37 resultados para Total-factor productivity

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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The former colleges of advanced education were an important component of the higher education sector in Australia. Uses the Malmquist total factor productivity index to investigate the efficiency and productivity of Australian colleges of advanced education during the 1980s. The results from this analysis indicate that these colleges recorded modest growth in technical change and total factor productivity, but did not fare all that well in terms of growth in technical and scale efficiency during the 1980s. As a group, however, the former colleges of advanced education had attained high levels of technical and scale efficiency.


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Construction is an important industry and forms a vital part of national economics in the world. Factors affecting the productivity of the construction industry should be measured appropriately to reflect its development situation and economic performance. The Malmquist index method with a novel decomposition technique is employed to estimate the total factor productivity of the Australian construction industry during the period 1990-2007 and to analyse the factors affecting the technological change in the industry. Research results exemplified by two input variables and one output variable elaborate how construction technology, pure technical efficiency and scale economy take effect in the change of construction productivity. In addition, based on temporal and spatial comparisons, the analysis for construction productivities reveals their changes over time and across the country. Proposals and recommendations are expected to be beneficial for policy making and strategic decisions to improve the performance of the Australian construction industry.


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There is urgent need to consider energy consumption when measuring total-factor productivity in the construction industry. This paper adopts the Malmquist index method to investigate the factors affecting the energy productivity of the Australian construction industry and compares them with those decomposed from the total-factor productivity. An input-oriented distance function and a contemporaneous benchmark technology are employed to develop the data envelopment analysis models. The Malmquist productivity index is decomposed into the technological change, pure technical efficiency change and activity effect to gain comprehensive insights into changes of construction productivity in the Australian states and territories over the past two decades. Research results show that both energy productivity and total-factor productivity improved in Australia, particularly related to technological development. The pure technical efficiency and activity indices changed slightly over time or across regions. This study demonstrates that there exists a linkage between energy productivity and total-factor productivity through their technological and technical efficiency changes. The Australian construction industry could enhance these two productivities by introducing advanced technologies and implementing them efficiently.


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This paper estimates the sources of productivity growth in Australian textile and clothing firms based on the Business Longitudinal Survey (BLS) from 1995 to 1998. Productivity growth estimates have been obtained for each sub-category of textile and clothing firms. Sources of growth in multifactor productivity (MFP) are examined with growth in technical efficiency and scale effects based on estimates of stochastic frontier production functions. Separate estimates of output growth have been compared with the productivity growth estimates for each of the product categories. MFP improved in all clothing firms and declined in textile firms over 1997–1998 by four-digit level of Australia New Zealand Standard Industrial classification Scheme (ANZSIC). MFP declined in most major categories of both textile and clothing firms in 1995–1997. Changes in technical efficiency mostly dominated scale effects in the overall direction of MFPG in both textile and clothing firms. The findings of the study provide evidence for policies for improving the firms' operative performance in the ongoing liberalised regime.


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In this article we explore some issues surrounding the use of farm-level efficiency and productivity estimates for benchmarking studies. Using an eight-year balanced panel of Victorian wool producers we analyse annual variation between estimates of farm-level technical efficiency derived using Data Envelopment Analysis and Malmquist estimates of Total Factor Productivity. We find that farms change their relative rank in terms of efficiency across years. Also, unlike aggregate studies of Total Factor Productivity, we find at best erratic and modest growth, a worrying result for this industry. However, caution is needed when interpreting these results, and for that matter, benchmarking analysis as currently practised when using frontier estimation techniques like Data Envelopment Analysis.


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This paper describes a conceptual approach to measure and compare productivity of resource utilization at the firm level, adapting a set of techniques known as Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). Within this approach, the paper addresses the issues of multiple inputs and multiple outputs of a construction firm, level of detail for data collection, and the required transformations to correct for differences among projects. In particular, we focus on the resource management of subcontractors. Subcontractors manage multiple, concurrent projects and must allocate limited resources across these projects. Interaction between projects and resource allocation creates non-linear effects, and therefore the productivity of the firm is not simply the productivity of its projects. The proposed measurement methodology will allow assessment of the impact of different management policies (including many of those proposed by lean construction researchers) on firm performance. It is hoped that this novel approach to productivity measurement will help subcontractors identify efficient practices and superior management policies, and will promote adoption of these policies.


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This research adopts the Malmquist total factor productivity model with Lovell's decomposition and renovated partial factor model to evaluate changes of productivity levels in Australia's construction industry. Research results find that the average annual productivity levels for Australian states are slowly growing, except for Queensland's total factor and capital productivities.


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Attempts to estimate the total factor productivity (TFP) of the economy of Bangladesh during the period 1972/73 - 1995/96 and finds that it has been declining. This indicates a failure to increase efficiency in the use of the factors of production, such as total cropped land, total employed labour and gross capital stock. This failure has been causing slower and more volatile economic growth in Bangladesh with respect to many South, East and South-East Asian countries.


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This paper proposes a simple residual-based panel CUSUM test of the null hypothesis of cointegration. The test has a limiting normal distribution that is free of nuisance parameters, it is robust to heteroskedasticity and it allows for mixtures of cointegrated and spurious alternatives. Our Monte Carlo results suggest that the test has small-size distortions and reasonable power. In our empirical application to international R&D spillovers, we present evidence suggesting that total factor productivity is heterogeneously cointegrated with foreign and domestic R&D capital stocks. © Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2005.


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Substantial structural reform has occurred in the water and wastewater sectors of Australia's major urban centers over the past two decades. This reform has involved the corporatization of government assets and some vertical and horizontal separation. This paper analyses the performance of these sectors since the mid 1990s. In particular, it uses Malmquist Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) to determine the different levels of productivity and efficiency improvement over this period. The results point to modest, but positive productivity gains in the larger urban centers, independent of industry structure. Further, it highlights the need to consider exogenous factors that can influence productivity outcomes in an industry generally associated with monopoly characteristics and dependent on water sources that are, to varying extents, unpredictable and uncontrollable.


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We investigate whether development aid stimulates growth in transition economies, paying particular attention to the possibility of spatial spillovers arising from aid. We find that common borders and a shared historical and political heritage result in a complex set of associations between aid and growth. Aid has a positive impact on growth in the recipient country. However, the impact of aid also spills over to affect other nations. Aid appears to create positive spillovers through improved total factor productivity and possibly currency appreciation. At the same time, aid depletes human capital through emigration and it particularly adversely affects democracy and governance quality in other transition economies. On balance, aid generates net adverse growth spillovers in transition economies.


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Overexpression of GLUT4 in skeletal muscle enhances whole-body insulin action. Exercise increases GLUT4 gene and protein expression, and a binding site for the myocyte enhancer factor 2 (MEF-2) is required on the GLUT4 promoter for this response. However, the molecular mechanisms involved remain elusive. In various cell systems, MEF-2 regulation is a balance between transcriptional repression by histone deacetylases (HDACs) and transcriptional activation by the nuclear factor of activated T-cells (NFAT), peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor- coactivator 1 (PGC-1), and the p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase. The purpose of this study was to determine if these same mechanisms regulate MEF-2 in contracting human skeletal muscle. Seven subjects performed 60 min of cycling at 70% of Vo2peak. After exercise, HDAC5 was dissociated from MEF-2 and exported from the nucleus, whereas nuclear PGC-1 was associated with MEF-2. Exercise increased total and nuclear p38 phosphorylation and association with MEF-2, without changes in total or nuclear p38 protein abundance. This result was associated with p38 sequence-specific phosphorylation of MEF-2 and an increase in GLUT4 mRNA. Finally, we found no role for NFAT in MEF-2 regulation. From these data, it appears that HDAC5, PGC-1, and p38 regulate MEF-2 and could be potential targets for modulating GLUT4 expression.


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"Research on the international comparison of productivity has gained significant interest throughout several previous decades. Relatively little work has however been done in the real estate sector. This paper aims to develop a new productivity measurement framework for the international comparison of the real estate sector based on the newly-published OECD input-output database. Three multifactor productivity indicators are formulated using the ratio of the sectoral final demand to value added, the intermediate output to intermediate input and the total output to total input effect respectively in the input-output table. Historical analyses and comparisons are also carried out to indicate the differences of productivities of the real estate sectors in seven selected countries. Findings can improve the understanding of how technological, organisational and policy influences combine to affect productivity growth and aid the policy makers, real estate agencies and researchers in evaluating the competitive ability of the real estate sector."