3 resultados para coordination dynamics

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Kinematic (relative phase error), metabolic (oxygen consumption, heart rate) and attentional (baseline and cycling reaction times) variables were measured while participants practised a high energy-demanding, intrinsically unstable 90° relative phase coordination pattern on independent bicycle ergometers. The variables were found to be strongly inter-correlated, suggesting a link between emerging performance stability with practice and minimal metabolic and attentional cost. The effects of practice of 90° relative phase coordination on the performance of in-phase (0°-phase) and antiphase (180°-phase) coordination were investigated by measuring the relative phase attractor layouts and recording the metabolic and attentional cost of the three coordination patterns before and after practice. The attentional variables did not differ significantly between coordination patterns and did not change with practice. Before practice, the coordination performance was most accurate and stable for in-phase cycling, with antiphase next and 90°-phase the poorest. However, metabolic cost was lower for antiphase than either in-phase or 90°-phase cycling, and the pre-practice attractor layout deviated from that predicted on the basis of dynamic stability as an attractor state, revealing an attraction to antiphase cycling. After practice of 90°-phase cycling, in-phase cycling remained the most accurate and stable, with 90°-phase next and antiphase the poorest, but antiphase retained the lowest metabolic energy cost. The attractor layout had changed, with new attractors formed at the practised 90°-phase pattern and its symmetrical partner of 270°-phase. Considering both the pre- and post-practice results, attractors were formed at either a low metabolic energy cost but less stable (antiphase) pattern or at a more stable but higher metabolic energy cost (90°-phase) pattern, but in neither case at the most stable and accurate (in-phase) pattern. The results suggest that energetic factors affect coordination dynamics and that coordination modes lower in metabolic energy expenditure may compete with dynamically stable modes.


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The authors addressed the hypothesis that economy in motor coordination is a learning phenomenon realized by both reduced energy cost for a given workload and more external work at the same prepractice metabolic and attentional energy expenditure. "Self-optimization" of movement parameters has been proposed to reflect learned motor adaptations that minimize energy costs. Twelve men aged 22.3 [+ or -] 3.9 years practiced a 90[degrees] relative phase, upper limb, independent ergometer cycling task at 60 rpm, followed by a transfer test of unpracticed (45 and 75 rpm) and self-paced cadences. Performance in all conditions was initially unstable, inaccurate, and relatively high in both metabolic and attentional energy costs. With practice, coordinative stability increased, more work was performed for the same metabolic and attentional costs, and the same work was done at a reduced energy cost. Self-paced cycling was initially below the metabolically optimal, but following practice at 60 rpm was closer to optimal cadence. Given the many behavioral options of the motor system in meeting a variety of everyday movement task goals, optimal metabolic and attentional energy criteria may provide a solution to the problem of selecting the most adaptive coordination and control parameters.


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While the traditional dependent variables of motor skill learning are accuracy and consistency of movement outcome, there has been increasing interest in aspects of motor performance that are described as reflecting the ‘energetics’ of motor behaviour. One defining characteristic of skilled motor performance is the ability to complete the task with minimum energy expenditure (Sparrow & Newell, 1998). A further consideration is that movements also have costs in terms of cognitive ‘effort’ or ‘energy’. The present project extends previous work on energy expenditure and motor skill learning within a coordination dynamics framework. From the dynamic pattern perspective, a coordination pattern lowest on the 11KB model potential curve (Haken, Kelso & Bunz, 1985) is more stable and least energy is required to maintain pattern stability (Temprado, Zanone, Monno & Laurent, 1999). Two experiments investigated the learning of stable and unstable coordination patterns with high metabolic energy demand. An experimental task was devised by positioning two cycle ergometers side-by-side, placing one foot on each, with the pedals free to move independently at any metronome-paced relative phase, Experiment 1 investigated practice-related changes to oxygen consumption, heart rate, relative phase, reaction time and muscle activation (EMG) as participants practiced anti-phase, in-phase and 90°-phase cycling. Across six practice trials metabolic energy cost reduced and AE and VE of relative phase declined. The trend in the metabolic and reaction time data and percent co-contraction of muscles was for the in-phase cycling to demonstrate the highest values, anti-phase the lowest and 90°-phase cycling in-between. It was found that anti- and in-phase cycling were both kinematically stable but anti-phase coordination revealed significantly lower metabolic energy cost. It was, therefore, postulated that of two equally stable coordination patterns, that associated with lower metabolic energy expenditure would constitute a stronger attractor. Experiment 2 was designed to determine whether a lower or higher energy-demanding coordination pattern was a stronger attractor by scanning the attractor layout at thirty-degree intervals from 0° to 330°. The initial attractor layout revealed that in-phase was most stable and accurate, but the remaining coordination patterns were attracted to the low energy cost anti-phase cycling. In Experiment 2 only 90°- phase cycling was practiced with a post-test attractor layout scan revealing that 90°-phase and its symmetrical partner 270°-phase had become attractors of other coordination patterns. Consistent with Experiment 1, practicing 90°-phase cycling revealed a decline in AE and VE and a reduction in metabolic and cognitive cost. Practicing 90°-phase cycling did not, however, destabilise the in-phase or anti-phase coordination patterns either kinematically or energetically. In summary, the findings suggest that metabolic and mental energy can be considered different representations of a ‘global’ energy expenditure or ‘energetic’ phenomenon underlying human coordination. The hypothesis that preferred coordination patterns emerge as stable, low-energy solutions to the problem of inter-and intra-limb coordination is supported here in showing that the low-energy minimum of coordination dynamics is also an energetic minimum.