19 resultados para Water resources system analysis

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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The influence of land cover on water quality and quantity was examined using a multidisciplinary approach that integrated land use maps, historical databases, and statistical modelling. Systematic changes in the Glenelg Hopkins landscape were identified, in addition to a relationship between greater proportions of vegetation and better water quality.


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An existing computer model (QUAL2E) was adapted to simulate the flow and water quality of the Barwon Water Supply System, the major water supply system for Geelong. Various water quality parameters were modelled and options reviewed for improving the water quality in this System.


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This paper details a system dynamics model developed to simulate proposed changes to water governance through the integration of supply, demand and asset management processes. To effectively accomplish this, interconnected feedback loops in tariff structures, demand levels and financing capacity are included in the model design, representing the first comprehensive life-cycle modelling of potable water systems. A number of scenarios were applied to Australia's populated South-east Queensland region, demonstrating that introducing temporary drought pricing (i.e. progressive water prices set inverse with availability), in conjunction with supply augmentation through rain-independent sources, is capable of efficiently providing water security in the future. Modelling demonstrated that this alternative tariff structure reduced demand in scarcity periods thereby preserving supply, whilst revenues are maintained to build new water supply infrastructure. In addition to exploring alternative tariffs, the potential benefits of using adaptive pressure-retarded osmosis desalination plants for both potable water and power generation was explored. This operation of these plants for power production, when they would otherwise be idle, shows promise in reducing their net energy and carbon footprints. Stakeholders in industry, government and academia were engaged in model development and validation. The constructed model displays how water resource systems can be reorganised to cope with systemic change and uncertainty.


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 Water resources in Singapore are managed following the principles of a closed loop hydrologic cycle by one agency, the Public Utility Board (PUB), which promotes its management philosophy through the Four National Taps of Singapore program. The four national taps are: water from local catchment areas; imported water (from Malaysia); reused water (known as NEWater); and desalinated water. Given the uncertainty of water imports, the remaining three national taps have become increasingly important and this paper begins with a general overview of the innovative programs implemented by PUB in support of these three taps. Stormwater runoff is captured from two-thirds of Singapore’s land area and stored in reservoirs for subsequent use. Stormwater management is an important component of the catchment area tap and extensive low impact development (LID) implementation has become a priority through the ABC (Active, Beautiful, Clean) Waters Program. Examples of several ABC Waters projects are discussed. NEWater currently supplies 30% of the country’s demand and this is projected to increase to 50% by 2060. NEWater plants take treated wastewater through the additional steps of microfiltration, reverse osmosis and ultraviolet treatment for use primarily in industry, although a portion also is blended into the municipal reservoirs. Singapore’s single desalination plant currently meets 10% of its demand, with a second plant to be completed in 2013 that will more than double production. Also discussed are the results of recently completed pilot projects related to stormwater management including testing of E. coli in runoff from high density residential areas, a blind taste test and survey on acceptance of NEWater, and a survey of Singaporean understanding about stormwater management issues.Water resources in Singapore are managed following the principles of a closed loop hydrologic cycle by one agency, the Public Utility Board (PUB), which promotes its management philosophy through the Four National Taps of Singapore program. The four national taps are: water from local catchment areas; imported water (from Malaysia); reused water (known as NEWater); and desalinated water. Given the uncertainty of water imports, the remaining three national taps have become increasingly important and this paper begins with a general overview of the innovative programs implemented by PUB in support of these three taps. Stormwater runoff is captured from two-thirds of Singapore’s land area and stored in reservoirs for subsequent use. Stormwater management is an important component of the catchment area tap and extensive low impact development (LID) implementation has become a priority through the ABC (Active, Beautiful, Clean) Waters Program. Examples of several ABC Waters projects are discussed. NEWater currently supplies 30% of the country’s demand and this is projected to increase to 50% by 2060. NEWater plants take treated wastewater through the additional steps of microfiltration, reverse osmosis and ultraviolet treatment for use primarily in industry, although a portion also is blended into the municipal reservoirs. Singapore’s single desalination plant currently meets 10% of its demand, with a second plant to be completed in 2013 that will more than double production. Also discussed are the results of recently completed pilot projects related to stormwater management including testing of E. coli in runoff from high density residential areas, a blind taste test and survey on acceptance of NEWater, and a survey of Singaporean understanding about stormwater management issues.


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Abstract This paper introduces a novel approach for discrete event simulation output analysis. The approach combines dynamic time warping and clustering to enable the identification of system behaviours contributing to overall system performance, by linking the clustering cases to specific causal events within the system. Simulation model event logs have been analysed to group entity flows based on the path taken and travel time through the system. The proposed approach is investigated for a discrete event simulation of an international airport baggage handling system. Results show that the method is able to automatically identify key factors that influence the overall dwell time of system entities, such as bags that fail primary screening. The novel analysis methodology provides insight into system performance, beyond that achievable through traditional analysis techniques. This technique also has potential application to agent-based modelling paradigms and also business event logs traditionally studied using process mining techniques.


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Purpose – Accounting and water industry experts are developing general-purpose water accounting (GPWA) to report information about water and rights to water. The system has the potential to affect water policies, pricing and management, and investment and other decisions that are affected by GPWA report users' understanding of water risks faced by an entity. It may also affect financial returns to accounting and auditing firms and firms in water industries. In this paper the authors aim to examine the roles of the accounting profession, water industries and other stakeholders in governing GPWA. Recognising that the fate of GPWA depends partly upon regulatory power and economics, they seek to apply regulatory theories that explain financial accounting standards development to speculate about the national and international future of GPWA.

Design/methodology/approach – Official documents, internal Water Accounting Standards Board documents and unstructured interviews underpin the authors' analysis.

Findings – The authors speculate about the benefits that might accrue to various stakeholder groups from capturing the GPWA standard-setting process. They also suggest that internationally, water industries may dominate early GPWA standards development in the public interest and that regulatory capture by accounting or water industry professionals will not necessarily conflict with public interest benefits.

Practical implications – Accounting for water can affect allocations of environmental, economic, social and other resources; also, accounting and water industry professional standing and revenues. In this paper the authors identify factors influencing GPWA standards and standard-setting institutional arrangements, and thereby these resource allocations. The paper generates an awareness of GPWA's emergence and practical implications.

Originality/value –
This is an early study to investigate water accounting standard-setting regulatory influences and their impact.


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Growing global concern regarding the rapid rate at which humans are consuming the earth’s precious natural resources is leading to greater emphasis on more effective means of providing for our current and future needs. Energy and fresh water are the most crucial of these basic human needs. The energy and water required in the operation of buildings is fairly well known. Much less is known about the energy and water embodied in construction materials and products. It has been suggested that embodied energy typically represents 20 times the annual operational energy of current Australian buildings. Studies have suggested that the water embodied in buildings may be just as significant as that of energy. As for embodied energy, these studies have been based on traditional analysis methods, such as process and input-output analysis. These methods have been shown to suffer from errors relating to the availability of data and its reliability. Hybrid methods have been developed in an attempt to provide a more reliable assessment of the embodied energy and water associated with the construction of buildings. This paper evaluates the energy and water resources embodied in a commercial office building using a hybrid analysis method based on input-output data. It was found that the use of this hybrid analysis method increases the reliability and completeness of an embodied energy and water analysis of a typical commercial building by 45% and 64% respectively, over traditional analysis methods. The embodied energy and water associated with building construction is significant and thus represents an area where considerable energy and water savings are possible over the building life-cycle. These findings suggest that current best-practice methods of embodied energy and water analysis are sufficiently accurate for most typical applications, but this is heavily dependent upon data quality and availability.


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The proposed volume aims to provide useful insights on the use of Multi-criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) in natural resource management by examining a number of empirical applications for several countries and natural resources. There is increasing interest among researchers and policy makers in using MCDA to evaluate complex management issues and problems. While several books with empirical applications have been published, these applications are very recent. Evidence from major studies suggests that MCDA approaches to the management of water, forestry, wetland and other natural resources have substantially improved the design and implementation of natural resource and environmental policies. Using innovative approaches, such as MCDA, to manage complex natural systems will enhance our understanding and management of those systems. Stakeholder involvement is an important determinant of successful resource management, and MCDA provides a useful and effective framework for getting stakeholders involved in resource management decisions. Despite the general acceptance of the role of MCDA in natural resource management, problems remain in applying these techniques. Problems include difficulties in applying the techniques, eliciting required information, lack of suitable measures for environmental variables, and development of innovative methods to simplify the use of MCDA. The proposed book examines several applications of MCDA for several countries (Australia, USA and Europe) and natural resources, including forestry, water resources and vegetation.


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This study describes the use of landscape transition analysis as a means for effective basin management. Land cover transitions from 1995 to 2002 were analyzed using a cross-tabulation matrix for an important economic zone in south-west Victoria, Australia. Specifically, the matrix was used to determine whether the transitions were random or systematic. Random landscape transitions occur when a land cover replaces other land covers in proportion to their availability. Systematic landscape transitions occur when there are deviations from random patterns, and land use types ‘target’ other land use types for replacement. The analysis was conducted with 11 land cover categories and showed that dryland pastures have been systematically losing area to dryland crops and blue gum (Eucalyptus globulus) plantations. Dryland crops have systematically expanded in the north-east of the catchment, an area where increasing in-stream salinization has occurred concurrently with this transition. The systematic expansion of the blue gum plantations has been predominantly in the south-west of the catchment and has the potential to reduce stream flows and groundwater recharge in an already water-stressed region, as blue gums use more water than the dryland pastures they are replacing. All other transitions were largely random. These findings have implications for land use planning in the study area for regional water balance and revegetation strategies. Landscape transition analysis is a cost-effective means of contributing to the management of water resources at a regional scale, and is highly recommended for future basin planning.


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Develops a critical analysis of the domestic and international factors influencing the process of Turkish state formation. Focuses on the political economy of water resource development along the Tigris-Euphrates river basin, shared by the three riparian states, Turkey, Iraq and Syria. Turkey's large-scale development of the river is characterised as a state making imperative, highlighting the needs to improve regional resource diplomacy.


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Traditional regression techniques such as ordinary least squares (OLS) are often unable to accurately model spatially varying data and may ignore or hide local variations in model coefficients. A relatively new technique, geographically weighted regression (GWR) has been shown to greatly improve model performance compared to OLS in terms of higher R 2 and lower corrected Akaike information criterion (AICC). GWR models have the potential to improve reliabilities of the identified relationships by reducing spatial autocorrelations and by accounting for local variations and spatial non-stationarity between dependent and independent variables. In this study, GWR was used to examine the relationship between land cover, rainfall and surface water habitat in 149 sub-catchments in a predominately agricultural region covering 2.6 million ha in southeast Australia. The application of the GWR models revealed that the relationships between land cover, rainfall and surface water habitat display significant spatial non-stationarity. GWR showed improvements over analogous OLS models in terms of higher R 2 and lower AICC. The increased explanatory power of GWR was confirmed by the results of an approximate likelihood ratio test, which showed statistically significant improvements over analogous OLS models. The models suggest that the amount of surface water area in the landscape is related to anthropogenic drainage practices enhancing runoff to facilitate intensive agriculture and increased plantation forestry. However, with some key variables not present in our analysis, the strength of this relationship could not be qualified. GWR techniques have the potential to serve as a useful tool for environmental research and management across a broad range of scales for the investigation of spatially varying relationships.


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This study investigates the spatial logic of squatter settlements location by using a Geographic Information System – GIS. The process of analysis established, preliminary, the selection and standardization of a set of factors witch we considered influential to the locational issue: (a) slope; (b) distance from water resources; (c) distance from roads; (d) distance from urbanization; (e) distance from industrial zones; (f) distance from preservation areas; (g) average income; and (h) population density. Subsequently, these factors have been integrated into a “Potential Map” through a multi-criteria evaluation method. Finally, potential map have been compared to real location of squatter settlements in Gravataí, RS. The approach developed here has provide information for a better understanding of the topic, which can be used for urban planning purposes.