14 resultados para mRNA differential display

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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The hypothalamus is a key central controller of energy homeostasis and is the source and/or site of action of many neuropeptides involved in this process. The aim of this study was to isolate hypothalamic genes differentially expressed between lean and obese Psammomys obesus, a polygenic animal model of obesity and type 2 diabetes. Differential display PCR was used to compare hypothalamic gene expression profiles of lean and healthy, obese and hyperinsulinemic, and obese, diabetic P. obesus in both the fed and fasted states. We conducted differential display with 180 separate primer combinations to amplify approximately 9000 expressed transcripts. Sixty differentially expressed bands were excised. Taqman PCR was performed on 36 of these transcripts to confirm differential gene expression in a larger sample population. Of these 36 transcripts, 9 showed homology to known genes, and 27 were considered to be novel sequences. Gene expression profiles for two of these genes are presented here. In conclusion, differential display PCR was successfully used to isolate several transcripts that may be involved in the central regulation of energy balance. We are currently conducting numerous studies to further investigate the role of these genes in the development of obesity in P. obesus.


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The BEACON gene was initially identified using the differential display polymerase chain reaction on hypothalamic mRNA samples collected from lean and obese Psammomys obesus, a polygenic animal model of obesity. Hypothalamic BEACON gene expression was positively correlated with percentage of body fat, and intracerebroventricular infusion of the Beacon protein resulted in a dose-dependent increase in food intake and body weight. The human homolog of BEACON, UBL5, is located on chromosome 19p in a region previously linked to quantitative traits related to obesity. Our previous studies showed a statistically significant association between UBL5 sequence variation and several obesity- and diabetes-related quantitative physiological measures in Asian Indian and Micronesian cohorts. Here we undertake a replication study in a Mexican American cohort where the original linkage signal was first detected. We exhaustively resequenced the complete gene plus the putative promoter region for genetic variation in 55 individuals and identified five single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), one of which was novel. These SNPs were genotyped in a Mexican American cohort of 900 individuals from 40 families. Using a quantitative trait linkage disequilibrium test, we found significant associations between UBL5 genetic variants and waist-to-hip ratio (p = 0.027), and the circulating concentrations of insulin (p = 0.018) and total cholesterol (p = 0.023) in fasted individuals. These data are consistent with our earlier published studies and further support a functional role for the UBL5 gene in influencing physiological traits that underpin the development of metabolic syndrome.


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To identify genes involved in the central regulation of energy balance, we compared hypothalamic mRNA from lean and obese Psammomys obesus, a polygenic model of obesity, using differential display PCR. One mRNA transcript was observed to be elevated in obese, and obese diabetic, P. obesus compared with lean animals and was subsequently found to be increased 4-fold in the hypothalamus of lethal yellow agouti (Ay/a) mice, a murine model of obesity and diabetes. Intracerebroventricular infusion of antisense oligonucleotide targeted to this transcript selectively suppressed its hypothalamic mRNA levels and resulted in loss of body weight in both P. obesus and Sprague Dawley rats. Reductions in body weight were mediated by profoundly reduced food intake without a concomitant reduction in metabolic rate. Yeast two-hybrid screening, and confirmation in mammalian cells by bioluminescence resonance energy transfer analysis, demonstrated that the protein it encodes interacts with endophilins, mediators of synaptic vesicle recycling and receptor endocytosis in the brain. We therefore named this transcript Src homology 3-domain growth factor receptor-bound 2-like (endophilin) interacting protein 1 (SGIP1). SGIP1 encodes a large proline-rich protein that is expressed predominantly in the brain and is highly conserved between species. Together these data suggest that SGIP1 is an important and novel member of the group of neuronal molecules required for the regulation of energy homeostasis.


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Using differential display polymerase chain reaction, a gene was identified in CD34+-enriched populations that had with low or absent expression in CD34- populations. The full coding sequence of this transcript was obtained, and the predicted protein has a high degree of homology to oxysterol-binding protein. This gene has been designated OSBP-related protein 3 (ORP-3). Expression of ORP-3 was found to be 3- to 4-fold higher in CD34+ cells than in CD34- cells. Additionally, expression of this gene was 2-fold higher in the more primitive subfraction of hematopoietic cells defined by the CD34+38- phenotype and was down-regulated with the proliferation and differentiation of CD34+ cells. The ORP-3 predicted protein contains an oxysterol-binding domain. Well-characterized proteins expressing this domain bind oxysterols in a dose-dependent fashion. Biologic activities of oxysterols include inhibition of cholesterol biosynthesis and cell proliferation in a variety of cell types, among them hematopoietic cells. Characterization and differential expression of ORP-3 implicates a possible role in the mediation of oxysterol effects on hematopoiesis.


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DNA-based approaches to the discovery of genes contributing to the development of type 2 diabetes have not been very successful despite substantial investments of time and money. The multiple gene-gene and gene-environment interactions that influence the development of type 2 diabetes mean that DNA approaches are not the ideal tool for defining the etiology of this complex disease. Gene expression-based technologies may prove to be a more rewarding strategy to identify diabetes candidate genes. There are a number of RNA-based technologies available to identify genes that are differentially expressed in various tissues in type 2 diabetes. These include differential display polymerase chain reaction (ddPCR), suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH), and cDNA microarrays. The power of new technologies to detect differential gene expression is ideally suited to studies utilizing appropriate animal models of human disease. We have shown that the gene expression approach, in combination with an excellent animal model such as the Israeli sand rat (Psammomys obesus), can provide novel genes and pathways that may be important in the disease process and provide novel therapeutic approaches. This paper will describe a new gene discovery, beacon, a novel gene linked with energy intake. As the functional characterization of novel genes discovered in our laboratory using this approach continues, it is anticipated that we will soon be able to compile a definitive list of genes that are important in the development of obesity and type 2 diabetes.


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The present invention relates to nucleic acid molecules which encode expression products associated with the modulation of obesity, anorexia, weight maintenance, diabetes and/or metabolic energy levels. The nucleic acid molecules and expression products of the present invention are produced by recombinant means or isolated from natural resources. The subject nucleic acid molecules and expression products and their derivatives, homologs, analogs and mimetics are proposed to be useful as therapeutic and diagnostic agents for obesity, anorexia, weight maintenance, diabetes and/or energy imbalance or as targets for the design and/or identification of modulators of their activity and/or function. The subject nucleic acid molecules and expression products are identified using differential display techniques.


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The biochemical and molecular processes that maintain the stem cell pool, and govern the proliferation and differentiation of haemopoietic stem/progenitor cells (HSPCs) have been widely investigated but are incompletely understood. The purpose of this study was to identify and characterise novel genes that may play a part in regulating the mechanisms that control the proliferation, differentiation and self-renewal of human HSPCs. Reverse transcription differential display polymerase chain reaction (dd-PCR) was used to identify differences in gene expression between a HSPC population defined by expression of the CD34 phenotype, and the more mature CD34 depleted populations. A total of 6 differentially expressed complementary deoxyribonucleic acid (cDNA) sequences were identified. Four of these transcripts were homologous to well characterised genes, while two (band 1 and band 20) were homologous to unknown and uncharacterised partial gene sequences on the GenBank database and were thus chosen for further investigation. The partial cDNA sequences for band 1 and band 20 were designated ORP-3 and MERP-1 (respectively) due to homologies with other well-characterised gene families. Differential expression of the ORP-3 and MERP-1 genes was confirmed using Taqman™ real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with 3 - 4-fold and 4-10 -fold higher levels in the CD34+ fractions of haemopoietic cells compared to CD34- populations respectively. Additionally, expression of both these genes was down regulated with proliferation and differentiation of CD34+ cells further confirming higher expression in a less differentiated subset of haemopoietic cells. The full coding sequences of ORP-3 and MERP-1 were elucidated using bioinformatics, rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) and PCR amplification. The MERP-1 cDNA is 2600 nucleotides (nt) long, and localizes by bioinformatics to chromosome 7.. It consists of three exons and 2 introns spanning an entire length of 31.4 kilobases (kb). The MERP-1 open reading frame (ORF) codes for a putative 344 amino acid (aa) type II transmembrane protein with an extracellular C-terminal ependymin like-domain and an intracellular N-terminal sequence with significant homology to the cytoplasmic domains of members of the protocadherin family of transmembrane glycoproteins. Ependymins and protocadherins are well-characterised calcium-dependant cell adhesion glycoproteins. Although the function of MERP-1 remains to be elucidated, it is possible that MERP-1 like its homologues plays a role in calcium dependent cell adhesion. Differential expression of the MERP-1 gene in haemopoietic cells suggests a role in haemopoietic stem cell proliferation and differentiation, however, its broad tissue distribution implies that it may also play a role in many cell types. Characterization of the MERP-1 protein is required to elucidate these possible roles. The ORP-3 cDNA is 6631nt long, and localizes by bioinformatics to chromosome 7pl5-p21. It consists of 23 exons and 22 introns spanning an entire length of 183.5kb. The ORP-3 ORF codes for a putative 887aa protein which displays the consensus sequence for a highly conserved oxysterol-binding domain. Other well-characterised proteins expressing these domains have been demonstrated to bind oxysterols (OS) in a dose dependant fashion. OS are hydroxylated derivatives of cholesterol Their biological activities include inhibition of cholesterol biosynthesis and cell proliferation in a variety of cell types, including haemopoietic cells. Differential expression of the ORP-3 gene in haemopoietic cells suggests a possible role in the transduction of OS effects on haemopoietic cells, however, its broad tissue distribution implies that it may also play a role in many cell types. Further investigation of ORP-3 gene expression demonstrates a significant correlation with CD34+ sample purity, and 2-fold higher expression in a population of haemopoietic cells defined by the CD34+38- phenotype compared to more mature CD34+38+ cells. This finding, taken together with the previous observation of down-regulation of ORP-3 expression with proliferation and differentiation of CD34+ cells, indicates that ORP-3 expression may be higher in a less differentiated subset of cells with a higher proliferative capacity. This hypothesis is supported by the observation that expression of the ORP-3 gene is approximately 2-fold lower in differentiated HL60 promyelocytic cells compared to control, undifferentiated cells. ORP-3 expression in HL60 cells during normal culture conditions was also found to vary with expression positively correlated with cell number. This indicates a possible cell cycle effect on ORP-3 gene expression with levels highest when cell density, and therefore the percentage of cells in G(0)/G(1) phase of the cell cycle is highest. This observation also correlates with the observation of higher ORP-3 expression in CD34+38-cells, and in CD34+ and HL60 cells undergoing OS induced and camptothecin induced apoptosis that is preceded by cell cycle arrest at G(0)/G(1). Expression of the ORP-3 gene in CD34+ HSPCs from UCB was significantly decreased to approximately half the levels observed in control cells after 24 hours incubation in transforming growth factor beta-1 (TGFâl). As ≥90% of these cells are stimulated into cell cycle entry by TGFâl, this observation further supports the hypothesis that ORP-3 expression is highest when cells reside in the G(0)/G(1) phase of the cell cycle. Data obtained from investigation of ORP-3 gene expression in synchronised HL60 cells however does not support nor disprove this hypothesis. Culture of CD34+ enriched HSPCs and HL60 cells with 25-OHC significantly increased ORP-3 gene expression to approximately 1.5 times control levels. However, as 25-OHC treatment also increased the percentage of apoptotic cells in these experiments, it is not valid to make any conclusions regarding the regulation of ORP-3 gene expression by OS. Indeed, the observation that camptothecin induced apoptosis also increased ORP-3 gene expression in HL60 cells raises the possibility that up-regulation of ORP-3 gene expression is also associated with apoptosis, Taken together, expression of the ORP-3 gene appears to be regulated by differentiation and apoptosis of haemopoietic progenitors, and may also be positively associated with proliferative and G(0)/G(1) cell cycle status indicating a possible role in all of these processes. Given the important regulatory role of apoptosis in haemopoiesis and differential expression of the ORP-3 gene in haemopoietic progenitors, final investigations were conducted to examine the effects OS on human HSPCs. Granulocyte/macrophage colony forming units (CFU-GM) generated from human bone marrow (ABM) and umbilical cord blood (UCB) were grown in the presence of varying concentrations of three different OS - 7keto-cholesterol (7K-C), 7beta-hydroxycholesterol (7p-OHC) and 25-hydroxycholesterol (25-OHC). Similarly, the effect of OS on HL60 and CD34+ cells was investigated using annexin-V staining and flow cytometry to measure apoptosis. Reduction of nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) was used to assess differentiative status of HL60 cells. CFU-GM from ABM and HL60 growth was inhibited by all three OS tested, with 25-OHC being the most potent. 25-OHC inhibited ≥50% of bone marrow CFU-GM and ≥95% of HL60 cell growth at a level of 1 ug/ml. Compared to UCB, CFU-GM derived from ABM were more sensitive to the effects of all OS tested. Only 25-OHC and 7(5-OHC significantly inhibited growth of UCB derived CFU-GM. OS treatment increased the number of annexin-V CD34+ cells and NBT positive HL60 cells indicating that OS inhibition of CFU-GM and HL60 cell growth can be attributed to induction of apoptosis and differentiation. From these studies, it can be concluded that dd-PCR is an excellent tool for the discovery of novel genes expressed in human HSPCs. Characterisation of the proteins encoded by the novel genes ORP-3 and MERP-1 may reveal a regulatory role for these genes in haemopoiesis. Finally, investigations into the effects of OS on haemopoietic progenitor cells has revealed that OS are a new class of inhibitors of HSPC proliferation of potential relevance in vivo and in vitro.


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We have developed hematopoietic cells resistant to the cytotoxic effects of oxysterols. Oxysterol-resistant HL60 cells were generated by continuous exposure to three different oxysterols—25-hydroxycholesterol (25-OHC), 7-beta-hydroxycholesterol (7β-OHC) and 7-keto-cholesterol (7κ-C). We investigated the effects of 25-OHC, 7β-OHC, 7κ-C and the apoptotic agent staurosporine on these cells. The effect of the calcium channel blocker nifedipine on oxysterol cytotoxicity was also investigated. Differential display and real-time PCR were used to quantitate gene expression of oxysterol-sensitive and -resistant cells. Our results demonstrate that resistance to the cytotoxic effects of oxysterols is relatively specific to the type of oxysterol, and that the cytotoxicity of 25-OHC but not that of 7β-OHC and 7κ-C, appears to occur by a calcium dependent mechanism. Oxysterol-resistant cells demonstrated no significant difference in the expression of several genes previously implicated in oxysterol resistance, but expressed the bcl-2 gene at significantly lower levels than those observed in control cells. We identified three novel genes differentially expressed in resistant cells when compared to HL60 control cells. Taken together, the results of this study reveal potentially novel mechanisms of oxysterol cytotoxicity and resistance, and indicate that cytotoxicity of 25-OHC, 7β-OHC and 7κ-C occur by independent, yet overlapping mechanisms.


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Type II diabetes is characterised by hyperglycemia and disturbances of fat, carbohydrate and protein metabolism. It occurs mainly in adults, with obesity being the most modifiable risk factor. This project utilised the Israeli Sand Rat (Psammomys obesus) and some of the latest molecular biology technology including differential display, membrane microarray and real-time PCR to detect genes in the liver that may be associated with the development of Type II diabetes and/or obesity. This study showed calpain, a proteolytic inhibitor and calpastatin, its natural inhibitor to be disregulated in the liver during the diabetic state.


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Objective: This study aimed to investigate the regulation of adiponectin receptors 1 (AdipoR1) and 2 (AdipoR2) gene expression in primary skeletal muscle myotubes, derived from human donors, after exposure to globular adiponectin (gAd) and leptin. Research Methods and Procedures: Four distinct primary cell culture groups were established [ Lean, Obese, Diabetic, Weight Loss (Wt Loss); n = 7 in each] from rectus abdominus muscle biopsies obtained from surgical patients. Differentiated myotube cultures were exposed to gAd (0.1 mug/mL) or leptin (2.5 mug/mL) for 6 hours. AdipoR1 and AdipoR2 gene expression was measured by real-time polymerase chain reaction analysis. Results: AdipoR1 mRNA expression in skeletal muscle myotubes derived from Lean subjects (p < 0.05) was stimulated 1.8-fold and 2.5-fold with gAd and leptin, respectively. No increase in AdipoR1 gene expression was measured in myotubes derived from Obese, Diabetic, or Wt Loss subjects. AdipoR2 mRNA expression was unaltered after gAd and leptin exposure in all myotube groups. Discussion: Adiponectin and leptin are rapid and potent stimulators of AdipoR1 in myotubes derived from lean healthy individuals. This effect was abolished in myotubes derived from obese, obese diabetic subjects, and obese-prone individuals who had lost significant weight after bariatric surgery. The incapacity of skeletal muscle of obese and diabetic individuals to respond to exogenous adiponectin and leptin may be further suppressed as a result of impaired regulation of the AdipoR1 gene.


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Background – It has been recognized that specific fatty acids have the ability to directly influence the abundance of gene transcripts in organs such as the liver. However little comparison has been made between the effects of common dietary of fatty acids and there influence on gene expression.
Objectives – To determine the effect of diets rich saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated on gene transcripts associated with liver fat metabolism. Specifically how these three classes of fatty acids influence mRNA levels of key transcriptional regulators (PGC1a, PPARa, PPARd, SREBP1C & ChREBP), fat oxidative (ACO, LCPT1, HMG-CoA lyase & UCP-2) and fat synthetic (ACC, MCD, GPAT & malic enzyme) genes were investigated.
Design - Rats (n=32) were evenly divided into four groups; a saturated fat diet, a monounsaturated fat diet, a polyunsaturated fat diet (each diet contained 23% fat) and standard rat chow (7% fat) diet and fed for 12 weeks. Real-time PCR analysis was performed on liver tissue.
Outcomes – PGC1a and SREBP1C increased 1.9 fold or greater in all groups. Conversely, PPARa, PPARd and ChREBP demonstrated variable changes with diet composition. Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat increased HMG-CoA lyase 2.8 fold, a response that was absent in the saturated fat fed animals. UCP-2 was decrease 3.0 fold by all dietary treatments. Malic enzyme was increased 2.8 and 2.4 fold with saturated and polyunsaturated diets respectively, yet was unaltered by the monounsaturated fat diet.
Conclusion – Modifications in common dietary fat composition initiated divergent gene responses in liver. These alterations were complex, with no uniform alteration in transcription factors with closely related functions (PPARfamily) and genes encoding proteins within the same metabolic pathway (fat oxidation or fat synthesis). Further studies are necessary to identify the predominant mechanisms regulating these differences in gene expression.


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Background: ATP7A, ATP7B and CTR1 are metal transporting proteins that control the cellular disposition of copper and platinum drugs, but their expression in dorsal root ganglion (DRG) tissue and their role in platinum-induced neurotoxicity are unknown. To investigate the DRG expression of ATP7A, ATP7B and CTR1, lumbar DRG and reference tissues were collected for real time quantitative PCR, RT-PCR, immunohistochemistry and Western blot analysis from healthy control adult rats or from animals treated with intraperitoneal oxaliplatin (1.85 mg/kg) or drug vehicle twice weekly for 8 weeks.
Results: In DRG tissue from healthy control animals, ATP7A mRNA was clearly detectable at levels similar to those found in the brain and spinal cord, and intense ATP7A immunoreactivity was localised to the cytoplasm of cell bodies of smaller DRG neurons without staining of satellite cells, nerve fibres or co-localisation with phosphorylated heavy neurofilament subunit (pNF-H). High levels of CTR1 mRNA were detected in all tissues from healthy control animals, and strong CTR1 immunoreactivity was associated with plasma membranes and vesicular cytoplasmic structures of the cell bodies of larger-sized DRG neurons without co-localization with ATP7A. DRG neurons with strong expression of ATP7A or CTR1 had distinct cell body size profiles with minimal overlap between them. Oxaliplatin treatment did not alter the size profile of strongly ATP7A-immunoreactive neurons but significantly reduced the size profile of strongly CTR1-immunoreactive neurons. ATP7B mRNA was barely detectable, and no specific immunoreactivity for ATP7B was found, in DRG tissue from healthy control animals.
Conclusions: In conclusion, adult rat DRG tissue exhibits a specific pattern of expression of copper transporters with distinct subsets of peripheral sensory neurons intensely expressing either ATP7A or CTR1, but not both or ATP7B. The neuron subtype-specific and largely non-overlapping distribution of ATP7A and CTR1 within rat DRG tissue may be required to support the potentially differing cuproenzyme requirements of distinct subsets of sensory neurons, and could influence the transport and neurotoxicity of oxaliplatin.


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Although sexuality plays a major role in the socialization of people, few studies have examined the sexual behaviors of individuals with developmental disabilities. Because of this, we decided to investigate sexuality in adolescents with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and Down's syndrome (Ds) and to compare them with typically developing adolescents, by surveying their parents. Specifically, it was hypothesized that young people with ASD would display lower levels over five domains: social behavior, privacy, sex education, sexual behavior, and parental concerns, than peers with Ds and typically developing young people. In addition, we sought to verify developmental trends in five domains with age for each group. Overall, 269 parents participated; 94 parents of typically developing adolescents, 93 parents of adolescents diagnosed with Ds, and 82 parents of adolescents diagnosed with ASD. Participants were surveyed with a Sexual Behavior Scale developed by Stokes and Kaur [] that assesses parents' reports of their child's: social behavior, privacy awareness, sex education, sexual behavior and parental concerns about the child's behaviors. It was found that three groups were significantly different on all five domains, adolescents with ASD reportedly displaying lower levels than other groups. Moreover, there was a significant improvement in knowledge of privacy and parental concerns with age for adolescents with ASD and a decline in sex education for adolescents with Ds. The results obtained emphasize the need to train adolescents with developmental disability, and especially for adolescents with ASD through sex education programs. Autism Res 2015.