24 resultados para macroinvertebrates

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Introduction. Along the south coast of Australia, wetlands on the floodplains of lowland rivers and estuaries have been severely altered by agriculture and urbanization. Efforts to restore or rehabilitate these wetlands are hampered by insufficient knowledge of the original condition of these wetlands, or their variability in time and space. This research describes the macroinvertebrate community of wetlands on the floodplain of the Gellibrand River and estuary, which has suffered comparatively few human impacts. The aim of the research was to describe the variability of macroinvertebrate communities as a baseline for the future management of these wetlands, and to contribute to the general understanding of estuary-floodplain wetlands, thereby improving the basis for their management.

The Gellibrand River has a catchment area of approximately 1200 km2 draining the western slopes of the Otway Ranges, and entering the Southern Ocean at Princetown. From a mean annual flow of 315 000 mL, 25 000 mL are removed per annum for agricultural and domestic use (O'May & Wallace 2001), and flows are closer to natural regimes than most other Western Victorian rivers. The estuary is a bar-built, salt-wedge estuary that becomes completely blocked by the sand bar in most years, during summer and autumn. Over past decades, the estuary mouth has been opened artificially in most years. to prevent flooding of agricultural land and roads adjacent to the wetlands. At its maximum, the salt-wedge penetrates approximately 10 km upstream from the river mouth, but the estuary may also be completely fresh during high winter discharge
(Mckay 2000).

The wetlands surrounding Princetown cover 119 ha and are listed as nationally important (Environment Australia 2001). This listing regards the wetlands as an important habitat for animals at vulnerable stages of their life cycle and a refuge from adverse conditions, such as drought. They are a good example of coastal brackish and freshwater marshes, with an important ecological and hydrological role as part of a large wetland


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A field experiment was devised to test whether meiofauna that colonised mimic pneumatophores (artificial substrates) resembled the assemblage on adjacent live pneumatophores in three randomly chosen intertidal, estuarine sites. The experiment showed that the close proximity of particular biota on living pneumatophores did not reliably influence subsequent development of assemblages upon mimic pneumatophores within a scale of 10 m during a colonisation period of less than 20 weeks. There was some convergence of the composition of the colonising assemblage of meiofauna on mimic pneumatophores with the local assemblages in sites dominated by barnacles, or where the natural pneumatophores were free from macroscopic epibionts. However, tychopelagic meiofauna from algal epiphytes did not significantly colonise mimic pneumatophores during the 20-week trial, probably due a lack of growing algae. During the conditioning phase suspended in water at a marine site 20 km from the mangroves, mimic pneumatophores acquired an assemblage of meiofauna different from the estuarine assemblage that colonised mimics following implantation in the estuarine mudflat. Enhanced colonisation rates of mimics in suspended bags at the conditioning site may be explained by the absence of benthic macroinvertebrates, and the lack of intertidal exposure. Biofilms aged 2, 7, and 11 weeks had no consistent, different effect on the subsequent colonisation of meiofauna. We conclude that divergence of phytal-based assemblages of meiofauna depends upon the amount of coverage, as well as the type, of fouling macro-epibionts on the pneumatophores. Meiofaunal assemblages on artificial substrates after 20 weeks colonisation displayed less intrinsic patchiness than mature phytal assemblages on natural pneumatophores, and so present a potentially useful way of improving the power of biomonitoring applications using meiofauna.


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1. With the aim of determining whether patterns of variation in macroinvertebrate assemblage composition across the hierarchy of spatial units in two lowland rivers changed during a supra-seasonal drought (1997–2000), patterns during a reduced flow season (1999–2000) were compared with those during two preceding higher flow seasons (1997–98 and 1998–99) using samples from the Glenelg and Wimmera Rivers, two lowland regulated rivers in western Victoria, Australia.

2. We hypothesised that (i) differences between reaches would increase during the reduced flow season owing to decreased hydrological connectivity, (ii) differences between the habitats would decrease because the cessation of flow in run habitats should cause them to become more similar to pool habitats and (iii) differences between microhabitats would also decrease because of reduced scour of inorganic substrata and large woody debris.

3. During each season, macroinvertebrates were sampled from three microhabitats (sand/silt substratum, large woody debris and macrophytes) that were hierarchically nested within a run or pool habitat and within one of three reaches within each river. A range of physico-chemical variables was also sampled.

4. Analysis of similarity showed that assemblage composition in both rivers during the higher flow seasons differed more among microhabitats than other spatial units. However, during the reduced flow season, assemblage composition in the Wimmera River differed most among reaches. This change in pattern was associated with the combined effects of decreased flow and longitudinal increases in salinity. In contrast, the fauna of the Glenelg River appeared to be resistant to the effects of the reduced flow season, owing to limited decline in water quality despite lower river discharge.

5. As salinisation and poor water quality in the Wimmera River result from human activities in the catchment, these results support the idea that human impacts on rivers can change macroinvertebrate scaling patterns and exacerbate the effects of drought beyond the tolerance of many riverine macroinvertebrates.


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The aim of this study was to identify whether environmental flows released into two lowland rivers (the Glenelg and Wimmera Rivers, western Victoria, Australia) during the spring to autumn period had successfully ameliorated the negative effects of multiple human impacts. Macroinvertebrates and a range of physico-chemical variables were sampled from three reaches in each river. Both rivers were sampled during three environmental release seasons with average-sized releases (1997-1998, 1998-1999 and 2001-2002) and two drought seasons with limited releases (1999-2000 and 2000-2001). The effects of releasing average-sized environmental flows on macroinvertebrates and physico-chemical variables were assessed by comparison with data from the two drought seasons. For the Glenelg River, data from a reference season prior to the release of environmental flows (1995-1996) was also compared to data from the five environmental flow seasons. Multivariate analyses revealed four pieces of evidence indicating that the release of environmental flows effectively slowed the process of environmental degradation in the Glenelg River but not in the Wimmera River: (1) the magnitude of the river discharge was dependent on the size of environmental flow releases; (2) in the Wimmera River, water quality deteriorated markedly during the two drought seasons and correlated strongly with macroinvertebrate assemblage structure, but this was not observed in the Glenelg River; (3) the taxonomic composition of the macroinvertebrate assemblages among contrasting flow release seasons reflected the severe deterioration in water quality of the Wimmera River; (4) despite two drought seasons with minimal environmental flow releases, the macroinvertebrate assemblage in the Glenelg River did not differ from the average-release seasons, nor did it return to a pre-environmental flows condition. Therefore, it appears that environmental flow releases did sustain the macroinvertebrate assemblage and maintain reasonable water quality in the Glenelg River. However, in the Wimmera River, release volumes were too small to maintain low salinities and were associated with marked changes in the macroinvertebrate assemblage. Therefore, there are multiple lines of evidence that environmental flow releases of sufficient magnitude may slow the process of degradation in a regulated lowland river.


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1. Large amounts of terrestrial detritus enter many low-order forested streams, and this organic
material is often the major basal resource in the metazoan food webs of such systems. However,
despite their apparently low biomass, algae are the dominant food of organisms in a number of
aquatic communities which conventionally would have been presumed to be dependent on
allochthonous detritus, particularly those in the tropics and also in lowland intermittent streams
in arid Australia.
2. The dual stable isotope signatures (d13C and d15N) of potential primary food sources were
compared with the isotopic signatures of common aquatic animals in lowland intermittent
streams in south-eastern Australia, in both spring and summer, to determine whether
allochthonous detritus was an important nutritional resource in these systems. The isotopic
signatures of the major potential allochthonous plant food sources (Eucalyptus, Phalaris and
Juncus) overlapped, but were distinct from algae and the dominant macrophytes growing in the
study reaches. The isotopic signatures of biofilm were more spatially and temporally variable
than those of the other basal resources.
3. Despite allochthonous detritus having relatively high C : N ratios compared to other
potential basal resources, results from ISOSOURCE mixing model calculations demonstrated
that this detritus, and the associated biofilm, were the major energy sources assimilated by
macroinvertebrate primary consumers in both spring and summer. The importance of these
energy sources was also reflected in animals higher in the food web, including predatory
macroinvertebrates and fish. These resources were supplemented by autochthonous sources of
higher nutritional value (i.e. filamentous algae and macrophytes, which had relatively low
C : N ratios) when they became more prolific as the streams dried to disconnected pools in
4. The results highlight the importance of allochthonous detritus (particularly from Eucalyptus)
as a dependable energy source for benthic macroinvertebrates and fish in lowland intermittent
streams of south-eastern Australia. This contrasts with previous stable isotope studies
conducted in lowland intermittent streams in arid Australia, which have reported that the fauna
are primarily dependent on autochthonous algae.


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Government environment protection policies for waterways have traditionally relied on water quality indicators and their objectives. In this paper we describe the development of biological objectives based on invertebrate indicators for inclusion in a government policy for the catchment of Western Port Bay, Victoria. The first step of defining segments (areas with streams in which the same objectives are applied) was problematic, requiring two different approaches, as follows. Site groups initially based on invertebrate community composition derived using multivariate techniques (ordination and classification) proved to be unsuitable for policy segments. Segment boundaries were subsequently defined using topographical (e.g. boundary of foothills and lowland plains), climate (e.g. rainfall) and land-use (e.g. urban) features. We used information and data from reference sites inside as well outside the catchment to derive specific biological objectives based on aquatic invertebrates for these segments. Objectives were specified for the following four indicators – number of invertebrate families, the SIGNAL index, the AUSRIVAS predictive model and the number of key families.


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Restoration works are carried out to alleviate human impacts and improve habitats within ecosystems. However, human impacts may also create new (anthropogenic) habitat for species to exploit.A dilemma arises when proposed restoration works would remove anthropogenic habitat and the assemblages it supports. Sediment input into the Glenelg River has formed tributary junction plug wetlands at confluences. Sand slug removal is proposed as part of river rehabilitation, but would also drain plug wetlands. We sampled four plug wetland, four river run and three river pool sites to determine whether plug wetlands influence water quality and add to the biodiversity of macroinvertebrates in the Glenelg River.Water quality and macroinvertebrate diversity were similar in plug wetlands, river runs and river pools.Assemblages were distinct among all sites, regardless of type, so there was no characteristic ‘plug-wetland fauna’. Therefore, although removal of plug wetlands would not cause a dramatic loss of invertebrate biodiversity, it would destroy anthropogenic habitat that supports a similar range of species to natural habitats in a river subject to multiple degrading processes. Gains from rehabilitation should be weighed against the value of anthropogenic habitat and the extent of similar habitat lost elsewhere in the ecosystem.


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The aim of the project was to determine factors which explain the distribution of macroinvertebrates in two Melbourne streams both drastically affected by urbanisation. A detailed description is given of Dandenong Creek, flowing through the south-eastern suburbs, and Darebin Creek, in the northern suburbs, emphasising stream features likely, or known, to influence the drift and benthic fauna. Faunal sampling was carried out in Dandenong Creek from June 1992 until July 1993, and in Darebin Creek from February 1995 until March 1998. Physicochemical parameters were also recorded. The collected data, together with previously existing data, were analysed using multivariate analyses: non-metric multi-dimensional scaling (NMDS); analysis of similarities (ANOSIM); matching biotic and abiotic variables using BIOENV, and principal component analysis (PCA). Various biotic and diversity indices were calculated in an attempt to identify the major factors responsible for the failure of the fauna to recover from previously more seriously degraded water quality. The contribution of drift to the colonisation potential in Dandenong Creek appeared to be impacted by retarding basins, underground barrel-draining and channelization. Results also indicated that increased conductivity adversely affected the fauna in the lower reaches of Dandenong Creek. It was concluded that in Darebin Creek, high nutrient levels, as well as other pollutants, had resulted in low macroinvertebrate diversity in both the drift and benthos. If, as this study suggests, faunal diversity is a valid measure of stream health, the following factors need to be addressed for catchment-wide, stream management: lack of riparian zone vegetation (increasing bank erosion and making the benthic habitat unstable, with greater temperature variability); control of stormwater runoff (flow variability, increased conductivity, nutrient levels, sediment loads, sewage effluent, industrial discharges and heavy metals), and to modify retarding basins to increase stream continuity.


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Willow removal followed by riparian revegetation is a widespread river restoration practice in Australia, but the ecological response to this has rarely been evaluated. We sampled river macroinvertebrates from six sites each of three riparian vegetation types: revegetated (treatment), willow-dominated (control) and native forest (reference) in the Gellibrand River catchment during austral spring 2007 and autumn 2008, and measured temperature and light intensity. Revegetated sites varied in age from 1 to 8 years since restoration. Abundances of invertebrates were similar across vegetation types, but were higher during autumn. Macroinvertebrate assemblages at revegetated sites (regardless of age) and at willow-dominated sites showed little among-site variation compared with native forest sites,which showed high site-to-site variability. Water temperatures and light intensity were higher at revegetated sites where works had recently been completed and cooler in native forest sites and long-established revegetated sites. The reduced variability in macroinvertebrate communities among revegetated sites may result from their history as willow-dominated sites or from the disturbance created by willow removal. Either way, these results suggest that longer than 8 years is required before macroinvertebrate assemblages in restored stretches of stream show the variation that appears characteristic of natural sites.


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Macroinvertebrates living within the sediments of the Hopkins River estuary were examined during 1997. Differences in the abundance and composition of faunal assemblages were identified between vegetated and unvegetated habitats and between the lower, middle and upper sections of the estuary. The numbers of taxa and individuals present were found to be similar to that of other periodically opened estuaries.


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Rehabilitation of streams on agricultural properties has become a priority for landholders and managers in recent years in Australia. Fencing and re-vegetation of riparian zones are first priorities to improve riparian habitat values and biodiversity, however changes to in-stream habitat complexity are unlikely to result in the short term. Little evidence exists to guide subsequent rehabilitation actions to address this issue. Artificially re-introducing wood to such streams may be a useful strategy to increase habitat complexity more rapidly, thereby improving in-stream biodiversity values. To test this hypothesis, as a part of the larger Productive Grazing, Healthy Rivers project, small pieces of wood were introduced to eight sites on beef and dairy properties across southern Victoria, monitoring aquatic macroinvertebrates, water quality, hydrology and habitat quality. Comparing macroinvertebrate communities before and after treatment, and between experimental and control sites, changes in community composition and colonisation are explored.


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Worldwide, the ecological condition of streams and rivers has been impaired by agricultural practices such as broadscale modification of catchments, high nutrient and sediment inputs, loss of riparian vegetation, and altered hydrology. Typical responses include channel incision, excessive sedimentation, declining water quality, and loss of in-stream habitat complexity and biodiversity. We review these impacts, focusing on the potential benefits and limitations of wood reintroduction as a transitional rehabilitation technique in these agricultural landscapes using Australian examples. In streams, wood plays key roles in shaping velocity and sedimentation profiles, forming pools, and strengthening banks. In the simplified channels typical of many agricultural streams, wood provides habitat for fauna, substrate for biofilms, and refuge from predators and flow extremes, and enhances in-stream diversity of fish and macroinvertebrates.

Most previous restoration studies involving wood reintroduction have been in forested landscapes, but some results might be extrapolated to agricultural streams. In these studies, wood enhanced diversity of fish and macroinvertebrates, increased storage of organic material and sediment, and improved bed and bank stability. Failure to meet restoration objectives appeared most likely where channel incision was severe and in highly degraded environments. Methods for wood reintroduction have logistical advantages over many other restoration techniques, being relatively low cost and low maintenance. Wood reintroduction is a viable transitional restoration technique for agricultural landscapes likely to rapidly improve stream condition if sources of colonists are viable and water quality is suitable.


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Conventionally, most research and restoration involving in-stream wood focuses on large wood (>0.1 m diameter), excluding any smaller pieces. However, this may neglect a major component of in-stream habitat, as small wood can constitute the majority of pieces, particularly in small streams. The ecological benefit of large wood is well established, but corresponding benefits associated with small wood (0.05-0.1 m diameter) have not been demonstrated. To test the effect of wood dimension on macroinvertebrate community composition, we compared the fauna occupying large wood habitats with that occupying small wood at eight streams in south-eastern Australia. The relationships between wood dimensions and its macroinvertebrate fauna were complex. Community composition did not vary with wood dimension, and no significant correlations were found between other macroinvertebrate attributes (including family richness and evenness) and wood dimension, including diameter. However, analysis of covariance suggested that large wood supported a greater diversity and abundance of macroinvertebrates, indicating that the method of analysis could influence the result. Adjustment for differences in sample dimension using rarefaction determined that these findings were likely to be a result of the surface area and volumes sampled varying with the dimension of the wood. Per unit surface area, and per unit volume, small wood supported a similar number of families to large wood. Thus we conclude that, relative to the available surface area, small and large wood can be equivalent in their contribution to the available habitat in a stream. Therefore, the potential value of small wood as a habitat resource warrants its explicit consideration for inclusion in ecological and rehabilitation studies.