24 resultados para allopathic medical program

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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BACKGROUND: Problem-based learning (PBL) was developed as a facilitated small group learning process based around a clinical problem. Originally designed for pre-clinical years of medical education, its application across all years poses a number of difficulties, including the risk of reducing patient contact, providing a learning process that is skewed towards an understanding of pathophysiological processes, which may not be well understood in all areas of medicine, and failing to provide exposure to clinically relevant reasoning skills. CONTEXT: Curriculum review identified dissatisfaction with PBLs in the clinical years of the Sydney Medical School's Graduate Medical Program, from both staff and students. A new model was designed and implemented in the Psychiatry and Addiction Medicine rotation, and is currently being evaluated. INNOVATION: We describe an innovative model of small-group, student-generated, case-based learning in psychiatry - clinical reasoning sessions (CRS) - led by expert facilitators. IMPLICATIONS: The CRS format returns the student to the patient, emphasises clinical assessment skills and considers treatment in the real-world context of the patient. Students practise a more sophisticated reasoning process with real patients modelled upon that of their expert tutor. This has increased student engagement compared with the previous PBL programme.


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Medical students experience various stresses and many poor health behaviours. Previous studies consistently show that student wellbeing is at its lowest pre-exam. Little core-curriculum is traditionally dedicated to providing self-care skills for medical students. This paper describes the development, implementation and outcomes of the Health Enhancement Program (HEP) at Monash University. It comprises mindfulness and ESSENCE lifestyle programs, is experientially-based, and integrates with biomedical sciences, clinical skills and assessment. This study measured the program’s impact on medical student psychological distress and quality of life. A cohort study performed on the 2006 first-year intake measured effects of the HEP on various markers of wellbeing. Instruments used were the depression, anxiety and hostility subscales of the Symptom Checklist-90-R incorporating the Global Severity Index (GSI) and the WHO Quality of Life (WHOQOL) questionnaire. Pre-course data (T1) was gathered mid-semester and post-course data (T2) corresponded with pre-exam week. To examine differences between T1 and T2 repeated measures ANOVA was used for the GSI and two separate repeated measures MANOVAs were used to examine changes in the subscales of the SCL-90-R and the WHOQOL-BREF. Follow-up t-tests were conducted to examine differences between individual subscales. A total of 148 of an eligible 270 students returned data at T1 and T2 giving a response rate of 55%. 90.5% of students reported personally applying the mindfulness practices. Improved student wellbeing was noted on all measures and reached statistical significance for the depression (mean T1 = 0.91, T2 = 0.78; p = 0.01) and hostility (0.62, 0.49; 0.03) subscales and the GSI (0.73, 0.64; 0.02) of the SCL-90, but not the anxiety subscale (0.62, 0.54; 0.11). Statistically significant results were also found for the psychological domain (62.42, 65.62; p < 0.001) but not the physical domain (69.11, 70.90; p = 0.07) of the WHOQOL. This study is the first to demonstrate an overall improvement in medical student wellbeing during the pre-exam period suggesting that the common decline in wellbeing is avoidable. Although the findings of this study indicate the potential for improving student wellbeing at the same time as meeting important learning objectives, the limitations in study design due to the current duration of follow-up and lack of a control group means that the data should be interpreted with caution. Future research should be directed at determining the contribution of individual program components, long-term outcomes, and impacts on future attitudes and clinical practice.


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Objective:  Coexisting chronic medical conditions are common in bipolar disorder. Here, we report the prevalence and correlates of medical comorbidity in patients enrolled in the Systematic Treatment Enhancement Program for Bipolar Disorder (STEP-BD). We were particularly interested in associations between variables reflecting illness chronicity and burden with comorbid medical conditions.

Method:  We used intake data from the open-label component of the STEP-BD. History of medical comorbidity was obtained from the affective disorders evaluation, and its presence was the outcome of interest. The sample size in analyses varied from 3399 to 3534. We used multiple Poisson regression to obtain prevalence ratios.

Results:  The prevalence of any medical comorbidity in the sample was 58.8%. In addition to demographic variable, several clinical characteristics were associated with the frequency of medical comorbidity. Having more than 10 previous mood episodes, childhood onset, smoking, lifetime comorbidity with anxiety, and substance use disorders were independently associated with having a medical comorbidity in the final multivariate model.

Conclusion:  The results presented here reveal strong associations between variables related to illness chronicity and medical burden in bipolar disorder. This lends further support to recent multidimensional models incorporating medical morbidity as a core feature of bipolar disorder.


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Substantial State Government funding has bun committed in Victoria for the enhancement of maternity services. The funding is intended to improve the quality of care for women and meet consumer expectations for choice and continuity of care in maternity services. This paper reports on a mid-term review (the 'review') of the Victorian Maternity services Program. which was conducted by the authors on behalf of the Victorian Department of Human Services. Documentary analysis was conducted for the review, and workshops and key informant interviews were held throughout Victoria with midwives, medical staff and Department of Human Services staff. The review found that there had been many gains as a result of the Maternity services Program and identified directions for further development. Issues of change and facilitators of change processes in maternity services are highlighted in this article.


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The prevalence of untreated depression is high among older adults who receive care in residential facilities or in their own omes and is associated with reduced quality of life and other medical conditions, Research has suggested a number of rea-p sons for the low detection and treatment rates for this problem, including lack of knowledge and efficacy among those who provide direct care and poor communication between these caregivers and senior staff, and between senior staff and genera practitioners. In this study, we report on the implementation of a training program for care staff that aims to address these issues. Focus groups with participants who completed the training indicated a high level of satisfaction with the program and reported improvements in knowledge, self-efficacy, and communication within services. It is recommended that the program be more systematically evaluated in relation to its longer term effects on care provider practices and the well-being of depressed elderly care recipients.


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Introduction. Sexual function through pregnancy and the postpartum period is an important aspect of quality of life.
Despite this, prospective studies are limited, and the impact of body image on sexual function has not been explored.
Aims. The current study reports on a pilot study that evaluated the effectiveness of a combined Internet-based
psychological treatment program and oral medication compared to an Internet-based psychological program.
Methods. Twelve men with ED participated in the study.
Main Outcome Measures. Assessments were made pre and postintervention on ED, relationship satisfaction, sexual
satisfaction, self-esteem, and quality of life.
Results. Multivariate analyses of variance demonstrated that both treatment conditions showed improvements from
pretest to posttest in sexual functioning, relationships, and personal well-being.
Conclusions. This study indicates the importance of targeting psychological and relationship variables in the
treatment of ED. Further research with larger numbers of participants is necessary for a more rigorous evaluation
of treatment programs that combine psychological and medication interventions for ED.


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To determine perceived barriers to continuing education for Australian hospital-based prevocational doctors, a cross sectional cohort survey was distributed to medical administrators for secondary redistribution to 2607 prevocational doctors from August 2003 to October 2004. Four hundred and seventy valid questionnaires (18.1%) were returned. Only seven per cent (33/470) did not identify any barriers to continuing education. Barriers identified the most were lack of time (85% [371/437]), clinical commitment (65% [284/437]), resistance from registrars (13% [57/437]) and resistance from consultant staff (10% [44/437]). Other barriers included workload issues (27% [27/98]), teaching program inadequacies (26% [25/98]), lack of protected time for education (17% [17/98]), motivational issues (11% [10/98]) and geographic remoteness (10% [10/98]). Australian graduates (87%) identified lack of time more frequently than international medical graduates (77%) (P=0.036). Perceived barriers did not differ significantly between doctors of differing postgraduate years.


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Objective: To test the feasibility and acceptability of a telephone-based program to screen survivors of colorectal cancer (CRC) for distress, and to refer distressed patients to their treating health service.

Design, setting and participants: A prospective, multicentre study involving 59 patients with CRC recruited from six public and private health services in Melbourne, Victoria, from 15 June 2008 to 22 September 2009. Patients who had completed adjuvant chemotherapy for CRC were contacted (7–10 days after recruitment [outcall one] and again 4 weeks later [outcall two]) by the Cancer Council Victoria’s helpline nurse, and screened for distress with the Distress and Impact Thermometer (DIT); participants were given tailored information and support and those with distress scores of ≥5, and impact scores of ≥4, were referred for follow-up. Telephone interviews were conducted 4 weeks after outcall two. Participating helpline and health service staff were surveyed on the feasibility and acceptability of the service. Main outcome measure: Anxiety and depression, measured by the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS).

Results: Of the 59 patients (87%) who agreed to participate, 63% were men; their mean age was 59 years (SD, 9.5 years). HADS depression decreased significantly from baseline (mean score, 4.93; SD, 4.22) to follow-up (mean score, 3.84; SD, 4.10; Z = −2.375; P= 0.02). However, there was no significant difference in HADS anxiety between baseline (mean score, 5.29; SD, 4.11) and follow-up (mean score, 4.78; SD, 3.65). Outcall one generated two referrals (4% of participants) and outcall two generated four referrals
(8%); five of these six participants took up the referrals. Satisfaction with the program among participants was high; 82% found outcall one “quite or very helpful” and 79% found outcall two “quite or very helpful”. Helpline and health service staff reported a straightforward process that did not adversely affect workloads.

Conclusion: This model of care carries the potential to meet ongoing psychosocial needs of survivors of CRC.


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This article reviews the literature addressing exercise programs for dialysis patients to identify elements necessary for sustaining exercise programs in this population. Literature searches for publications (January 1980–February 2009) in Medline (OVID), PubMed, CINAHL (EBSCO), EBSCOhost EJS, ProQuest Central, Web of Science, Cochrane Library, Google Scholar, ScienceDirect, SpringerLink (Kluwer), and Wiley Interscience (Blackwell) were performed. Reference lists from relevant articles were hand-searched for further publications. Criteria for inclusion included full-text primary research and review articles focused on exercise for adult hemodialysis patients. One hundred and seventy one publications were found with a primary focus on exercise in hemodialysis. Of these, 28 primary research and 14 review articles addressed one or more aspects of sustainability of hemodialysis exercise programs. Factors contributing to sustainable exercise programs included: dedicated exercise professionals; encouragement to exercise intradialytically; dialysis and medical staff commitment; adequate physical requirements of equipment and space; interesting and stimulating; cost implications need to be addressed; exercise is not for everyone; requires individual prescription; and there is no age barrier to exercise on hemodialysis.


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Background: Clinical depression is highly prevalent yet under-detected and under-treated in palliative care settings and is associated with a number of adverse medical and psychological outcomes for patients and their family members. This article presents a study protocol to evaluate a training intervention for non-physician palliative care staff to improve the recognition of depression and provide support for depressed patients and their family members. Details of the hypotheses and expected outcomes, study design, training program development and evaluation measures are described.
Methods and Design: A randomised controlled trial will be implemented across two palliative care services to evaluate the “Training program for professional carers to recognise and manage depression in palliative care settings”. Pre-, post- and three-month follow-up data will be collected to assess: the impact of the training on the knowledge, attitudes, self-efficacy and perceived barriers of palliative care staff when working with depression; referral rates for depression; and changes to staff practices. Quantitative and qualitative methods, in the form of self-report questionnaires and interviews with staff and family members, will be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention.
Discussion: This study will determine the effectiveness of an intervention that aims to respond to the urgent need for innovative programs to target depression in the palliative care setting. The expected outcome of this study is the validation of an evidence-based training program to improve staff recognition and appropriate referrals for depression, as well as improve psychosocial support for depressed patients and their family members.


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With current medical technology, many young people diagnosed with cancer are able to be cured or given extended periods of disease remission. White treatment regimes are meeting with considerable success, the diagnosis and treatment of cancer is nevertheless often met with experiences of anxiety and despair. This paper discusses the advantages and disadvantages of referring patients to cancer peer support groups to assist those adjusting to a diagnosis of cancer. For others, Cancer is a chronic and debilitating illness, causing family dislocation, financial difficulties, social isolation and chronic uncertainty about the future. Contemporary attitudes towards cancer and adjunctive therapies are characterized by contradictory and confusing information and engender a range of emotions in patients and relatives ranging from suspicion to overt hostility.


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Background: Screening tools have been recommended for use in aged care to improve the detection and treatment of depression. This study aimed to evaluate the impact of a program for the routine implementation of the Cornell Scale for Depression in Dementia in Australian facilities, to determine whether use of the instrument by nurses led to further monitoring of depressive symptoms, medical referral, and changes in treatments prescribed for depression.
Methods: A file review was completed for 412 participants out of a total of 867 older people (47.5%) who resided in ten aged care facilities. The review examined Cornell Scale assessment data, medication charts, medical history, nursing progress notes, and resident care plans. Nursing staff who administered the Cornell Scale to each participant were also interviewed, and ten facilitymanagers took part in an interview to determine barriers to the effective implementation of the instrument.
Results: The Cornell Scale had been administered to 46.8% of the sample in the previous 12 months, with 25% of these participants scoring 9–13 and 27% scoring 14 and above. Less than one third of the residents with high scores were monitored by the staff following the assessment. Only 18% of residents with high scores were referred for further assessment of depression, while 10% received a treatment change.
Conclusions: The absence of a protocol for responding to high Cornell Scale scores limited the potential of this program to result in widespread improved treatment of depressed older people. The use of the Cornell Scale by aged care nurses with limited training raised concern.