12 resultados para expatriates

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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With the rapid increase in globalisation over the past two decades, an ever growing number of individuals are being expatriated overseas leading to increased contact in a business context among people from different cultural backgrounds (Zakaria, 2000). Unfortunately, there still appears to be a high incidence of expatriate failure. One of the most commonly cited factors to expatriate failure, is associated with cultural differences between the expatriate and host country nationals. In this paper, we discuss the impact that cultural differences can have on Australian expatriates in Asia and Thailand in particular and the intercultural competencies it is important for these expatriates to have to overcome these problems. Interviews with Australian expatriates and Thai nationals in Thailand, are used to provide practical examples of how the possession of these intercultural competencies will facilitate expatriates to successfully cope with the intercultural experience and reduce the likelihood of expatriate failure.


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Workforces in individualistic countries, such as the US, the UK and Auslralia, are becoming increasingly culturally diverse. In Australia, the population now comprises people from more than 220 nationalities, approximately 45% of whom were born overseas. It is expected that. by the year 2030, 25% of the Australian population will be of Asian origin Nankervis. Compton, & McCarthy, 1999). Despite large Asian expatriations, the small number of Asian permanent residents in Australia (i.e. 4.7% of 18m people) infers that Asians may be having difficulty fitting into the Australian context. This paper will highlight the unaddressed racial tension in Australian workplaces and discuss the experience of Asian expatriates in light of the racial and value dissimilarity associated with Asian (collectivist) and Australian (individualist) cultures.


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The applicability of the Western model of task and contextual performance to the context of Thai and Western managers, professionals and consultants working together in Thailand is addressed in this research. The results show a clear difference in the factor structure of how Western and Thai managers perceive the importance of performance factors. Moreover, the task and contextual factor structure found for Western managers working in a Western culture did not hold for Westerners working within the Thai cultural environment. These findings provide evidence of adaptation by the Westerner to the Thai cultural environment, supporting the notion of crossvergence.


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This paper uses a novel approach to investigate how food consumption in Japan may change as Japanese consumers become more westernised in their tastes and preferences for food. It is widely believed that as food prices in Japan fall to international levels and as Japanese consumers become more westernised in their taste and preferences for food, their meat consumption patterns, in particular, will approach those of western countries. The approach undertaken in this paper involves a comprehensive survey of Japanese expatriates in Los Angeles, California, regarding their food consumption habits. The findings are interesting as they shed some light on the changing nature of food consumption of accultured Japanese faced with competitive food prices. The results indicate that although household meat consumption of Japanese expatriates have changed, it remains debatable, however, that their food consumption habits will approach those of western consumers in the foreseeable future. The findings have important implications for food marketeers in Japan and elsewhere, particularly as further liberalisation of food import in that country gains momentum.


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Despite a numerical equivalence with men, women in Australia have not experienced parity with males in terms of opportunity. They are continually under-represented among Australia's elite (Higley, Deacon, & Smart, 1979). In general, women employees, particularly those born overseas, face more difficulties in gaining access to, and advancing within, the managerial workforce than are men. Further, obtaining a managerial job in the first place is often the biggest obstacle facing women from a non-English-speaking background (NESS) even when their experience and educational levels are comparable to those of English speaking applicants. This paper sheds light on the experience of women expatriates in Australia and the factors that inhibit and facilitate their entry and advancement into managerial positions. Recommendations for organisations sending women on expatriate assignments to Australia are offered.


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With increased recognition of the existence of emotions in everyday interpersonal interactions, the need for emotions in cross-cultural interactions has become more obvious. Emotions play an important role in cross-cultural expatriate interactions as these experiences are essentially social encounters. Yet, little research addresses the emotions felt and the emotional demands involved in the cross-cultural interaction. Research on expatriate experiences centres solely on the cross-cultural training, sensitivity, and adaptability of expatriates. What fails to be addressed, however, is the emotional aspect of this interaction. In this paper, we examine the cross-cultural expatriate experience, integrating both the cultural and emotional aspects of the interaction. In doing so, we aim to advance understanding of the expatriate experience and the potential reasons underlying expatriate success and failure.


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With increased recognition of the existence of emotions in everyday interpersonal interactions, the need for emotions in cross-cultural interactions has become more obvious. Emotions play an important role in cross-cultural expatriate interactions as these experiences are essentially social encounters. Yet, little research addresses the emotions felt and the emotional demands involved in the cross-cultural interaction. Research on expatriate experiences centres solely on the cross cultural training, sensitivity, and adaptability of expatriates. What fails to be addressed, however, is the emotional aspect of this interaction. In this article, we examine the cross-cultural expatriate experience from the perspective of the Australian expatriate in Asia, integrating both the cultural and emotional aspects of the interaction. In doing so, we aim to advance understanding of the expatriate experience and the potential reasons underlying expatriate success and failure.