55 resultados para diameter of stem

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Yarn diameter and packing density are difficult to measure directly. Existing models on fibre packing density in a yarn assume that all fibres are uniform and have an identical diameter. Yet real staple yarns, such as wool yarns, consist of fibres of varying diameters. This paper proposes an effective and simple yarn model for calculating the average diameter of yarns, in which fibres have circular cross-section and the close packing in the yarn cross-section. The concept of “area equivalent diameter” is introduced to transform fibres of varying diameters to identical fibres with one equivalent diameter to simplify the calculations of the average yarn diameter for a range of yarns.


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As mean fibre diameter (MFD) is the primary determinant of mohair price we aimed to quantify the lifetime changes in mohair MFDas Angora goats aged and grew. Measurements were made over 12 shearing periods on a population of Angora goats representing the current range and diversity of genetic origins including South African, Texan and interbred admixtures of these and Australian sources. Records of sire, dam, birthweight, birth parity, liveweight, fleece growth and fleece quality were taken for does and castrated males (wethers) (n = 267 animals). Fleece-free liveweights (FFLwt) were determined for each goat at shearing time by subtracting the greasy fleece weight from the liveweight recorded immediately before shearing. A restricted maximum likelihood growth curve model was developed for relating MFD to FFLwt, age and other measurements.Asimple way of describing the results is:MFD= k (FFLwt)b E; where k is a parameter that can vary in a systematic way with shearing(age), breed, weaning weight, sire, dam and individual; b is a parameter that is the same for nearly the whole study; and E are independent errors from a log-normal distribution. The analysis shows that ^b = 0.34, with s.e. (^b) = 0.021. Thus, mohair MFD was allometrically related to the cube root of FFLwt over the lifetime of Angora goats. However, the allometric proportionality constant differed in a systematic way with age at shearing, genetic strain, weaning weight, sire, dam and individual. For Texan-breed goats, MFD decreased as weaning weight increased (P = 0.00016). The findings indicate that management factors that affect liveweight and weaning weight have lifetime effects on mohair fibre diameter and therefore the value of mohair and the profitability of the mohair enterprise.


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We studied the fleece production of Angora wether goats provided with energy, to maintain liveweight, and polymer-encapsulated methionine while they were fed on poor quality roughage rations in early summer. Forty goats (mean fleece-free liveweight 28.5 kg) were randomly allotted to 5 treatments and housed individually for 12 weeks. The treatments were: control, fed to lose 5 kg liveweight; M, fed to maintain liveweight; and 3 maintenance rations with either 0.5, 1 or 2 g day-1 of polymer-encapsulated methionine. The basal ration was oaten chaff (56.8% digestible dry matter) and all maintenance- fed goats received a supplement of 150 g day- 1 gristed barley. Goats required an estimated 267 kJ ME kg-0.75 day-1 to maintain liveweight. Goats fed the control diet grew less mohair (P<0.05) with reduced mean fibre diameter (P< 0.05) than maintenance-fed goats (4.9 g day-1, 30.0 pm compared with 5.8 g day-1, 31.9 pm). For maintenance-fed animals, the addition of 1 g day- methionine (0.15% of dry matter intake) increased mohair growth by 0.8g day-1 (P<0.075). Feeding barley to prevent liveweight loss and feeding polymer-encapsulated methionine at maintenance is unlikely to result in economic responses in mohair production of goats grazing low quality summer pastures


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 Across the world STEM (learning and work in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) has taken central importance in education and the economy in a way that few other disciplines have. STEM competence has become seen as key to higher productivity, technological adaptation and research-based innovation. No area of educational provision has a greater current importance than the STEM disciplines yet there is a surprising dearth of comprehensive and world-wide information about STEM policy, participation, programs and practice.


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A recent model of the Single Fiber Analyzer 3001 (SIFAN3001) was firstly employed to obtain the single wool fiber diameter profiles (SfFDPs) at multiple orientations. The results showed that using SIFAN3001 to measure fiber diameter at four orientations for 50 single fibers randomly sub-sampled from each mid-side sample can produce average fiber diameter profiles (AS fFDPs) of fibers within staples. Within the testing regime used, the precision estimates for the total samples were ±1.3 µm for the mean fiber diameter of staples and 1.4 µm for the average fiber diameter of the AS fFDPs at each scanned step in the diameter profile. The mean diameter ratio (ellipticity) obtained from the four orientations was 1.08±0.01, confirming that the Merino wool fibers under review were elliptical rather than circular. The elliptical morphology of wool fibers and the precision of the fiber diameter measurement at each point along a fiber will be considered in the development of a mechanical model of Staple Strength testing.


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A recent model of Single Fibre Analyser 3001 (SIFAN3001) was firstly employed to obtain the single wool fibre diameter profiles (SfFDP’s) at multiple orientations. The results showed that using SIFAN3001 to measure fibre diameter at four orientations for 50 single fibres randomly sub-sampled from each mid-side sample can produce average fibre diameter profiles (ASfFDP’s) of fibres within staples. Within the testing regime used, the precision estimates for the total samples were ±1.3µm for mean fibre diameter of staples and ±1.4µm for average fibre diameter of the ASfFDP’s at each scanned step in the diameter profile. The mean diameter ratio (ellipticity) obtained from the four orientations was 1.08±0.01, confirming that the Merino wool fibres under review were elliptical rather than circular. The elliptical morphology of wool fibres and the precision of fibre diameter measurement at each point along a fibre will be considered in the development of a mechanical model of Staple Strength testing.


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Small diameter vascular grafts were fabricated from pure Polyurethane (PU) as well as PU reinforced with a tubular weft-knitted fabric. The tensile properties of the reinforced composite vascular grafts were compared with that of the tubular fabric itself and the pure PU vascular grafts. The elasticity and strength of the reinforced vascular grafts were improved compared with the tubular fabric. Strength of the reinforced vascular grafts was 5–10 times of the strength of the pure PU vascular grafts. Expanding the tubular fabric to increase the inner diameter of the reinforced vascular graft reduced the graft’s strength and initial modulus, but the difference was reduced as the PU content was increased. For grafts of the same inner diameter, increasing the PU content increased the thickness and strength of the graft wall, which led to a general increase in the strength and initial modulus of the composite vascular grafts.


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Oxygen levels are an important variable during the in vitro culture of stem cells. There has been increasing interest in the use of low oxygen to maximize proliferation and, in some cases, effect differentiation of stem cell populations. It is generally assumed that the defined pO2 in the incubator reflects the pO2 to which the stem cells are being exposed. However, we demonstrate that the pO2 experienced by cells in static culture can change dramatically during the course of culture as cell numbers increase and as the oxygen utilization by cells exceeds the diffusion of oxygen through the media. Dynamic culture (whereby the cell culture plate is in constant motion) largely eliminates this effect, and a combination of low ambient oxygen and dynamic culture results in a fourfold increase in reconstituting capacity of human hematopoietic stem cells compared with those cultured in static culture at ambient oxygen tension. Cells cultured dynamically at 5% oxygen exhibited the best expansion: 30-fold increase by flow cytometry, 120-fold increase by colony assay, and 11% of human CD45 engraftment in the bone marrow of NOD/SCID mice. To our knowledge, this is the first study to compare individual and combined effects of oxygen and static or dynamic culture on hematopoietic ex vivo expansion. Understanding and controlling the effective oxygen tension experienced by cells may be important in clinical stem cell expansion systems, and these results may have relevance to the interpretation of low oxygen culture studies.


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Physical characteristics of roost sites used by the lesser long-eared bat Nyctophilus geoffroyi and Gould's wattled bat Chalinolobus gouldii were investigated in a farmland–remnant vegetation mosaic and adjacent forested floodplain in south-eastern Australia. A total of 45 individuals of N. geoffroyi and 27 C. gouldii were fitted with radio-transmitters, resulting in the location of 139 and 89 roosts, respectively. Male N. geoffroyi roosted in trees, fallen and decayed timber and artificial structures. These roosts were low to the ground, mainly under bark and in cracks in timber. Roosts of female N. geoffroyi were located higher above ground, and all within trees. Maternity roosts were predominantly located in large dead trees, approximately twice the diameter of roost trees used by females outside the breeding season. No maternity roosts were found under bark, despite half the roosts used by non-breeding females being located in these situations. Both sexes roosted primarily in dead timber and used cavities where the narrowest dimension of the entrance was 2.5 cm. Most roosts of C. gouldii were in dead spouts on large, live river red gum Eucalyptus camaldulensis trees. Intraspecific differences in roost characteristics were less pronounced for this species. Despite access to the same roosting opportunities, there were marked differences in roost selection between N. geoffroyi and C. gouldii. Both species favoured large diameter trees, but differed significantly for all other measured variables: type of roost structure, condition of roost tree (live or dead), height of roost tree, height of roost, and entrance dimensions. Although these species are among the most widespread bats in Australia and are often considered to be habitat 'generalists', both displayed a high level of discrimination in the roosts used. Clearly, roosting requirements are a complex and important issue in the conservation of even the most common species of bats.


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Embryonic stem cell research is perhaps the most controversial ethical issue of the new century. This is not surprising. It promises unprecedented potential benefits to human health but arguably comes at the expense of violating the most fundamental moral virtue - the right to life. The debate has become increasingly emotive. The Catholic Church has labelled stem cell research as cannibalism.1 This has led perhaps the world's most famous moral philosopher, Peter Singer, to label the Church, which has over a billion followers, as irrelevant.2 The principal purpose of this paper is not to  discuss all of the relevant moral issues in the embryonic stem cell debate. Considerations of space do not permit this and in any event there are  numerous reports which catalogue the relevant issues.3 Rather we attempt  to identify the crux of the issues in the debate. In our view, the main issue is the point at which life commences. We offer some preliminary observations on this matter. This discussion appears in section four. In the next section, we provide a brief  overview of nature and potential benefits of stem cell  research. This is followed by a discussion of the current legal position. In the final section, we offer some concluding remarks including some  suggestions for law reform.


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Photocatalytic oxidation (PCO) process is an effective way to deal with organic pollutants in wastewater which could be difficult to be degraded by conventional biological treatment methods. Normally the TiO2 powder in nanometre size range was directly used as photocatalyst for dye degradation in wastewater. However the titanium dioxide powder was arduous to be recovered from the solution after treatment. In this application, a new form of TiO2 (i.e. pillar pellets ranging from 2.5 to 5.3 mm long and with a diameter of 3.7 mm) was used and investigated for photocatalytic degradation of textile dye effluent. A test system was built with a flat plate reactor (FPR) and UV light source (blacklight and solar simulator as light source respectively) for investigating the effectiveness of the new form of TiO2. It was found that the photocatalytic process under this configuration could efficiently remove colours from textile dyeing effluent. Comparing with the TiO2 powder, the pellet was very easy to recovered from the treated solution and can be reused in multiple times without the significant change on the photocatalytic property. The results also showed that to achieve the same photocatalytic performance, the FPR area by pellets was about 91% smaller than required by TiO2 powder. At least TiO2 pellet could be used as an alternative form of photocatalyst in applications for textile effluent treatment process, also other wastewater treatment processes.


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In this paper, the effect of fiber dimensional irregularities on the tensile behavior of fiber bundles is modeled, using the finite element method (FEM). Fiber dimensional irregularities are simulated with sine waves of different magnitude. The specific stress-strain curves of fiber bundles and the constituent single fibers are obtained and compared. The results indicate that fiber diameter irregularity along fiber length has a significant effect on the tensile behavior of the fiber bundle. For a bundle of uniform fibers of different diameters, all constituent fibers will break simultaneously regardless of the fiber diameter. Similarly, if fibers within a bundle have the same pattern and level of diameter irregularity along fiber length, the fibers will break at the same time also regardless of the difference in average diameter of each fiber. In these cases, the specific stress and strain curve for the bundle overlaps with that of the constituent fibers. When the fiber bundle consists of single fibers with different levels of diameter irregularity, the specific stress-strain and load-elongation curves of the fiber bundle exhibit a stepped or “ladder” shape. The fiber with the highest irregularity breaks first, even when the thinnest section of the fiber is still coarser than the diameter of a very thin but uniform fiber in the bundle. This study suggests that fiber diameter irregularity along fiber length is a more important factor than the fiber diameter itself in determining the tensile behavior of a fiber bundle consisting of irregular fibers.


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PAN nanofibres were prepared via an electrospinning process. The effect of polymer concentration on the fibre morphology was studied. At a very dilute solution, no fibres were obtained in the electrospinning process. As the concentration increased, the fibre morphology evolved from a beads-on-string structure to a uniform fibre structure with increasing fibre diameters. However, when the same electrospinning process was conducted with the addition of a cationic surfactant, the formation of disconnected beads was prevented, and the number of beads-on-string structures reduced significantly. In addition, the presence of cationic surfactant reduced the average diameter of the electrospun PAN nanofibres.


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The photocatalyst TiO2 with UV irradiation was used to degrade dyes in textile effluent in a flat-plate photoreactor. A test system was built with the reactor area of 1 x 0.3m2, UV light of six 36W-blacklight. TiO2 powder P25 with BET surface area 50±15m2/g, average primary particle size 21 nm, purity> 99.5% and content of 83.9% anatase and 16.1 % rutile was used as the photocatalyst. A number of dyes commonly present in dyeing wastewater were tested in this study. The different operating parameters, such as dosage of photocatalyst, the structure of the reactor, flow rates through the flat-plate reactor, UV radiation intensity and tilted angle of the reactor, were investigated. The results showed that the photocatalytic process could efficiently remove most of the colour contained in the dyeing wastewater. It was experimentally observed that first-order kinetics was adequate for characterising the process. The flow rate and the tilted angle had some influence on the film thickness of the fluid in the reactor and the empirical correlation between the film thickness of the fluid and these two parameters was developed. The photoreaction rate was mainly determined by the film thickness of the fluid on the reactor surface and the dosage of the photocatalyst. Optimum operating parameters of the system were found to be at the film thickness of about 1.4mm and a TiO2 dosage of 1 gIL. The higher the UV intensity, the faster the reaction rate was. The results of these experiments showed that this method has the great potential for colour removal from wastewater at commercial scale.

To overcome the common difficulty of separating the used TiO2 suspension after treatment precipitation followed with filtration was used in this study to determine the separation efficiencies. On the other hand, TiO2 in a small pillar shape was also studied for photocatalytic degradation of textile dye effluent. The pillar pellet was made in Oegussa Company, Germany ranging from 2.5 to 5.3mm long and with a diameter of 3.7mm. It was almost pure TiO2 (83.2% anatase and 16.8% rutile), with a S-content of <20 ppm and a CI content of the order of 0.1 wt. %. No further elements are present in contents above 0.05 wt.%. The TiO2 pillars were placed on the flat-plate reactor that was divided by the rectangular slots and irradiated under UV light when the treated solution went through the reactor. Four dyes and their mixtures were tested. The results showed that the photocatalytic process under this configuration efficiently remove the colour from textile dyeing effluent, and pillar shape TiO2 photocatalyst was not dissolved in water and very easy to be separated from solution, enabling it to be reused many times. The first-order kinetics was adequate for characterising the photocatalytic degradation process and the photocatalytic performance was comparable to TiO2 powder. It is believed that the TiO2 pellet would be a preferable form of photocatalyst in applications for textile effluent treatment process, and other wastewater treatment processes.


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An austenitic Ni-30 wt pct Fe alloy, with a stacking-fault energy and deformation characteristics similar to those of austenitic low-carbon steel at elevated temperatures, has been used to examine the defect substructure within austenite deformed by single-pass strip rolling and to identify those features most likely to provide sites for intragranular nucleation of ultrafine ferrite in steels. Samples of this alloy and a 0.095 wt pct C-1.58Mn-0.22Si-0.27Mo steel have been hot rolled and cooled under similar conditions, and the resulting microstructures were compared using transmission electron microscopy (TEM), electron diffraction, and X-ray diffraction. Following a single rolling pass of ∼40 pct reduction of a 2mm strip at 800 °C, three microstructural zones were identified throughout its thickness. The surface zone (of 0.1 to 0.4 mm in depth) within the steel comprised a uniform microstructure of ultrafine ferrite, while the equivalent zone of a Ni-30Fe alloy contained a network of dislocation cells, with an average diameter of 0.5 to 1.0 µm. The scale and distribution and, thus, nucleation density of the ferrite grains formed in the steel were consistent with the formation of individual ferrite nuclei on cell boundaries within the austenite. In the transition zone, 0.3 to 0.5 mm below the surface of the steel strip, discrete polygonal ferrite grains were observed to form in parallel, and closely spaced “rafts” traversing individual grains of austenite. Based on observations of the equivalent zone of the rolled Ni-30Fe alloy, the ferrite distribution could be correlated with planar defects in the form of intragranular microshear bands formed within the deformed austenite during rolling. Within the central zone of the steel strip, a bainitic microstructure, typical of that observed after conventional hot rolling of this steel, was observed following air cooling. In this region of the rolled Ni-30Fe alloy, a network of microbands was observed, typical of material deformed under plane-strain conditions.