10 resultados para dry season

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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This experiment was conducted to examine the effect of feeding small, isoenergetic amounts of supplements containing high protein and functional lipid components, rather than the greater amounts of cereal and/or legume grains usually fed during the dry season in Australia, on dry matter intake (DMI), growth performance, plasma metabolites, and fat deposition in lambs consuming low quality roughage. Thirty two crossbred wether lambs ([Merino × Border Leicester] × Poll Dorset) were divided into four groups by stratified randomization according to liveweight (26–33 kg). After a 7-day adaptation to a hay diet (lucerne hay:oaten hay; 30:70), lambs were allocated to four treatments consisting of (1) basal diet of lucerne hay:oat hay (20:80; metabolizable energy (ME) = 7.0 MJ/kg DM), Basal; (2) basal + canola meal (84 g per day), CM; (3) basal + soymeal (75 g per day), SM; or (4) basal + fishmeal (80 g per day), FM. Daily hay and supplement DMI, and weekly liveweight were recorded during a 53-day experimental study. Blood samples were taken on day 1 and pre- and post-feeding on days 30 and 53 to measure changes in plasma glucose and plasma urea nitrogen (PUN) concentration. At the end of the experiment, lambs were slaughtered and hot carcass weight (HCW) recorded; cold carcass fatness (total muscle and adipose tissue depth at 12th rib, 110 mm from midline; GR) was determined at 24 h postmortem. Total DMI was increased (P < 0.001) in CM, SM and FM treatments, but basal hay DMI intake was only increased (P < 0.01) in CM and FM treatments compared with Basal treatment. This resulted in significant (P < 0.01) increases in metabolizable energy (ME) and crude protein (CP) intakes in all supplemented treatments, with the highest intakes recorded in the FM treatment. Liveweight gain (LWG) was significantly increased in CM and SM (P < 0.05) and FM (P < 0.01) treatments but HCW was significantly (P < 0.01) heavier slaughter only in the FM treatment. Feed conversion efficiency (P < 0.001) and GR fat at depth (P < 0.05) was reduced in all supplement treatments compared with Basal. Plasma glucose concentration was significantly (P < 0.05) increased after feeding in all treatments but there was no treatment effect. PUN was significantly increased over time in the supplemented treatments compared with the Basal treatment; there was no significant difference between supplement treatments by day 53. Results show that feeding small amounts of high protein and lipid-containing supplements improves production responses and are beneficial in producing carcasses with more lean compared with carcasses from lambs fed a low quality hay diet.


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Salt in a salt lake accumulated as a result of perfect evaporation of inflow water during the dry season. Water in a salt lake had a high salinity and its isotope indicated a little evaporation in the wet season because precipitation replenished the salt lake and there was no residual water during evaporation process in salt lake. In a marsh, both perfect and partial disappearance of water by repeated evaporation and water supply from upstream contributed to high salinity and high isotopic ratios because residual water had high isotopic ratios and dried areas accumulated salt. On the other hand, salinity and isotopic ratios depended on ratio of evaporation and water supply during evaporation excluding perfect disappearance of water.


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Much of northern Australia’s tropical savannas are subject to annual intense and extensive late dry season wildfires, much of this occurring on Aboriginal land. Based on the successful West Arnhem Land Fire Abatement (WALFA) model, which has resulted in significantly reduced greenhouse gas emissions, fire abatement programmes are planned for other significant regions of northern Australia. This study offers an introduction to the ideas behind a proposed environmental and social benchmarking project that aims to evaluate the potential benefits of expanding the fire abatement program in northern Australia, under the leadership of NAILSMA and its partners. Gaining a better understanding of the biodiversity, social and cultural outcomes of these fire abatement activities is an important component of demonstrating multiple benefits of these programmes. We emphasize the role of both biodiversity and cultural mapping to establish benchmarks and baseline states, with the involvement of Indigenous communities being a key element to optimize social and biodiversity benefits. Consultation with Traditional Owners and ranger groups to establish an agreed set of targets, indicators and sampling protocols and methodologies are critical component of this process. Examples of preliminary work to date are provided.


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Although interest in the ecological impacts of invasive species has largely focused on negative effects, some native taxa may benefit from invader arrival. In tropical Australia, invasive cane toads (Bufo marinus) have fatally poisoned many native predators (e.g., marsupials, crocodiles, lizards) that attempt to ingest the toxic anurans, but birds appear to be more resistant to toad toxins. We quantified offtake of dead (road-killed) cane toads by raptors (black kites (Milvus migrans) and whistling kites (Haliastur sphenurus)) at a site near Darwin, in the Australian wet-dry tropics. Raptors readily took dead toads, especially small ones, although native frogs were preferred to toads if available. More carcasses were removed in the dry season than the wet season, perhaps reflecting seasonal availability of alternative prey. Raptors appeared to recognize and avoid bufotoxins, and typically removed and consumed only the toads’ tongues (thereby minimizing toxin uptake). The invasion of cane toads thus constitutes a novel prey type for scavenging raptors, rather than (as is the case for many other native predators) a threat to population viability.


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Seasonal changes in avian hormonal stress responses and condition are well known for common species found at temperate and arctic latitudes, but declining and tropical species are poorly studied. This study compares stress and condition measures of co-occurring declining and non-declining tropical grass finch species in Australia. We monitored declining Gouldian finches (Erythrura gouldiae) and non-declining long-tailed and masked finches (Poepila acuticauda and P. personata) during two seasons that are potentially stressful: peak breeding (early dry season when food is plentiful) and moult (late dry to early wet season when food may be scarce). We measured body condition (muscle and fat), haematocrit, and stress response to capture using plasma corticosterone and binding globulin concentrations. All species had higher muscle and lower fat indices during breeding than moult. Haematocrit did not consistently differ between seasons. Long-tailed finches had higher stress responses during breeding than moult, similar to other passerines studied. Masked finches showed no seasonal changes in stress response. Gouldian finches had stress response patterns opposite to those of long-tailed finches, with higher stress responses during moult. However, seasonal trends in Gouldian and long-tailed finch stress responses sometimes differed between years or sites. The differences in stress response patterns between species suggest that the declining Gouldian finch is more sensitive to recent environmental changes which are thought to further reduce grass seed food resources during the late dry to early wet season. Retention of stress responsiveness during a protracted moult could increase the survival potential of Gouldian finches. This study highlights the utility of stress and condition indices to determine the sensitivity of co-occurring species to environmental conditions.


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In Vietnam, culturing striped catfish makes an important contribution to the Mekong Delta's economy. Water level rise during rainy season and salt intrusion during dry season affect the water exchange and quality for this culture. Sea level rise as a consequence of climate change will worsen these influences. In this study, water level rise and salt water intrusion for three sea level rise (SLR) scenarios (i.e., +30, +50, and +75 cm) were simulated. The results showed that at SLR +50, the 3-m-flood level would spread downstream and threaten farms located in AnGiang, DongThap and CanTho provinces. Rising salinity levels for SLR +75 would reduce the window appropriate for the culture in SocTrang and BenTre provinces, and in TienGiang's coastal districts. Next to increasing dikes to reduce the impacts, the most tenable and least disruptive option to the farming community would be to shift to a salinity tolerant strain of catfish.


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Summary: The spread of invasive species after their initial introduction is often facilitated by human actions. In some cases, invaders only become established in habitats where dominant native species have been displaced as a result of human actions or where humans inadvertently provide essential resources such as food, water or shelter. We investigated if dams that provide water for livestock have facilitated the cane toad's (Rhinella marina) invasion of a hot semi-arid landscape by providing toads with a resource subsidy and hence refuge from extreme heat and aridity. To determine the relationship between the presence of surface water and habitat occupancy by toads, we surveyed natural and artificial water features for cane toads during the annual dry season. We used radiotracking and acoustic tags to determine whether movement patterns and shelter use of cane toads were focussed around dams. To determine whether dams provide toads with refuge from extreme heat and aridity, we deployed plaster models with internal thermometers to estimate ambient temperatures and toad desiccation rates in shelter sites. To determine whether dams alleviate the stress experienced by toads, we measured plasma corticosterone levels of toads that sheltered in and away from dams. Toads were present in sites with standing water and absent from waterless sites. Most radiotracked toads sheltered within 1 m of water. Toad movements were focussed around water. Toads tracked with passive acoustic telemetry over a 6-month dry season were highly resident at dams. Plaster models placed in toad shelter sites away from the water lost 27% more mass and experienced higher temperatures than models placed near the water's edge. Toads that sheltered in terrestrial shelters exhibited higher plasma corticosterone levels compared to toads that sheltered near dams. Dams provide toads with refuge habitats where they are less at risk from overheating and dehydration. Synthesis and applications. Artificial water points can facilitate biological invasions in arid regions by providing a resource subsidy for water-dependent invasive species. Our study suggests that there is scope to control populations of water-dependent invasive vertebrates in arid regions by restricting their access to artificial water points.


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Plasticity or evolution in behavioural responses are key attributes of successful animal invasions. In northern Australia, the invasive cane toad (Rhinella marina) recently invaded semi-arid regions. Here, cane toads endure repeated daily bouts of severe desiccation and thermal stress during the long dry season (April-October). We investigated whether cane toads have shifted their ancestral nocturnal rehydration behaviour to one that exploits water resources during the day. Such a shift in hydration behaviour could increase the fitness of individual toads by reducing exposure to desiccation and thermal stress suffered during the day even within terrestrial shelters. We used a novel method (acoustic tags) to monitor the daily hydration behaviour of 20 toads at two artificial reservoirs on Camfield station, Northern Territory. Remarkably, cane toads visited reservoirs to rehydrate during daylight hours, with peaks in activity between 9.00 and 17.00. This diurnal pattern of rehydration activity contrasts with nocturnal rehydration behaviour exhibited by adult toads in their native geographical range and more mesic parts of Australia. Our results demonstrate that cane toads phase shift a key behaviour to survive in a harsh semi-arid landscape. Behavioural phase shifts have rarely been reported in invasive species but could facilitate ongoing invasion success.


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Continued range expansion into physiologically challenging environments requires invasive species to maintain adaptive phenotypic performance. The adrenocortical stress response, governed in part by glucocorticoid hormones, influences physiological and behavioural responses of vertebrates to environmental stressors. However, any adaptive role of this response in invasive populations that are expanding into extreme environments is currently unclear. We experimentally manipulated the adrenocortical stress response of invasive cane toads (Rhinella marina) to investigate its effect on phenotypic performance and fitness at the species' range front in the Tanami Desert, Australia. Here, toads are vulnerable to overheating and dehydration during the annual hot-dry season and display elevated plasma corticosterone levels indicative of severe environmental stress. By comparing unmanipulated control toads with toads whose adrenocortical stress response was manipulated to increase acute physiological stress responsiveness, we found that control toads had significantly reduced daily evaporative water loss and higher survival relative to the experimental animals. The adrenocortical stress response hence appears essential in facilitating complex phenotypic performance and setting fitness trajectories of individuals from invasive species during range expansion.


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Biological invasions often occur through expansion of satellite populations that become established at 'invasion hubs'. Invasion hubs can result from random dispersal events, but frequently arise when invading individuals actively choose habitats using cues that signify high-quality environments where the fitness consequences are positive. Theoretical studies suggest that targeted control at invasion hubs can effectively suppress the populations and impacts of invaders. In arid Australia, small dams that provide water for livestock function as invasion hubs by providing an invasive vertebrate, the cane toad Rhinella marina, with refuge from extreme aridity during the annual dry season. Toads are attracted to dams and use them as stepping stone habitats from which they disperse during rainy periods. Here, we ask whether sustained control of this invasive vertebrate can be achieved by converting invasion hubs into ecological traps. We did this by manipulating invasion hub habitats to induce a mismatch between toads' habitat preference and the fitness consequences of their habitat choice to cause high mortality. We constructed fences to exclude toads from dams and maintained these fences for 1 year. This period encompassed periods of dry and wet seasonal climatic conditions. Our manipulation did not alter the attractive cues for invading toads which died en masse while attempting to settle at fenced dams that prevented toads from reaching water. Toad populations at the fenced dams were suppressed by 1-2 orders of magnitude compared to unfenced controls and procedural controls. Toad populations remained suppressed for a year after exclusion. By excluding toads from dams, we converted invasion hubs into ecological traps and effectively thwarted the reinvasion of cane toads. Our research suggests that water exclusion devices could be used to prevent toad invasion or to control cane toad populations in arid landscapes colonized by toads. Synthesis and applications. Our study demonstrates that sustained control of invader populations can be achieved by restricting their access to invasion hubs. Control of invasive species via elimination of invasion hubs could be conducted reactively, to control established populations of invaders, or conducted strategically, by rendering invasion hubs unsuitable for colonization ahead of the invasion front to prevent further population spread.