11 resultados para area coverage

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Simulated flocking is achievable using three boid rules [13]. We propose an area coverage model inspired by Reynolds’ flocking algorithm, investigating strategies for achieving quality coverage using flocking rules. Our agents are identical and autonomous, using only local sensory information for indirect communication. Upon deployment, agents are in the default separation mode. The cohesion rule would then guarantee that agents remain within the swarm, covering spaces with explored neighbour spaces. Four experiments are conducted to evaluate our model in terms of coverage quality achieved. We firstly investigate agents’ separation speed before the speed with which isolated agents re-organizes is investigated. The third experiment compares coverage quality achieved using our model with coverage quality achieved using random guessing. Finally, we investigate fault tolerance in the event of agents’ failures. Our model exhibits good separation and cohesion speed, achieving high quality coverage. Additionally, the model is fault tolerant and adaptive to agents’ failures.


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Existing solutions to carrier-based sensor placement by a single robot in a bounded unknown Region of Interest (ROI) do not guarantee full area coverage or termination. We propose a novel localized algorithm, named Back-Tracking Deployment (BTD). To construct a full coverage solution over the ROI, mobile robots (carriers) carry static sensors as payloads and drop them at the visited empty vertices of a virtual square, triangular, or hexagonal grid. A single robot will move in a predefined order of directional preference until a dead end is reached. Then it back-tracks to the nearest sensor adjacent to an empty vertex (an "entrance" to an unexplored/uncovered area) and resumes regular forward movement and sensor dropping from there. To save movement steps, the back-tracking is carried out along a locally identified shortcut. We extend the algorithm to support multiple robots that move independently and asynchronously. Once a robot reaches a dead end, it will back-track, giving preference to its own path. Otherwise, it will take over the back-track path of another robot by consulting with neighboring sensors. We prove that BTD terminates within finite time and produces full coverage when no (sensor or robot) failures occur. We also describe an approach to tolerate failures and an approach to balance workload among robots. We then evaluate BTD in comparison with the only competing algorithms SLD [Chang et al. 2009a] and LRV [Batalin and Sukhatme 2004] through simulation. In a specific failure-free scenario, SLD covers only 40-50% of the ROI, whereas BTD covers it in full. BTD involves significantly (80%) less robot moves and messages than LRV.


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Transparency sheets, which are normally associated with use on overhead projectors, offer lowered costs and high amenability for optical diagnostics in microplate instrumentation. An alternative microplate design in which circles are scribed on the surface of the transparency to create the boundaries to hold the drop in place is investigated here. The 3D profile of the scribed regions obtained optically showed strong likelihood of affecting three-phase contact line interactions. During dispensation, the contact angle (?95°) was larger than the drop advancing state (?80°) due to a period of nonadhesion, where the contact angle later reduced to the drop advancing state followed by increase in the liquid area coverage on the substrate. It was established that 50 ?L was needed to fill the well fully, and the maximum volume retainable before breaching was 190 ?L. While the tilt angle needed for displacement reduced significantly from 50 to 95 ?L, this was markedly better than nonscribed surfaces, where tilt angles always had to be kept to within 30°. It was found that there was greater ability to fill the well with smaller volumes with dispensation at the center. This was attributed to the growing contact line not meeting the scribed edge in parallel if liquid was dispensed closer to it, wherein pinning reduction in some directions permitted liquid travel along the scribed edge to undergo contact angle hysteresis. Fluorescence measurements conducted showed no performance compromise when using scribed transparency microplates over standard microplates.


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Sensor failures or oversupply in wireless sensor networks (WSNs), especially initial random deployment, create spare sensors (whose area is fully covered by other sensors) and sensing holes. We envision a team of robots to relocate sensors and improve their area coverage. Existing algorithms, including centralized ones and the only localized G-R3S2 [9], move only spare sensors and have limited improvement because non-spare sensors, with area coverage mostly overlapped by neighbour sensors, are not moved, and additional sensors are deployed to fill existing small holes. We propose a localized algorithm, called Localized Ant-based Sensor Relocation Algorithm with Greedy Walk (LASR-G), where each robot may carry at most one sensor and makes decision that depends only on locally detected information. In LASRG, each robot calculates corresponding pickup or dropping probability, and relocates sensor with currently low coverage contribution to another location where sensing hole would be significantly reduced. The basic algorithm optimizes only area coverage, while modified algorithm includes also the cost of robot movement. We compare LASR-G with G-R3S2, and examine both single robot and multi robots scenarios. The simulation results show the advantages of LASR-G over G-R3S2.


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Using a set of variables measured in the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) study, our empirical investigation explored the influence of mass media through national culture on national entrepreneurial participation rates in 37 countries over 4 years (2000 to 2003). We found that stories about successful entrepreneurs, conveyed in mass media, were not significantly associated with the rate of nascent (opportunity searching) or the rate of actual (business activities commenced up to 3 months old) start-up activity, but that there was a significant positive association between the volume of entrepreneurship media stories and a nation’s volume of people running a young business (that is in GEM terminology, a business aged greater than 3 but less than 42 months old). More particularly, such stories had strong positive association with opportunity oriented operators of young businesses. Together, these findings are compatible with what in the mass communications theory literature may be called the ‘reinforcement model’. This argues that mass media are only capable of reinforcing their audience’s existing values and choice propensities but are not capable of shaping or changing those values and choices. In the area covered by this paper, policy-makers are committing public resources to media campaigns of doubtful utility in the absence of an evidence base. A main implication drawn from this study is the need for further and more sophisticated investigation into the relationship between media coverage of entrepreneurship, national culture and the rates and nature of people’s participation in the various stages of the entrepreneurial process.


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Four sizes (0.095, 0.53, 1.0 and 2.01 μm) of polystyrene latex particles were used to prepare monodispersed suspensions at three different ionic strengths (10−3, 10−2.5 and 10−2M KCl). Filtration experiments were conducted using those suspensions in a filter column with glass beads as porous medium. The filter bed depth and the filtration velocity were kept at 5 cm and 1 m/h, respectively. When suspensions with equal mass concentrations (0.2 mg/L) or equal surface area concentrations (0.12 cm2/mL) were filtered through the system, the largest particles exhibited higher initial single collector efficiency, η. The difference between the η of largest particles and the smaller particles was prominent for suspensions with equal surface area concentrations at higher ionic strengths. The collision efficiency, α of those particles exhibits higher values at higher ionic strengths. Both at equal mass concentration and equal surface area concentration, α is only slightly dependent on particle sizes when compared to its dependence on ionic strength. Further, it was found that the specific surface coverage was similar for 0.095 μm, 0.53 μm and 1.0 μm particles during the transient stage of filtration at any ionic strength when the surface area concentrations of those suspension were equal.


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This paper highlights the importance of surface coverage in modeling the removal of particles in deep bed filtration. A model that considers the saturation of sites on which particle deposition occurs is used. Experimental results obtained with monodispersed suspensions of 0.46 and 0.816 μm latex particles at different influent concentrations and ionic strengths were used to calculate the fraction of filter grain surface (β1) on which actual particle deposition occurs. This will be useful in evaluating the filter performance in terms of the utilization of available surface area of the filter medium. Further, the level of dendrite formation of particles on filter grains during filtration is expressed in terms of β1 and the specific surface coverage, θT (the fraction of a filter grain surface that is covered by particles at time T, assuming that the filter grain is covered by a monolayer of particles). This can be used to compare the contribution of deposited particles in the removal efficiency of deep bed filtration for suspensions with different physical and chemical characteristics.


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Social scientists and Indigenous people have voiced concerns that media messages about genetics and race may increase the public's belief in genetic determinism and even increase levels of racism. The degree of genetic determinism in media messages has been examined as a determining factor. This study is the first to consider the implications of this area of scholarship for the indigenous minority in Australia. A search of the last two decades of major Australian newspapers was undertaken for articles that discussed Indigenous Australians and genetics. The review found 212 articles, of which 58 concerned traits or conditions that were presented in a genetically deterministic or antideterministic fashion. These 58 articles were analysed by topic, slant, and time period. Overall, 23 articles were anti-deterministic, 18 were deterministic, 14 presented both sides and three were ambiguous. There was a spike in anti-deterministic articles in the years after the Human Genome Diversity Project, and a parallel increase in deterministic articles since the completion of the Human Genome Project in 2000. Potential implications of the nature of media coverage of genetics for Indigenous Australians is discussed. Further research is required to test directly the impact of these messages on Australians.


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Remote sensing is a useful tool for detecting change over time.We introduce a hybrid change-detection method for forest and protected-area vegetation and demonstrate its use with two satellite images of Golestan National Park in northern Iran (1998 and 2010). We report on the advantages and disadvantages of the hybrid method relative to the standard change-detection method. In the proposed hybrid algorithm, the change vector analysis technique was used to determine changes in vegetation. Following this, we used postclassification comparison to determine the nature of the changes observed and their accuracy and to evaluate the effects of different parameters on the performance of the proposed method. We determined 85% accuracy for the proposed hybrid change-detection method, thus demonstrating a method for discovering and assessing environmental threats to natural treasures. © 2014 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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In this paper, we propose an algorihm for conneced p-percent coverage probem in Wireless Sensor Networks(WSNs) to improve the over netork life time. In this work, we invstigae the p-pernt coverage problem(PCP) in WSNs which require % of n area should be monitored correctl and to find ou ny additional requirements of the connec p-percent coverge prom. We prose pDCDS algorith which is a learnin autmaton basd algorithm fr PCP pDCDS is a Degreconsained Connected Domining Se based algoithm whch detect the minimum numbe of des to monitor an area. The simulation results demonstrate hat pDCDS can remarkably improve the network lifetime.