9 resultados para isoflavone

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Objective - Probiotics and prebiotics that affect gut microflora balance and its associated enzyme activity may contribute to interindividual variation in isoflavone absorption after soy intake, possibly enhancing isoflavone bioavailability. This study examined the effects of the consumption of bioactive yogurt (a probiotic) or resistant starch (a known prebiotic) in combination with high soy intake on soy isoflavone bioavailability.

Methods - Using a crossover design, chronic soy consumption was compared with soy plus probiotic yogurt or resistant starch in older male and postmenopausal females (n = 31). Isoflavone bioavailability was assessed at the beginning and end of each 5-wk dietary period by sampling plasma and urine after a standardized soy meal.

Results - Chronic soy intake did not significantly affect plasma or urinary isoflavones after the soy meal and there were no significant effects of probiotic or resistant starch treatment. However, there were trends for increased circulating plasma daidzein and genistein after the probiotic treatment and for increased plasma daidzein and genistein 24 h after soy intake with resistant starch treatment. Neither treatment induced or increased equol production, although there was a trend for increased plasma equol in “equol-positive” subjects (n = 12) after probiotic treatment.

Conclusion - The weak or absence of effects of probiotic yogurt or resistant starch supplement to a chronic soy diet suggests that gut microflora were not modified in a manner that significantly affected isoflavone bioavailability or metabolism.


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Research over the past two decades has provided significant epidemiological and other evidence for the health benefits of the consumption of soy-based foods. A large number of dietary intervention studies have examined the effects of soy isoflavones on risk factors for cardiovascular disease and hormone-dependent cancers. However, these report large variability in outcome measures, very limited reproducibility between studies, and in some cases, controversy between the results of clinical trials using dietary soy or soy protein and isoflavone supplementation. This highlights a major gap in our understanding of soy isoflavone uptake, metabolism, distribution, and overall bioavailability. There are many potential factors that may influence bioavailability and a better knowledge is necessary to rationalize the inconsistencies in the intervention and clinical studies. This review focuses attention on our current state of knowledge in this area and highlights the importance of metabolism of the parent soy isoflavones and the critical role of gut microbiota on the bioavailability of these compounds and their metabolites.


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This paper investigates the occurrence and distribution of the lignan metabolites enterodiol (END) and enterolactone (ENL) and the isoflavone daidzein (DAID) in rat tissues by use of liquid chromatography−electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (LC−ESI/MSn) following a variety of dietary regimes. Furthermore, we examined the dose−response and distribution of END and ENL in liver, testes, prostate, and lung, and we investigated the effects of competition between lignans and isoflavones on metabolite distribution. In liver, testes, prostate, and lung tissue, dose-related increases in END concentration were observed. In the testes, coadministration of 60 mg/kg secoisolariciresinol diglycoside (SDG) with 60 mg/kg isoflavones produced alterations in the resulting metabolite profile, causing increased END concentration and decreased DAID concentration. Results indicate lignan accumulation in tissues occurs, and coadministration of lignans with isoflavones affects the metabolite profile, with effects dependent on tissue type.


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Objective: We hypothesized that a dietary combination of soy with either a probiotic (yoghurt) or a prebiotic (resistant starch) would result in enhanced lipid-lowering effects compared with a control soy diet, possibly via improvements in isoflavone bioavailability.

Subjects: Mildly hypercholesterolaemic subjects (men and post-menopausal women) older than 45 years were recruited via the local media. Thirty-six subjects commenced the study; five withdrew.

Results: Soy+probiotic significantly decreased total cholesterol (4.72.0%; P=0.038) and soy+prebiotic significantly decreased total and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (5.51.6%; P=0.003 and 7.32.2%; P=0.005, respectively). The bioavailabilities of daidzein, genistein or equol were not affected by probiotic or prebiotic consumption or associated with lipid changes.

Conclusion: Dietary combination of soy with either a probiotic or a prebiotic resulted in significant lipid lowering, not related to isoflavone bioavailability.


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The possibility that the heightened cardiovascular risk associated with the menopause can be reduced by increasing dietary isoflavone intake was tested in 17 women by measuring arterial compliance, an index of the elasticity of large arteries such as the thoracic aorta. Compliance diminishes with age and menopause. An initial 3- to 4-week run-in period and a 5-week placebo period were followed by two 5-week periods of active treatment with 40 mg and then 80 mg isoflavones derived from red clover containing genistein, daidzein, biochanin, and formononetin in 14 and 13 women, respectively, with 3 others serving as placebo controls throughout. Arterial compliance, measured by ultrasound as a pressure (carotid artery) and volume (outflow into aorta) relationship, was determined after each period; plasma lipids were measured twice during each period. Urinary output of isoflavones was also determined. Arterial compliance rose by 23% relative to that during the placebo period with the 80-mg isoflavone dose and slightly less with the 40-mg dose (mean6SEM: placebo, 19.761.5; 40 mg, 23.760.7; 80 mg, 24.46 1.4). In the three women receiving continuous placebo, compliance was 16 6 2.2, similar to that during the run-in period for the remaining subjects (17 6 2.1). ANOVA showed a significant (P 5 , 0.001) difference between treatments; by Bonferroni multiple comparisons and by paired t test, differences were significant between placebo and 40- and 80-mg isoflavone doses (by paired t test: P50.039 for placebo vs. 40 mg; P 5 0.018 for placebo vs. 80 mg). Plasma lipids were not significantly affected. An important cardiovascular risk factor, arterial compliance, which diminishes with menopause, was significantly improved with red clover isoflavones. As diminished compliance leads to systolic hypertension and may increase left ventricular work, the findings indicate a potential new therapeutic approach for improved cardiovascular function after menopause.


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Phytoestrogens daidzein (4′,7-dihydroxy-isoflavone) and formononetin (4′-methoxy-7-hydroxy-isoflavone) have been studied by surface-enhanced Raman (SER) spectroscopy. Spectra were acquired in the presence of citratereduced silver colloids, over a range of pH and concentrations. Density functional theory calculations were used to assist assignment of the normal Raman spectra and help determine the mode of interaction of isoflavones with the silver nanoparticles. Formononetin does not show SER activity unless the 7-OH group is deprotonated, and accordingly, the interaction with the silver surface occurs via the deprotonated site. Daidzein, on the other hand, appears to contain multiple species at the surface, interacting via both the hydroxyl groups at 7-OH and 4′-OH, after deprotonation. This is an important result that points to potential future SERS applications in phytoestrogen analysis and provides a foundation for understanding the SER spectra of isoflavones.


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Hepcidin, a peptide hormone that decreases intestinal iron absorption and macrophage iron release, is a potential drug target for patients with iron overload syndromes because its levels are inappropriately low in these individuals. Endogenous stimulants of Hepcidin transcription include bone morphogenic protein 6 (BMP6) and interleukin-6 (IL-6) by effects on mothers against decapentaplegic homolog (Smad)4 or signal transducer and activator of transcription (Stat)3, respectively. We conducted a small-scale chemical screen in zebrafish embryos to identify small molecules that modulate hepcidin expression. We found that treatment with the isoflavone, genistein, from 28-52 hours postfertilization in zebrafish embryos enhanced Hepcidin transcript levels, as assessed by whole-mount in situ hybridization and quantitative real-time reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction. Genistein's stimulatory effect was conserved in human hepatocytes: Genistein treatment of HepG2 cells increased both Hepcidin transcript levels and promoter activity. We found that genistein's effect on Hepcidin expression did not depend on estrogen receptor signaling or increased cellular iron uptake, but was impaired by mutation of either BMP response elements or the Stat3-binding site in the Hepcidin promoter. RNA sequencing of transcripts from genistein-treated hepatocytes indicated that genistein up-regulated 68% of the transcripts that were up-regulated by BMP6; however, genistein raised levels of several transcripts involved in Stat3 signaling that were not up-regulated by BMP6. Chromatin immunoprecipitation and ELISA experiments revealed that genistein enhanced Stat3 binding to the Hepcidin promoter and increased phosphorylation of Stat3 in HepG2 cells. Conclusion: Genistein is the first small-molecule experimental drug that stimulates Hepcidin expression in vivo and in vitro. These experiments demonstrate the feasibility of identifying and characterizing small molecules that increase Hepcidin expression. Genistein and other candidate molecules may subsequently be developed into new therapies for iron overload syndromes.