14 resultados para explosive ordnance disposal

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Teleoperated mobile robotics offer potential use in a variety of different real-world applications including hazardous materials handling, urban search and rescue and explosive ordnance handling and disposal. Recent research discusses the use of Haptic technology in increasing task immersion and teleoperator performance. This work investigates the utility of low-cost, ungrounded tactile haptic interfaces in mobile robotic teleoperation. In order to achieve the desired implementation using only tactile sensation presents distinct challenges. Innovative haptic control methodologies providing the teleoperator with intuitive motion control and task-relevant haptic augmentation are presented within this paper.


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Teleoperated mobile robotics offer potential use in a variety of different real-world applications including hazardous materials handling, urban search and rescue and explosive ordnance handling and disposal. Recent research discusses the use of Haptic technology in increasing task immersion and teleoperator performance. This work investigates the utility of low-cost, ungrounded tactile haptic interfaces in mobile robotic teleoperation. In order to achieve the desired implementation using only tactile sensation presents distinct challenges. Innovative haptic control methodologies providing the teleoperator with intuitive motion control and task-relevant haptic augmentation are presented within this paper.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the provision and disposal of needles and syringes in Geelong, Victoria, supplying a comparison of needles provided to needles returned through needle and syringe programmes (NSPs), needles disposed of in 'Sharpsafe' bins and needles discarded. This study combined quantitative data obtained from a number of sources and qualitative data obtained from 60 interviews. An average of 18,337 (SD = 2796) per month were dispensed from NSPs and an average of 5576 needles are returned to NSP sites in Geelong per month. For the current year, 450 needles and syringes per month were placed in publicly located disposal bins. On average there were 19 callouts to discarded needles per month in the Geelong region and these needles constituted 0.38% of the monthly average of needles provided through NSPs. It was concluded that, while discarded needles are of major community concern, the vast majority of needles and syringes provided in this regional centre are not discarded. Findings are discussed in relation to the current laws surrounding the possession of injecting equipment.


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The construction of evaporative ponds and wetlands for the disposal of waste water high in ionic concentrations is a waste disposal strategy currently considered by many industries. However, the design, construction and management of these ponds and wetlands are not straightforward as complex chemical interactions result in both spatial and temporal changes in water quality. The effects of evaporation and drainage on the water quality in two constructed ponds, an adjacent man-made wetland and local groundwater at Portland Aluminium were investigated. The minimum volume of water entering the ponds during the study period was 0.96±0.16 ML per month. The predicted theoretical evaporative capacity of the two ponds was calculated to be 0.30±0.07 ML per month. More water enters the ponds than it is theoretically possible to evaporate under the ambient weather conditions at Portland, yet the ponds do not overflow, suggesting percolation through the pond lining. No spatial differences in solute concentrations (fluoride, sulphate, bicarbonate, carbonate, sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium ions) were found within the waters of either pond, although temporal differences were apparent. The results support the conclusion that the ponds are not impermeable, and that much of the waste water entering the ponds is being lost through seepage. The impacts on local groundwater chemistry of this seepage are addressed. Significant correlations exist between solute presence within and between the ponds, wetland and groundwater. Fluoride and sulphate concentrations were significantly higher in pond waters throughout the duration of the experiment. Pond sediments revealed a high degree of spatial and temporal heterogeneity in the concentration of all monitored ions resulting from the chemical heterogeneity of the material making up the pond linings. Adsorption isotherms for fluoride indicate that the adsorption capacity of the pond linings remains high for this ion. Implications for the management of waste water by this strategy are discussed.


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This study examined the effect of epinephrine on glucose disposal during moderate exercise when glycogenolytic flux was limited by low preexercise skeletal muscle glycogen availability. Six male subjects cycled for 40 min at 59 ± 1% peak pulmonary O2 uptake on two occasions, either without (CON) or with (EPI) epinephrine infusion starting after 20 min of exercise. On the day before each experimental trial, subjects completed fatiguing exercise and then maintained a low carbohydrate diet to lower muscle glycogen. Muscle samples were obtained after 20 and 40 min of exercise, and glucose kinetics were measured using [6,6-2H]glucose. Exercise increased plasma epinephrine above resting concentrations in both trials, and plasma epinephrine was higher (P < 0.05) during the final 20 min in EPI compared with CON. Muscle glycogen levels were low after 20 min of exercise (CON, 117 ± 25; EPI, 122 ± 20 mmol/kg dry matter), and net muscle glycogen breakdown and muscle glucose 6-phosphate levels during the subsequent 20 min of exercise were unaffected by epinephrine infusion. Plasma glucose increased with epinephrine infusion (i.e., 20-40 min), and this was due to a decrease in glucose disposal (Rd) (40 min: CON, 33.8 ± 3; EPI, 20.9 ± 4.9 µmol · kg-1 · min-1, P < 0.05), because the exercise-induced rise in glucose rate of appearance was similar in the trials. These results show that glucose Rd during exercise is reduced by elevated plasma epinephrine, even when muscle glycogen availability and utilization are low. This suggests that the effect of epinephrine does not appear to be mediated by increased glucose 6-phosphate, secondary to enhanced muscle glycogenolysis, but may be linked to a direct effect of epinephrine on sarcolemmal glucose transport.


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Explores the process of state policy making in the area of sewage disposal and pollution management. Argues that contradictory world views form the milieu of understanding through which environmental policy is shaped. The dynamic tension between two contradictory views is explained mainly through events within two regional water authorities in Victoria during the 1980s.. The analysis suggests that a process of incremental change in the shaping of environmental policy is taking place.


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There is evidence that reactive oxygen species (ROS) signalling is required for normal increases in glucose uptake during contraction of isolated mouse skeletal muscle, and that AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is involved. The aim of this study was to determine whether ROS signalling is involved in the regulation of glucose disposal and AMPK activation during moderate-intensity exercise in humans. Nine healthy males completed 80 min of cycle ergometry at 62 ± 1 of peak oxygen consumption ( . A 6,6-2H-glucose tracer was infused at rest and during exercise, and in a double-blind randomised cross-over design, N-acetylcysteine (NAC) or saline (CON) was co-infused. NAC was infused at 125 mg kg?1h?1for 15 min and then at 25 mg kg?1h?1for 20 min before and throughout exercise. NAC infusion elevated plasma NAC and cysteine, and muscle NAC and cysteine concentrations during exercise. Although neither NAC infusion nor exercise significantly affected muscle reduced or oxidised glutathione (GSH or GSSG) concentration (P> 0.05), S-glutathionylation (an indicator of oxidative stress) of a protein band of ?270 kDa was increased ?3-fold with contraction and this increase was prevented by NAC infusion. Despite this, exercised-induced increases in tracer determined glucose disposal, plasma lactate, plasma non-esterified fatty acids (NEFAs), and decreases in plasma insulin were not affected by NAC infusion. In addition, skeletal muscle AMPK? and acetyl-CoA carboxylase-? (ACC?) phosphorylation increased during exercise by ?3- and ?6-fold (P< 0.05), respectively, and this was not affected by NAC infusion. Unlike findings in mouse muscle ex vivo, NAC does not attenuate skeletal muscle glucose disposal or AMPK activation during moderate-intensity exercise in humans.


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We have first demonstrated that a random laser action generated by a hybrid film composed of a semiconducting organic polymer (SOP) and TiO2 nanoparticles can be used to detect 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) vapors. The hybrid film was fabricated by spin-casting SOP solution dispersed with nanosized TiO2 particles on quartz glass. The SOP in the hybrid film functioned as both the gain medium and the sensory transducer. A random lasing action was observed with a certain pump power when the size (diameter of 50 nm) and concentration (8.9 - 1012/cm3) of TiO2 nanoparticles were optimized. Measurements of fluorescence quenching behavior of the hybrid film in TNT vapor atmosphere (10 ppb) showed that attenuated lasing in optically pumped hybrid film displayed a sensitivity to vapors of explosives more than 20 times higher than was observed from spontaneous emission. This phenomenon has been explained with the four-level laser model. Since the sensory transducer used in the hybrid polymer/nanoparticles system could be replaced by other functional materials, the concept developed could be extended to more general domains of chemical or environment detection.


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Purpose: We have previously shown that local infusion of a nitric oxide synthase (NOS) inhibitor attenuates increases in leg glucose uptake during exercise in humans. We have also shown that infusion of the NOS substrate, L-arginine (L-Arg), increases glucose clearance, although the mechanisms involved were not determined. A potential mechanism for NO-mediated glucose disposal is via interactions with NOS and the energy sensor AMPactivated protein kinase (AMPK). The aim of this study was to determine the mechanism(s) by which L-Arg infusion increases glucose disposal during exercise in humans by examining total NOS activity and AMPK signaling.

Methods: Seven males cycled for 120 min at 64% T 1% V˙ O2peak, during which the [6,6-2H]glucose tracer was infused. During the final 60 min of exercise, either saline alone (Control, CON), or saline containing L-Arg HCl (L-Arg, 30 g at 0.5 gIminj1) was coinfused in a double-blind, randomized, counterbalanced order.

Results: L-Arg increased the glucose rate of disappearance and glucose clearance rate during exercise; however, this was accompanied by a 150% increase in plasma insulin concentration from 65 to 75 min (P G 0.05) that remained significantly elevated until 90 min of exercise. Skeletal muscle AMPK signaling, nNOSK phosphorylation by AMPK, and total NOS activity increased to a similar extent in the two trials.

Conclusions: The increase in glucose disposal after L-Arg infusion during exercise is likely due to the significantly higher plasma insulin concentration.


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This thesis describes a novel approach towards the trace level detection of nitramine explosives, by exploring various reduction strategies and utilising ruthenium chemiluminescence. Synthesis of novel chemiluminescence compounds has been achieved, as well as the development of a detection method for determining the shelf life of ammunition.


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Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) are reported as the number one cause of injury and death for allied troops in the current theater of operation. Current stand-off technologies for Counter IED (CIED) tasks rely on robotic platforms that have not improved in capability over the past decade to combat the ever increasing threat of IEDs. While they provide operational capability, the effectiveness of these platforms is limited. This is because they primarily utilise video and audio feedback, and require extensive training and specialist operators. Recent operational experience has demonstrated the need for robotic systems that are highly capable, yet easily operable for high fidelity manipulation. Force feedback provides an operator with more intuitive control of a robotic system. This sense of touch allows an operator to obtain a sense of feel from a stand-off location of what the robot touches or grasps through a human-robot interface. This paper reports the design and development of a Haptically-Enabled Counter IED robotic system that was funded by the Australian Defence Force. The presented work focuses on the design methodology for the system, and provides the results of the manipulator analysis and trial outcomes.


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There is currently minimal evidence from training studies that document the effectiveness of complex training to elicitgains in explosive muscle function that are greater than those obtained from a more conventional approach. Over nineweeks of training, 20 recreationally trained athletes with a minimum of one year of resistance training experience wererandomly assigned to either a complex training group (n¼9) or a conventional training group (n¼11). In an attempt tocapitalise on muscle’s post-activation potentiation response, the complex training group performed all sets of ½ backsquats prior to sets of jumps squats, while the conventional training group performed jump squats prior to sets of ½ backsquats. Lower body explosive muscle function and jump performance improved significantly in both groups. The complextraining group’s improvement in running vertical jump performance was significantly greater than in the conventionalgroups. Sprint performance was not significantly improved in either training group.