169 resultados para magnesium fluoride

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Ionic liquids (ILs) based on trihexyltetradecylphosphonium coupled with either diphenylphosphate or bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)amide have been shown to react with magnesium alloy surfaces, leading to the formation a surface film that can improve the corrosion resistance of the alloy. The morphology and microstructure of the magnesium surface seems critical in determining the nature of the interphase, with grain boundary phases and intermetallics within the grain, rich in zirconium and zinc, showing almost no interaction with the IL and thereby resulting in a heterogeneous surface film. This has been explained, on the basis of solid-state NMR evidence, as being due to the extremely low reactivity of the native oxide films on the intermetallics (ZrO2 and ZnO) with the IL as compared with the magnesium-rich matrix where a magnesium hydroxide and/or carbonate inorganic surface is likely. Solid-state NMR characterization of the ZE41 alloy surface treated with the IL based on (Tf)2N− indicates that this anion reacts to form a metal fluoride rich surface in addition to an organic component. The diphenylphosphate anion also seems to undergo an additional chemical process on the metal surface, indicating that film formation on the metal is not a simple chemical interaction between the components of the IL and the substrate but may involve electrochemical processes.


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The evolution of hot working flow stress with strain is examined in torsion, uniaxial compression and channel die compression. The flow stress was found to be strongly dependent on texture and deformation mode. At low strains this dependency accounted for a difference in flow stress of up to a factor of two. At higher strains the influence of texture and deformation mode was less marked. The stresses corresponding to an equivalent strain of 0.5 were modelled using a power law expression with an activation energy of 147 kJ/mol and a strain rate exponent of 0.15. The influence of texture and deformation mode on flow stress is rationalised in terms of the influence of prismatic slip, twinning and dynamic recrystallisation on deformation stress and structure.


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The construction of evaporative ponds and wetlands for the disposal of waste water high in ionic concentrations is a waste disposal strategy currently considered by many industries. However, the design, construction and management of these ponds and wetlands are not straightforward as complex chemical interactions result in both spatial and temporal changes in water quality. The effects of evaporation and drainage on the water quality in two constructed ponds, an adjacent man-made wetland and local groundwater at Portland Aluminium were investigated. The minimum volume of water entering the ponds during the study period was 0.96±0.16 ML per month. The predicted theoretical evaporative capacity of the two ponds was calculated to be 0.30±0.07 ML per month. More water enters the ponds than it is theoretically possible to evaporate under the ambient weather conditions at Portland, yet the ponds do not overflow, suggesting percolation through the pond lining. No spatial differences in solute concentrations (fluoride, sulphate, bicarbonate, carbonate, sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium ions) were found within the waters of either pond, although temporal differences were apparent. The results support the conclusion that the ponds are not impermeable, and that much of the waste water entering the ponds is being lost through seepage. The impacts on local groundwater chemistry of this seepage are addressed. Significant correlations exist between solute presence within and between the ponds, wetland and groundwater. Fluoride and sulphate concentrations were significantly higher in pond waters throughout the duration of the experiment. Pond sediments revealed a high degree of spatial and temporal heterogeneity in the concentration of all monitored ions resulting from the chemical heterogeneity of the material making up the pond linings. Adsorption isotherms for fluoride indicate that the adsorption capacity of the pond linings remains high for this ion. Implications for the management of waste water by this strategy are discussed.


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The microstructures of magnesium AZ31 are examined following hot compression testing and annealing. The grain size, fraction dynamically recrystallized and, in a couple of cases, the crystallographic texture are reported. The progress of dynamic recrystallization and the recrystallized grain size were sensitive to processing conditions, as expected. This effect was more marked in the former than in the latter, compared to other metals. It was also found that, for structures containing between 80 and 95% dynamic recrystallization, abnormal grain growth occurred during annealing. Irrespective of the whether or not abnormal grain growth occurred, the annealing step weakened the crystallographic texture.


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The microstructures of magnesium AZ31 are examined following hot compression testing and annealing. The grain size, fraction dynamically recrystallized and, in a couple of cases, the crystallographic texture are reported. It was found that the progress of dynamic recrystallization is strongly sensitive to processing conditions but that the dynamically
recrystallized grain size was less sensitive to stress than in other metals. It was also found that, for structures containing between 80 and 95 % dynamic recrystallization, abnormal grain growth occurs during annealing. The crystallographic texture produced is also sensitive to the deformation conditions.


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A series of hot-compression tests and Taylor-model simulations were carried out with the intention of developing a simple expression for the proof stress of magnesium alloy AZ31 during hot working. A crude approximation of wrought textures as a mixture of a single ideal texture component and a random background was employed. The shears carried by each deformation system were calculated using a full-constraint Taylor model for a selection of ideal orientations as well as for random textures. These shears, in combination with the measured proof stresses, were employed to estimate the critical resolved shear stresses for basal slip, prismatic slip, ⟨c+a⟩ second-order pyramidal slip, and { } twinning. The model thus established provides a semianalytical estimation of the proof stress (a one-off Taylor simulation is required) and also indicates whether or not twinning is expected. The approach is valid for temperatures between ∼150 °C and ∼450 °C, depending on the texture, strain rate, and strain path.


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A thermomechanical processing (TMP) structure map is proposed that plots the critical strains required for dynamic recrystallization along with the grain sizes that result. These maps are useful in identifying the limits to grain refinement and designing hot working processes. They are readily constructed for well studied alloys such as plain carbon steel. In light of the recent interest in the hot working of magnesium, initial steps are taken here to construct a TMP structure map for the most common wrought magnesium alloy, AZ31. The completion of dynamic recrystallization is estimated using a geometrical approach and a twinning region is identified.


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A magnesium alloy of eutectic composition (33 wt-'%Al) was directionally solidified in mild steel tubes at two growth rates, 32 and 580 mum s(-1,) in a temperature gradient between 10 and 20 K mm(-1). After directional solidification, the composition of each specimen varied dramatically, from 32'%Al in the region that had remained solid to 18%Al (32 mum s(-1) specimen) and 13%Al (580 mum s(-1) specimen) at the plane that had been quenched from the eutectic temperature. As the aluminium content decreased, the microstructure contained an increasing volume fraction of primary magnesium dendrites and the eutectic morphology gradually changed from lamellar to partially divorced. The reduction in aluminium content was caused by the growth of an Al-Fe phase ahead of the Mg-Al growth front. Most of the growth of the Al-Fe phase occurred during the remelting period before directional solidification. The thickness of the Al-Fe phase increased with increased temperature and time of contact with the molten Mg-Al alloy. (C) 2003 Maney Publishing.


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Mechanical properties of porous magnesium with the porosity of 35–55% and the pore size of about 70–400 μm are investigated by compressive tests focusing on the effects of the porosity and pore size on the Young's modulus and strength. Results indicated that the Young's modulus and peak stress increase with decreasing porosity and pore size. The mechanical properties of the porous magnesium were in a range of those of cancellous bone. Therefore, it is suggested that the porous magnesium is one of promising scaffold materials for hard tissue regeneration.


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The microstructural evolution during compression (at 350°C and a strain rate of 0.01s-1) was examined for magnesium alloy AZ31 received in the "as-cast" condition. It was revealed that at low strains, many twins are produced and dynamically recrystallized (DRX) grains form as a necklace along pre-existing grain boundaries. At higher strains, DRX stagnates, most likely due to the accommodation of deformation in the DRX fraction of the material. It was also observed that twin boundaries act as sites for the nucleation of DRX grains. The analysis was repeated for samples pre-compressed to a strain of 0.15 at room temperature prior to the hot deformation step. The idea of these additional tests was to increase the degree of twinning and therefore the density of sites for the nucleation of DRX. It was found that statically recrystallized (SRX) grains developed at the twins during heating to the test temperature. When these samples were deformed, the peak flow stress was reduced by approximately 20% and the development of DRX was enhanced. This can be attributed to the accelerated nucleation of DRX in the refined SRX structure.


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A small number of crystal plasticity simulations and tensile tests are carried out with the aim of demonstrating that control of twinning can improve the uniform elongation of magnesium based alloys, It is suggested that this can be accomplished through texture manipulation because texture influences both the fraction of grains that undergo twinning and the strain required for the twinning reaction to go to completion.


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The progress of “c-axis tension” twinning in magnesium is represented in an analytical framework and this is used as a basis for predicting the flow stress. The difference in the stress–strain curves between tension and compression can thus be modelled with a change to a parameter that reflects the fraction of grains that undergo twinning.


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A semianalytical Sachs-type equation for the flow stress of magnesium-base alloys is developed using the Schmid law, power law hardening, and a sigmoidal increase in the twinning volume fraction with strain. Average Schmid factors were estimated from electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD) data. With these, the equation provides a reasonable description of the flow curves obtained in compression and tension for samples of Mg-3Al-1Zn cut in different orientations from rolled plate. The model illustrates the general importance of basal slip and twinning in magnesium alloys. The significance of prismatic slip in room temperature tension testing is also highlighted. This is supported with EBSD slip line trace analysis and rationalized in terms of a possible sensitivity of the critical resolved shear stress for prismatic (cross) slip to the stress on the basal plane.