16 resultados para electromagnetic field theory

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Objective: To examine the relative effectiveness of ice therapy and/or pulsed electromagnetic field in reducing pain and swelling after the immobilization period following a distal radius fracture.Methods: A total of 83 subjects were randomly allocated to receive 30 minutes of either ice plus pulsed electromagnetic field (group A); ice plus sham pulsed electromagnetic field (group B); pulsed electromagnetic field alone (group C), or sham pulsed electromagnetic field treatment for 5 consecutive days (group D). All subjects received a standard home exercise programme. A visual analogue scale was used for recording pain; volumetric displacement for measuring the swelling of the forearm; and a hand-held goniometer for measuring the range of wrist motions before treatment on days 1, 3 and 5.Results: At day 5, a significantly greater cumulative reduction in the visual analogue scores as well as ulnar deviation range of motion was found in group A than the other 3 groups. For volumetric measurement and pronation, participants in group A performed better than subjects in group D but not those in group B.Conclusion: The addition of pulsed electromagnetic field to ice therapy produces better overall treatment outcomes than ice alone, or pulsed electromagnetic field alone in pain reduction and range of joint motion in ulnar deviation and flexion for a distal radius fracture after an immobilization period of 6 weeks.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of pulsed electromagnetic fields with various flux densities and frequencies on neurite outgrowth in PC12 rat pheochromocytoma cells. We have studied the percentage of neurite-bearing cells, average length of neurites and directivity of neurite outgrowth in PC12 cells cultured for 96 hours in the presence of nerve growth factor (NGF). PC12 cells were exposed to 50 Hz pulsed electromagnetic fields with a flux density of 1.37 mT, 0.19 mT and 0.016 mT respectively. The field was generated through a Helmholtz coil pair housed in one incubator and the control samples were placed in another identical incubator. It was found that exposure to both a relatively high flux density (1.37 mT) and a medium flux density (0.19 mT) inhibited the percentage of neurite-bearing cells and promoted neurite length significantly. Exposure to high flux density (1.37 mT) also resulted in nearly 20% enhancement of neurite directivity along the field direction. However, exposure to low flux density field (0.016 mT) had no detectable effect on neurite outgrowth. We also studied the effect of frequency at the constant flux density of 1.37 mT. In the range from 1 ~ 100 Hz, only 50 and 70 Hz pulse frequencies had significant effects on neurite outgrowth. Our study has shown that neurite outgrowth in PC12 cells is sensitive to flux density and frequency of pulsed electromagnetic field.


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Measurements have been made of the solvation forces between mica surfaces in the even-numbered n-alkanes from hexane to hexadecane. In all cases the force law is qualitatively very similar, characterized by a decaying oscillatory function of distance, as occurs for simple isotropic liquids. The spacing between successive minima in the force does not increase with carbon number, and is comparable to the width of a linear alkane molecule rather than its length or any average diameter. This suggests that the alkanes have some tendency towards a parallel orientation near the mica surfaces. The measurements give no indication of any strong repulsive component expected from mean-field theories of higher alkanes or polymers. The results of one such theory are presented, and the reasons for its failure to match the experimental data are discussed.


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The growth rate of cultured mammalian cells can be influenced by chemical and physical methods such as electromagnetic fields (EMF), light, temperature and plasma. These physical methods have a number of well documented effects on mammalian cells including modification of gene expression, cell cycle, invasion, motility, cell viability, proliferation, apoptosis and mammosphere numbers. A study of the existing literature confirms that the impact of physical method on mammalian cells depends on the cell type, culture environment, exposure time, frequency, wave shape, and amount of dose. The modification of cell proliferation and apoptosis is necessary for cells products, tissue engineering, and therapy. In this article, we reviewed the impact of four physical methods on the growth rate and viability of cells. Plasma is the best method among fours because we can get desired result ranging from increasing cell proliferation to inducing apoptosis depending on the dose.


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This paper presents an empirical account of mediatization from a Bourdieuian perspective, based on the development of a number of new concepts, such as cross-field effects and the rescaling of such effects as linked to processes of globalization. Built on an Australian empirical case relating to educational policy and the knowledge based economy, this paper argues that mediatization can be understood in relation to the cross-field effects of different fields of journalism on subsequent fields, which have their genesis in forms of practice that cross different social fields. Specifically, the case analysis details interactions between the field of print journalism and the field of policy over the course of an Australian science capability review, chaired by the then chief scientist, Dr Robin Batterham, which led to Australia adopting a national version of the knowledge economy. The empirical case also leads us to consider the impact of both global and national fields of journalism on fields of educational policy in relation to mediatization.


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The purpose is to explore the inherent complexity of Kurt Lewin's force field theory through applied analysis of organizational case examples and related methods. The methodology applies a range of tools from the consultancy research domain, including force field analysis of complex organizational scenarios, and applies bricolage and corroboration to emerging discoveries from semi-structured interviews, author experience, critical reflection and literature survey. Findings are that linear representation of internal and external forces in organizational applications of field theory does not fully explain the paradox of inverse vectors in the forces of change. The force field is not an impermeable thing; instead, it morphs. Examples of the inverse principle and its effects are detailed and extended in this analysis. The implications of the research are that force field analysis and related change processes promoted in organizational change literature run the risk of missing key complexities. The inclusion of the inverse principle can provide enhanced, holistic understanding of the prevailing forces for change. The augmentation of the early work of Kurt Lewin, and extension of previous analyses of his legacy in the Journal of Change Management and elsewhere, provide, in this article, change analysis insights that align well with current organizational environments.


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A procedure is proposed to determine, for second-phase particles near a crack tip, the maximum particle stresses at the moment of void initiation by either particle fracture or particle/matrix interface separation. A digital image analysis system is applied to perform a quantitative analysis of corresponding fracture surface regions from stereo image pairs taken in the scanning electron microscope. The fracture surface analysis is used to measure, for individual particles, the crack tip opening displacement at the moment of void initiation and the particle location with respect to the crack tip. From these data, the stress tensor at the moment of void initiation is calculated from the Hutchinson–Rice–Rosengren (HRR) field theory. The corresponding average local stresses within the particle are evaluated by a non-linear Mori–Tanaka-type approach. These stresses are compared to estimates according to the models by Argon et al. [A.S. Argon, J. Im, R. Safoglu, Metall. Trans. 6 (1975) 825] and Beremin [F.M. Beremin, Metall. Trans. 12 (1981) 723]. The procedure is demonstrated on an Al6061–10% Al2O3 metal matrix composite.


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The aim of present work was to investigate the influence of magnetic fields exposure on neurite outgrowth in PC12 cells. The neurite number per cell, length of neurites and directions of neurite growth with respect to the direction of the magnetic field were analyzed after exposure to 50 Hz electromagnetic field for 96 h. A promotion was observed under a weak field (0.23 mT), as the average number of neurites per cell increased to 2.38±0.06 compared to 1.91±0.07 neurites/cell of the control dishes, while inhibition and directional outgrowth was evident under a relatively stronger field (1.32 mT). Our work shows that biological systems can be very sensitive to the strength of electromagnetic field.


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This thesis deals with two electrical methods designed to enable rapid, safe and noninvasive measurement of body composition, both for clinical and community use. The first section provides a review of the literature related to measurement of body composition in humans and outlines the approach of the research project. The second section deals with established methods of determining body composition, the two most important being hydrostatic densitometry and deuterium oxide dilution. In this part of the report, a novel method for measuring lung volume by hydrogen dilution at the time of underwater weighing is described. The main findings of the thesis are contained in the third section which deals with the assessment of body opposition by electrical means. There are two components to this part of the study. The first involved the testing of a commercially available bioelectric impedance analyser (BIA) which measures impedance to a flow of current through the body. Studies on the reproducibility and reliability of measurements were performed. Results showed the importance of correct electrode placement and revealed that subjects can consume a light meal and a drink before being measured with the BIA without adversely affecting impedance readings. Results suggested, however, that subjects empty their bladders before measurements are made. Strong correlations were found between height 2/ resistance and measurements of total body water (r = 0.839) and fat-free weight derived from densitometry (r = 0.821), Moderate correlations (r = 0.6 to 0.7) were also found when height /resistance was related to fat-free weight derived from anthropometric measurements. The second and major consonant of the third section deals with the development of a method based on the absorption of energy from a weak electromagnetic field established in a capacitor or chamber large enough to accommodate an adult human subject. The method involves measurement of the effect of the body on the electromagnetic field, and is based on differential absorption of energy by body fat and fat-free tissues. Regression equations were developed for predicting the weight of fat and fat-free tissue in the body from measurement of electromagnetic field effects in a test capacitor and in a resonating chamber. The test capacitor comprised a large aluminum cylinder with a copper rod as a central conductor. The following equation was derived for the relationship of fat-free weight (FEW) based on body density, with measurements of change in resonant frequency (ΔfR), height (H) and weight (W) : FFW = -4.39 + 0.690 W + 19.9 H + 37.6 ΔfR In a study of 17 subjects, a value of 0.891 was found for R2, and S.E.E. was 1.63. The resonating chamber consisted of a large enclosed aluminium cylinder with a copper rod as a central conductor. The following equation was derived for the relationship of fat weight (FW) based on the mean of estimates from body density and total body water, with measurements of change in signal attenuation (ΔA), change in resonant frequency (ΔfR), and height (H) and weight (W) : FW = 73.48 + 0.291 (W/√(ΔA) - 49.2 H - 0.53 ΔfR In a study of 27 subjects, a value of 0.956 was found for R2, and S.E.E. was 1.97. In these equations, variables were measured in the following units : FEW, FW and W (kg), ΔfR (MHz) and H (m).


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The task of social scientists is to find ways of investigating and understanding the social, political and economic world, in order to offer insights into everyday and public life in the past, present and future. Bourdieu’s tool kit offers a particular way of theorizing the rules, narratives and self-held truths of social phenomena and of educational policy as a specific object of analysis. In this article I develop a series of propositions about the ways in which field theory might be applied to explain the abrupt public policy shift effected by the Thatcher government and the adjustments made to it by the Blair government. I suggest that a Bourdieuian approach shows policy working as a means of codification, as a doxa of misrecognition and as currency exchange within and across fields. I conclude with some thoughts about the difficulties of explicating interactions between fields.


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We report on the use of a radially polarized beam for photothermal therapy of cancer cells labeled with gold nanorods. Due to a three-dimensionally distributed electromagnetic field in the focal volume, the radially polarized beam is proven to be a highly efficient laser mode to excite gold nanorods randomly oriented in cancer cells. As a result, the energy fluence for effective cancer cell damage is reduced to one fifth of that required for a linearly polarized beam, which is only 9.3% of the medical safety level.


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We present results of a theoretical study of the effect of surface deformation on a macroscopic system composed of a solid surface interacting with a fluid drop through electrostatic double-layer forces. The analysis involves numerically solving a Laplace equation suitably modified to describe the shape of a liquid drop subjected to a repulsive double-layer force. The latter is evaluated in nonlinear mean-field theory. Some analytical results are also given. The results indicate that although deformation need not be significant on the macroscopic scale, its effect on the interaction is significant and modifies the picture usually presented in DLVO theory. The decay length of the exponential repulsion deviates marginally from the Debye length, dependent on the interfacial tension of the drop. More significantly, at separations where the double-layer force becomes comparable to the internal pressure of the drop, the net force between the two bodies, the local radius of curvature of the drop, and the amount of deformation grow abruptly. The results of this work are relevant to emulsion stability, micelle, vesicle, and cell interactions, and recent experiments on bubble-particle interaction.


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The main aim of this chapter is to provide an introduction to the theoretical work of Pierre Bourdieu, and to outline different ways in which Bourdieu’s work is influential and has been engaged with in education research and to suggest implicitly the usefulness of this work for educational researchers. In order to do this, we draw on a range of Bourdieu’s own writing published singly or with colleagues, emphasising in particular his engagements with education. Part of our treatment also deals with his wider writing that has subsequently been influential for education researchers, and in particular Bourdieu’s anthropological writing and account of practice (Bourdieu 1977, 1990), his approach to social class and cultural issues, his account of the judgement of taste and distinctions (Bourdieu, 1984), and his later politically focused writing (Bourdieu, 1989/1996, 2003, 2004c, 2005a).


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This chapter presents an account of the mediatization of education policy through a focus on the development and uptake of the knowledge economy discourse in national education policy and research settings. During the late 20th and early part of the 21st century, Australia, like other nation states around the globe, came to adopt the knowledge economy discourse as a kind of meta-policy that would help connect a variety of statistical indicators and provide direction for a number of policy areas, including education, science, and research funding. In Australia the adoption of a knowledge economy discourse was preceded by coverage from specialized sections of the quality print media, discussed broadly as a debate about the social contract that was afforded to fields charged with developing and producing national capacities for knowledge production. Such a debate mirrored similar claims by Michael Gibbons in the late 1990s, where he argued for a new social contract between science and society. Given the media coverage surrounding the uptake of the knowledge economy discourse and the promotion of the concept by the OECD, this chapter presents an account of the emergence of the knowledge economy discourse through a focus on the mediatization of the concept. The broad argument presented in this account is that what could be called “mediatization effects”, related to the promotion and adoption of policy concepts, are variable, and reach the broader public in inconsistent, time-bound, and sporadic patterns. In order to understand mediatization effects in respect of policy, the paper draws on a broad Bourdieuian informed conceptual framework to understand different kinds of fields, their logics of practice, and importantly here, cross-field effects. Specifically, the focus is on those cross-field effects related to the impact of practices within both national and global fields of journalism on national and global fields of education policy. While the case is an Australian one, the account explores general and more broadly applicable ways to understand links between the globalization and the mediatization of policy.