112 resultados para allelic discrimination

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Dopamine D2 receptors (DRD2) in the central nervous system are involved in the regulation of feeding. It remains to be elucidated if mutations in the DRD2 gene contribute to the development of obesity. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether the Taq IA and Ser311Cys polymorphisms in the DRD2 gene are associated with obesity in Nauruan and Australian subjects. Subjects were selected based on extremes of the body mass index (BMI) distribution. Two groups of Australian women were selected. The leanest group had a mean BMI of 22.5 kg/m2 (range: 20.3-24.3) and the heaviest group had a mean of 36.1 kg/m2 (32.5-44.1). Four groups of Nauruan subjects were selected. Leanest men had a mean BMI of 33.0 kg/m2 (28.4-36.9), heaviest men had a mean of 52.8 kg/m2 (46.5-69.2), leanest women had a mean of 34.8 kg/m2 (28.2-41.8) and heaviest women had a mean of 55.1 kg/m2 (49.3-73.8). Subjects were genotyped for the Taq IA and Ser311Cys polymorphisms using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis and allelic discrimination TaqmanTM PCR respectively. Leanest and heaviest groups were examined for differences in genotype frequency. Taq IA and Ser311Cys genotype frequencies did not differ significantly between leanest and heaviest Nauruan groups, or between leanest and heaviest Australians. Haplotype frequencies of these polymorphisms did not differ between leanest and heaviest groups. The Taq IA and Ser311Cys polymorphisms in the DRD2 gene are unlikely to be common causes of obesity in these populations.


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Orientation detection and discrimination thresholds were measured for Gabor ‘envelopes’ formed from contrast-modulation of luminance ‘carriers’. Consistent with previous research differences between carrier and envelope orientation had no effect on sensitivity to envelopes. Using plaid carriers in which the proportion of contrast modulation ‘carried’ by each plaid component was systematically manipulated, it was shown that this tolerance to carrier-envelope orientation difference reflects linear summation across orientation indicative of a single second-stage channel coding for contrast-defined structure. That contrast envelopes did not exhibit linear summation across spatial-frequency, nor across combinations of orientation and spatial-frequency differences, suggests that these second-order channels operate only within certain spatial scales. Using arrays of Gabor micropatterns as carriers in which the orientation distribution of the carriers was manipulated independently of the difference between envelope orientation and mean carrier orientation, it was further demonstrated that the locus of orientation integration must occur prior to envelope detection. In the context of two-stage models that incorporate a non-linearity between the stages, the pattern of results obtained is consistent with the operation of an orientation pooling process between first-stage and second-stage channels, analogous to having all filters of the first-stage feed into all filters of the second-stage within the same spatial-frequency band.


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Examines the theoretical justifications for the anti-discrimination protection for working parents in Australia. Implication of discrimination, voluntaries and employment; Analysis of the tort principles; Factors affecting the justification for protecting working parents.


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Of the many different variations that can occur in human sexual formation, transsexualism no doubt remains the least understood by the wider Australian community. As a consequence, the process of attaining human rights to legal status, privacy, dignity and freedom from discrimination for those who experience this unusual condition has been a slow and sometimes frustrating one. The article seeks to introduce the reader to some of the more recent developments in the international jurisprudence of transsexualism and the underlying medical evidence that has supported them. It also offers criticism of the belated attempt by the State of Victoria,  with the Births, Deaths & Marriages Registration (Amendment) Act 2004, to establish certain statutory rights in this regard. While the legislation was enacted with the stated and very laudable purpose of providing for the  correction of birth records on the Register of Births of those people with transsexualism who have altered their phenotypic sex by hormonal  medication and surgery, the article argues it has also served to remove other equally important rights already won and proposes that a final remedy will only be found, as on previous occasions, in the courts.


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Earlier this year the Age Discrimination Act 2004 was passed by the Commonwealth government. This paper provides an overview of the Age Discrimination Act 2004 and critically examines whether it is likely to be successful in eradicating compulsory retirement and age discrimination within the workforce. Empirical studies suggesting that law reform alone is insufficient to eliminate ageist employer behaviour are discussed as is the need for public awareness campaigns. Given that compliance with the law is closely linked with normative belief, this paper also considers whether a moral duty to refrain from age discrimination can be grounded within the natural law ethic.


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The touchstone of refugee law is the concept of persecution. The concept is poorly defined. The courts have suggested that it includes several elements, including discrimination, systematic conduct, motivation and causation. In the context of distinguishing between prosecution and persecution, other criteria that have been employed include the notion of a law of general application’ and the legitimate and appropriate and adapted test. These concepts are often overlapping and some are superfluous. This paper proposes a new test for persecution. The best way forward to unify and inject coherency, consistency and certainty into this area of the law is to make discrimination the sole criterion of persecution. The (exhaustive) test for persecution that is proposed is as follows:  1. Does the law on its face impose an additional burden for a Convention reason? 2. If the answer is no, it is necessary to examine if the practical effect of the law is to impose an additional burden on people for a Convention reason either because the law selectively targets people for a Convention ground or disproportionately applies against people for a Convention ground? 3. If the answer to both questions is ‘no’, the law does not constitute persecution. 4. If the answer to question 1 or 2 is ‘yes’, then the law will constitute persecution unless there is a relevant basis for causing serious harm to people for a Convention reason.


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This paper examines the use of the Disability Discrimination Act (Commonwealth of Australia, 1992) by parents seeking access for their deaf children to native sign language in the classroom. It reviews a number of cases in which Australian parents have claimed indirect discrimination by educational authorities over their children's lack of access to instruction through Australian Sign Language (Auslan) and discusses the outcomes of such litigation. The policies endorsed by deafness organizations are contrasted with those of state educational authorities. The author discusses the limitations of a complaints-based system to address systemic discrimination and suggests the need for legislation to protect the linguistic rights of deaf children.


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The systematic measurement of HIV/AIDS-related discrimination is imperative within the current rhetoric that holds discrimination as one of the two ‘biggest' barriers to HIV/AIDS pandemic intervention. This paper provides a methodological critique of the UNAIDS (2000b) Protocol for the Identification of Discrimination against People Living with HIV (the Protocol) . Specifically, the paper focuses on the Protocol's capacity to accurately identify and measure institutional levels of HIV-related discrimination that allows data that are reliable and comparable across time and contexts. Conceptual issues including the Protocol's objective as an indicator versus a direct measure of discrimination and the role of the Protocol as a tool of research versus a tool of advocacy are explored. Design issues such as the operationalization of discrimination, appropriateness of indicator content, sampling and data collection strategies and issues of scoring are also evaluated. It is hoped that the matters outlined will provide readers with ways of critically reflecting and evaluating the findings of the research papers presented in this Special Issue, as well as pointing to ways of improving research design.


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Although initially Australia saw some high-profile successes in antidiscrimination cases for workers with family responsibilities, recent trends in appellate decisions such as Schou suggest that indirect discrimination concepts do not succeed for workers with family responsibilities. The limitations of an individual complaint model to address systemic disadvantage such as that experienced by ‘workercarers’ is simply in too much tension with entrenched expectations surrounding the contract of employment and the ‘ideal’ or ‘unencumbered’ worker. A re-imagining of the employment relationship and the role of the employer will be necessary to achieve substantive equality for workers with family responsibilities.


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Nations zealously guard their borders and carefully vet migrants. This consigns many people to live in states not of their choice and often diminishes their opportunities and their level of flourishing. In some cases it is the difference between life and death. The practice of imposing migration controls is discriminatory. In fact it is the ultimate form of discrimination: 'super-discrimination.' There is no logical or moral reason why non-nationals of a state should not have the same opportunities and freedoms as nationals in that state. One of the most common forms of discrimination is race - treating a person differently simply because of their place of birth. This is one of the clearest and most repugnant forms of discrimination because the location where a person is born is of course merely a happy or unhappy circumstance over which the individual has no control. An accident of birth should not qualify a person for extra privileges or opportunities. The world is a fairer place if to the maximum extent possible luck is taken out of the process for allocating benefits and burdens - which ought to be distributed on the basis of merit and dessert. This paper examines whether there are sound reasons for restricting the flow of world-wide people movement. The main arguments in favour of this policy, relating to security and national building, are ultimately flawed. This exposes a tragic irony given the great efforts that many Western states - which typically have the strongest migration controls - make to stamp out discrimination at the domestic level, and the vast array of international law anti-discrimination instruments, loudly trumpeted by Western nations. This is hypocrisy nearing its finest. The substratum of sovereign states upon which available international law is built is inherently discriminatory and in fact is probably responsible for more harm as a result of the innately discriminatory immigration policies than results from the cumulative operation of all domestic discrimination. The world should move towards loosening migration controls. This would have an enormous number of humanistic benefits, not the least of which is largely eradicating world hunger and poverty.


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Interpreting the unexplained component of the gender wage gap as indicative of discrimination, the empirical literature to date has tended to ignore the potential impact wage discrimination may have on employment. Employment effects may arise if discrimination lowers the female offered wage and the labour supply curve is upward sloping. The empirical analysis employs the British Household Panel Study and finds evidence of both wage and associated employment effects.


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Interpreting the unexplained component of the gender wage gap as indicative of discrimination, the empirical literature to date has tended to ignore the potential impact wage discrimination may have on employment. Clearly, employment effects will arise if discrimination lowers the female offered wage and the labour supply curve is upward sloping. The empirical analysis employs the ABS Income Distribution Survey 1994–95 and finds evidence of both wage and associated employment effects. The analysis is replicated for the earlier period 1989–90. A comparison across time is of interest given the substantial deregulation of the Australian labour market over the period.


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To date it is well known that the quality of farmed trout is affected by diet composition, by feeding regime, by husbandry practices and by rearing conditions and environment. The trout processing industry and the large-scale retail trade, in consideration of the wide variability of trout quality and characteristics, have imposed, or will soon impose, quality criteria for the end product. Moreover, recent food scares and the malpractices of some food producers have increased public requests
for traceability. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the main chemical quality and the biometrical characteristics of rainbow trout produced in three different farms in Italy (two intensive farms, located one on mountain and one on plain, and an extensive farm in which fish fed only on naturally available nutrients) and to establish whether farmed trout
origins could be differentiated by these parameters. Trout farmed in the intensive mountain farm (IMF) showed the highest crude lipid content in the fillets and the fatty acids of their fillets were characterized by the highest percentage of MUFA. Trout farmed in the intensive plain farm (IPF) were characterized by low dressing percentage, and the lipid of their fillets
was rich in n-6 fatty acids. Trout stocked for the last year of their life in the extensive farm (EF) were leaner both in the carcass and in the fillets. The analysis of flavor volatile compounds showed some differences in the bouquet design, particularly differences in the amounts of n-3 and n-6 derivates volatile aldehydes and alcohols. All data significantly different
(P<0.05) were subjected to Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) and 8 variables were chosen to create two discriminant equations generating a strong prediction model for classification of farmed trout respective to their origins.


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The findings of the six independent studies on institutional forms of HIV discrimination in the Asia Pacific presented in this Special Issue of AIDS Care are integrated. At first glance, the general pattern of the results across the study sites suggests that discrimination is most pertinent in the domain of 'practice' rather than in the domains of law or institutional policy. On closer analysis, however, utilising the qualitative data, this conclusion does not take sufficient account of the cultural context within which the interpersonal interaction (practice) between the health carers and people living with HIV/AIDS occurs. Limitations on the use of anti-discrimination legislations and protective written policies for reducing discrimination in these contexts are discussed. The need for alternative approaches to thinking about discrimination intervention is raised and this is done through a consideration of the strategy of universal precautions.