23 resultados para located learning

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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The School of Engineering at Deakin University has been practicing design based learning as one of its engineering learning principles for further development in the learning and teaching process. It has been exploring the student and industry perspectives in this regards and has embarked in the development of a new framework for a project oriented design based learning approach for the development of the engineering curriculum. Along with this change in the engineering curriculum Deakin University also has been going through a major change in the delivery of education. The policy shift has been initiated through Live the Future: Agenda 2020 which focusses on Cloud and Located Learning. This change in policy has had an impact on delivery framework for the project oriented design based learning model which has been incorporated through the use of lecture videos, a learning management system called Cloud Deakin and online tutorials through the eLive system.


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Students describe the Library as being central to their learning, offering focus and inspiration, enabling access to information and technologies, and collaboration with peers. Deakin University Library’s building redevelopment program has been integral to the Library’s re-imagined value proposition for students learning in the digital age. The introduction of new generation library and learning spaces strengthens the University’s offer to students for a brilliant education where you are and where you want to go through premium cloud and located learning experiences that are personal, engaging and relevant.

The Library’s building projects are distinctive in terms of location and the built environment, as well as the characteristics of the university campus communities. Each progressive project has brought new aspirations and challenges. Through joint research with Deakin University’s School of Architecture and Built Environment, the Library has developed a quality framework for planning and assessing library and learning spaces.

This paper will discuss the research findings to date on the quality framework and the need to continually review and assess indicators of quality in a highly dynamic digital environment. The Library’s experiences in introducing high-end multimedia provide some insights into planning for and delivering enduring value.

The next steps in exploring the question of how library spaces assist students in achieving their learning goals are introduced.


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Deakin University has recently moved to an academic calendar of three trimesters. This change aims to provide students with greater flexibility to plan their study around work or life commitments, create options for students to commence their degree and enable students to fast track their study. It has been found for students in the Bachelor of Construction Management that engagement and satisfaction during summer (Trimester 3) are less than when those same units are delivered during other trimesters. This research addresses the use of Supported Cloud learning to improve learning and the relationship with students. The School of Architecture and Built Environment used two units as case studies to examine different innovative unit delivery strategies that combined cloud and located learning. The research design included evaluation surveys, questionnaires, and semi-structured interviews as well as reflection by participating teachers. The findings show that students’ results are improved when the cloud based learning is supported by well-developed resources, structured delivery and availability of some face-to-face contacts. This innovation will serve as a benchmark for Cloud delivery in the School in all trimesters.


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Deakin University has recently moved to an academic calendar of three trimesters. This change aims to provide students with greater flexibility to plan their study around work or life commitments, create options for students to commence their degree and enable students to fast track their study. It has been found for students in the Bachelor of Construction Management that engagement and satisfaction during summer (Trimester 3) are less than when those same units are delivered during other trimesters. This research addresses the use of Supported Cloud learning to improve learning and the relationship with students. The School of Architecture and Built Environment used two units as case studies to examine different innovative unit delivery strategies that combined cloud and located learning. The research design included evaluation surveys, questionnaires, and semi-structured interviews as well as reflection by participating teachers. The findings show that students’ results are improved when the cloud based learning is supported by well-developed resources, structured delivery and availability of some face-to-face contacts. This innovation will serve as a benchmark for Cloud delivery in the School in all trimesters.


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In this paper the author reports on the introduction of the flipped classroom integrating located, online and virtual world learning environments to support the collaborative lived experiences of a group of students and the educator participating in a higher education undergraduate art unit, Navigating the Visual World. A qualitative narrative methodology, A/r/tography, incorporating both image making and textual recording is used to explore and identify interwoven aspects of the artist/ researcher/ educator relationship in the creative artistic process of exploring concepts of identity within inquiry based art practice. Selected student examples, including a collaborative group assessment project demonstrate effective student engagement with experiential blended learning within the flipped classroom.


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Despite the interest of sociologists and educational researchers in Internet café as sites for new cultural and social formations and informal learning, thus far little attention has been paid to the function of café owners, managers and other staff in the mediation and co-construction of those spaces. Drawing from interviews with managers of commercial Internet café in Australia specialising in LAN (Local Area Network) gaming, this article seeks to examine their role and their attitudes more closely; in particular with regard to school-aged users of their facilities. We contend that LAN café are liminal spaces situated at the margins of Australian culture and located at the junctions between home, school and the street, online and offline spaces, work and play. The roles of LAN café managers are similarly ambiguous: in many ways they can be regarded as informal teachers facilitating the process of informal learning.


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This paper reports on the findings of a study, the 'Constructing Classroom Cultures' project, funded by a small Australian Research Council grant at the University of Melbourne. Located in three primary school classrooms in Melbourne, Victoria, this study investigated how teachers and grade 3-4 students develop shared values and understandings concerning formal and informal codes of behaviour. Drawing on classroom observations, individual interviews with teachers and focus group interviews with children, this paper discusses the ways that teachers and children together build classroom cultures. Practices that work to produce supportive classroom environments as well as problem areas are identified. Examining classroom cultures at the micro-political level offers scope for considering how power relations can contribute positively to educational processes. Additionally, the ways in which informal interactions between teacher and students and among students call into play collaboration, compliance and resistance are opened up for examination. These case studies aim to contribute to understanding how productive classroom cultures are constructed in day-to-day interactions, a significant area of concern for teachers and teacher education students.


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There is increasing rhetoric surrounding the concepts of lifelong learning and the knowledge economy (Peters, 2001); specifically e-learning and web-based learning environments. This paper seeks to explore the journeys of two professionals from two separate disciplines and work environments located in one higher-education institution where there is an increasing push to develop learning materials using online and other e-learning technologies.

With the steady shift from traditional learning, online learning is now playing an integral part of course delivery at the Australian regional university where the authors work. A contextual analysis of online learning within the broader views of the institution provides examples of discourses relating to online environments, knowledge management, and the professional development of the participants.

This discussion draws on the concepts of lifelong learning (Crowley, 2002; Serim & Murray, 2003) and embeds them within an online learning environment. Exploration of the multiple workplace environments within the institution under review demonstrates one way in which educators can embrace and position themselves as they negotiate changing educational discourses.


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This paper outlines the development a/professional/earning and a research culture at Benleigh West Primary School, which is located in a middle class suburb of Melbourne, Victoria. Whilst leadership is widely dispersed at BWPS, as it is in other schools, from students to teachers to the Assistant Principal and Principal, the primary focus in this paper is on the Principal and the ways she has influenced the professional and research culture at the school. Evidence of a change in school climate is presented as are the steps taken to create and foster learning collaborative communities among the staff at BWPS.


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This paper investigates learning related to the phenomena of drying over the past decade in the southern Murray-Darling Basin in Australia, as perceived in a mid-river site within the western Riverina of New South Wales, Australia. The insights from audio-recorded interviews, with a wide range of adults across the water-dependent community, mostly relate to the catchment of the  Murrumbidgee River in the Shire of Hay. Our overarching theme is about how  people are learning about, understanding and bearing the risks, of what is widely regarded as a prolonged drought. For some, the learning is about how to cope with less water in the Basin, and particularly from the river, as predicted in the climate change literature. Our narrative-based, empirical research registers the felt experience of those located, in situ, as a severe ‘irrigation drought’ extends into 2009. The paper dramatises the many obstacles to learning how to think and act differently, in difficult and rapidly changing ecosocial circumstances.


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Education can generate knowledge and foster a change in attitude provided that people feel individually and collectively responsible for the state of the environment. San Juan Nuevo Parangaricutiro is an internationally recognised indigenous community located in western Mexico that manages its forest sustainably through a community-based forest enterprise. However, recent research has shown that both children and young people from the community show little interest in participating in forest activities or working in forest enterprise and have a poor standard of environmental knowledge. Our research project assessed the environmental learning process of 32 high-school pupils in three settings: at school at home and in a forest enterprise. The opinions of teachers and adults of teaching subjects which focus on communal forest management were collected using various methods (questionnaires, observation and interviews) and analysed. The results show that school and home alike are important places for learning. However, environmental issues were not much addressed in the schoolroom or in conversations between parents and children. Furthermore, no connection between the activities of the forest enterprise and the school curriculum was found.


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This research explored autism spectrum (AS), current cognitive theory and associated outcomes. It found autism spectrum is a diferent learning style not located in typical development and not accounted for by traditional theories. AS is related to an interest system imbedded in single attention and associated cognition in autism (SAACA)


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One of the most difficult issues faced in school university partnerships is the legitimacy of the collaborative relationship. Getting invited in as a university partner and staying on to support teacher knowledge is challenging. Through an account of a case study set in one large secondary school located in the western suburbs of Victoria, we disentangle the importance of seldom considered barriers that impact on professional learning. Shaping our understanding through a theoretical model where the movement between identity, beliefs and decision and action is identified as 'noticing' (Moss et al. 2004, Mason 2002) we describe the potential of the model in developing a 'pedagogy of hope' (hooks 2003). Noticing, working at the elusive intersections of observation and construction, permits non-linear connections. A 'pedagogy of hope' works for a sustainable learning community- a community for all students, teachers and school leaders.


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This paper takes issue with the 'disabling' of students enrolled in teacher education courses, perpetrated by definitions of students' learning disorders and by the structures and pedagogies engaged by teacher educators. Focusing on one case, but with relevance for similarly affected systems, the paper begins by outlining the changed student entry credentials of Australian universities and their faculties of education. These are seen as induced by a shift from elite to mass provision of higher education and the particular effect on teacher education providers (especially those located in regional institutions) of the politics of government funding and the continuing demand for teachers by education systems. While these changed conditions are often used to argue an increased university population of students with learning disorders, the paper suggests that such arguments often have more to do with how student problems are defined by institutions and how these definitions serve to secure additional government funding. More pertinently, the paper argues that such definition tends to locate the problem in individual students, deferring considerations of teacher educators' pedagogy and the learning arrangements of their institutions. The paper concludes that the place to begin addressing these issues of difficulty would seem to be with a different conception of knowledge production.


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Locating information systems education foursquare within rigorous and substantial educational research is crucial if the discipline is to receive the scholarly attention that it warrants. One way to do that is to highlight how current information systems course design in Australian undergraduate and postgraduate programs exhibits the strongest possible elements of contemporary learning theories. This paper analyses selected features of the design of an information systems postgraduate course in an Australian university, including the use of peer review of journal entries and writing professional reports to enhance authentic learning and maximise quality assessment design. The analysis is framed by the principles of instructional design theory (Snyder 2009). The authors argue that, by demonstrating theoretically grounded and effective educational practice, the course highlights the value of being located in wider educational research, and of bringing the two fields more closely together.