70 resultados para eelgrass beds

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Fluidisation characteristics at different surfaces of a work-piece of complex geometry are conducted in a fluidised bed at various conditions including fluidising number, bed temperature and fluidising medium. The quenching of the work-piece is performed experimentally. In particular, the major frequency and energy of the pressure fluctuations are measured as a function of either fluidising velocity or heat transfer position and the results are used to develop a mathematic model. A computational model is developed to simulate gas dynamics and heat transfer between the fluidised bed and the work-piece surface, as well as simulating the temperature within the work-piece. The predicted cooling curves are in good agreement with the experimental results. Based on the simulation results, the flow characteristics of the gas and the temperature of the dense gas-solid phase near the work-piece surface are analysed to understand the heat transfer mechanism in the fluidised bed.


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To improve the understanding of the heat transfer mechanism and to find a reliable and simple heat-transfer model, the gas flow and heat transfer between fluidized beds and the surfaces of an immersed object is numerically simulated based on a double particle-layer and porous medium model. The velocity field and temperature distribution of the gas and particles are analysed during the heat transfer process. The simulation shows that the change of gas velocity with the distance from immersed surface is consistent with the variation of bed voidage, and is used to validate approximately dimensional analysing result that the gas velocity between immersed surface and particles is 4.6Umf/εmf. The effects of particle size and particle residence time on the thermal penetration depth and the heat-transfer coefficients are also discussed.


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A new genus of ophiuroid, Huangzhishania, is created based on new material from the Permian/Triassic boundary beds at the Huangzhishan section, South China. The age of the new genus is constrained as earliest Griesbachian by means of faunal correlation of the associated bivalves and stratigraphical correlation with the Mixed Fauna Beds of the neighbouring Meishan section. Taphonomic and palaeoecological evidence suggest that the collapse of the ophiuroid association was related to a catastrophic event, and Huangzhishania was rapidly buried in life position.


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Background : Despite limited evidence evaluating early postnatal discharge, length of hospital stay has declined dramatically in Australia since the 1980s. The recent rising birth rate in Victoria, Australia has increased pressure on hospital beds, and many services have responded by discharging women earlier than planned, often with little preparation during pregnancy. We aimed to explore the views of women and their partners regarding a number of theoretical postnatal care ‘packages’ that could provide an alternative approach to early postnatal care.

Methods : Eight focus groups and four interviews were held in rural and metropolitan Victoria in 2006 with participants who had experienced a mix of public and private maternity care. These included 8 pregnant women, 42 recent mothers and 2 male partners. All were fluent in English. Focus groups explored participants’ experiences and/or expectations of early postnatal care in hospital and at home and their views of alternative packages of postnatal care where location of care shifted from hospital to home and/or hotel. This paper describes the packages and explores and describes what ‘value’ women placed on the various components of care.

Findings : Overall, women expressed a preference for what they had experienced or expected, which may be explained by the ‘what is must be best’ phenomenon where women place value on the status quo. They generally did not respond favourably towards the alternative postnatal care packages, with concerns about any shorter length of hospital stay, especially for first time mothers. Women were concerned about the safety and wellbeing of their new baby and reported that they lacked confidence in their ability to care for their baby. The physical presence and availability of professional support was seen to alleviate these concerns, especially for first time mothers. Participants did not believe that increased domiciliary visits compensated for forgoing the perceived security and value of staying in hospital. Women generally valued staying in hospital for the length of time they felt they needed above all other factors.

Key conclusions and implications for practice : Women were concerned about shortened postnatal length of hospital stay and these concerns must be considered when changes are planned in maternity service provision. Any moves towards shorter postnatal length of stay must be comprehensively evaluated with consideration given to exploring consumer views and satisfaction. There is also a need for flexibility in postnatal care that acknowledges women's individual needs.


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The particle behaviour is studied by the analysis of particle images taken with a high speed CCD digital video camera. The comparison of particle dynamics is performed for the fluidised beds without part, with single part and with multi-parts. The results show that there are significant differences in particle behaviours both in different beds and at different locations at part surfaces. The total and radiative heat transfer coefficients at different surfaces of a metallic component in a high temperature fluidised bed are measured by a heat transfer probe developed in the present work. The principle of the heat transfer probe is to measure the change in temperature of the heated metallic piece with time and, then, to extract the heat flux and heat transfer coefficients. The structure of the probe is optimized with numerical simulation of energy conservation for measuring the heat transfer coefficient of 150~600 W/m2 K. The relationship between the particle dynamics and the heat transfer is analysed to form the basis for future more rational designs of fluidised beds as well as for improved quality control.


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The particle behaviour in a heat treatment fluidised bed was studied by the analysis of particle images taken with a high speed CCD digital video camera. The comparison of particle dynamics was performed for the fluidised beds without part, with single part and with multi-parts. The results show that there are significant differences in particle behaviours both in different beds and at different locations of part surfaces. The total and radiative heat transfer coefficients at different surfaces of a metallic part in a fluidised bed were measured by a heat transfer probe developed in the present work. The structure of the probe was optimized with numerical simulation of energy conservation for measuring the heat transfer coefficient of 150-600 W/m2K. The relationship between the particle dynamics and the heat transfer was analysed to form the basis for future more rational designs of fluidised beds as well as for improved quality control.


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Cities globally and nationally are facing a range of daunting challenges to respond to a suite of emerging imperatives including a low carbon future, oil vulnerability, demographic re-composition, and the prospect of unpredictable economic shocks. To pursue a future that is sustainable and resilient requires substantial transformation of existing urban areas and creation of new mechanisms to guide and manage delivery of physical, economic and social changes.

Mid-sized cities provide legible, nimble test beds for exploring cross-disciplinary models and innovative governance and delivery techniques. Australia’s ‘MidiCities’ – home to 4 million urban dwellers frequently overlooked by urban policy or research effort – are emerging as crucibles of innovation and experimentation. Most of these cities retain that essential key ingredient for sustainable urbanism, economic resilience and community identity: a strong, highly legible city centre with a tightly clustered diversity of facilities and functions – the multi-functional activity centre that metropolitan suburban hubs yearn to grow up to become!

These diverse MidiCities are passing a threshold of self-confident sophistication, and are now providing valuable lessons for each other, which could be adopted or adapted by metropolitan cities where scale and complexity can often overwhelm the search for new and appropriate approaches to delivery of rapid change while maintaining clear guidance toward the vision of a ‘preferred’ future. A network of professionals working with Australian and New Zealand MidiCities is coalescing toward a cross-disciplinary platform for exchange of experiences and information, mutual support, improved research and understanding, capacity-building and the refinement of new specialist skills and structures.


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Single bubble injection simulations inside a minimally fluidized bed have been studied widely and are often used to validate the accuracy of different numerical models. Bubble shape, size and voidage distribution are the important parameters that are validated from the experiments. In the present work, the most widely used drag model (Gidaspow’s drag model) is compared to a new proposed slip flow drag model which takes into account the presence of the slip flow regime, often encountered in vacuum fluidized beds and characterised by Knudsen no. (Kn). Shape and size prediction of the bubble evolution inside the bed is carried out numerically by using the two fluid model, comparing the results predicted by the drag models. It is seen that the predictions are different for the two drag models only under high vacuum conditions corresponding to Kn in slip/transition flow regime. The predictions are also found sensitive to pressure gradient in the bed and fluid velocity.


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Seagrass meadows are among the most efficient and long-term carbon sinks on earth, but disturbances could threaten this capacity, so understanding the impacts of disturbance on carbon stored within seagrass meadows—‘blue carbon’—is of prime importance. To date, there have been no published studies on the impacts of seagrass loss on ‘blue carbon’ stocks. We experimentally created several kinds of small-scale disturbances, representative of common grazer and boating impacts, within seagrass (Zostera nigracaulis) meadows in Port Phillip Bay (Australia) and measured the impacts on sediment organic carbon stocks (‘Corg’, and other geochemical variables—%N, δ13C, δ15N). Disturbance had no detectable effect on Corg levels within seagrass sediments, even for high-intensity disturbance treatments, which remained bare (i.e. no seagrass recovery) for 2 years after the disturbance. These findings challenge the widely held assumption that disturbance and concomitant loss of seagrass habitat cause release of carbon, at least for small-scale disturbances. We suggest that larger (e.g. meadow scale) disturbances may be required to trigger losses of ‘blue carbon’ from seagrass meadows.