36 resultados para Transgenic crops

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Juvenile Cherax destructor (commonly called theyabby) were cultured in earthen-based ponds and tanks for 70–105d, and were fed pellets and/or a forage crop of the perennialwhiteclover, Trifolium repens. Three supplementary feedingstrategies were evaluated. Yabby growth on pellets consistently exceeded (by67–159%) that obtained on clover. Base-line yields for extensiveproduction systems are around 400 kg ha–1. Thesupplementary addition of T. repens produced yields of 635kg ha–1 (in ponds) to 1086 kgha–1 (in tanks). The sequential addition of cut-cloverto tanks stimulated growth to levels approaching those achieved on pellets.Yabbies stocked into ponds at 17 m–2 and fed 33%protein pellets for 100 d, resulted in a yield of 1117 kgha–1.Pellet inputs at a rate of 129–249 g m–2(dry matter) and 38–83 g m–2 (protein) over70–100 d resulted in acceptable growth and feed utilisationindices. Clover inputs of 534–682 g m–2 (asdry matter) or 84–177 g m–2 (as protein)produced reasonable growth rates but poor feed utilisation indices. Aconsiderable quantity of the dry matter and protein content of clover waseitherinefficiently utilised or directed into other production pathways. In tanks,clover inputs from 113–296 g m–2 (drymatter) and 24–54 g m–2 (protein) weresufficient to maintain high growth rates for 4 weeks, while in ponds, inputs of21 g m–2 (dry matter) and 4.3 gm–2 (protein) were sufficient for 3 weeks. During theearly weeks of production no growth advantage was gained by providing pelletstoanimals cultured in forage-based systems. Forage depletion occurred after3–4 weeks and was probably a major growth limiting factor.


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The spi1 (pu.1) gene has recently been identified as a useful marker of early myeloid cells in zebrafish. To enhance the versatility of this organism as a model for studying myeloid development, the promoter of this gene has been isolated and characterized. Transient transgenesis revealed that a 5.3 kilobase promoter fragment immediately upstream of the spi1 coding sequence was sufficient to drive expression of enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) in injected embryos in a manner that largely recapitulated the native spi1 gene expression pattern. This fragment was successfully used to produce a germ line transgenic line of zebrafish with EGFP-expressing myeloid cells. These TG(spi1:EGFP)pA301 transgenic zebrafish represent a valuable tool for further studies of myeloid development and its perturbation.


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This study investigated the effects of riluzole (Ril), creatine (Cr) and a combination of these treatments on the onset and progression of clinical signs and neuropathology in an animal model of familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, the G93A transgenic mouse (n=13–17 per group). The onset of clinical signs was delayed (P<0.05) by about 12 days in all treatment groups compared with control; however, no differences occurred between treatments. All animals were killed at 199 days of age. At the end of the experimental period the severity of clinical signs was less (P<0.05) with all treatments compared with control. Again no differences between treatments were observed. The treatments had no effect on the number of neurons in ventral horns of the lumbar region of the spinal cord. Transgenic mice ingesting Cr displayed elevated (P<0.05) total Cr levels in cerebral hemispheres (5%) and spinal cord (8%), but not skeletal muscles. These data demonstrate that treatment with Ril and Cr were both effective in delaying disease onset and clinical disability. To the age of killing, no additional benefit was conferred by co-administration of Ril and Cr.


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The final steps in the absorption and excretion of copper at the molecular level are accomplished by 2 closely related proteins that catalyze the ATP-dependent transport of copper across the plasma membrane. These proteins, ATP7A and ATP7B, are encoded by the genes affected in human genetic copper-transport disorders, namely, Menkes and Wilson diseases. We studied the effect of copper perfusion of an isolated segment of the jejunum of ATP7A transgenic mice on the intracellular distribution of ATP7A by immunofluorescence of frozen sections. Our results indicate that ATP7A is retained in the trans-Golgi network under copper-limiting conditions, but relocalized to a vesicular compartment adjacent to the basolateral membrane in intestines perfused with copper. The findings support the hypothesis that the basolateral transport of copper from the enterocyte into the portal blood may involve ATP7A pumping copper into a vesicular compartment followed by exocytosis to release the copper, rather than direct pumping of copper across the basolateral membrane.


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Fixed sample-size plans for monitoring Plutella xylostella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae) on broccoli and other Brassica vegetable crops are popular in Australia for their simplicity and ease of application. But the sample sizes used are often small, ≈10–25 plants per crop, and it may be that they fail to provide sufficient information upon which to base pest control decisions. We tested the performance of seven fixed sample-size plans (10, 15, 20, 30, 35, 40, and 45 plants) by resampling a large data set on P. xylostella in commercial broccoli crops. For each sample size, enumerative and presence-absence plans were assessed. The precision of the plans was assessed in terms of the ratio of the standard error to the mean; and at least 45 and 35 samples were necessary for the enumerative and presence-absence plans, respectively, to attain the generally accepted benchmark of ≤0.3. Sample sizes of 10–20 were highly imprecise. We also assessed the consequences of classifications based on action thresholds (ATs) of 0.2 and 0.8 larvae per plant for the enumerative case, and 0.15 and 0.45 proportion of plants of infested for the presence-absence case. Operating characteristic curves and investigations of the frequency of correct decisions suggest improvements in the performance of plans with increased sample size. In both the enumerative and presence-absence cases, the proportion of incorrect decisions was much higher for the lower of the two ATs assessed, and type II errors (i.e., failure to suggest pest control upon the AT is exceeded) generally accounted for the majority of this error. Type II errors are the most significant from a producer’s standpoint. Further consideration is necessary to determine what is an acceptable type II error rate.


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Aims/hypothesis: To study the secondary consequences of impaired suppression of endogenous glucose production (EGP) we have created a transgenic rat overexpressing the gluconeogenic enzyme phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) in the kidney. The aim of this study was to determine whether peripheral insulin resistance develops in these transgenic rats.
Methods: Whole body rate of glucose disappearance (Rd) and endogenous glucose production were measured basally and during a euglycaemic/hyperinsulinaemic clamp in phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase transgenic and control rats using [6-3H]-glucose. Glucose uptake into individual tissues was measured in vivo using 2-[1-14C]-deoxyglucose.
Results: Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase transgenic rats were heavier and had increased gonadal and infrarenal fat pad weights. Under basal conditions, endogenous glucose production was similar in phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase transgenic and control rats (37.4±1.1 vs 34.6±2.6 µmol/kg/min). Moderate hyperinsulinaemia (810 pmol/l) completely suppressed EGP in control rats (–0.6±5.5 µmol/kg/min, p<0.05) while there was no suppression in phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase rats (45.2±7.9 µmol/kg/min). Basal Rd was comparable between PEPCK transgenic and control rats (37.4±1.1 vs 34.6±2.6 µmol/kg/min) but under insulin-stimulated conditions the increase in Rd was greater in control compared to phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase transgenic rats indicative of insulin resistance (73.4±11.2 vs 112.0±8.0 µmol/kg/min, p<0.05). Basal glucose uptake was reduced in white and brown adipose tissue, heart and soleus while insulin-stimulated transport was reduced in white and brown adipose tissue, white quadriceps, white gastrocnemius and soleus in phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase transgenic compared to control rats. The impairment in both white and brown adipose tissue glucose uptake in phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase transgenic rats was associated with a decrease in GLUT4 protein content. In contrast, muscle GLUT4 protein, triglyceride and long-chain acylCoA levels were comparable between PEPCK transgenic and control rats.
Conclusions/interpretation: A primary defect in suppression of EGP caused adipose tissue and muscle insulin resistance.


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Reuse of wastewater to irrigate food crops is being practiced in many parts of the world and is becoming more commonplace as the competition for, and stresses on, freshwater resources intensify. But there are risks associated with wastewater irrigation, including the possibility of transmission of pathogens causing infectious disease, to both workers in the field and to consumers buying and eating produce irrigated with wastewater. To manage these risks appropriately we need objective and quantitative estimates of them. This is typically achieved through one of two modelling approaches: deterministic or stochastic. Each parameter in a deterministic model is represented by a single value, whereas in stochastic models probability functions are used. Stochastic models are theoretically superior because they account for variability and uncertainty, but they are computationally demanding and not readily accessible to water resource and public health managers. We constructed models to estimate risk of enteric virus infection arising from the consumption of wastewater-irrigated horticultural crops (broccoli, cucumber and lettuce), and compared the resultant levels of risk between the deterministic and stochastic approaches. Several scenarios were tested for each crop, accounting for different concentrations of enteric viruses and different lengths of environmental exposure (i.e. the time between the last irrigation event and harvest, when the viruses are liable to decay or inactivation). In most situations modelled the two approaches yielded similar estimates of risk (within 1 order-of-magnitude). The two methods diverged most markedly, up to around 2 orders-of-magnitude, when there was large uncertainty associated with the estimate of virus concentration and the exposure period was short (1 day). Therefore, in some circumstances deterministic modelling may offer water resource managers a pragmatic alternative to stochastic modelling, but its usefulness as a surrogate will depend upon the level of uncertainty in the model parameters.


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Both copper transporting ATPases, ATP7A and ATP7B, are expressed in mammary epithelial cells but their role in copper delivery to milk has not been clarified. We investigated the role of ATP7A in delivery of copper to milk using transgenic mice that over-express human ATP7A. In mammary gland of transgenic mice, human ATP7A protein was 10- to 20-fold higher than in control mice, and was localized to the basolateral membrane of mammary epithelial cells in lactating mice. The copper concentration in the mammary gland of transgenic dams and stomach contents of transgenic pups was significantly reduced compared to non-transgenic mice. The mRNA levels of endogenous Atp7a, Atp7b, and Ctr1 copper transporters in the mammary gland were not altered by the expression of the ATP7A transgene, and the protein levels of Atp7b and ceruloplasmin were similar in transgenic and non-transgenic mice. These data suggest that ATP7A plays a role in removing excess copper from the mammary epithelial cells rather than supplying copper to milk.


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Aims/hypothesis Islet transplantation is a potential cure for diabetes; however, rates of graft failure remain high. The aim of the present study was to determine whether amyloid deposition is associated with reduced beta cell volume in islet grafts and the recurrence of hyperglycaemia following islet transplantation.

Methods We transplanted a streptozotocin-induced mouse model of diabetes with 100 islets from human IAPP (which encodes islet amyloid polypeptide) transgenic mice that have the propensity to form islet amyloid (n = 8–12) or from non-transgenic mice that do not develop amyloid (n = 6–10) in sets of studies that lasted 1 or 6 weeks.

Results Plasma glucose levels before and for 1 week after transplantation were similar in mice that received transgenic or non-transgenic islets, and at that time amyloid was detected in all transgenic grafts and, as expected, in none of the non-transgenic grafts. However, over the 6 weeks following transplantation, plasma glucose levels increased in transgenic but remained stable in non-transgenic islet graft recipients (p < 0.05). At 6 weeks, amyloid was present in 92% of the transgenic grafts and in none of the non-transgenic grafts. Beta cell volume was reduced by 30% (p < 0.05), beta cell apoptosis was twofold higher (p < 0.05), and beta cell replication was reduced by 50% (p < 0.001) in transgenic vs non-transgenic grafts. In summary, amyloid deposition in islet grafts occurs prior to the recurrence of hyperglycaemia and its accumulation over time is associated with beta cell loss.

Conclusions/interpretation Islet amyloid formation may explain, in part, the non-immune loss of beta cells and recurrence of hyperglycaemia following clinical islet transplantation.