109 resultados para magic-angle spinning

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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13C nuclear magnetic resonance (n.m.r.) has been used to study polypyrrole and N-substituted polypyrrole in the solid state. The extent of oxidation appears to be counterion-dependent; in particular, the quinoid structure appears favoured in the films prepared with dodecyl sulfate. Resonances associated with the quinoid unit are lost upon reduction of the polypyrrole film, which supports the idea that the quinoid structure is associated with the oxidized form of polypyrrole. N-substituted polypyrroles have a more distinct resonance at 110 ppm, which is linked to lower degrees of oxidation or charge delocalization in these systems. The decrease in conductivity of polypyrrole upon thermal ageing in air is associated with both the loss of counterion (‘thermal dedoping’) and the decomposition of the quinoid structure in the polymer backbone. There is no indication of carbonyl formation in the solid-state n.m.r. spectra obtained in the present study.


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Overtone NMR spectroscopy has the potential to provide high-resolution 14N solid-state NMR spectra. The technique was first developed during the 1980s but has only recently been successfully combined with magic angle spinning (MAS), providing improved sensitivity and resolution as well as enabling more advanced approaches such as indirect detection and signal enhancement methods. This report provides a brief background to 14N overtone NMR, describing the ways in which it differs from conventional NMR and the challenges that arise as a result. The effects of MAS on the overtone spectrum are then presented and illustrated with numerous experimental and simulated examples. Finally, several recent developments enabled by MAS are described and some potential future directions are suggested.


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Two new inorganic-organic polymeric hybrids [Sn(pcp)] and [Cu(pcp)], pcp = CH2(PhPO2)22-, have been synthesized and structurally chracterized. The tin derivative has been obtained by reaction of the p,p'-diphenylmethylenediphosphinic acid (H2pcp) in water with SnCl2·2H2O, while the copper derivative has been synthesized through a hydrothermal reaction from the same H2pcp acid and Cu(O2CMe)2·H2O. The structures of these compounds have been solved "ab initio" by X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) data. [Sn(pcp)] has a ladder-like polymeric structure, with tin(II) centers bridged by diphenylmethylenediphosphinate ligands, and alternating six- and eight-membered rings. The hemilectic coordination around the metal shows the tin(II) lone pair to be operative, resulting in significant interaction mainly with a C-C bond of one phenyl ring. The [Cu(pcp)] complex displays a polymeric columnar structure formed by two intersecting sinusoidal ribbons of copper(II) ions bridged by the bifunctional phosphinate ligands. The intersections of the ribbons are made of dimeric units of pentacoordinated copper ions. Crystal data for [Sn(pcp)]: monoclinic, space group P21Ic, a = 11.2851(1), b = 15.4495(6), c = 8.6830(1) Å, β= 107.546(1)°, V = 1443.44(9) Å, Z = 4. Crystal data for [Cu(pcp)]: triclinic, space group P, a = 10.7126(4), b = 13.0719(4), c = 4.9272(3) Å, α= 92.067(5), β= 95.902(7), γ= 87.847(4)°, V = 685.47(7), Z = 2. The tin compound has been characterized by 119Sn MAS NMR (magic-angle spinning NMR), revealing asymmetry in the valence electron cloud about tin. Low-temperature magnetic measurements of the copper compound have indicated the presence of weak antiferromagnetic interactions below 50 K.


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27Al, 31P and 7Li NMR measurements have been performed on lithium conducting ceramics based on the LiTi2(PO4)3 structure with Al, V and Nb metal ions substituted for either Ti or P within the framework NASICON structure. The 27Al magic angle spinning NMR measurements have revealed that, although Al is intended to substitute for octahedral Ti sites, additional substitution into tetrahedral environments (presumably phosphorous sites) occurs with increasing amount of Al addition. This tetrahedral substitution appears to occur more readily in the presence of vanadium, in Li1+xAlxTi2−x(PO4)2.9(VO4)0.1, whereas similar niobium additions (in place of vanadium) appear to stifle tetrahedral substitution. 7Li static NMR spectra reveal quadrupolar structure with Cq approximately 42 kHz, largely independent of substitution. Measurement of the 7Li central transition linewidth at room temperature reveals a relatively mobile lithium species (300–900 Hz) with linewidth tending to decrease with Al substitution and increase with increasing V or Nb. This new structural information is discussed in the context of ionic conduction in these ceramics.


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7Li solid state NMR has been used to characterize lithium aluminium titanium phosphate and lithium lanthanum titanate ceramics. Both materials have high ionic mobilities at room temperature and this is reflected in their static 7Li powder patterns. In the case of the phosphate based ceramic, a narrow Lorentzian peak is observed above 300 K, which narrows further with increasing temperature. The accompanying quadrupolar structure, with CQ (quadrupolar coupling constant) ~ 40 kHz, suggests that the lithium ions are hopping rapidly between equivalent, high electric field gradient sites. The 27Al and 31P magic angle spinning (MAS) spectra reveal an asymmetric phosphorus peak and two distinct aluminium resonances. The room temperature powder pattern of Li0.33La0.57TiO3 shows a dipolar broadened peak which narrows quite suddenly at 310 K revealing quadrupolar satellites with CQ ~ 900 Hz. A second lithium site is also observed in this material, as indicated by a further, weaker quadrupolar structure (CQ ~ 40 kHz).


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Ageing can lead to the degradation of the tensile properties of natural rubber. The ageing process causes changes in the polymer segmental motion as well as the chemical structure, both of which can be monitored using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. This work demonstrates that NMR can quantify rubber degradation due to ageing, and also that relatively simple NMR equipment can be used. This simpler equipment can be made portable and so could give a simple and fast indication of the condition of rubber in service. The 1H NMR transverse relaxation time, T2, and the 13C NMR spectrum using cross polarization and magic angle spinning (CP MAS) for samples taken at various levels of a degraded natural rubber liner were compared. These experiments showed that, as the level of degradation increased, the 1H NMR transverse relaxation time decreased. The 13C spectra showed considerable peak broadening, indicative of decreased mobility with increased level of degradation as well as the presence of degradation products. Further investigations using lower powered NMR equipment to measure the 1H NMR transverse relaxation times of two different series of natural rubbers were also performed. This work has shown that this simpler method is also sensitive to structural and mechanical property changes in the rubber. This method of monitoring rubber degradation could lead to the non-destructive use of NMR to determine the condition of a part in service.


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A combination of X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) studies has demonstrated that attempted substitutions of Al, V and Nb into the framework of LiTi2(PO4)3 yield several impurity phases in addition to direct substitutions of Al into Ti and V, Nb into P sites. Direct substitutions were confirmed by changes in the unit cell dimensions as indicated by the peak shifts observed in the X-ray diffractographs and by analyses of the 27Al and 31P magic angle spinning (MAS) spectra. A major impurity phase was identified as AlPO4 (found in at least two polymorphs) and the amount present increases with increasing Al additions. The formation of AlPO4 appeared to be enhanced by further V but suppressed by Nb substitution. These results suggest that the presence of AlPO4 , together with the non-stoichiometric modified LTP, may be the cause for the observed densification of this material upon sintering and the increased ionic conductivity.


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Dynamic nuclear polarisation (DNP) has been used to obtain magic angle spinning (14)N(OT) (nitrogen-14 overtone) solid-state NMR spectra from several model amino acids, with both direct and indirect observation of the (14)N(OT) signal. The crystalline solids were impregnated with biradical solutions of organic liquids that do not dissolve the crystalline phase. The bulk phase was then polarized via(1)H spin diffusion from the highly-polarized surface (1)H nuclei, resulting in (1)H DNP signal enhancements of around two orders of magnitude. Cross polarisation from (1)H nuclei directly to the (14)N overtone transition is demonstrated under magic angle spinning, using a standard pulse sequence with a relatively short contact time (on the order of 100 μs). This method can be used to acquire (14)N overtone MAS powder patterns that match closely with simulated line shapes, allowing isotropic chemical shifts and quadrupolar parameters to be measured. DNP enhancement also allows the rapid acquisition of 2D (14)N(OT) heteronuclear correlation spectra from natural abundance powder samples. (1)H-(14)N(OT) HETCOR and (13)C-(14)N(OT) HMQC pulse sequences were used to observe all single-bond H-N and C-N correlations in histidine hydrochloride monohydrate, with the spectra obtained in a matter of hours. Due to the high natural abundance of the (14)N isotope (99.6%) and the advantages of observing the overtone transition, these methods provide an attractive route to the observation of C-N correlations from samples at natural isotopic abundance and enable the high resolution measurement of (14)N chemical shifts and quadrupolar interaction parameters.


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We present an experimental comparison of several through-space Hetero-nuclear Multiple-Quantum Correlation experiments, which allow the indirect observation of homo-nuclear single- (SQ) or double-quantum (DQ) 14N coherences via spy 1H nuclei. These 1H-{14N} D-HMQC sequences differ not only by the order of 14N coherences evolving during the indirect evolution, t1, but also by the radio-frequency (rf) scheme used to excite and reconvert these coherences under Magic-Angle Spinning (MAS). Here, the SQ coherences are created by the application of center-band frequency-selective pulses, i.e. long and low-power rectangular pulses at the 14N Larmor frequency, ν0(14N), whereas the DQ coherences are excited and reconverted using rf irradiation either at ν0(14N) or at the 14N overtone frequency, 2ν0(14N). The overtone excitation is achieved either by constant frequency rectangular pulses or by frequency-swept pulses, specifically Wide-band, Uniform-Rate, and Smooth-Truncation (WURST) pulse shapes. The present article compares the performances of four different 1H-{14N} D-HMQC sequences, including those with 14N rectangular pulses at ν0(14N) for the indirect detection of homo-nuclear (i) 14N SQ or (ii) DQ coherences, as well as their overtone variants using (iii) rectangular or (iv) WURST pulses. The compared properties include: (i) the sensitivity, (ii) the spectral resolution in the 14N dimension, (iii) the rf requirements (power and pulse length), as well as the robustness to (iv) rf offset and (v) MAS frequency instabilities. Such experimental comparisons are carried out for γ-glycine and l-histidine.HCl monohydrate, which contain 14N sites subject to moderate quadrupole interactions. We demonstrate that the optimum choice of the 1H-{14N} D-HMQC method depends on the experimental goal. When the sensitivity and/or the robustness to offset are the major concerns, the D-HMQC sequence allowing the indirect detection of 14N SQ coherences should be employed. Conversely, when the highest resolution and/or adjusted indirect spectral width are needed, overtone experiments are the method of choice. The overtone scheme using WURST pulses results in broader excitation bandwidths than that using rectangular pulses, at the expense of reduced sensitivity. Numerically exact simulations also show that the sensitivity of the overtone 1H-{14N} D-HMQC experiment increases for larger quadrupole interactions.


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A range of solid-state NMR techniques is used to characterise a molecular host:guest complex consisting of a [5]polynorbornane bisurea host binding a terephthalate dianion guest. Detailed information is obtained on the molecular dynamics and associations from the point of view of both the host and guest molecules. The formation of the complex in the solid state is confirmed using (1)H 2D exchange NMR, and the 180° flipping of the (2)H-labelled terephthalate guest and its eventual expulsion from the complex at elevated temperatures are quantified using variable-temperature (2)H spin-echo experiments. Two-dimensional (1)H-(13)C HETCOR spectra obtained under fast magic angle spinning conditions (60 kHz) show a high resolution despite the poor crystallinity of the solid complex, and clearly reveal changes in the rigidity of the host molecule when complexed. Short-range intra- and intermolecular (1)H-(1)H proximities are also detected using 2D SQ-DQ correlation methods, providing insight into the molecular packing in the solid phase.