43 resultados para lizard

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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1. Hormone-mediated maternal effects and developmental plasticity are important sources of phenotypic variation, with potential consequences for trait evolution. Yet our understanding of the importance of maternal hormones for offspring fitness in natural populations is very limited, particularly in non-avian species.

2. We experimentally elevated yolk testosterone by injection of a physiological dose into eggs of the lizard Ctenophorus fordi Storr, to investigate its roles in offspring development, growth and survival.

3. Yolk testosterone did not influence incubation period, basic hatchling morphology or survival under natural conditions. However, there was evidence for increased growth in hatchlings from testosterone-treated eggs, suggesting that maternal hormones have potential fitness consequences in natural populations.

4. The positive effect of prenatal testosterone exposure on postnatal growth could represent a taxonomically widespread developmental mechanism that has evolved into an adaptive maternal effect in some taxa, but remains deleterious or selectively neutral in others.

5. A broader taxonomic perspective should increase our understanding of the role of physiological constraints in the evolution of endocrine maternal effects.


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Corticosterone exposure during prenatal development as a result of maternal upregulation of circulating hormone levels has been shown to have effects on offspring development in mammals. Corticosterone has also been documented in egg yolk in oviparous vertebrates, but the extent to which this influences phenotypic development is less studied. We show that maternal corticosterone is transferred to egg yolk in an oviparous lizard (the mallee dragon, Ctenophorus fordi Storr), with significant variation among clutches in hormone levels. Experimental elevation of yolk corticosterone did not affect hatching success, incubation period or offspring sex ratio. However, corticosterone did have a sex-specific effect on skeletal growth during embryonic development. Male embryos exposed to relatively high levels of corticosterone were smaller on average than control males at hatching whereas females from hormone-treated eggs were larger on average than control females. The data thus suggest that males are not just more sensitive to the detrimental effects of corticosterone but rather that the sexes may have opposite responses to corticosterone during development. Positive selection on body size at hatching for both sexes in this species further suggests that increased corticosterone in egg yolk may have sex-specific fitness consequences, with potential implications for sex allocation and the evolution of hormone-mediated maternal effects.


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Nonmammalian vertebrates possess some unusual features in their hormonal systems/ when compared to mammals. As a consequence, they can make an important contribution in investigations concerning the fundamental mechanisms operating in endocrinology. Such studies concerning androgens include inter alia their effects on developmental aspects in the brain of birds and related singing behaviour; the role of neural enzymes in reproductive processes in fish; and the relation between androgens and the stages of spermatogenesis in amphibia, The present thesis examines the biochemistry of androgens in the Australian lizard Tiliqua rugosa. The major compounds studied were testosterone and epitestosterone, which are known to be present in high concentrations in the plasma of the male animal. Previous investigations are expanded, particularly in the areas of steroid identification and testicular biosynthesis. In addition, preliminary studies on the metabolism in the brain (and other tissues) and plasma protein binding are reported. The presence of epitestosterone as a major free androgen in the plasma of the male lizard was confirmed. Other steroids were found in the sulphate fraction. Testosterone sulphate was the most rigorously identified compound, while some evidence was also found for the presence of conjugated 5-androstene-3β,17-diols, etiocholanolone and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHA). Epitestosterone does not appear to be extensively conjugated in this animal. Steroids were not found to be conjugated as glucuronides. The identification studies employed a novel method of electrochemical detection of steroids. This technique was investigated and extended in the current thesis. Biosynthetic studies were carried out on androgen interconversions in the testis, in vitro. The major enzyme activities detected were 17α-arid 17β-oxidoreductases (17α-OR and l7β-OR) and 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3β-HSD)/isonerase. No evidence was found for the presence of a steroid-17-epimerase that would directly interconvert testosterone and epitestosterone. The 17-oxidoreductases were found to be dependent on the cofactor NBDFH. Testosterone appears to be formed mainly via the 4-ene pathway, whereas epitestosterone is formed from both the 4- and 5-ene routes. The compound 5-androstene-3β, 17α-diol was found to be an intermediate in the synthesis of epitestosterone from DHA. Temperature was found to significantly affect 17α-OR activity (maximum at 32°C). In contrast,17β-OR activity was independent of this factor in the testis. Androgen metabolism in the testis was found to be regulated by cofactors, temperature and season. The major enzyme activities found in the male brain were 17α- and 17β-OR. 3βHSD/isomerase was not found; however a low activity of 5α-reductase was identified. Aromatase activity was not positively identified, but preliminary results suggest that it may be present at low levels. The 17-oxidoreductases were widespread throughout the brain. The 17α-OR was significantly lower in the forebrain than other brain sections. The 170-OR activity did not vary significantly throughout the organ, although there was a trend for its activity to be higher in the midbrain region (containing the hypothalamus in these sections). The concentration of endogenous steroids in brain tissue was estimated by radioimmunoassay. Epitestosterone was found throughout the organ structure, whereas testosterone was found mainly in the midbrain (containing hypothalamic regions in these sections). Correlations between enzyme activities and steroid concentrations in brain regions suggested that the main function of 17α-OR is to produce epitestosterone, whereas the 17β-OR may catalyse a more reversible reaction in vivo. Temperature was found to significantly affect both 17α- and 17β-OR activities in the brain. In contrast to the testis, the maximum activity of the brain enzymes occurred at 37°C. The level of 17α-OR activity in the male lizard (100 nmol/g tissue/h) is the highest reported for this enzyme in vertebrates. Both activities were found to be quantitatively similar in the whole brain homogenates of male and female animals, and did not vary seasonally when examined in the male. The 17-oxidoreductases were also found in most other tissues in T.rugosa, including epididymis, adrenal, kidney and liver (but not blood). This suggests that the high activities of both 17α-OR and 17β-OR are dominant features of the steroid system in this animal. The formation of 11-oxygenated compounds was found in the adrenal, in addition to the formation of polar metabolites in the kidney and liver (possibly polyhydroxylated and conjugated steroids). A preliminary investigation into the plasma binding of androgens was carried out. The insults suggest that there are several binding sites for testosterone; one with high affinity and low capacity; the other with low affinity and high capacity. Binding experiments were carried out at 32°C. At this temperature, specific binding was greater than at 25 or 37°C. From the results of competition studies it was suggested that epitestosterone (with a K(i)= 3 X 10 (-6)M for testosterone binding) regulates the binding of testosterone (K(i)=10(-7)M) and hence the concentrations of the latter steroid as a free compound in plasma. In general, the study has shown that the biochemistry of androgens in the reptile T.rugosa is largely similar to that found in other vertebrates. The major difference is a greatly increased activity of 17α-OR, which causes a higher concentration of 17α-compounds to be present in the tissues of this lizard. The physiological roles for epitestosterone are not yet clear. However it appears from this study that this steroid regulates testosterone concentrations in several tissues by either steroidogenic or binding mechanisms. Several major influences on this regulation include temperature, availability of cofactors and seasonal effects.


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This note documents a predation event on a juvenile Blotched Bluetongue Lizard (Tiliqua nigrolutea) by a Highlands Copperhead (Austrelaps ramsayi) in the Blue Mountains, Australia.  The diet of elapid snakes in the genus Austrelaps consists mainly of frogs and small skinks. Adults of the larger Tiliqua species may be too large for Austrelaps species to consume, and juveniles of these larger Tiliqua are possibly approaching the larger end of consumable prey items for Austrelaps.


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Using PCR, the complete mitochondrial genome was sequenced in three frillneck lizards (Chlamydosaurus kingii). The mitochondria spanned over 16,761bp. As in other vertebrates, two rRNA genes, 22 tRNA genes and 13 protein coding genes were identified. However, similar to some other squamate reptiles, two control regions (CRI and CRII) were identified, spanning 801 and 812 bp, respectively. Our results were compared with another Australian member of the family Agamidae, the bearded dragon (Pogana vitticeps). The overall base composition of the light-strand sequence largely mirrored that observed in P vitticeps. Furthermore, similar to P. vitticeps, we observed an insertion 801 bp long between the ND5 and ND6 genes. However, in contrast to P vitticeps we did not observe a conserved sequence block III region. Based on a comparison among the three frillneck lizards, we also present data on the proportion of variable sites within the major mitochondrial regions.


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Understanding underlying physiological differences between the sexes in circulating androgens and how hormonal variation affects morphology-performance relationships may help clarify the evolution of sexual dimorphism in diverse taxa. Using a widely distributed Australian lizard (Eulamprus quoyii) with weak sexual dimorphism and no dichromatism, we tested whether circulating androgens differed between the sexes and whether they covaried with morphological and performance traits (bite force, sprint speed, endurance). Males had larger head dimensions, stronger bite force, faster sprint speed, and longer endurance compared to females. We found that the sexes did not differ in androgen concentrations and that androgens were weakly associated with both morphological and performance traits. Interestingly, high circulating androgens showed a nonlinear relationship with bite force in males and not females, with this relationship possibly being related to alternative male reproductive tactics. Our results suggest that androgens are not strongly correlated with most performance and morphological traits, although they may play an important organizational role during the development of morphological traits, which could explain the differences in morphology and thus performance between the sexes. Differences in performance between the sexes suggest differential selection on these functional traits between males and females. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London.


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Humans are increasingly subsidizing and altering natural food webs via changes to nutrient cycling and productivity. Where human trophic subsidies are concentrated and persistent within natural environments, their consumption could have complex consequences for wild animals through altering habitat preferences, phenotypes and fitness attributes that influence population dynamics. Human trophic subsidies conceptually create both costs and benefits for animals that receive increased calorific and altered nutritional inputs. Here, we evaluated the effects of a common terrestrial human trophic subsidies, human food refuse, on population and phenotypic (comprising morphological and physiological health indices) parameters of a large predatory lizard (∼2 m length), the lace monitor (Varanus varius), in southern Australia by comparison with individuals not receiving human trophic subsidies. At human trophic subsidies sites, lizards were significantly more abundant and their sex ratio highly male biased compared to control sites in natural forest. Human trophic subsidies recipient lizards were significantly longer, heavier and in much greater body condition. Blood parasites were significantly lower in human trophic subsidies lizards. Collectively, our results imply that human trophic subsidized sites were especially attractive to adult male lace monitors and had large phenotypic effects. However, we cannot rule out that the male-biased aggregations of large monitors at human trophic subsidized sites could lead to reductions in reproductive fitness, through mate competition and offspring survival, and through greater exposure of eggs and juveniles to predation. These possibilities could have negative population consequences. Aggregations of these large predators may also have flow on effects to surrounding food web dynamics through elevated predation levels. Given that flux of energy and nutrients into food webs is central to the regulation of populations and their communities, we advocate further studies of human trophic subsidies be undertaken to evaluate the potentially large ecological implications of this significant human environmental alteration.