97 resultados para excess post-exercise oxygen consumption

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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The purpose of this study was to assess the validity of a GPS tracking system to estimate energy expenditure (EE) during exercise and field sport locomotor movements. Twenty-seven participants each completed one 90 minute exercise session on an outdoor synthetic futsal pitch. During the exercise session participants wore a 5 Hz GPS unit interpolated to 15 Hz (SPI HPU, GPSports Pty Ltd, Australia) and a portable gas analyser (Metamax® 3B, Cortex Pty Ltd, Germany) which acted as the criterion measure of EE. The exercise session was comprised of alternating five minute exercise bouts of randomised walking, jogging, running or a field sport circuit (x3) followed by 10 minutes of recovery. One-way ANOVA showed significant (p<0.01) and very large underestimations between GPS metabolic power derived EE and VO2 derived EE for all field sport circuits (% difference ≈ -44%). No differences in EE were observed for the jog (7.8%) and run (4.8%) while very large overestimations were found for the walk (43.0%). The GPS metabolic power EE over the entire 90 minute session was significantly lower (p<0.01) than the VO2 EE, resulting in a moderate underestimation overall (-19%). The results of this study suggest that a GPS tracking system using the metabolic power model of EE does not accurately estimate EE in field sport movements or over an exercise session consisting of mixed locomotor activities interspersed with recovery periods; however is able to provide a reasonably accurate estimation of EE during continuous jogging and running.


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Recovery after prolonged or high-intensity exercise is characterised by a substantial increase in adipose tissue lipolysis, resulting in elevated rates of plasma-derived fat oxidation. Despite the large increase in circulating fatty acids (FAs) after exercise, only a small fraction of this is taken up by exercised muscle in the lower extremities. Indeed, the predominant fate of non-oxidised FAs derived from post-exercise lipolysis is reesteriflcation hi the liver. During recovery from endurance exercise, a number of changes also occur hi skeletal muscle that allow for a high metabolic priority towards glycogen resynthesis. Reducing muscle glycogen during exercise potentiates these effects, however the cellular and molecular mechanisms regulating substrate oxidation following exercise remain poorly defined. The broad arm of this thesis was to examine the regulation of fat metabolism during recovery from glycogen-lowering exercise hi the presence of altered fat and glucose availability. In study I, eight endurance-trained males completed a bout of exhaustive exercise followed by ingestion of carbohydrate (CHO)-rich meals (64-70% of energy from CHO) at 1, 4, and 7 h of recovery. Duplicate muscle biopsies were obtained at exhaustion and 3, 6 and 18 h of recovery. Despite the large intake of CHO during recovery (491 ± 28 g or 6.8 + 0.3 g • kg-1), respiratory exchange ratio values of 0.77 to 0.84 indicated a greater reliance on fat as an oxidative fuel. Intramuscular triacylglycerol (IMTG) content remained unchanged in the presence of elevated glucose and insulin levels during recovery , suggesting IMTG has a negligible role in contributing to the enhanced fat oxidation after exhaustive exercise. It appears that the partitioning of exogenous glucose towards glycogen resynthesis is of high metabolic priority during immediate post-exercise recovery, supported by the trend towards reduced pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) activity and increased fat oxidation. The effect of altering plasma FA availability during post-exercise recovery was examined in study II. Eight endurance-trained males performed three trials consisting of glycogen-lowering exercise, followed by infusion of either saline (CON), saline + nicotinic acid (NA) (LFA) or Intralipid and heparin (HFA). Muscle biopsies were obtained at the end of exercise (0 h) and at 3 and 6 h in recovery. Altering the availability of plasma FAs during recovery induced changes in whole-body fat oxidation that were unrelated to differences in skeletal muscle malonyl-CoA. Furthermore, fat oxidation and acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC) phosphorylation appear to be dissociated after exercise, suggesting mechanisms other than phosphorylation-mediated changes in ACC activity have an important role in regulating malonyl-CoA and fat metabolism in human skeletal muscle after exercise. Alternative mechanisms include citrate and long-chain fatty acyl-CoA mediated changes in ACC activity, or differences in malonyl-CoA decarboxylase (MCD) activity. Reducing plasma FA concentrations with NA attenuated the post-exercise increase in MCD and pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 4 (PDK4) gene expression, suggesting that FAs and/or other factors induced by NA are involved hi the regulation of these genes. Despite marked changes hi plasma FA availability, no significant changes in IMTG concentration were detected, providing further evidence that plasma-derived FAs are the preferential fuel source contributing to the enhanced fat oxidation post-exercise during recovery. To further examine the effect of substrate availability after exercise, Study III investigated the regulation of fat metabolism during a 6 h recovery period with or without glucose infusion. Enhanced glucose availability significantly increased CHO oxidation compared with the fasted state, although no differences in whole-body fat oxidation were apparent. Consistent with the similar rates of fat metabolism, no difference hi AMPK or ACCβ phosphorylation were observed between trials. In addition, no significant treatment or time effects for IMTG concentration were detected during recovery. The large exercise-induced PDK4 gene expression was attenuated when plasma FAs were reduced during glucose infusion, supporting the hypothesis that PDK4 is responsive to sustained changes in lipid availability and/or changes in plasma insulin. Furthermore, the possibility exists that the suppression of PDK4 mRNA also reduced PDK activity and thus maintained PDH activity to account for the higher rates of CHO oxidation observed during glucose infusion compared with the control trial.


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An isolated, perfused salmon tail preparation showed oxyconformance at low oxygen delivery rates. Addition of pig red blood cells to the perfusing solution at a haematocrit of 5 or 10% allowed the tail tissues to oxyregulate. Below ca. 60 ml O2 kg−1 h−1 of oxygen delivery (DO2), VO2 was delivery dependent. Above this value additional oxygen delivery did not increase VO2 of resting muscle above ca. 35 ml O2 kg−1 h−1. Following electrical stimulation, VO2 increased to ca. 65 ml O2 kg−1 h−1, with a critical DO2 of ca. 150 ml O2 kg−1 h−1. Dorsal aortic pressure fell to 69% of the pre-stimulation value after 5 min of stimulation and to 54% after 10 min. Microspheres were used to determine blood flow distribution (BFD) to red (RM) and white muscle (WM) within the perfused myotome. Mass specific BFD ratio at rest was found to be 4.03 ± 0.49 (RM:WM). After 5 min of electrical stimulation the ratio did not change. Perfusion with saline containing the tetrazolium salt 3-(4,5-Dimethyl-2-thiazolyl)-2,5-diphenyl-2H-tetrazolium bromide (MTT) revealed significantly more mitochondrial activity in RM. Formazan production from MTT was directly proportional to time of perfusion in both red and WM. The mitochondrial activity ratio (RM:WM) did not change over 90 min of perfusion.


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Glycogen plays a major role in supporting the energy demands of skeletal muscles during high intensity exercise. Despite its importance, the amount of glycogen stored in skeletal muscles is so small that a large fraction of it can be depleted in response to a single bout of high intensity exercise. For this reason, it is generally recommended to ingest food after exercise to replenish rapidly muscle glycogen stores, otherwise one's ability to engage in high intensity activity might be compromised. But what if food is not available? It is now well established that, even in the absence of food intake, skeletal muscles have the capacity to replenish some of their glycogen at the expense of endogenous carbon sources such as lactate. This is facilitated, in part, by the transient dephosphorylation-mediated activation of glycogen synthase and inhibition of glycogen phosphorylase. There is also evidence that muscle glycogen synthesis occurs even under conditions conducive to an increased oxidation of lactate post-exercise, such as during active recovery from high intensity exercise. Indeed, although during active recovery glycogen resynthesis is impaired in skeletal muscle as a whole because of increased lactate oxidation, muscle glycogen stores are replenished in Type IIa and IIb fibers while being broken down in Type I fibers of active muscles. This unique ability of Type II fibers to replenish their glycogen stores during exercise should not come as a surprise given the advantages in maintaining adequate muscle glycogen stores in those fibers that play a major role in fight or flight responses.


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Transcranial magnetic stimulation has been used to study changes in central excitability associated with motor tasks. Recently, we reported that a finger flexion–extension task performed at a maximal voluntary rate (MVR) could not be sustained and that this was not due to muscle fatigue, but was more likely a breakdown in central motor control. To determine the central changes that accompany this type of movement task, we tracked motor-evoked potential (MEP) amplitude from the first dorsal interosseous (FDI) and abductor pollicis brevis (APB) muscles of the dominant hand in normal subjects for 20 min after a 10 sec index finger flexion–extension task performed at MVR and at a moderate sustainable rate (MSR) and half the MSR (MSR/2). The FDI MEP amplitude was reduced for up to 6–8 min after each of the tasks but there was a greater and longer-lasting reduction after the MSR and MSR/2 tasks compared to the MVR task. There was a similar reduction in the amplitude of the FDI MEP after a 10 sec cyclic index finger abduction–adduction task when the FDI was acting as the prime mover. The amplitude of the MEP recorded from the inactive APB was also reduced after the flexion–extension tasks, but to a lesser degree and for a shorter duration. Measurements of short-interval cortical inhibition revealed an increase in inhibition after all of the finger flexion–extension tasks, with the MSR task being associated with the greatest degree of inhibition. These findings indicate that a demanding MVR finger movement task is followed by a period of reduced corticomotor excitability and increased intracortical inhibition. However, these changes also occur with and are greater with slower rates of movement and are not specific for motor demand, but may be indicative of adaptive changes in the central motor pathway after a period of repetitive movement.


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We tested the ability of overall dynamic body acceleration (ODBA) to predict the rate of oxygen consumption ([Formula: see text]) in freely diving Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) while resting at the surface and diving. The trained sea lions executed three dive types-single dives, bouts of multiple long dives with 4-6 dives per bout, or bouts of multiple short dives with 10-12 dives per bout-to depths of 40 m, resulting in a range of activity and oxygen consumption levels. Average metabolic rate (AMR) over the dive cycle or dive bout calculated was calculated from [Formula: see text]. We found that ODBA could statistically predict AMR when data from all dive types were combined, but that dive type was a significant model factor. However, there were no significant linear relationships between AMR and ODBA when data for each dive type were analyzed separately. The potential relationships between AMR and ODBA were not improved by including dive duration, food consumed, proportion of dive cycle spent submerged, or number of dives per bout. It is not clear whether the lack of predictive power within dive type was due to low statistical power, or whether it reflected a true absence of a relationship between ODBA and AMR. The average percent error for predicting AMR from ODBA was 7-11 %, and standard error of the estimated AMR was 5-32 %. Overall, the extensive range of dive behaviors and physiological conditions we tested indicated that ODBA was not suitable for estimating AMR in the field due to considerable error and the inconclusive effects of dive type.


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PURPOSE: We investigated if oral ingestion of ibuprofen influenced leucocyte recruitment and infiltration following an acute bout of traditional resistance exercise Methods: Sixteen male subjects were divided into two groups that received the maximum over-the-counter dose of ibuprofen (1200mg d(-1)) or a similarly administered placebo following lower body resistance exercise. Muscle biopsies were taken from m.vastus lateralis and blood serum samples were obtained before and immediately after exercise, and at 3 and 24 h after exercise. Muscle cross-sections were stained with antibodies against neutrophils (CD66b and MPO) and macrophages (CD68). Muscle damage was assessed via creatine kinase and myoglobin in blood serum samples, and muscle soreness was rated on a ten-point pain scale.

RESULTS: The resistance exercise protocol stimulated a significant increase in the number of CD66b(+) and MPO(+) cells when measured 3 h post exercise. Serum creatine kinase, myoglobin and subjective muscle soreness all increased post-exercise. Muscle leucocyte infiltration, creatine kinase, myoglobin and subjective muscle soreness were unaffected by ibuprofen treatment when compared to placebo. There was also no association between increases in inflammatory leucocytes and any other marker of cellular muscle damage.

CONCLUSION: Ibuprofen administration had no effect on the accumulation of neutrophils, markers of muscle damage or muscle soreness during the first 24 h of post-exercise muscle recovery.


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Lung transplant recipients (LTx) exhibit marked peripheral limitations to exercise. We investigated whether skeletal muscle Ca2+ and K+ regulation might be abnormal in eight LTx and eight healthy controls. Peak oxygen consumption and arterialized venous plasma [K+] (where brackets denote concentration) were measured during incremental exercise. Vastus lateralis muscle was biopsied at rest and analyzed for sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ release, Ca2+ uptake, and Ca2+-ATPase activity rates; fiber composition; Na+-K+-ATPase (K+-stimulated 3-O-methylfluorescein phosphatase) activity and content ([3H]ouabain binding sites); as well as for [H+] and H+-buffering capacity. Peak oxygen consumption was 47% less in LTx (P < 0.05). LTx had lower Ca2+ release (34%), Ca2+ uptake (31%), and Ca2+-ATPase activity (25%) than controls (P < 0.05), despite their higher type II fiber proportion (LTx, 75.0 ± 5.8%; controls, 43.5 ± 2.1%). Muscle [H+] was elevated in LTx (P < 0.01), but buffering capacity was similar to controls. Muscle 3-O-methylfluorescein phosphatase activity was 31% higher in LTx (P < 0.05), but [3H]ouabain binding content did not differ significantly. However, during exercise, the rise in plasma [K+]-to-work ratio was 2.6-fold greater in LTx (P < 0.05), indicating impaired K+ regulation. Thus grossly subnormal muscle calcium regulation, with impaired potassium regulation, may contribute to poor muscular performance in LTx.


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The purpose of this study was to compare accumulated oxygen deficits and markers of anaerobic metabolism [plasma ammonia (NH3) and lactate (La) concentrations] in anaerobically trained male [n = 8, age 14.8 (0.5) years; maximal oxygen consumption V˙O2 max 61.74 (2.23) ml ·  kg−1 · min−1] and female [n = 8, age 14.5 (0.2) years; O2 max 49.62 (3.52) ml · kg−1 · min−1] adolescents. The exercise protocol consisted of runs to exhaustion at speeds predicted to represent 120% and 130% of O2 max. Arterialised blood samples were obtained from a pre-warmed hand via a catheter inserted into a forearm vein. Samples were taken at rest and after 1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 15 and 20 min of recovery. The high-intensity exercise resulted in mean accumulated oxygen deficits that were less (P < 0.05) in females (52.3 ml · kg−1) than in males (68.6 ml · kg−1). Lower (P < 0.05) plasma concentrations of NH3 and La−1, and a higher pH were evident in females compared with males during various stages of the 20-min recovery period. The increase in anaerobic performance in the male adolescent athletes when compared with their female counterparts was associated with an increased plasma concentration of selected plasma and blood metabolites. The observed results may reflect well-established differences between the sexes in the morphology and metabolic power of muscle.


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BACKGROUND: Exercise is an essential component of contemporary cardiac rehabilitation programs for the secondary prevention of coronary heart disease. Despite the benefits associated with regular exercise, adherence with supervised exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation remains low. Increasingly powerful mobile technologies, such as smartphones and wireless physiological sensors, may extend the capability of exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation by enabling real-time exercise monitoring for those with coronary heart disease. This study compares the effectiveness of technology-assisted, home-based, remote monitored exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation (REMOTE) to standard supervised exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation in New Zealand adults with a diagnosis of coronary heart disease. METHODS/DESIGN: A two-arm, parallel, non-inferiority, randomised controlled trial will be conducted at two sites in New Zealand. One hundred and sixty two participants will be randomised at a 1:1 ratio to receive a 12-week program of technology-assisted, home-based, remote monitored exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation (intervention), or an 8-12 program of standard supervised exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation (control).The primary outcome is post-treatment maximal oxygen uptake (V̇O2max). Secondary outcomes include cardiovascular risk factors (blood lipid and glucose concentrations, blood pressure, anthropometry), self-efficacy, intentions and motivation to be active, objectively measured physical activity, self-reported leisure time exercise and health-related quality of life. Cost information will also be collected to compare the two modes of delivery. All outcomes are assessed at baseline, post-treatment, and 6 months, except for V̇O2max, blood lipid and glucose concentrations, which are assessed at baseline and post-treatment only. DISCUSSION: This novel study will compare the effectiveness of technology-supported exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation to a traditional supervised approach. If the REMOTE program proves to be as effective as traditional cardiac rehabilitation, it has potential to augment current practice by increasing access for those who cannot utilise existing services. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials RegistryStudy ID number: ACTRN12614000843651. Registered 7 August 2014.