6 resultados para final products comparative,

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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The recent deconstruction approach for demolition projects promotes reusing and recycling materials. However, the demolition project is interrupted and slowed down while the project team wait for the waste exchange process. Wasted materials generated from the demolition project have to be stored on demolition site or extra depository. Cost and time might be lost for the inventory of wasted materials and products. Just-in-Time (JIT) is a matured method widely used in manufacture industry as well as construction industry. It is utilised to reduce the inventory of both raw materials and final products. It is also used to shorten production cycle and improve the quality of the products. The JIT philosophy can be applied into demolition project so that the inventory of wasted materials can be eliminated and the project time can be shortened. To implement JIT demolition, the waste exchange process can be performed before the wasted materials are generated from the project. Material owners and demanders can virtually plan for waste handling before the demolition project is physically implemented. As a result, waste materials can be sent to demanders through transportation right after they are produced from the project. Applying JIT philosophy in demolition projects can effectively reduce the inventory of wasted materials and the amount of demolition waste to be sent to landfills. Therefore the cost and time of the project are reduced, and the quality of final delivered materials is improved.


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This article reports the preliminary findings on the morphology, chemical structure, antimicrobial and UV-screening properties of bamboo fibres. Bamboo fibres provide a very promising alternative to other natural fibres by virtue of their distinctive characteristics such as eco-friendly farming, inherent antimicrobial, UV-protective and highly· breathable properties. However, these novel properties are moslly claimed by fibre manufacturers, with little scientific evidence.  Moreover, those properties may largely depend on the manufacturing process, which is not widely disclosed by the manufacturers, Common manufacturing processes may require the use of a large amount of chemicals which would not make the product truly eco-friendly. Therefore, there is a strong need for unbiased laboratory experiments being conducted in a rigorous manner to elucidate the origin of those unique properties of bamboo fibres and to develop new processing methods to effectively utilise the properties in the final products. This research is aimed to prove the unique characteristics of bamboo fibres scientifically and to develop an efficient manufacturing process, in order to establish the place of bamboo fibres as a novel green material.


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A study of the synthesis of hexagonal boron carbo-nitride (h-BCN) compounds via a two-step high-temperature and high-pressure (HTHP) technique using melamine (C 3N 6H 6) and boron oxide (B 2O 3) as raw materials is presented. An amorphous BCN precursor was prepared at 1000K under vacuum in a resistance furnace and then single-phase h-BCN nanocrystalline was synthesized at 1600K and 5.1GPa in a multi-anvil apparatus. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) indicated that the final products were pure h-BCN crystals with the lattice constants a ≤ 0.2510nm and c ≤ 0.6690nm. The average grain size was about 150nm. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) results confirmed the occurrence of bonding between C-C, C-N, C-B and N-B atoms. Raman scattering analysis suggested that there were three strong Raman bands centered at 1359, 1596 and 1617cm -1, respectively. The band at 1617cm -1 was considered to be consistent with the characteristic Raman peak of h-BCN.


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 Mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MSNs) with particle size of20 nm have been synthesised through the template directed method at low temperature. The pH value of the reaction solution was found to have a great impact on the morphology of the final products. The morphology of resultant MSNs were investigated through transmission electron microscope. The mesoporous structure was examined by Brunauer-Emmett-Teller and Barrett-Joyner-Halenda methods. The results suggested that the high pH value had a great effect on the morphology of the final MSNs. Higher pH value intensified the interaction between particles. The pH value less than 10 is good for the formation of nanoparticles, while at pH 12, a silica framework with heterogeneous mesopore structure can be obtained.


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The results of a recent increase in research interest directed at the inclusion of tallow in fish feed formulations are suggesting tallow is viable as a potential substitute for other alternative lipid sources such as poultry by-product oil. Although strong growth performance data has been shown, reservations still exist regarding reduced digestibility and the potential impacts this could have on performance over the duration of a grow-out period in low temperature conditions. Also little information is yet available on the potential effect of dietary tallow inclusion on final product quality. A large scale farm based study testing the inclusion of tallow at 40% inclusion, partially replacing poultry by-product oil, in commercial diets of Atlantic salmon over a winter grow-out period in southern Tasmania, Australia was conducted. Tallow inclusion had no impact on growth performance or nutrient digestibility. Tallow resulted in a slight improvement in fillet quality exhibiting a significant reduction in n - 6 PUFA and the n6:n3 ratio, and an increased n - 3LC-PUFA tissue deposition. Consumers were unable to display any preference in liking between 3 salmon products (cold smoked, hot smoked, and cooked) as a result of tallow inclusion. This study demonstrates the viability of partial inclusion of tallow in Atlantic salmon diets over a winter grow-out period. Statement of relevance: Improved knowledge of alternative dietary energy sources (oils and fats) to be used in aquafeed, (replacing the increasingly expensive, and diminishingly available, fish oil) is a key area of research towards improved environmental sustainability and economic viability of the aquaculture sector. Following a promising laboratory based, research scale, in vivo trial aimed at assessing the viability of tallow in salmon feed, a larger and longer duration farm-based trial was implemented to validate initial findings. Consumer test of final products (fresh-cooked, hot smoked and cold smoked fillets) showed no modification of sensorial attributes. Tallow is hereto shown to be a highly viable alternative oil for the salmon aquafeed industry.


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Factors are explored of decision making in regard to buying and/or upgrading information products. Mature information product markets are considered. Comparing two cases - professional and final consumer information products - the decision making process is considered on the choice of product variant. We distinguish three groups of users according to their ultimate decisions to either not to upgrade the existing system, or to upgrade it with the existing provider, or to switch to another provider. Consumer decision is based on multiple characteristics of information product quality, network effects, price and switching costs, whereas producers have to compete not only with their competitors, but also with the previous versions of the own products. Based on the considered cases, differences in consumer priorities are discussed in the markets of professional versus final consumer information products.