31 resultados para Traditional enrichment method

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Urban stormwater non-point source pollutants are recognized as a major cause of receiving waters quality deterioration. To date most research has focused on specifying temporal variations of stormwater quality parameters which includes high uncertainties and also increases the risk of pollution control structures failure. Traditionally, the temporal variations of quality parameters in forms of either pollutograph or Event Mean Concentration (EMC) is obtained by sampling stormwater at the outlet of urban catchments for quality analysis in addition to measurement of flow rate over years. Spatial variations of the runoff quality are the key factor in non-point source pollution studies. This research investigates spatial variability of urban runoff quality parameters such as Total Phosphorous (TP), Total Nitrogen (TN), Suspended Solids (SS) and Biochemical Oxygen Demands (BOD) in relation to land use of urban catchments. In spatial analysis, stormwater will be sampled over the whole catchment area for a number of rainfall events during a year without any requirement to measure flow rate. This research showed comparable results for average pollutant concentrations with those of other urban catchments in Australia where traditional sampling method was used. The research outcomes will reliably estimate pollutants concentration for improved and efficient design of pollution control structures for each land use.


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A study of possibilities given by the developed Cellular Automata–Finite Element (CAFE) multi-scale model for prediction of the initiation and propagation of micro-shear bands and shear bands in metallic materials subjected to plastic deformation is described in the paper. Particular emphasis in defining the criterion for initiation of micro-shear and shear bands, as well as in defining the transition rules for the cellular automata, is put on accounting for the physical aspects of those phenomena occurring in two different scales in the material. The proposed approach led to the creation of the real multi-scale model of strain localization. This model predicts material behavior in various thermo-mechanical processes. Selected examples of applications of the developed model to simulations of metal forming processes, which involve strain localization, are presented in the paper. An approach based on the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamic, which allows to overcome difficulties with remeshing in the traditional CAFE method, is presented in the paper as well. In this approach remeshing becomes possible and mesh distortion, which limits application of the CAFE method to simple deformation processes, is eliminated.


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Abstract A detailed description of possibilities given by the developed Cellular Automata—Finite Element (CAFE) multi scale model for prediction of the initiation and propagation of micro shear bands and shear bands in metallic materials subjected to plastic deformation is presented in the work. Particular emphasis in defining the criterion for initiation of micro shear and shear bands, as well as in defining the transition rules for the cellular automata, is put on accounting for the physical aspects of these phenomena occurring in two different scales in the material. The proposed approach led to the creation of the real multi scale model of strain localization phenomena. This model predicts material behavior in various thermo-mechanical processes. Selected examples of applications of the developed model to simulations of metal forming processes, which involve strain localization, are presented in the work. An approach based on the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamic, which allows to overcome difficulties with remeshing in the traditional CAFE method, is a subject of this work as well. In the developed model remeshing becomes possible and difficulties limiting application of the CAFE method to simple deformation processes are solved. Obtained results of numerical simulaA detailed description of possibilities given by the developed Cellular Automata—Finite Element (CAFE) multi scale model for prediction of the initiation and propagation of micro shear bands and shear bands in metallic materials subjected to plastic deformation is presented in the work. Particular emphasis in defining the criterion for initiation of micro shear and shear bands, as well as in defining the transition rules for the cellular automata, is put on accounting for the physical aspects of these phenomena occurring in two different scales in the material. The proposed approach led to the creation of the real multi scale model of strain localization phenomena. This model predicts material behavior in various thermo-mechanical processes. Selected examples of applications of the developed model to simulations of metal forming processes, which involve strain localization, are presented in the work. An approach based on the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamic, which allows to overcome difficulties with remeshing in the traditional CAFE method, is a subject of this work as well. In the developed model remeshing becomes possible and difficulties limiting application of the CAFE method to simple deformation processes are solved. Obtained results of numerical simulations are compared with the experimental results of cold rolling process to show good predicative capabilities of the developed model.tions are compared with the experimental results of cold rolling process to show good predicative capabilities of the developed model.


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Institutes of higher learning are tending to reduce the amount of face-to-face teaching that they offer, and particularly through the traditional pedagogical method of lecturing. There is ongoing debate about the educational value of lectures as a teaching approach, in terms of both whether they facilitate understanding of subject material and whether they augment the student educational experience. In this study, student evaluation of teaching scores plus academic outcome (percentage of students who fail) was assessed for 236 course units offered by a science faculty at an Australian university over the course of one year. These measures were related to the degree to which lectures and other face-to-face teaching were used in these units, controlling for factors such as class size, school and year level. An information-theoretic model selection approach was employed to identify the best models and predictors of student assessments and fail rates. All the top models of student feedback included a measure reflecting amount of face-to-face teaching, with the evaluation of quality of teaching being higher in units with higher proportions of lectures. However, these models explained only 12–20% of the variation in student evaluation scores, suggesting that many other factors come into play. By contrast, units with fewer lectures have lower failure rates. These results suggest that moving away from lectures and face-to-face teaching may not harm, and indeed may improve the number of students who pass the subject, but that this may be incurred at the expense of greater dissatisfaction in students' learning experience.


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Oral feedback from clinical educators is the traditional teaching method for improving clinical consultation skills in medical students. New approaches are needed to enhance this teaching model. Multisource feedback is a commonly used assessment method for learning among practising clinicians, but this assessment has not been explored rigorously in medical student education. This study seeks to evaluate if additional feedback on patient satisfaction improves medical student performance.


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Conflict is intrinsic to individuals, teams and organisations. Due to the unique and complex nature with various parties, conflict is inevitable in most construction projects. According to the general management literature, three distinct types of intragroup conflicts can be identified: task, process and relationship conflicts. However, very little consideration has been given in the literature addressing the three types individually in a construction project team setting. Therefore, this study has explored the existence of types of intragroup conflicts and their management in this context. This research was approached through case studies of six construction projects, which were operating under the traditional procurement method in Sri Lanka. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with three distinct participants from each team. The findings revealed that both process and relationship conflicts offer disruptive effects to construction projects and teams, while task conflicts offer positive effects when they exist at low levels. Based on the most critical sources identified within the cases, suggestions are offered here to construction project team managers on how to manage intergroup conflicts proactively. Since the research is based on six case studies on traditional procurement arrangement in Sri Lanka, further research is required to generalise the findings across different contexts.


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A simple method for tracing carbon fixation and lipid synthesis in microalgae was developed using a combination of solid-phase extraction (SPE) and negative ion chemical ionisation gas chromatography mass spectrometry (NCI-GC-MS). NCI-GC-MS is an extremely sensitive technique that can produce an unfragmented molecular ion making this technique particularly useful for stable isotope enrichment studies. Derivatisation of fatty acids using pentafluorobenzyl bromide (PFBBr) allows the coupling of the high separation efficiency of GC and the measurement of unfragmented molecular ions for each of the fatty acids by single quadrupole MS. The key is that isotope spectra can be measured without interference from co-eluting fatty acids or other molecules. Pre-fractionation of lipid extracts by SPE allows the measurement of13C isotope incorporation into the three main lipid classes (phospholipids, glycolipids, neutral lipids) in microalgae thus allowing the study of complex lipid biochemistry using relatively straightforward analytical technology. The high selectivity of GC is necessary as it allows the collection of mass spectra for individual fatty acids, including cis/trans isomers, of the PFB-derivatised fatty acids. The combination of solid-phase extraction and GC-MS enables the accurate determination of13C incorporation into each lipid pool. Three solvent extraction protocols that are commonly used in lipidomics were also evaluated and are described here with regard to extraction efficiencies for lipid analysis in microalgae.


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The tree index structure is a traditional method for searching similar data in large datasets. It is based on the presupposition that most sub-trees are pruned in the searching process. As a result, the number of page accesses is reduced. However, time-series datasets generally have a very high dimensionality. Because of the so-called dimensionality curse, the pruning effectiveness is reduced in high dimensionality. Consequently, the tree index structure is not a suitable method for time-series datasets. In this paper, we propose a two-phase (filtering and refinement) method for searching time-series datasets. In the filtering step, a quantizing time-series is used to construct a compact file which is scanned for filtering out irrelevant. A small set of candidates is translated to the second step for refinement. In this step, we introduce an effective index compression method named grid-based datawise dimensionality reduction (DRR) which attempts to preserve the characteristics of the time-series. An experimental comparison with existing techniques demonstrates the utility of our approach.


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Creative arts research is often motivated by emotional, personal and subjective concerns; it operates not only on the basis of explicit and exact knowledge, but also on that of tacit and experiential knowledge. Experience operates within in the domain of the aesthetic and knowledge produced through aesthetic experience is always contextual and situated. The continuity of artistic experience with normal processes of living is derived from an impulse to handle materials and to think and feel through their handling. The key term for understanding the relationship between experience, practice and knowledge is 'aesthetic experience', not as it is understood through traditional eighteenth century accounts, but as 'sense activity'.

In this article, I will draw on the work of John Dewey, Michael Polanyi and others to argue that creative arts practice as research is an intensification of everyday experiences from which new knowledge or knowing emerges. The ideas presented here will be illustrated with reference to case studies based on reflections, by the artists themselves, on successful research projects in dance, creative writing and visual art.


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The demand for eco-friendly apparel and technical textiles has led to a resurgence of interests in bast fibres such as hemp. The lack of fast and objective evaluation of the quality attributes of bast fibres has been a major barrier to the advancement of the bast fibre industry. One of the most important quality attributes of a fibre is its fineness. For bast fibres, the fibre fineness measurement can also reflect the degree of fibre separation during retting or degumming. The traditional method of evaluating the fineness and residual gum content of bast fibres is a very tedious process. In this paper, degummed hemp fibres have been measured for fineness on an Optical Fibre Diameter Analyser (OFDA), and the results have been co-related with the residual gum content in the fibre samples. Since hemp fibres do not have a circular cross section, it is the width of the fibre that gets measured by the OFDA instrument, and this width has been used as an indication of the fibre fineness in this paper. The findings from this study suggest that the optical method can provide a fast and objective way of evaluating the fineness of hemp fibres, and that there is a good correlation between the fibre „width‟ measurement and the residual gum content.


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Creative arts research is often motivated by emotional, personal and subjective concerns; it operates not only on the basis of explicit and exact knowledge, but also on that of tacit and experiential knowledge. Experience operates within in the domain of the aesthetic and knowledge produced through aesthetic experience is always contextual and situated. The continuity of artistic experience with normal processes of living is derived from an impulse to handle materials and to think and feel through their handling. The key term for understanding the relationship between experience, practice and knowledge is ‘aesthetic experience’, not as it is understood through traditional eighteenth century accounts, but as ‘sense activity’. In this article, I will draw on the work of John Dewey, Michael Polanyi and others to argue that creative arts practice as research is an intensification of everyday experiences from which new knowledge or knowing emerges. The ideas presented here will be illustrated with reference to case studies based on reflections, by the artists themselves, on successful research projects in dance, creative writing and visual art.


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The “self-engagement research method” is a set of research procedures, which aims to search latent (hidden) attitudes within a given group of individuals, such as disadvantaged women. This method also examines the research participants practises through an intensive involvement in the process of research. Research on self-regulation has also tended to emphasize having personal control over an event as the primary determinant of whether individuals can effectively monitor and alter their behaviour to attain a desired end state (W. Britt, 1999, 699).

The “self-engagement procedure” originated from fieldwork of social research, especially from the present author’s experiences as a researcher and practitioner on women’s empowerment under the micro-finance programme in Women’s Empowerment Foundation, Auckland and in Grameen Bank Micro-finance programme (Nobel prize winner Professor Mohammed Yunus on poverty reduction through micro-finance).

This technique is based on the oft-cited phenomenon of discrepancies between what research Participants say what they often believe (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Participant_observation). This follows on Gabriel (1991:123-126) namely that participant observation is a useful technique for gaining insight into facts and is also useful for the rural poor or marginal groups, who are unable to communicate their problems. The problem is that since the 1980s, some anthropologists and the social scientists have questioned the degree to which participant observation can give truthful insight into the minds of other people (Geertz, Clifford,1984 & Rosaldo, Renato, 1986).

This paper discusses the difficulties found in using participant observation to discover discrepancies between what participants say and what they really believe. It also discusses self-engagement research procedures which the author has developed through the long-term research experiences with disadvantaged groups of women in Auckland. These procedures discover the discrepancies between what participants say and what is in their mind.

These self-engagement procedures were used from the beginning of the fieldwork to locate research areas and get access to the study settings. It was found there are gaps in this method. For example, there are no systematic processes in which researchers can gain access into the community or be welcomed by research participants. It was also difficult to discover the insight into the facts that cause disempowerment and how micro-finance impacts everyday life on research participants. McCracken (1988 cited in Mertens, 1998:321) argued that researchers collect data directly through observation, but it is not possible to imitate, repeat involvement in the experiences of research participants.

This research draws on and extends the long traditional of participant observation in social research. In field research practises, participant observation was used in different ways for gaining insight into different aspects. A good example is the use and mis-use of the “field journal” in this type of research. The journal typically explained and analysed experiences and understanding of participant observation, in-depth interviews and group discussions on the impact of micro-finance on women’s lives. However, researchers later realised that there were gaps in collected knowledge that needed to be filled. This led to “self-engagement procedures” which developed greater confidence that collected data could truly give insight into patterns of behaviour.

This paper addresses sensitive issues of women’s empowerment under the micro finance programmes and makes a contribution to the literature. The “self-engagement method” detects the “silent facts” of women’s lives. In research conducted amongst disadvantaged women in Auckland, New Zealand and Grameen Bank micro-finance programme in Bangladesh. The method of self-engagement led to better data when participants (both research and subjects) clearly perceived the purpose of the research, when participants have control over providing personal information, and when subjects can build trust with researchers. One overall lesson of this research is that research data and findings are more generalisaable and valid when the participants in the research process understand the relevancy to his/her disadvantaged position and the causes of this, and when participants perceive that it is an opportunity to voice his/her disadvantages and causes.

The “self-engagement research method” involves a variety of behavioural activities. This paper also attempts to discuss in detail, these activities. This paper attempts to discuss the process of the “self-engagement method” in a systematic way. This has been addressed in the research process, in which research participants and researchers become self-engaged to detect the reality of the impact of micro finance to empower the disadvantaged. The stages of self-engagement procedures were developed and followed throughout field research into entrepreneurial behaviour of disadvantaged women in Auckland.

Research on self-regulation has also tended to emphasize having personal control over an event as the primary determinant of whether individuals can effectively monitor and alter their behaviour to attain a desired end state (W. Britt, 1999, 699).

A suitable research method could identify the empowerment/disempowerment of a disadvantaged group of individuals. The self-engagement procedures create a process, in which research participants and researchers become ‘self-engaged’ and gain insight into facts.


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Objective: Key biological factors that influence the development of depression are modified by diet. This study examined the extent to which the high-prevalence mental disorders are related to habitual diet in 1,046 women ages 20–93 years randomly selected from the population.

Method: A diet quality score was derived from answers to a food frequency questionnaire, and a factor analysis identified habitual dietary patterns. The 12-item General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) was used to measure psychological symptoms, and a structured clinical interview was used to assess current depressive and anxiety disorders.

Results: After adjustments for age, socioeconomic status, education, and health behaviors, a "traditional" dietary pattern characterized by vegetables, fruit, meat, fish, and whole grains was associated with lower odds for major depression or dysthymia and for anxiety disorders. A "western" diet of processed or fried foods, refined grains, sugary products, and beer was associated with a higher GHQ-12 score. There was also an inverse association between diet quality score and GHQ-12 score that was not confounded by age, socioeconomic status, education, or other health behaviors.

Conclusions: These results demonstrate an association between habitual diet quality and the high-prevalence mental disorders, although reverse causality and confounding cannot be ruled out as explanations. Further prospective studies are warranted.


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In the current era increased attention and interest of utilizing advanced computer technologies for training and education at all managerial levels and functional areas is apparent. One of such technologies, virtual environment (VE), is perceived to be effective in enhancing human abilities to learn abstract concept and complex procedural tasks. Despite its adaptation for training and fast-paced technological advancements, ways in which to evaluate efficacy of such technology are unclear. We have approached this problem by developed a new evaluation method focus on cognitive, affective and skillbased learning dimensions, based on traditional usability evaluation methods but tailored to specifically suit for the quantification of 3D VE system. We first describe the construct of the new method and then report a study utilizing the method in the context of quantifying a VE efficacy in an object assembly task. At last, we discuss the implications of such a method.


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In this paper, a novel bipolar time-spread (TS) echo hiding based watermarking method is proposed for stereo audio signals, to overcome the low robustness problem in the traditional TS echo hiding method. At the embedding, echo signals with opposite polarities are added to both channels of the host audio signal. This improves the imperceptibility of the watermarking scheme, since added watermarks have similar effects in both channels. Then decoding part is developed, in order to improve the robustness of the watermarking scheme against common attacks. Since these novel embedding and decoding methods utilize the advantage of two channels in stereo audio signals, it significantly reduces the interference of host signal at watermark extraction which is the main reason for error detection in the traditional TS echo hiding based watermarking under closed-loop attack. The effectiveness of the proposed watermarking scheme is theoretically analyzed and verified by simulations under common attacks. The proposed echo hiding method outperforms conventional TS echo hiding based watermarking when their perceptual qualities are similar.