11 resultados para equipment design

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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The authors provide and overview of oxygen therapy principles, describing the indications and care requirements of three low flow oxygen therapy devices and providing an algorithm for managing refractory hypoxaemia.


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This paper deals with the problem of partial state observer design for linear systems that are subject to time delays in the measured output as well as the control input. By choosing a set of appropriate augmented Lyapunov-Krasovskii functionals with a triple-integral term and using the information of both the delayed output and input, a novel approach to design a minimal-order observer is proposed to guarantee that the observer error is ε-convergent with an exponential rate. Existence conditions of such an observer are derived in terms of matrix inequalities for the cases with time delays in both the output and input and with output delay only. Constructive design algorithms are introduced. Numerical examples are provided to illustrate the design procedure, practicality and effectiveness of the proposed observer.


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OBJECTIVE: To determine the validity of a triaxial body-worn accelerometer for detection of gait and postures in people aged >80 years. DESIGN: Participants performed a range of activities (sitting, lying, walking, standing) in both a controlled and a home setting while wearing the accelerometer. Activities in the controlled setting were performed in a scripted sequence. Activities in the home setting were performed in an unscripted manner. Analyzed accelerometer data were compared against video observation as the reference measure. SETTING: Independent-living and long-term-care retirement village. PARTICIPANTS: Older people (N=22; mean age ± SD, 88.1±5y) residing in long-term-care and independent-living retirement facilities. INTERVENTIONS: Not applicable. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The level of agreement between video observation and the accelerometer for the total duration of each activity, and second-by-second correspondence between video observation and the accelerometer for each activity. RESULTS: The median absolute percentage errors between video observation and the accelerometer were <1% for locomotion and lying. The absolute percentage errors were higher for sitting (median, -22.3%; interquartile range [IQR], -62.8% to 10.7%) and standing (median, 24.7%; IQR, -7.3% to 39.6%). A second-by-second analysis between video observation and the accelerometer found an overall agreement of ≥85% for all activities except standing (median, 56.1%; IQR, 34.8%-81.2%). CONCLUSIONS: This single-device accelerometer provides a valid measure of lying and locomotion in people aged >80 years. There is an error of approximately 25% when discriminating sitting from standing postures, which needs to be taken into account when monitoring longer-term habitual activity in this age group.


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To perform under water robotic research requires specialized equipment. A few pieces of electronics atop a set of wheels is not going to cut it. An underwater research platform must be waterproof, reliable, robust, recoverable and easy to maintain. It must also be able to move in 3 dimensions. Finally it must be able to navigate and avoid obstacles. To purchase such a platform can be very expensive. However, for shallow water, a suitable platform can be built from mostly off the shelf items at little cost. This paper describes the design of one such underwater robot including various sensors and communications systems that allow for swarm robotics.


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Net metering is generally a consumer-based incentive for renewable sources such as wind or solar power systems also referred to as dasiacogenerationdasia. It is still a grey area for container terminals with large electric machines, such as quay cranes, automatic stacking cranes, that can operate in the regenerative mode and export electric energy to the grid. With actual measured electrical data presented for discussion, this paper provides information for the readers to provide a better understanding of their access to net metering, ultilizing their electrical equipment capabilities and be informed for their next negotiation with the power supply company.


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Approximately one in five of the Australian population lives with disability (AIHW 2006a; ABS 2003). Of these, almost 1.9 million rely on assistive technologies to live independently (Hobbs, Close, Downing, Reynolds & Walker 2009).

Assistive Technology (AT) is defined as,

‘any device, system or design, whether acquired commercially or off the shelf, modified or customised, that allows an individual to perform a task that they would otherwise be unable to do, or increase the ease and safety with which a task can be performed’ (Independent Living Centres Australia n.d).

‘Assistive Technology solutions’ have been defined as entailing a combination of devices (aids and equipment), environmental modifications (both in the home and outside of it), and personal care (paid and unpaid) (Assistive Technology Collaboration n.d).

Despite a large number of Australians relying on AT, there is little data available about life for these Australians, the extent of AT use, or unmet need for AT. Existing research in Australia suggests that aids and equipment provision in Australia is ‘fragmented’ across a plethora of government and non government programs (AIHW 2006a:35). In Victoria, one of the prime sources of government funding for AT is the Victorian Aids and Equipment Program (VAEP) which is a subsidy program for the purchase of aids and equipment, home and vehicle modifications for people with permanent or long term disability. Recent research suggests that waiting times for accessing equipment through the VAEP are high, as is the cost burden to applicants (Wilson, Wong & Goodridge 2006). In addition, there appears to be a substantial level of unmet need (KPMG 2007).

Additionally, there is a paucity of literature around the economic evaluation of AT interventions and solution packages, resulting in little evidence of their cost-effectiveness credentials.


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The cost of concrete ground-supported floor slabs represents a significant proportion of the total capital cost of industrial projects. There are many structural design issues that impact on the concrete contractors’ method of construction. This is becoming more apparent with the use of new high-technology levelling and trowelling equipment, which has significantly increased the pour and finishing rates, resulting in much faster slab construction times compared with the traditional methods of construction. Selection of both the design and the construction methods exerts a large influence on the initial cost. According to the results of the research reported in this paper, it may be possible to save between 2-4 per cent of the building cost if high technology solutions are incorporated into the design and construction process. This paper investigates cost issues that impact on the design and construction of ground-supported floors for industrial buildings.


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To perform under water robotic research requires specialized equipment. A few pieces of electronics atop a set of wheels are not going to cut it. An underwater research platform must be waterproof, reliable, robust, recoverable and easy to maintain. It must also be able to move in 3 dimensions. Also it must be able to navigate and avoid obstacles. Further if this platform is to be part of a swarm of like platforms then it must be cost effective and relatively small. To purchase such a platform can be very expensive. However, for shallow water, a suitable platform can be built from mostly off the shelf items at little cost. This article describes the design of one such underwater robot including various sensors and communications systems that allow for swarm robotics. Whilst the robotic platform performs well, to explore what many of them would do, that is more than are available, simulation is required. This article continues to study how best to simulate these robots for a swarm, or system of systems, approach.


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Undergraduate engineering students require exposure to an appropriate level of practical activities to complement the theory delivered in their course. This not only serves the purpose of catering to students’ different learning styles but in contributing to developing practical skills important to achieving an adequate level of job-readiness. The mode by which practical activities are implemented can vary widely across different units of study and different institutions. Electronics practicals within the School of Engineering at Deakin University have traditionally involved the construction and analysis of bread board circuits. Recently however, the practicals have changed to utilise modern computer-integrated Lab Volt FACET board equipment.

This paper discusses electronics practicals using two very different types of laboratory equipment and reports on student perceived efficacy. The aim of the study is to gain an understanding of student perceptions so as to be able to refine the practicals to increase student engagement.

Design / method
This paper discusses two very different types of laboratory equipment employed in electronics practicals within the School of Engineering at Deakin University. This study focuses on students in electronics-related engineering disciplines and their perceived efficacy of the different equipment with the aim of providing valuable insight regarding student engagement. Survey data was collected from first and second year students who had completed successive classes using the different types of laboratory equipment.

When compared with the electronics practicals and equipment previously used at Deakin University, the Lab Volt FACET boards provide a well-structured and resource efficient method for conducting practicals. The preliminary survey results indicate that there are mixed preferences for which type of laboratory equipment students perceive to be the better learning tool. The results also indicate that these perceptions appear to align with students in specific disciplines. These observations suggest that discipline specific characteristics of students are an important consideration in achieving improved student engagement and a positive learning experience.

The outcomes of the preliminary study suggest that there are discipline specific characteristics which affect students’ perceptions of the efficacy of laboratory equipment. These outcomes will assist Deakin’s School of Engineering to refine the use of the Lab Volt FACET board laboratory equipment to achieve improved student engagement. Future research will build upon these findings to investigate expectations of students in different disciplines and whether there is a difference in preferred learning and any correlation to student perceptions.


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Purpose: This paper describes the integration of technical equipment in a project driven learning environment in the School of Engineering in the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Built Environment at Deakin University, Geelong, Australia. Technical or laboratory equipment is a critical factor when designing learning environments and more so in a project driven learning environment. Important Findings: Deakin University has strong partnerships with industry and the community and with its cloud and located based learning policy has extremely flexible learning environments tailored to the needs of the students, with all the programs being offered in on-campus mode as well as off-campus mode. The off-campus study mode has made it even more important to have flexibility in the usage and access of the technical equipment in the laboratories. Conclusion: The School of Engineering at Deakin University Australia has developed a project-oriented design based learning environment which allows students to learn through design activities while being driven by the deliverables and outputs of a project. The technical equipment is required to be able to be used for traditional laboratory experiments in order to achieve fundamental knowledge requirements as well as project oriented knowledge and practice.


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Building simulation is most useful and most difficult in early design stages. Most useful since the optimisation potential is large and most difficult because input data are often not available at the level of resolution required for simulation software. The aim of this paper is to addresses this difficulty, by analysing the predominantly qualitative information in early stages of an architectural design process in search for indicators towards quantitative simulation input. The discussion in this paper is focused on cellular offices. Parameters related to occupancy, the use of office equipment, night ventilation, the use of lights and blinds are reviewed based on simulation input requirements, architectural considerations in early design stages and occupant behaviour considerations in operational stages. A worst and ideal case scenario is suggested as a generic approach to model occupant behaviour in early design stages when more detailed information is not available. Without actually predicting specific occupant behaviour, this approach highlights the magnitude of impact that occupants can have on comfort and building energy performance and it matches the level of resolution of available architectural information in early design stages. This can be sufficient for building designers to compare the magnitude of impact of occupants with other parameters in order to inform design decisions. Potential indicators in early design stages towards the ideal or worst case scenario are discussed.