15 resultados para Torsion test

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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The method of Fields and Backofen has been commonly used to reduce the data obtained by hot torsion test into flow curves. The method, however, is most suitable for materials with monotonic strain hardening behaviour. Other methods such as Stüwe’s method, tubular specimens, differential testing and the inverse method, each suffer from similar drawbacks. It is shown in the current work that for materials with multiple regimes of hardening any method based on an assumption of constant hardening indices introduces some errors into the flow curve obtained from the hot torsion test. Therefore such methods do not enable accurate prediction of onset of recrystallisation where slow softening occurs. A new method to convert results from the hot torsion test into flow curves by taking into account the variation of constitutive parameters during deformation is presented. The method represents the torque twist data by a parametric linear least square model in which Euler and hyperbolic coefficients are used as the parameters. A closed form relationship obtained from the mathematical representation of the data is employed next for flow stress determination. Two different solution strategies, the method of normal equations and singular value decomposition, were used for parametric modelling of the data with hyperbolic basis functions. The performance of both methods is compared. Experimental data obtained by FHTTM, a flexible hot torsion test machine developed at IROST, for a C–Mn austenitic steel was used to demonstrate the method. The results were compared with those obtained using constant strain and strain rate hardening characteristics.


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The problem of "model selection" for expressing a wide range of constitutive behaviour adequately using hot torsion test data was considered here using a heuristic approach. A model library including several nested parametric linear and non-linear models was considered and applied to a set of hot torsion test data for API-X 70 micro-alloyed steel with a range of strain rates and temperatures. A cost function comprising the modelled hot strength data and that of the measured data were utilized in a heuristic model selection scheme to identify the optimum models. It was shown that a non-linear rational model including ten parameters is an optimum model that can accurately express the multiple regimes of hardening and softening for the entire range of the experiment. The parameters for the optimum model were estimated and used for determining variations of hot strength of the samples with deformation.


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A model selection scheme was extended to a multi-dimensional representation of the hot torsion test torque, twist and twist rate data to calculate partial derivatives of the torque data with respect to twist and twist rate. These enabled calculation of the instantaneous strain and strain rate hardening indices in the Fields and Backofen method. The concept of an iso-parametric shape function has been borrowed from the finite element method for adding twist rate as a dependant variable to the torque-twist models identified by the model selection scheme. Expressions to calculate the hardening indices, when employing a rational model of torsion data, were derived and presented. Subsequently, the models were used for post processing the data and determining hot strength behaviour, taking into account variations of strain and strain rate hardening indices during the deformation. To substantiate the technique, the hot flow behaviour of API-X70 micro-alloyed steel was determined using a range of hot torsion test data for the material. The flow stress obtained using the instantaneous hardening indices were compared with that obtained by the orthodox technique. For the investigated cases, the onset of dynamic recrystallization (DRX) predicted by the presented technique deviated considerably from those obtained when the average indices were used.


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Many difficulties exist in directly following the static recrystallization of metals, particularly during hotworking. Indirect measurement of static recrystallization has been extensively performed in the literature where, for example, the recrystallization behavior of austenite in steels has commonly been measured indirectly using the fractional softening method. This method relies on the yield stress changes during recrystallization which are physically simulated by hot torsion or compression tests. However, the inherent heterogeneity of deformation during a mechanical test leads to a non-uniform static recrystallization distribution in the test sample. This, in turn, poses a serious question concerning the reliability of the measurement since the stress calculation techniques during recrystallization are not adequately developed in the existing literature. This paper develops a computer-based method to account for heterogeneous deformation during fractional softening measurements based on the hot torsion test data. The importance of the fractional softening gradient in determining the kinetics is emphasized and deficiencies in our understanding of the basic mechanisms are highlighted. A computer-based method is introduced to generate the experimental and computational components in a cost function. The cost function is then utilized by an inverse solution to calibrate the design parameters in a static recrystallization model.


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The effect of grain size on the warm deformation behaviour of a titanium stabilized interstitial free steel was investigated using hot torsion. Tests were performed at temperatures between 765 °C and 850 °C at strain rates between 0.003 s−1 and 1 s−1 for samples with grain sizes of 25 μm, 75 μm and 150 μm. The structures were observed using EBSD analysis and are consistent with those expected for materials dominated by dynamic recovery. Some evidence was found for small amounts of thermally induced migration of pre-existing boundary (bulging) and for the generation of new segments of high angle boundaries by continuous dynamic recrystallization. The early onset of a steady-state flow stress in the finer grained samples is attributed to one or a combination of thermally induced boundary migration and enhanced rates of recovery near subgrain (and grain) boundaries.


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'Heterogeneous twinning' is defined as plastic deformation due to the formation and progress of twins resulting in surface wrinkles on the deforming part when the initial grain size is relatively large compared to the typical size of the part. In the case of a Twinning Induced Plasticity (TWIP) steel with an initial grain size of ~160. m, the heterogeneous twinning generated visible wrinkles, an orange peel effect, under medium uni-axial strains. The heterogeneous twinning did not occur in the material subjected to high shear strains. The complications resulting from this phenomenon on strain hardening characterization of the TWIP steels using two commonly used mechanical tests, tensile and torsion are discussed along with some experimental aspects of heterogeneous twinning. © 2014.


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The effect of grain size on the warm deformation behaviour of a titanium stabilized interstitial free (IF) steel was investigated using hot torsion. The initial work hardening regime is followed by the development of a broad stress peak after which work softening occurs. The hypothetical saturation stress (Estrin–Mecking model) and the stress at final strain were relatively insensitive to grain size. However, the strain to the peak stress was strongly dependent on the grain size at low values of the Zener–Hollomon parameter. A simple phenomenological approach, using a combined Estrin–Mecking model and an Avrami type equation, was used to model the flow curves. The hypothetical saturation stress, the stress at final strain and the strain to peak stress were modelled using three different hyperbolic sine laws. A comparison with independent data from the literature shows that the apparent activation energy of deformation determined in this work (Q=372 kJ/mol) can be used to rationalize the steady-state stress in compression data found in the literature.


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A rapid method has been developed to determine recrystallization kinetics of Nb microalloyed steels by interrupted hot torsion test. The softening behaviour was achieved as a function of different processing parameters. The method clearly identified three regions, where the strain dependency of the recrystallization rate varied. Firstly, at large strains the rate of recrystallization was not a function of strain; this is generally ascribed to metadynamic recrystallization. At lower strains the time to 50% recrystallization showed a power low relationship with strain, characteristic of static recrystallization. A further break point exists on the time for 50% softening curve when strain induced precipitation occurs in the material. The onset of strain induced precipitation was at strains below the strain to the peak stress at temperatures below 900°C. The experimental results were used to estimate the time for 50% softening and to anticipate the onset of the strain induced precipitation for the alloy of this study. Grain refinement of the recrystallized austenite continued to strains significantly beyond the peak stress and beyond the static to metadynamic recrystallization rate transition.


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A C-Mn-Nb-Ti steel was deformed by hot torsion to study ultrafine ferrite formation through dynamic strain-induced transformation (DSIT) in conjunction with air cooling. A systematic study was carried out first to evaluate the effect of deformation temperature and prior austenite grain size on the critical strain for ultrafine ferrite formation (ε C,UFF) through single-pass deformation. Then, multiple deformations in the nonrecrystallization region were used to study the effect of thermomechanical parameters (i.e., strain, deformation temperature, etc.) on ε C,UFF. The multiple deformations in the nonrecrystallization region significantly reduced ε C,UFF, although the total equivalent strain for a given thermomechanical condition was higher than that required in single-pass deformation. The current study on a Ni-30Fe austenitic model alloy revealed that laminar microband structures were the key intragranular defects in the austenite for nucleation of ferrite during the hot torsion test. The microbands were refined and overall misorientation angle distribution increased with a decrease in the deformation temperature for a given thermomechanical processing condition. For nonisothermal multipass deformation, there was some contribution to the formation of high-angle microband boundaries from strains at higher temperature, although the strains were not completely additive.


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In this paper, the local distribution of austenite grain size (AGS) was experimentally determined by conducting single round-oval and square-diamond pass hot bar rolling experiments of AISI4135 steel. The rolling experiments were carried out using the laboratory mill. The local distribution of AGS was also determined numerically. In order to predict AGS distribution, the AGS evolution model was combined with three dimensional non-isothermal finite element analyses by adopting a modified additivity rule. AGS evolution model was experimentally determined from hot torsion test according to Hodgson's model. The predicted results were in a reasonably good agreement with experimental results.


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In order to improve the understanding of the dynamic and post-dynamic recrystallization behaviours of AISI 304 austenitic stainless steel, a series of hot torsion test have been performed under a range of deformation conditions. The mechanical and microstructural features of dynamic recrystallization (DRX) were characterized to compare and contrast them with those of the post-dynamic recrystallization. A necklace type of dynamically recrystallized microstructure was observed during hot deformation at 900 °C and at a strain rate of 0.01 s−1. Following deformation, the dependency of time for 50% recrystallization, t50, changed from “strain dependent” to “strain independent” at a transition strain (ε*), which is significantly beyond the peak. This transition strain was clearly linked to the strain for 50% dynamic recrystallization during deformation. The interrelations between the fraction of dynamically recrystallized microstructure, the evolution of post-dynamically recrystallized microstructure and the final grain size have been established. The results also showed an important role of grain growth on softening of deformed austenite.


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© 2015 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Accurate static recrystallization (SRX) models are necessary to improve the properties of austenitic steels by thermo-mechanical operations. This relies heavily on a careful and accurate analysis of "the interrupted test data" and conversion of the heterogeneous deformation data to the flow stress. A "computational-experimental inverse method" was presented and implemented here to analyze the SRX test data, which takes into account the heterogeneous softening of the post-interruption test sample. Conventional and "inverse" methods were used to identify the SRX kinetics for a model austenitic steel deformed at 1273 K (with a strain rate of 1 s-1) using the hot torsion test assess the merits of each method. Typical "static recrystallization distribution maps" in the test sample indicated that, at the onset of the second pass deformation with less than a critical holding time and a given pre-strain, a "partially-recrystallized zone" existed in the cylindrical core of the specimen near its center line. For the investigated scenario, the core was confined in the first half of the gauge radius when the holding time and the maximum pre strain were below 29 s and 0.5, respectively. For maximum pre strains smaller than 0.2, the specimen did not fully recrystallize, even at the gauge surface after holding for 50 s. Under such conditions, the conventional methods produced significant error.


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Ultrafine ferrite grain sizes were produced in a 0.11C-1.6Mn-0.2Si steel by torsion testing isothermally at 675 °C after air cooling from 1250 °C. The ferrite was observed to form intragranularly beyond a von Mises equivalent tensile strain of approximately 0.7 to 0.8 and the number fraction of intragranular ferrite grains continued to increase as the strain level increased. Ferrite nucleated to form parallel and closely spaced linear arrays or “rafts” of many discrete ultrafine ferrite grains. It is shown that ferrite nucleates during deformation on defects developed within the austenite parallel to the macroscopic shear direction (i.e., dynamic strain-induced transformation). A model austenitic Ni-30Fe alloy was used to study the substructure developed in the austenite under similar test conditions as that used to induce intragranular ferrite in the steel. It is shown that the most prevalent features developed during testing are microbands. It is proposed that high-energy jogged regions surrounding intersecting microbands provide potential sites for ferrite nucleation at lower strains, while at higher strains, the walls of the microbands may also act as nucleation sites.