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em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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The transformation texture of α/β brass with a diffusional Widmanstätten α growth morphology has been investigated. Electron micrographs and electron backscattered diffraction was used to determine that the orientation relationship between the β phase and the α associated with nucleation at β grain boundaries was (44.3°) left angle bracket1 1 6right-pointing angle bracket. Crystallographic variant selection was observed across those prior β/β grain boundaries, but this has little effect on the transformation texture due to the crystal symmetry. The effect of the crystallographic variant selection on texture is further weakened by nucleation of diffusional transformed α in the grain interior.


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Respiratory viral infections are one of the next group of diseases likely to be targeted for prevention in childhood by the use of vaccines. To begin collecting necessary epidemiology and cost information about the illnesses caused by these viruses, we conducted a prospective cohort study in 118 Melbourne children between 12 and 71 months of age during winter and spring 2001. We were interested in calculating an average cost per episode of community-managed acute respiratory disease, in identifying the key cost drivers of such illness, and to identify the proportion of costs borne by the patient and family. There were 202 community-managed influenza-like illnesses identified between July and December 2001, generating 89 general practitioner visits, and 42 antibiotic prescriptions. The average cost of community-managed episodes (without hospitalisation) was $241 (95% CI $191 to $291), with the key cost drivers being carer time away from usual activities caring for the ill child (70% of costs), use of non-prescription medications (5.4%), and general practice visits (5.0%). The patient and family met 87per cent of total costs. The lowest average cost occurred in households from the highest income bracket. Acute respiratory illness managed in the community is common, with the responsibility for meeting the cost of episodes predominantly borne by the patient and family in the form of lost productivity. These findings have implications for preventive strategies in children, such as the individual use of, or implementation of public programs using, currently available vaccines against influenza and vaccines under development against other viral respiratory pathogens.


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We evaluate power indices by experimentally measuring the political power embodied in blocks of votes per se. Subjects with differing votes divide a fixed purse by majority rule in online chat rooms under supermision. Chat rooms and processes for selecting subjects reduce or eliminate extraeous political forces leaving logrolling as the primary political force. Results show that various power indices bracket voting power which is more than proportionally concentrated in large players.


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Background. Numerous studies have employed the Delphi technique to seek expert opinion about aspects of clinical practice. When researching literature on the Delphi technique, however, we discovered discrepancies in its application, and a lack of detail when reporting design, administration, and analysis methods. Such lack of specificity hinders the replicability and assessment of the clinical and cultural validity and reliability of Delphi studies.

Aim. The aim of this paper is to detail the practical application of the Delphi technique as a culturally and clinically valid means of accessing expert opinion on the importance of clinical criteria.

Methods. Reference is made to a bicultural New Zealand mental health nursing clinical indicator study that employed a three-round reactive Delphi survey. Equal proportions of Maori and non-Maori nurses (n = 20) and consumers (n = 10) rated the importance of 91 clinical indicator statements for the achievement of professional practice standards. Additional statements (n = 21) suggested by Delphi participants in round 1 were included in subsequent rounds. In round 2, participants explained the rating they applied to statements that had not reached consensus in round 1, and summarized responses were provided to participants in round 3. Consensus was considered to have been achieved if 85% of round 3 ratings lay within a 2-point bracket on the 5-point Likert-scale overall, or in one of the Maori nurse, non-Maori nurse, or consumer groups. A mean rating of 4·5 after round 3 was set as the importance threshold.

Findings. Consensus occurred overall on 75 statements, and within groups on another 24. Most statements (n = 86) reached the importance benchmark.

Conclusions. When rigorous methods of participant selection, group composition, participant feedback, and determination of consensus and importance are employed, the Delphi technique is a reliable, cost-effective means of obtaining and prioritizing experts judgements.


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SolospunTM is a spinning technology which provides the means to produce a singles yarn that can be successfully woven as either warp or weft. The technology is a versatile and cost effective alternative to two-folding, Sirospun or sizing. It offers significant benefits in terms of efficiency and productivity. SolospunTM is a simple, inexpensive, clip-on attachment for the spinning of long staple, weavable singles yarns. The technology is the result of a joint development between CSIRO Textile and Fibre Technology, The Woolmark Company and WRONZ and was commercially released in 1998. It is now successfully operating in worsted mills worldwide. The SolospunTM hardware consists of a pair of rollers held in a bracket, which is clipped onto the front of the pendulum-drafting arm. Each roller is positioned immediately below, and parallel to, each top front draft roller where it interacts with the emerging drafted fibre strand before twist insertion. The roller-fibre interaction subtly changes the structure of the yarn, which dramatically increases its abrasion resistance. This allows Solospun yarns to be woven without twofolding or sizing, providing significant cost savings. Depending on fabric structure, weaving performance is equivalent to that of conventional two-fold yarns. Fabrics woven from SolospunTM yarns are of good quality and appearance. Some aspects, including preferred hand and FAST results, are equal or superior to two-fold yarn fabrics. As with compact and condensed spinning, SolospunTM offers significant reductions in yarn
hairiness. However, Solospun can be simply implemented on existing spinning frames and goes much further by making the singles yarns weavable.


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This paper uses finite element upper and lower bound limit analysis to produce chart solutions for three-dimensional (3D) natural slopes for both short- and long-term stability. The presented chart solutions are convenient tools that can be used for preliminary design purposes. The rigorous limit analysis results in this paper were found to bracket the true factor of safety within ±10% or better, which can be used as a benchmark for the solutions from other methods. The depth of the slip surfaces is observed to be generally shallow for most analyzed cases, particularly for the long-term slope stability problem. In addition, it was found that using a two-dimensional (2D) analysis may lead to significant differences in estimating safety factors, which can differ by 2%–60% depending on the slope geometry and soil properties. Therefore, great care and judgement are required when applying 2D analyses to 3D slope problems.


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to analyse attitudes, understanding of gambling and gambling related harm among Asians in New Zealand using secondary data from the New Zealand 2006/07 Gaming and Betting Attitudes Survey (GBAS).

Design/methodology/approach – This survey interviewed 1,973 nationwide randomly selected youths and adults (=18 years) using structured questionnaire. Chinese (N=113) and Indian (N=122) data were analysed separately to compare between them and with NZ Europeans (N=792). Descriptive analysis was carried out and was subsequently tested for significant correlations by weighted (p<0.01) and un-weighted (p<0.05) variables.

Findings – A higher proportion of Chinese males (66.8 percent) represented in the survey compared to Indian (43.0 percent) and NZ European (48.9 percent) where Chinese consisted of more youthful age structure. Chinese respondents were more likely to be in the lowest income bracket (NZ$10,000) compared to others. Among the ten gambling activities “casino table gambling” and “casino electronic machines” (slot-style machine) were most popular among the Chinese where Indians preferred “gambling/casino evening”. A significant proportion of Chinese were unwilling to refer family or friends to gambling help services despite believing that gambling does more harm than good. Pre-committed gambling sum was the most common harm minimising strategy suggested by participants. They believed education and consultation could deter youths from harmful gambling.

Research limitations/implications – This survey highlighted gambling behaviours and thoughts of the ethnic minority population in New Zealand. Study outcomes would be valuable in formulating ethnic specific preventative programme and may have policy implication.

Originality/value – There has been limited research on gambling behaviour of ethnic minorities in New Zealand. This paper fills some of the gaps.


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The aim of this paper was to compare the recruitment strategies of two recent studies that focused on the parental influences on childhood obesity during the preschool years. The first study was a randomised controlled trial (RCT) of the Mind, Exercise, Nutrition … Do It! 2–4 obesity prevention programme and the second was a longitudinal cohort study. For both studies, the desired population were families with preschool children at risk of developing overweight or obesity. Hence, families from diverse ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds were sought. Funding for the RCT provided the resources to adopt a targeted approach to recruitment whereas for the longitudinal study, recruitment was random and opportunistic, rather than specific and targeted. The RCT reported higher child body mass index-for-age z scores, more families not from an Australian or New Zealand background, and more families in the lowest income bracket, suggesting that strategically targeted approaches to recruitment are more likely to achieve the desired sample.


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Stability charts for soil slopes were first produced by Taylor in 1937 and they continue to be used extensively as design tools and draw the attention of many investigators. From a review of literature, it was found that there is no convenient solution has been provided for cohesive materials filled on purely cohesive undrained clay. A recent study revealed that the embankment slope which has two-layered clays failed in an undrained state which shows the importance of this study. In order to obtain the solutions for this type of fill slope. A number of numerical method are employed, namely the finite element upper and lower bound limit analysis methods and limit equilibrium method. The numerical upper and lower bound limit analysis method can bracket true solutions within a small range (6%). The solutions of limit equilibrium analysis are used for comparison purpose.


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BACKGROUND: Caffeine is a common additive in formulated beverages, including sugar-sweetened beverages. Currently there are no data on the consumption of caffeinated formulated beverages in Australian children and adolescents. This study aimed to determine total intake and consumption patterns of CFBs in a nationally representative sample of Australian children aged 2-16 years and to determine contribution of CFBs to total caffeine intake. Consumption by day type, mealtime and location was also examined.

METHODS: Dietary data from one 24-hour recall collected in the 2007 Australian National Children's Nutrition and Physical Activity Survey were analysed. CFBs were defined as beverages to which caffeine has been added as an additive, including cola-type beverages and energy drinks. Socioeconomic status was based on the highest level of education attained by the participant's primary caregiver. Time of day of consumption was classified based on traditional mealtimes and type of day of consumption as either a school or non-school day. Location of consumption was defined by the participant during the survey.

RESULTS: On the day of the survey 15% (n = 642) of participants consumed CFBs. Older children and those of low socioeconomic background were more likely to consume CFBs (both P < 0.001). Amongst the 642 consumers mean (95% CI) intakes were 151 (115-187)g/day, 287 (252-321)g/day, 442 (400-484)g/day, and 555 (507-602)g/day for 2-3, 4-8, 9-13 and 14-16 year olds respectively. Consumers of CFBs had higher intakes of caffeine (mean (95% CI) 61 (55-67)mg vs. 11 (10-12)mg) and energy (mean (95% CI) 9,612 (9,247-9978)kJ vs. 8,186 (8,040-8,335)kJ) than non-consumers (both P < 0.001). CFBs contributed 69% of total daily caffeine intake. CFB intake was higher on non-school days compared with school days (P < 0.005) and consumption occurred predominantly at the place of residence (56%), within the "dinner" time bracket (17:00-20:30, 44%).

CONCLUSIONS: The consumption of CFBs by all age groups within Australian children is of concern. Modifications to the permissibility of caffeine as a food additive may be an appropriate strategy to reduce the intake of caffeine in this age group. Additional areas for intervention include targeting parental influences over mealtime beverage choices.


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Few studies have investigated expectations of fatherhood in men without children, and none within the age bracket most often associated with new fatherhood. Therefore, the objective of this qualitative study was to gain in-depth understanding of young men's beliefs and perceptions of that role. Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) of interview transcripts identified 3 key themes: The contemporary model father, perceived threat to life as we know it, and, the central theme, an unforeseeable future. Analysis revealed that while participants held broad expectations to be emotionally and physically involved as well as economically responsible fathers, their views often lacked specificity, consideration of meaning, and practical notions about how expectations could be fulfilled. We explain the lack of development in men's conceptualization of fatherhood across emerging adulthood through hegemonic masculinity, identity theory, and life course perspectives. The current study provides a rationale for promoting increased discussion around fatherhood in the preconception period to help lessen the turbulent nature of men's transition through pregnancy. (PsycINFO Database Record


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In the past fi ve years young children's access to and usage of the internet has burgeoned, mostly due to the availability of internet-enabled, touch-screen and mobile technologies. While this creates exciting learning opportunities for young children, internet activity in this age-bracket raises several issues of practical, research and pedagogical concern. Two of the most pertinent concerns outlined in the literature - conceptions of cyber-safety and digital literacies - are focused on in this chapter. We suggest that an understanding of young children's thinking about the internet - their "internet cognition" - is a necessary precursor to learning about internet safety and digital literacies. Without such knowledge it is problematic to expect teachers to know how and what to teach in relation to both cybersafety and digital literacies. The chapter concludes by proposing a research and pedagogical agenda for early childhood education in an eff ort to establish a knowledge base for the fi eld regarding young children's "internet cognition".