level.


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Background: The Medical Outcomes General Health Survey (SF-36) is a widely used health status measure; however, limited evidence is available for its performance in orthopedic settings. The aim of this study was to examine the magnitude and meaningfulness of change and sensitivity of SF-36 subscales following orthopedic surgery.

Methods: Longitudinal data on outcomes of total hip replacement (THR, n = 255), total knee replacement (TKR, n = 103), arthroscopic partial meniscectomy (APM, n = 74) and anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACL, n = 62) were used to estimate the effect sizes (ES, magnitude of change) and minimal detectable change (sensitivity) at the group and individual level. To provide context for interpreting the magnitude of changes in SF-36 scores, we also compared patients' scores with age and sex-matched population norms. The studies were conducted in Sweden. Follow-up was five years in THR and TKR studies, two years in ACL, and three months in APM.

On average, large effect sizes (ES≥0.80) were found after orthopedic surgery in SF-36 subscales measuring physical aspects (physical functioning, role physical, and bodily pain). Small (0.20–0.49) to moderate (0.50–0.79) effect sizes were found in subscales measuring mental and social aspects (role emotional, vitality, social functioning, and mental health). General health scores remained relatively unchanged during the follow-up. Despite improvements, post-surgery mean scores of patients were still below the age and sex matched population norms on physical subscales. Patients' scores on mental and social subscales approached population norms following the surgery. At the individual level, scores of a large proportion of patients were affected by floor or ceiling effects on several subscales and the sensitivity to individual change was very low.

Conclusion: Large to moderate meaningful changes in group scores were observed in all SF-36 subscales except General Health across the intervention groups. Therefore, in orthopedic settings, the SF-36 can be used to show changes for groups in physical, mental, and social dimensions and in comparison with population norms. However, SF-36 subscales have low sensitivity to individual change and so we caution against using SF-36 to monitor the health status of individual patients undergoing orthopedic surgery.


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Background: Malnutrition and its associated complications are a considerable issue for surgical patients with upper gastrointestinal and colorectal cancer.The present study aimed to determine whether specific perioperative nutritional practices and protocols are associated with improved patient outcomes in this group.
Methods: Patients admitted for elective upper gastrointestinal or colorectal cancer surgery (n = 95) over a 19-month period underwent a medical history audit assessing weight changes, nutritional intake, biochemistry, post-operative complications and length of stay. A subset of patients (n = 25) underwent nutritional assessment by subjective global assessment prior to surgery in addition to assessment of post-operative medical outcomes, nutritional intake and timing of dietetic intervention.
Results: Mean (SD) length of stay for patients was 14.0 (12.2) days, with complication rates at 35%. Length of stay was significantly longer in patients who experienced significant preoperative weight loss compared to those who did not [17.0 (15.8) days versus 10.0 (6.8) days, respectively; P < 0.05]. Low albumin and post-operative weight loss were also predictive of increased length of stay. Of patients who underwent nutritional assessment, 32% were classified as mild–moderately malnourished and 16% severely malnourished. Malnourished patients were hospitalised twice as long as well-nourished patients [15.8 (12.8) days versus 7.6 (3.5) days; P < 0.05]. Time taken [6.9 (3.6) days] to achieve adequate nutrition post surgery was a factor in post-operative outcomes, with a positive correlation with length of stay (r = 0.493; P < 0.01), a negative correlation with post-operative weight change (r = —0.417; P < 0.05) and a greater risk of complications (52% versus 13%; P < 0.01).
Conclusions: Malnutrition is prevalent among surgical patients with gastrointestinal cancer. Poor nutritional status coupled with delayed and inadequate post-operative nutrition practices are associated with worse clinical outcomes.


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In many countries, health education interventions are popular; however, few valid measures exist for evaluation of multifactorial interventions. The aim of the present study was to translate and culturally adapt the widely-used 8 scale Health Education Impact Questionnaire (heiQ) for the evaluation of the Japanese Specific Health Consultation (SHC) in people with metabolic syndrome.

A draft was generated using a standardized forward and back translation protocol with independent translators and consensus meetings. Pilot testing included cognitive interviews (n = 12) resulting in question refinements. To explore psychometric properties, 250 participants aged between 40 and 64 years (retest = 116) completed the Japanese version of the heiQ (heiQ-J) and comparator scales, mental health and vitality scales of the Medical Outcomes Study 36 item Short-Form Health Survey, Sense Of Coherence scale, and Social Support Measurement scale.

Cognitive interviews revealed that the translation was understood as intended by participants. Internal consistency (α) was good to very good for all scales (0.70–0.88) and test–retest intraclass correlation coefficients were high (≥0.83). Concurrent validity was supported by high correlation with like scales and weak correlation with dissimilar scales.

The translated and adapted heiQ-J has good face and concurrent validity and is reliable. The heiQ-J is likely to be a useful measure of the quality and impact of the SHC and return valuable data to clinicians and commissioners of health education in Japan.


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BACKGROUND: Analyses of longitudinal health-related quality of life data often exclude participants who die, which limits the generalizability of the results. Methods to incorporate death as a valid score in the Medical Outcomes Study Short-Form (SF-36) have been suggested but need to be evaluated in other populations. OBJECTIVES: We sought to apply a method of transforming the SF-36 Physical Component Score (PCS) to include death. A transformation to estimate the probability of being "healthy" in 3 years, based on the current PCS value, will be developed and validated. SUBJECTS: Women in the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women's Health (ALSWH), ages 70-75 years at Survey 1 in 1996 (n = 12,432), were followed-up at 3 yearly intervals for 6 years. RESULTS: The transformation derived from the ALSWH data provides evidence that the methodology for transforming the PCS to account for deaths is sound. The 3-year equation provided good estimates of the probability of being healthy in 3 years and the method allowed deaths to be included in an analysis of changes in health over time. CONCLUSIONS: For longitudinal studies involving the SF-36 in which subjects have died, we support the recommendation that both the PCS and its transformed value which includes deaths should be analyzed to examine the influence of deaths on the study conclusions. Using study data to derive empirical parameters for the transformations may be appropriate for studies with follow-up intervals of other lengths.


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Medical outcomes are inexorably linked to patient illness and clinical interventions. Interventions change the course of disease, crucially determining outcome. Traditional outcome prediction models build a single classifier by augmenting interventions with disease information. Interventions, however, differentially affect prognosis, thus a single prediction rule may not suffice to capture variations. Interventions also evolve over time as more advanced interventions replace older ones. To this end, we propose a Bayesian nonparametric, supervised framework that models a set of intervention groups through a mixture distribution building a separate prediction rule for each group, and allows the mixture distribution to change with time. This is achieved by using a hierarchical Dirichlet process mixture model over the interventions. The outcome is then modeled as conditional on both the latent grouping and the disease information through a Bayesian logistic regression. Experiments on synthetic and medical cohorts for 30-day readmission prediction demonstrate the superiority of the proposed model over clinical and data mining baselines.


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Personalized predictive medicine necessitates the modeling of patient illness and care processes, which inherently have long-term temporal dependencies. Healthcare observations, recorded in electronic medical records, are episodic and irregular in time. We introduce DeepCare, an end-to-end deep dynamic neural network that reads medical records, stores previous illness history, infers current illness states and predicts future medical outcomes. At the data level, DeepCare represents care episodes as vectors in space, models patient health state trajectories through explicit memory of historical records. Built on Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), DeepCare introduces time parameterizations to handle irregular timed events by moderating the forgetting and consolidation of memory cells. DeepCare also incorporates medical interventions that change the course of illness and shape future medical risk. Moving up to the health state level, historical and present health states are then aggregated through multiscale temporal pooling, before passing through a neural network that estimates future outcomes. We demonstrate the efficacy of DeepCare for disease progression modeling, intervention recommendation, and future risk prediction. On two important cohorts with heavy social and economic burden -- diabetes and mental health -- the results show improved modeling and risk prediction accuracy.


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Decisions to withhold or withdraw medical hydration and nutrition are amongst the most difficult that confront patients and their families, medical
and other health professionals all over the world. This article discusses two cases relating to lawful withdrawal and withholding of a percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tube (PEG) from incompetent patients with no hope of recovery. Victoria and Florida have statutory frameworks that provide for advance directives, however in both Gardner; Re BWV and Schindler v Schiavo; Re Scliiavo the respective patients did not leave documented instructions. The article analyses the two cases and their outcomes from legal, medical and ethical perspectives.


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Recently, two seemingly divergent approaches have emerged in outcomes-based medical research. Proponents of evidence-based medicine (EBM) argue that the most effective treatments will be found by adopting a hierarchical approach that gives pre-eminence to randomized controlled clinical trials, where these are available. Proponents of participatory medical research argue that research undertaken with consumers and other partners in the community will produce the best outcomes. While one approach marginalizes consumer experience the other approach draws consumers into it. EBM assumes a high level of consensus in a scientific community, while participatory medical research relies on co-opting consumer experience. This paper indicates that each approach involves a particular view of social structure in science. The paper uses theories of social relations among scientists for the purpose of critically assessing EBM and the participatory model.


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Medical students experience various stresses and many poor health behaviours. Previous studies consistently show that student wellbeing is at its lowest pre-exam. Little core-curriculum is traditionally dedicated to providing self-care skills for medical students. This paper describes the development, implementation and outcomes of the Health Enhancement Program (HEP) at Monash University. It comprises mindfulness and ESSENCE lifestyle programs, is experientially-based, and integrates with biomedical sciences, clinical skills and assessment. This study measured the program’s impact on medical student psychological distress and quality of life. A cohort study performed on the 2006 first-year intake measured effects of the HEP on various markers of wellbeing. Instruments used were the depression, anxiety and hostility subscales of the Symptom Checklist-90-R incorporating the Global Severity Index (GSI) and the WHO Quality of Life (WHOQOL) questionnaire. Pre-course data (T1) was gathered mid-semester and post-course data (T2) corresponded with pre-exam week. To examine differences between T1 and T2 repeated measures ANOVA was used for the GSI and two separate repeated measures MANOVAs were used to examine changes in the subscales of the SCL-90-R and the WHOQOL-BREF. Follow-up t-tests were conducted to examine differences between individual subscales. A total of 148 of an eligible 270 students returned data at T1 and T2 giving a response rate of 55%. 90.5% of students reported personally applying the mindfulness practices. Improved student wellbeing was noted on all measures and reached statistical significance for the depression (mean T1 = 0.91, T2 = 0.78; p = 0.01) and hostility (0.62, 0.49; 0.03) subscales and the GSI (0.73, 0.64; 0.02) of the SCL-90, but not the anxiety subscale (0.62, 0.54; 0.11). Statistically significant results were also found for the psychological domain (62.42, 65.62; p < 0.001) but not the physical domain (69.11, 70.90; p = 0.07) of the WHOQOL. This study is the first to demonstrate an overall improvement in medical student wellbeing during the pre-exam period suggesting that the common decline in wellbeing is avoidable. Although the findings of this study indicate the potential for improving student wellbeing at the same time as meeting important learning objectives, the limitations in study design due to the current duration of follow-up and lack of a control group means that the data should be interpreted with caution. Future research should be directed at determining the contribution of individual program components, long-term outcomes, and impacts on future attitudes and clinical practice.