29 resultados para Topological entropy

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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This paper presents a topological sorting based algorithm for logit network loading problem to exclude all cycles by removing certain links from loops. The new algorithm calculates the link weights and flows according to topological order. It produces the theoretical results for networks without loops. Numerical examples show that the new algorithm can reduce errors introduced by the strict definition of 'reasonable route' in Dial's algorithm.


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A community network often operates with the same Internet service provider domain or the virtual network of different entities who are cooperating with each other. In such a federated network environment, routers can work closely to raise early warning of DDoS attacks to void catastrophic damages. However, the attackers simulate the normal network behaviors, e.g. pumping the attack packages as poisson distribution, to disable detection algorithms. It is an open question: how to discriminate DDoS attacks from surge legitimate accessing. We noticed that the attackers use the same mathematical functions to control the speed of attack package pumping to the victim. Based on this observation, the different attack flows of a DDoS attack share the same regularities, which is different from the real surging accessing in a short time period. We apply information theory parameter, entropy rate, to discriminate the DDoS attack from the surge legitimate accessing. We proved the effectiveness of our method in theory, and the simulations are the work in the near future. We also point out the future directions that worth to explore in the future.


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In information theory, entropies make up of the basis for distance and divergence measures among various probability densities. In this paper we propose a novel metric to detect DDoS attacks in networks by using the function of order α of the generalized (Rényi) entropy to distinguish DDoS attacks traffic from legitimate network traffic effectively. Our proposed approach can not only detect DDoS attacks early (it can detect attacks one hop earlier than using the Shannon metric while order α=2, and two hops earlier to detect attacks while order α=10.) but also reduce both the false positive rate and the false negative rate clearly compared with the traditional Shannon entropy metric approach.


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In this paper, we propose a new construction method for fuzzy and weak fuzzy subsethood measures based on the aggregation of implication operators. We study the desired properties of the implication operators in order to construct these measures. We also show the relationship between fuzzy entropy and weak fuzzy subsethood measures constructed by our method.


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Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks are a critical threat to the Internet. However, the memoryless feature of the Internet routing mechanisms makes it extremely hard to trace back to the source of these attacks. As a result, there is no effective and efficient method to deal with this issue so far. In this paper, we propose a novel traceback method for DDoS attacks that is based on entropy variations between normal and DDoS attack traffic, which is fundamentally different from commonly used packet marking techniques. In comparison to the existing DDoS traceback methods, the proposed strategy possesses a number of advantagesit is memory nonintensive, efficiently scalable, robust against packet pollution, and independent of attack traffic patterns. The results of extensive experimental and simulation studies are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed method. Our experiments show that accurate traceback is possible within 20 seconds (approximately) in a large-scale attack network with thousands of zombies.


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Computer simulations were used to test the effect of increasing phylogenetic topological inaccuracy on the results obtained from correlation tests of independent contrasts. Predictably, increasing the number of disruptions in the tree increases the likelihood of significant error in the r values produced and in the statistical conclusions drawn from the analysis. However, the position of the disruption in the tree is important: Disruptions closer to the tips of the tree have a greater effect than do disruptions that are close to the root of the tree. Independent contrasts derived from inaccurate topologies are more likely to lead to erroneous conclusions when there is a true significant relationship between the variables being tested (i.e., they tend to be conservative). The results also suggest that random phylogenies perform no better than nonphylogenetic analyses and, under certain conditions, may perform even worse than analyses using raw species data. Therefore, the use of random phylogenies is not beneficial in the absence of knowledge of the true phylogeny.


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In this paper we extend an existing audio background modelling technique, leading to a more robust application to complex audio environments. The determination of background audio is used as an initial stage in the analysis of audio for surveillance and monitoring applications. Knowledge of the background serves to highlight unusual or infrequent sounds. An existing modelling approach uses an online, adaptive Gaussian Mixture model technique that uses multiple distributions to model variations in the background. The method used to determine the background distributions of the GMM leads to a failure mode of the existing technique when applied to complex audio. We propose a method incorporating further information, the proximity of distributions determined using entropy, to determine a more complete background model. The method was successful in more robustly modelling the background for complex audio scenes.


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A common view for the preferable positions of thwarting worm propagation is at the highly connected nodes. However, in certain conditions, such as when some popular users (highly connected nodes in the network) have more vigilance on the malicious codes, this may not always be the truth. In this letter, we propose a measure of betweenness and closeness to locate the most suitable positions for slowing down the worm propagation. This work provides practical values to the defense of topological worms.


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The self organising map is a well established unsupervised
learning technique which is able to form sophisticated representations of an input data set. However, conventional Self Organising Map (SOM) algorithms are limited to the production of topological maps — that is, maps where distance between points on the map have a direct relationship to the Euclidean distance between the training vectors corresponding to those points.

It would be desirable to be able to create maps which form clusters on primitive attributes other than Euclidean distance; for example, clusters based upon orientation or shape. Such maps could provide a novel approach to pattern recognition tasks by providing a new method to associate groups of data.

In this paper, it is shown that the type of map produced by SOM algorithms is a direct consequence of the lateral connection strategy employed. Given this knowledge, a technique is required to establish the feasability of using an alternative lateral connection strategy. Such a technique is presented. Using this technique, it is possible to rule out lateral connection strategies that will not produce output states useful to the organisation process. This technique is demonstrated using conventional Laplacian interconnection as well as a number of novel interconnection strategies.


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Human associated delay-tolerant networks (HDTNs) are new networks where mobile devices are associated with humans and demonstrate social-related communication characteristics. Most of recent works use real social trace file to analyse its social characteristics, however social-related data is sensitive and has concern of privacy issues. In this paper, we propose an anonymous method that anonymize the original data by coding to preserve individual's privacy. The Shannon entropy is applied to the anonymous data to keep rich useful social characteristics for network optimization, e.g. routing optimization. We use an existing MIT reality dataset and Infocom 06 dataset, which are human associated mobile network trace files, to simulate our method. The results of our simulations show that this method can make data anonymously while achieving network optimization.