83 resultados para Tumor Talk

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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CONTEXT: Little is known about how parents of children with advanced cancer classify news they receive about their child's medical condition.

OBJECTIVE: To develop concepts of "good news" and "bad news" in discussions of advanced childhood cancer from parent perspectives.

METHODS: Parents of children with advanced cancer cared for at three children's hospitals were asked to share details of conversations in the preceding 3 months that contained "good news" or "bad news" related to their child's medical condition. We used mixed methods to evaluate parent responses to both open-ended and fixed response items.

RESULTS: Of 104 enrolled parents, 86 (83%) completed the survey. Six (7%) parents reported discussing neither good nor bad news, 18 (21%) reported only bad news, 15 (17%) reported only good news, and 46 (54%) reported both good and bad news (1 missing response). Seventy-six parents (88%) answered free response items. Descriptions of both good and bad news discussions consisted predominantly of "tumor talk" or cancer control. Additional treatment options featured prominently, particularly in discussions of bad news (42%). Child well-being, an important good news theme, encompassed treatment tolerance, symptom reduction, and quality of life.

CONCLUSION: A majority of parents of children with advanced cancer report discussing both good and bad news in the preceding 3 months. While news related primarily to cancer control, parents also describe good news discussions related to their child's well-being. Understanding how parents of children with advanced cancer classify and describe the news they receive may enhance efforts to promote family-centered communication.


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The present letter concerns anti-cancer natural products inducing cross-talk between apoptosis and autophagy mutual proteins to regulate cancer cell death for future cancer green therapeutic approaches. The course of cancer advancement has always been attributed to the defectiveness in cell death mechanisms (Du et al., 2013; Hematulin et al., 2014). These defects act as a shield in protecting tumor cells from drugs and therapies, all at the same time, maintaining a longer life span and prompting their dispersion procedures. Autophagy and apoptosis safeguards cells from cellular damages and maintains proliferation and homeostasis by deporting outgrowth and controlling differentiation of pernicious cells. The autophagic proteins are conventionally found in hindering apoptosis whereas vice versa accounts had been reported for apoptotic-intermediates in preventing autophagic responses.


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In a qualitative study, 20 HIV-infected Australian gay men were interviewed about their decision not to access antiretroviral drug therapy. The main reasons given for the decision were fear of side effects; fear of long-term damage to body organs; the inconvenience of the treatment regimens; belief that the regimen's demands would be a threat to morale; and belief that there was no reason to start therapy in the absence of AIDS-related symptoms. Actions taken by the men to monitor and maintain their health included seeing a doctor regularly; having regular T-cell and viral load tests; and trying to maintain a positive outlook by not letting HIV/AIDS 'take over' their lives. Almost half the men considered they had been subjected to unreasonable pressure to access therapy and there was considerable pride at having resisted this pressure. The findings suggest that the men disagreed with the biomedical model for managing HIV/AIDS only on the question of if and when to access therapy. They also suggest that underlying the men's dissent from the biomedical model was a different mode of thinking than is required by the model: while the model demands thinking that is abstract, the men focused strongly on factors close to the 'here and now' of immediate experience. The practical implications of the findings are explored.


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The promise of cancer immunotherapy is that it will not only eradicate primary tumors but will generate systemic antitumor immunity capable of destroying distant metastases. A major problem that must first be surmounted relates to the immune resistance of large tumors. Here we reveal that immune resistance can be overcome by combining immunotherapy with a concerted attack on the tumor vasculature. The functionally related antitumor drugs 5,6-dimethylxanthenone-4-acetic acid (DMXAA) and flavone acetic acid (FAA), which cause tumor vasculature collapse and tumor necrosis, were used to attack the tumor vasculature, whereas the T-cell costimulator B7.1 (CD80), which costimulates T-cell proliferation via the CD28 pathway, was used to stimulate antitumor immunity. The injection of cDNA (60–180 µg) encoding B7.1 into large EL-4 tumors (0.8 cm in diameter) established in C57BL/6 mice, followed 24 h later by i.p. administration of either DMXAA (25 mg/kg) or FAA (300 mg/kg), resulted in complete tumor eradication within 2–6 weeks. In contrast, monotherapies were ineffective. Both vascular attack and B7.1 immunotherapy led to up-regulation of heat shock protein 70 on stressed and dying tumor cells, potentially augmenting immunotherapy. Remarkably, large tumors took on the appearance of a wound that rapidly ameliorated, leaving perfectly healed skin. Combined therapy was mediated by CD8+ T cells and natural killer cells, accompanied by heightened and prolonged antitumor cytolytic activity (P < 0.001), and by a marked increase in tumor cell apoptosis. Cured animals completely rejected a challenge of 1 x 107 parental EL-4 tumor cells but not a challenge of 1 x 104 Lewis lung carcinoma cells, demonstrating that antitumor immunity was tumor specific. Adoptive transfer of 2 x 108 splenocytes from treated mice into recipients bearing established (0.8 cm in diameter) tumors resulted in rapid and complete tumor rejection within 3 weeks. Although DMXAA and B7.1 monotherapies are complicated by a narrow range of effective doses, combined therapy was less dosage dependent. Thus, a broad range of amounts of B7.1 cDNA were effective in combination with 25 mg/kg DMXAA. In contrast, DMXAA, which has a very narrow range of high active doses, was effective at a low dose (18 mg/kg) when administered with a large amount (180 µg) of B7.1 cDNA. Importantly, combinational therapy generated heightened antitumor immunity, such that gene transfer of B7.1 into one tumor, followed by systemic DMXAA treatment, led to the complete rejection of multiple untreated tumor nodules established in the opposing flank. These findings have important implications for the future direction and utility of cancer immunotherapies aimed at harnessing patients’ immune responses to their own tumors.


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There is evidence from a range of studies that adult input influences a young child's language development Of interest is how adult input contributes to emotional and cognitive understandings. Children with special needs in mainstream schools are expected to develop social skills which entails the understanding of a situation from the perspective of other participants. The question is whether children with a speech delay hear adult language that helps them develop a theory of mind. The study of the acquisition of a theory of mind has focused on children who have been asked to carry out tasks demonstrating their understanding of what another person might be thinking. Tager-Flusberg et al. (2001) have found that children who perform better on theory of mind tasks are children who talk about thoughts and feelings. The present study looks at mental state language input provided to children that might help them learn to talk about thoughts and feelings. Activities involving children and their mothers, and activities in a preschool program were studied for cognitive and emotional content in the adult input. The input provided to normally developing children would be more supportive of the development of their talk about thoughts and feelings.


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This research identifies how English and German speakers differ in the range of situations they describe as causal and how these difference may influence causal reasoning. In Experiments 1 and 2, English and German speakers described 3D animations of complex events using CAUSE verbs (cause, get) and ENABLE verbs (let, enable). As predicted, English speakers used CAUSE verbs to describe a wider range of events than German speakers. In Experiment 3, English and German speakers viewed 3D animations of CAUSE and ENABLE events and then estimated the likelihood of the effect (E) in the presence of the affector (A), p(E|A), in hypothetical situations similar to the one they just saw. Given the results of Experiments 1 and 2, we predicted that German speakers’ estimates of p(E|A) would be higher than English speakers’ estimates of p(E|A) for ENABLE events, but not necessarily for CAUSE events. The results were as predicted. The findings suggest that English and German speakers differ in the range of situations they describe as causal and that these differences in linguistic coding may lead to differences in causal reasoning.


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Dose-limiting diarrhea and myelosuppression compromise the success of irinotecan (7-ethyl-10-[4-[1-piperidino]-1-piperidino] carbonyloxycamptothecin) (CPT-11)-based chemotherapy. A recent pilot study indicates that thalidomide attenuates the toxicity of CPT-11 in cancer patients. This study aimed to investigate whether coadministered thalidomide modulated the toxicities of CPT-11 and the underlying mechanisms using several in vivo and in vitro models. Diarrhea, intestinal lesions, cytokine expression, and intestinal epithelial apoptosis were
monitored. Coadministered thalidomide (100 mg/kg i.p. for 8 days) significantly attenuated body weight loss, myelosuppression, diarrhea, and intestinal histological lesions caused by CPT-11 (60 mg/kg i.v. for 4 days). This was accompanied by inhibition of tumor necrosis factor-, interleukins 1 and 6 and interferon-, and intestinal epithelial apoptosis. Coadministered
thalidomide also significantly increased the systemic exposure of CPT-11 but decreased that of SN-38 (7-ethyl-10-hydroxycampothecin). It significantly reduced the biliary excretion and cecal exposure of CPT-11, SN-38, and SN-38 glucuronide. Thalidomide hydrolytic products inhibited hydrolysis of CPT-11 in rat liver microsomes but not in primary rat hepatocytes. In addition, thalidomide and its major hydrolytic products, such as phthaloyl glutamic acid (PGA), increased the intracellular accumulation of CPT-11 and SN-38 in primary rat hepatocytes. They also significantly decreased the transport of CPT-11 and SN-38 in Caco-2 and parental MDCKII cells. Thalidomide and PGA also significantly inhibited P-glycoprotein (PgP/MDR1), multidrug resistance-associated protein (MRP1)- and MRP2-mediated CPT-11 and SN-38 transport in MDCKII cells. These results provide insights into the pharmacodynamic and  pharmacokinetic mechanisms for the protective effects of thalidomide against CPT-11-induced intestinal toxicity.


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Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) plays a role in the pathogenesis of chronic hepatitis B (CHB) and chronic hepatitis C (CHC). The difference in the cytokine responses between hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) infections may have implications in the pathogenesis of these diseases. We performed a comparative study to examine the possible differences in the TNF-TNF receptor (TNFR) response between CHB and CHC. We studied the cytokine levels of 38 patients with CHB, 40 patients with CHC and 9 patients with dual hepatitis B and C, and compared them with the baseline levels of 12 healthy controls. The plasma levels of TNF-, interferon-, interleukin (IL)-2, IL-4, IL-10 and soluble TNFR-1 and 2 (sTNFR-1 and 2) were quantified by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. The expression of TNFR-1 and 2 in liver tissues was examined in 30 cases of CHB and 15 cases of CHC by semiquantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction. The results showed that sTNFR-1 levels correlated with liver inflammation in all patients, whereas this correlation was not found with sTNFR-2 or other cytokines. Liver inflammation indicators were higher in HCV RNA+ than in HCV RNA– CHC. Most significantly, sTNFR-1 levels correlated with liver inflammation in CHB, but not in CHC. However, the expression of TNFR-1 and 2 in liver was similar between CHB and CHC. These findings suggest that the TNFR signal transduction pathway is modulated differently in HBV and HCV infection.


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The author discusses how to improve the use of ICT in mathematics education. A number of measures are recommended including the need to conduct an ICT-and-mathematics audit across the curriculum. The author points out that ICT is changing traditional understandings of literacy and numeracy and how it is taught. ICT approaches may help to teach things in slightly different ways, but will not necessarily do this any better than old ways. The author highlights that teaching is changing from face-to-face oral discussion to virtual talk, with ICT just the latest technology in a long line of technological innovations that have transformed teaching since the nineteenth century.