7 resultados para Weierstrass Zeta Function

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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The first 12000 zeroes of Riemann's zeta function on the critical line with 20000 decimal digits accuracy. Format: the zeroes are in text file listed consecutively in decimal representation, each zero starts on a new line.

Zeroes of zeta function presented in this file were calculated on MASSIVE cluster (www.massive.org.au) using Python and packages MPmath version 0.17 and gmpy version 2.1, with a Newton based algorithm proposed by Fredrik Johansson with precision set to 20000 decimal digits. Partial recalculation with higher precision didn't show any loss of accuracy so we expect that the values are correct up to, possibly, a few last digits. We express our thanks to Fredrik Johansson for this algorithm and for development of MPmath as well.


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The project aims at computing Riemann's zeroes with high accuracy through an analysis of large determinants using Matyasievich's Artless method. Location of Riemann's zeroes is the famous 8th Hilbert problem, and one of Clay's Institute millennium problems.


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The finite Dirichlet series of the title are defined by the condition that they vanish at as many initial zeros of the zeta function as possible. It turns out that such series can produce extremely good approximations to the values of Riemanns zeta function inside the critical strip. In addition, the coefficients of these series have remarkable number-theoretical properties discovered in large-scale high-precision numerical experiments. So far, we have found no theoretical explanation for the observed phenomena.


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Science journal, starting with its July 2005 issue, presents its readers with 125 questions and problems yet to be resolved by the scientific community. These range from the deceptively simple (‘what is the structure of water?’), the obvious (‘what triggers puberty?’ or ‘what are the roots of human culture?’), to the amazingly esoteric (‘do mathematically interesting zero-value solutions of the Riemann zeta function all have the form of a+bi?’).


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The zeros of Dirichlet L-functions for various moduli and characters are being computed with very high accuracy on a cluster of workstations at Deakin University. This collection is growing to include more zeros (other moduli and characters).


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We present a parallel algorithm for calculating determinants of matrices in arbitrary precision arithmetic on computer clusters. This algorithm limits data movements between the nodes and computes not only the determinant but also all the minors corresponding to a particular row or column at a little extra cost, and also the determinants and minors of all the leading principal submatrices at no extra cost. We implemented the algorithm in arbitrary precision arithmetic, suitable for very ill conditioned matrices, and empirically estimated the loss of precision. In our scenario the cost of computation is bigger than that of data movement. The algorithm was applied to studies of Riemann’s zeta function.


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The use of the fast Fourier transform (FFT) accelerates Lanczos tridiagonalisation method for Hankel and Toeplitz matrices by reducing the complexity of matrix-vector multiplication. In multiprecision arithmetics, the FFT has overheads that make it less competitive compared with alternative methods when the accuracy is over 10000 decimal places. We studied two alternative Hankel matrix-vector multiplication methods based on multiprecision number decomposition and recursive Karatsuba-like multiplication, respectively. The first method was uncompetitive because of huge precision losses, while the second turned out to be five to 14 times faster than FFT in the ranges of matrix sizes up to n = 8192 and working precision of b = 32768 bits we were interested in. We successfully applied our approach to eigenvalues calculations to studies of spectra of matrices that arise in research on Riemann zeta function. The recursive matrix-vector multiplication significantly outperformed both the FFT and the traditional multiplication in these studies.