13 resultados para interweaving

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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The strand of whakapapa - genealogy - weaves through Māori women educators '. Pedagogy This article is based on research carried out with three eminent Māori women educators from Aotearoa New Zealand, which answered the question' what is Māori women educators 'pedagogy?' The research used the Indigenous kaupapa Māori research methodology, which is based on Māori worldviews. From the research I developed a metaphor, which was based on a style of Māori weaving called whatu to articulate Māori women educators pedagogy. A crucial element of the metaphor was the whenu - the warp The whenu represented tikanga -.. whānau and hapū values, traditions and belief systems The data in my research, suggests that identity and in particular whakapapa, a strand of the whenu, were a fundamental aspect of Māori women educators' pedagogy. This article discusses whakapapa and its integral relationship with each of three themes of Māori women educators' pedagogy and how they interact.


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A tapestry is a fabric in which multicoloured threads are interwoven to produce a pictorial design. The design of a tapestry often seems three-dimensional with layers of interwoven images of people and events from various times past and present. I use the tapastry as a motif or metaphor to describe the bordering and interweaving of my 'multiple lifeworlds' (Cope & Kalantzis 8) as an Italian Australian woman, academic, writer and social activist. Within and between each .of these worlds are points of tension and confluence, questions and emotions that motivate my own research and writing, and motivate my work with young people to articulate their own 'multiple lifeworlds' through writing
and art.


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Medically supervised injecting centers, or drug consumption rooms are officially sanctioned places where people can inject or smoke illegal drugs in hygienic conditions and under supervision. Their ostensible purposes are to protect the health of drug users and contain the nuisance potential of open drug markets. This article argues that the debates and arguments supporting the establishment and existence of medically supervised injecting centers follow four interweaving narratives. These narratives can be characterized as (1) Caring and humanitarian (2) Elimination of public nuisance (3) Governance of the drug-using subject (4) Neo-liberal, utilitarian, and bureaucratic. These narratives alternatively combine and oppose each other. This means that the analysis of the benefits and problems with such initiatives depends on the perspective of the actors involved and the claims made for their effectiveness.


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Dominant discourses construct boys and girls as two homogenous groups in need of particular, and uniform, kinds of interventions (Martino, Mills, & Lingard, 2005, Mills, Martino, & Lingard, 2004; Jones & Myhill, 2004). The boys and girls themselves, however, tell a much more complex story and challenge us to consider very different implications for addressing gender conformity and, more broadly, diversity in schools. In this chapter, the voices of students are used as text to explicate, first, how issues of gender, sexuality, social class, ethnicity and the body are implicated and interweave in girls’ and boys’ social experiences of schooling; and second, what the implications of this interweaving might be for addressing diversity in schools (Connell, 1995; 2002; Martino, 1999, 2000; Pallotta-Chiarolli, 1995, 1998, 2000, 2005). This work draws on and elaborates further our previous published research that investigates issues of gender and schooling. It locates such research within the broader international context of studies conducted into issues of gender and schooling that document student perspectives and voice (Fine & Weiss, 2003; Ferguson, 2001; Renold, 2003; Mac an Ghaill, 1994; Lees, 1993; Ornstein, 1995; Thorne, 1993; Mills, 2001; Hey, 1997; Willis,1977; Walker, 1988). The use of student voice as text is considered within that broader context and highlights the significance of gender regimes and power relations in students’ lives at school (Martino & Pallotta-Chiarolli, 2005; 2003; 2002; 2001; Pallotta-Chiarolli, 1998). We illustrate the extent to which the risky business of ‘fitting in’ involves negotiations around normative and transgressive masculinities and femininities and how such practices intersect with sexuality, race/culture, class, and geographical location (see James, 2003; Kumashiro, 2002).


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Examines Terry Gilliam's cinema via his interest in systems: mechanical, philosophical, aesthetic, mythological and scientific. Argues for Gilliam as in interpreter of the late twentieth century experience, his films interweaving contemporary theory with archaic lore in dramatisation of the ongoing quest to apprehend the world's processes.


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Using film grammar as the underpinning, we study the extraction of structures in video based on color using a wide configuration of clustering methods combined with existing and new similarity measures. We study the visualisation of these structures, which we call Scene-Cluster Temporal Charts and show how it can bring out the interweaving of different themes and settings in a film. We also extract color events that filmmakers use to draw/force a viewer's attention to a shot/scene. This is done by first extracting a set of colors used rarely in film, and then building a probabilistic model for color event detection. We demonstrate with experimental results from ten movies that our algorithms are effective in the extraction of both scene-cluster temporal charts and color events.


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As noted in other papers in this volume, a group of health and education researchers and practitioners came together to further develop their understanding of the situation of young people, who were clients of The Royal Children's Hospital Education Institute in 2007 in Melbourne, Australia. The resultant research project, funded by the Australian Research Council Linkage Grant, aimed to understand young people's perspectives on who they are and what matters to them in relation to education connectedness, identity, social relationships, and experiences with professionals. The project team was aware of the persisting patterns of relationships between the hospital, schools, young people, and their families. They were also cognizant of the heavy emphasis in the research and professional literature on evidence from relevant family adults and from health and education professionals. The intention of this project was to put the young people at the centre a study with the stories they told through word and image. Identity issues and school connections framed the analytical work. Thirty-one adolescents dealing with chronic illness participated in this longitudinal qualitative study for a 3-year period of their lives. Given the apparently active role of teachers and health professionals in the lives of these young people, the researchers wanted to include the various relevant adults to see what coherence or lack of coherence existed in the categories, emphases, and values they expressed compared with those of the young people. The researchers have had to determinedly keep their focus on the data from the young people and not be seduced by the familiar and readily accessible data from these professionals. Nonetheless, this data set does provide a ‘curriculum conversation’, which is profitably read behind the stories of the young people and in the foreground of new pathways of curriculum construction. It is this data which informs the work reported in this paper and which has led the researchers to resist the rhetoric of currently held story lines in this field, to see beyond the present hierarchies of power over relevant ‘knowledges’, to maintain a dual focus with the young people at centre stage and the professionals as ‘walk ons /extras’ and to argue for a ‘curriculum of connection’ between young people and the relevant education and health professionals. These issues are readily engaged in arguments for change through the interweaving of larger discourses of inclusivity, curriculum, and policy. This paper works those intersections in the everyday positionings of professionals and young people.


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This paper explores Web 2.0 as the marker of a discourse about the nature and purpose of the internet in the recent past. It focuses on how Web 2.0 introduced to our thinking about the internet a discourse of versions. Such a discourse enables the telling of a ‘history’ of the internet which involves a complex interweaving of past, present and future, as represented by the additional versions which the introduction of Web 2.0 enabled. The paper concludes that the discourse of versions embodied in Web 2.0 obscures as much as it reveals, and suggests a new project based on investigations of the everyday memories of the internet by which individual users create their own histories of online technology.


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Steph Hutchison's solo WORK is fuelled by an interest in pushing the body to its physical limit. A hybrid performance, interweaving dance, circus arts, improvisation, sports and theatre, WORK is inspired by the physical journey of Julie Moss. In 1982, Julie Moss competed in her first Ironman without ever completing the total distance before. What began as a lark became a struggle for survival and a test of human will. Each time she felt like quitting, she thought it was her 'ego trying to self-sabotage,' but her real self was 'that voice that said; "just keep moving forward. There is no limit." Hutchison explores the notion of dance as extreme sport and emphatically engages her body in rigorous physical practices. Her attention is to muscularity and the performance of effort, work and labour, to the point of physical exhaustion. Using circus apparatus such as tissu, rope and acrobatic mats, Steph pushes to and beyond the limits of her physical ability during the performance. In preparation for the show, she puts herself through intense bootcamp style training, classical and contemporary dance training and teaches herself new acrobatic tricks. Her aim is to push herself past exhaustion to another level.


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 In this article, I draw on a research study of one Iranian migrant mother's generation of selves through her material configuration of her personal photograph albums and through our verbal reading of her photographs. The research engages in a visual-material feminist ethnographic approach, and is informed by the work of Gillian Rose and the understanding that family photographs are a means by which women negotiate subject positions. In this article, I discuss an unexpected finding of my research, the significance of multiple temporalities in a migrant mother's production of selves. The photo album practices of the participant mother of this study, ‘Parvin’, depart from the common social convention of mothers arranging their photograph albums to chart family growth following the model of milestones occurring over linear developmental time. Parvin does not limit herself to linear developmental time, but rather she mixes up photographs in her post-migration family albums to generate multiple temporalities woven together by an enveloping ‘mixed’ time. Drawing on both Julia Kristeva and Homi Bhaba's theories of temporality and the subject, I suggest that Parvin produces subject positions for self and family through a continual interweaving of a multitude of pasts into the present and through a subsuming of milestones within cyclical family time. Further, I suggest that through her generation of multiple temporalities, Parvin produces the subject position of ‘accommodating mother’. Finally, I highlight the potential afforded by considering the temporal and the spatial together in studies of migrant identity.


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The gender and ethnic identities of older Somali women in Melbourne, Australia shaped and informed the findings of how previous physical activity and motherhood influenced their activity levels later in life.  This study is also an example of how the researcher and the participants navigated and negotiated the borders, shifting their subjectivities to create health behaviours that help exist in Western culture. This research consequently developed into two main pathways, firstly an exploration of how cross-cultural research methodology on the borders can be undertaken and, secondly, an analysis of the women's perspectives and experiences around physical activity and motherhood. A narrative method of data collection enabled research participants to express views from their standpoint. The role of an arts based program elicited honest responses and real stories and provided an environment where participants felt free and able to talk. It also enabled me to present their views in their words and in a style that allowed them to speak. The Somali women live in the ‘white’ dominant culture of Australia, yet constantly cross the borders between their traditional Somali culture and the dominant culture, juggling each value system. Using Anzaldua (1987) borderland framework this chapter explores these border crossings and understands how the women develop strategies for resistance and survival. It also highlights me as the researcher transforming my subjectivity within the structures of my own dominant culture.


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This paper consists of two parallel and interweaving investigations regarding the UFO phenomenon and its origins with respect to observational astronomy. First, as a young child, I was fascinated with astronomy and would spend many hours with my toy telescope, viewing blurred images of the night sky. I also held a deep belief in UFOs and was committed to seeing and recording a flying saucer for myself. This led me to fabricate my own UFO photographs and from these I developed a critical relationship with photography as a means of documentation and as a medium of illusionary projection. This paper is therefore partly personal and reflexive.The second thread investigates the advent of the UFO phenomenon as a consequence of nineteenth and early twentieth century developments in observational astronomy, and the speculative theories regarding life on Mars that emerged during this period. I will be considering the work of Giovanni Schiaparelli, Percival Lowell and the writings of Carl Jung. I will be arguing that the primary force that led towards a belief in flying saucers emerged from the speculations and misinterpretations of certain astronomical observations, together with a desire to project upon that which was observed, rather than to see that which was there.