59 resultados para biota

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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All of the plants and animals that make up freshwater aquatic communities are affected by salinity. Many taxa possess morphological, physiological and life-history characteristics that provide some capacity for tolerance, acclimatisation or avoidance. These characteristics impart a level of resilience to freshwater communities.     To maintain biodiversity in aquatic systems it is important to manage the rate, timing, pattern, frequency and duration of increases in salinity in terms of lethal and sublethal effects, sensitive life stages, the capacity of freshwater biota to acclimatise to salinity and long-term impacts on community structure.     We have limited understanding of the impacts of saline water management on species interactions, food-web structures and how elevated salinity levels affect the integrity of communities. Little is known about the effect of salinity on complex ecosystem processes involving microbes and microalgae, or the salinity thresholds that prevent semi-aquatic and terrestrial species from using aquatic resources. Compounding effects of salinity and other stressors are also poorly understood.    Our current understanding needs to be reinterpreted in a form that is accessible and useful for water managers. Because of their complexity, many of the remaining knowledge gaps can only be addressed through a multidisciplinary approach carried out in an adaptive management framework, utilising decision-making and ecological risk assessment tools.


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The integration of phylogenetics, phylogeography and palaeoenvironmental studies is providing major insights into the historical forces that have shaped the Earth’s biomes. Yet our present view is biased towards arctic and temperate/tropical forest regions, with very little focus on the extensive arid regions of the planet. The Australian arid zone is one of the largest desert landform systems in the world, with a unique, diverse and relatively well-studied biota. With foci on palaeoenvironmental and molecular data, we here review what is known about the assembly and maintenance of this biome in the context of its physical history, and in comparison with other mesic biomes. Aridification of Australia began in the Mid-Miocene, around 15 million years, but fully arid landforms in central Australia appeared much later, around 1–4 million years. Dated molecular phylogenies of diverse taxa show the deepest divergences of arid-adapted taxa from the Mid-Miocene, consistent with the onset of desiccation. There is evidence of arid-adapted taxa evolving from mesicadapted ancestors, and also of speciation within the arid zone. There is no evidence for an increase in speciation rate during the Pleistocene, and most arid-zone species lineages date to the Pliocene or earlier. The last 0.8 million years have seen major fluctuations of the arid zone, with large areas covered by mobile sand dunes during glacial maxima. Some large, vagile taxa show patterns of recent expansion and migration throughout the arid zone, in parallel with the ice sheet-imposed range shifts in Northern Hemisphere taxa. Yet other taxa show high lineage diversity and strong phylogeographical structure, indicating persistence in multiple localised refugia over several glacial maxima. Similar to the Northern Hemisphere, Pleistocene range shifts have produced suture zones, creating the opportunity for diversification and speciation through hybridisation, polyploidy and parthenogenesis. This review highlights the opportunities that development of arid conditions provides for rapid and diverse evolutionary radiations, and re-enforces the emerging view that Pleistocene environmental change can have diverse impacts on genetic structure and diversity in different biomes. There is a clear need for more detailed and targeted phylogeographical studies of Australia’s arid biota and we suggest a framework and a set of a priori hypotheses by which to proceed.


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 This thesis investigated the impacts of increased salinity on plants and animals found in selected wetlands of northwestern Victoria. Results showed that communities are resilient and can re-establish after periods of exposure to high salinity. These findings will inform environmental managers about ways to help maintain high biodiversity in saline wetlands


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A new terrestrial-marine assemblage from the lower beds of a thin outcrop section of the Kockatea Shale in the northern Perth Basin, Western Australia, contains a range of fossil groups, most of which are rare or poorly known from the Lower Triassic of the region. To date, the collection includes spinose acritarchs, organic-cemented agglutinated foraminifera, lingulids, minute bivalves and gastropods, ammonoids, spinicaudatans, insects, austriocaridid crustaceans, actinopterygians, a temnospondyl-like mandible, plant remains, and spores and pollen. Of these groups, the insects, crustaceans and macroplant remains are recorded for the first time from this unit. Palynomorphs permit correlation to nearby sections where conodonts indicate an early Olenekian (Smithian) age. The locality likely represents the margin of an Early Triassic shallow interior sea with variable estuarine-like water conditions, at the southwestern end of an elongate embayment within the East Gondwana interior rift-sag system preserved along the Western Australian margin. Monospecific spinose acritarch assemblages intertwined with amorphous organic matter may represent phytoplankton blooms that accumulated as mats, and suggest potentially eutrophic surface waters. The assemblage represents a mixure of marine and terrestrial taxa, suggesting variations in water conditions or that fresh/brackish-water and terrestrial organisms were transported from adjacent biotopes. Some of the lower dark shaly beds are dominated by spinicaudatans, likely indicating periods when the depositional water body was ephemeral, isolated, or subjected to other difficult environmental conditions. The biota of the Kockatea Shale is insufficiently known to estimate biotic diversity and relationships of individual taxa to their Permian progenitors and Triassic successors, but provides a glimpse into a coastal-zone from the interior of eastern Gondwana. Specialist collecting is needed to clarify the taxonomy of many groups, and comparisons to other Lower Triassic sites are required to provide insights into the pattern of biotic decline and recovery at the end-Permian crisis.


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The Lake Pertobe wetland system is a semi-natural wetland that has been modified primarily for recreational use. However, this lake system receives stormwater from much of the central business district of Warrnambool City (Victoria, Australia) and serves as a buffer zone between the stormwater system and the Merri River and Merri Marine Sanctuary. This work considers the impact of stormwater inputs on Lake Pertobe and the effectiveness of the lake in protecting the associated marine sanctuary. Sediment contaminants (including heavy metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)) and water quality parameters within the lake, groundwater and stormwater system were measured. Water quality parameters were highly variable between stormwater drains and rain events. Suspended solids rapidly settled along open drains and shortly after entering the lake. Groundwater inputs increased both salinity and dissolved nitrogen in some stormwater drains. Some evidence of bioaccumulation of metals in the food chain was identified and sediment concentrations of several PAHs were very high. The lake acted as a sink for PAHs and some metals and reductions in Escherichia coli, biological oxygen demand and total phosphorus were observed, affording some protection to the associated marine sanctuary. Nutrient retention was inadequate overall and it was identified that managing the lake primarily as a recreational facility impacted on the effectiveness of stormwater treatment in the system.


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Abundant, exceptionally preserved coprolites are documented from the Luoping biota (Anisian, Middle Triassic) of Yunnan Province, southwest China. These coprolites can be categorized into fourmorphological types: A) bead to ribbon-shaped, B) short to long cylindrical-shaped, C) flattened, disk-like, and D) segmented faeces. Detailed multi-disciplinary studies reveal that coprolite type A was likely produced by invertebrate animals,while coprolite types B to D could be faeces generated by carnivorous fishes or marine reptiles, perhaps from different taxonomicgroups. When compared with coprolites reported from the Lower Triassic, the Luoping forms indicate more complicated predation-prey food web networks. These evidences, combined with body fossil discoveries fromLuoping, suggest the emergence of complex trophic ecosystems in the Anisian,marking the full biotic recovery following the Permian–Triassic Mass Extinction.


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Peculiar Early Permian palaeontological and sedimentological features are reviewed from South China, including characteristic Early Permian cold-water Gondwanan brachiopod taxa and faunas from Sichuan and Guizhou provinces, widespread rosettes and irregular aggregates of calcite prisms ('Chrysanthemum Stones') within the Qixia limestones, and lack of significant Early Permian reef buildups. The occurrences of these features are at odds with the currently widely held view that South China was located in a palaeotropical, warm-water setting throughout the Permian and hence harboured a highly diverse shallow marine biota. In this paper, I propose a working hypothesis, suggesting that influence of at least cool water masses may have intermittently occurred in South China during the Early Permian, which facilitated the formation of the cool water-influenced palaeontological and sedimentological features and promoted the interchanges of cool to cold water marine faunas between the Gondwanan and Boreal Realms. These cool water masses may have been transported to low-latitude regions as deep currents from northern and eastern shelves of Gondwanaland and upwelled along the western coast of South China as well as within the relatively deep-water basins of central South China. Prevalence of these meridional, north-directed deep cold water currents during the Early Permian may have been related to the glaciation event of Gondwanaland. An alternative and/or additional source of cooling may have also originated from strong easterly palaeoequatorial boundary currents operating within the Palaeotethys at times during the Early Permian, inducing and/or enhancing upwelling of cool to cold water masses in the eastern Palaeotethys. This latter scenario is analogous to the occasional 'La Nina' effect (opposite to the 'El Nino' effect) at the equatorial belt of the modern Pacific Ocean.


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This This article reports findings from observational and questionnaire surveys of visitors to a Marine Protected Area (MPA) at Point Lonsdale, Victoria. The MPA was established primarily to protect the biodiversity of intertidal rock platforms, with only limited restrictions being placed on fishing. Visitor surveys were undertaken to identify and quantify recreational uses, assess level of compliance with regulations, identify the uses most likely to have damaging impacts on biota, and to assess awareness of, and support for, this MPA and for MPAs in general. A questionnaire survey of visitors supported observational survey findings concerning recreational use patterns and provided information on awareness about and attitudes towards conservation measures for this location and for Victoria's marine environment. The finding that about half the visitors were not aware that
they were visiting a marine protected area has implications for future management of this area and MPAs in general. Most visitors indicated support for the concept of marine conservation areas and marine protected areas.


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A field experiment was devised to test whether meiofauna that colonised mimic pneumatophores (artificial substrates) resembled the assemblage on adjacent live pneumatophores in three randomly chosen intertidal, estuarine sites. The experiment showed that the close proximity of particular biota on living pneumatophores did not reliably influence subsequent development of assemblages upon mimic pneumatophores within a scale of 10 m during a colonisation period of less than 20 weeks. There was some convergence of the composition of the colonising assemblage of meiofauna on mimic pneumatophores with the local assemblages in sites dominated by barnacles, or where the natural pneumatophores were free from macroscopic epibionts. However, tychopelagic meiofauna from algal epiphytes did not significantly colonise mimic pneumatophores during the 20-week trial, probably due a lack of growing algae. During the conditioning phase suspended in water at a marine site 20 km from the mangroves, mimic pneumatophores acquired an assemblage of meiofauna different from the estuarine assemblage that colonised mimics following implantation in the estuarine mudflat. Enhanced colonisation rates of mimics in suspended bags at the conditioning site may be explained by the absence of benthic macroinvertebrates, and the lack of intertidal exposure. Biofilms aged 2, 7, and 11 weeks had no consistent, different effect on the subsequent colonisation of meiofauna. We conclude that divergence of phytal-based assemblages of meiofauna depends upon the amount of coverage, as well as the type, of fouling macro-epibionts on the pneumatophores. Meiofaunal assemblages on artificial substrates after 20 weeks colonisation displayed less intrinsic patchiness than mature phytal assemblages on natural pneumatophores, and so present a potentially useful way of improving the power of biomonitoring applications using meiofauna.


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The rate and spatial scale at which natural environments are being modified by human land-uses mean that a regional or national perspective is necessary to understand the status of the native biota. Here, we outline a landscape-based approach for using data from the ‘New Atlas of Australian Birds’ to examine the distribution and status of avifauna at a regional scale. We use data from two bioregions in south-east Australia – the Gippsland Plain and the Strzelecki Ranges (collectively termed the greater Gippsland Plains) – to demonstrate this approach. Records were compiled for 57 landscape units, each 10′ latitude by 10′ longitude (~270 km2) across the study region. A total of 165 terrestrial bird species was recorded from 1870 ‘area searches’, with a further 24 species added from incidental observations and other surveys. Of these, 108 species were considered ‘typical’ of the greater Gippsland Plain in that they currently or historically occur regularly in the study region. An index of species ‘occurrence’, combining reporting rate and breadth of distribution, was used to identify rare, common, widespread and restricted species. Ordination of the dataset highlighted assemblages of birds that had similar spatial distributions. A complementarity analysis identified a subset of 14 landscape units that together contained records from at least three different landscape units for each of the 108 ‘typical’ species. When compared with the 40 most common ‘typical’ species, the 40 least common species were more likely to be forest specialists, nest on the ground and, owing to the prevalence of raptors in the least common group, take prey on the wing. The future status of the terrestrial avifauna of the greater Gippsland Plains will depend on the extent to which effective restoration actions can be undertaken to ensure adequate representation of habitats for all species, especially for the large number of species of conservation concern.