183 resultados para Textile fibres, Synthetic

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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In this study, different wire coils have been used as electrodes for needless electrospinning. Very thin and uniform nanofibres have been produced, and the fibre productivity is much higher than existing electrospinning systems.


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Currently viscose production methods are primarily used to process bamboo into commercial textile fibres. However, viscose methods use large quantities of chemicals and hence the process is not considered as environmentally friendly. The process also fails to retain bamboo’s inherent unique properties such as ultraviolet (UV) screening and antibacterial functions. Hence, it is necessary to design an effective and more eco-friendly manufacturing method that would also retain the unique properties of raw bamboo plant into the fibres. In this research, bamboo was processed using new methods involving thermo mechanical treatments such as ultra-sonication, shaker milling and boiling with continuous stirring. Sodium hydroxide, hydrogen peroxide, enzyme and water were used separately in this process and their effects on fibre processing were compared. The morphology and UV shielding ability were analysed before and after processing. It was demonstrated that bamboo can be processed into fibres using only water and ball milling without the aid of any hazardous chemicals. The combination of mild acid hydrolysis and ultrasonic treatment with hydrogen peroxide was effective in the fibre separation and provided better appearance of fibres.


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This work investigates the effect of fibre irregularities on the mechanical behaviour of the irregular fibres using the finite element method (FEM). The first part of this work examines that the effect of fibre dimensional irregularities on the linear and non-linear tensile behaviour of the fibres, using a two-dimensional (2D) finite element models. In the linear simulation, a concept of method Young’s modulus is introduced. The method Young’s modulus, breaking load and breaking extension are affected by the magnitude and frequency of diameter variation in the fibre specimen. Fibre dimensional variation and the gauge length effect are also simulated. In the non-linear analysis, some additional information is obtained on changes in the yield and post-yield regions, which are clearly shown in the load-extension curves. Further investigation is focused on the flexural buckling behaviour of fibres with dimensional irregularities. A three-dimensional (3D) finite element model is used to simulate the buckling deformation of dimensionally irregular fibres, and the critical buckling load of the simulated fibre is calculated. Two parameters, the effective length and the average diameter within the effective length of an irregular fibre, are considered to be the key factors that influence the buckling behaviour of the fibre. An important aspect of this work is the calculation of the effective length of an irregular fibre specimen during buckling. This method has not been reported before. The third part of this work is on the combined tensile and torsional behaviour of fibres with dimensional irregularities, using a three-dimensional (3D) finite element model. Two types of fibres, polyester and wool, are simulated with sine waves of different level (magnitude) and frequency at different twist levels. For the polyester fibre, experiment verification of the simulation results has been carried out, and the results indicate the FE model is well acceptable for the simulation. The final part of this work examines the combined effect of dimensional and structural irregularities on the fibre tensile behaviour. Three-dimensional (3D) finite element models are used to simulate the cracks (transverse, longitudinal, combined transverse and longitudinal cracks) and cavities distributed in uniform fibres and fibres with 30% level of diameter variation, respectively. One of important conclusions is that under the simulated conditions, the dimensional irregularity of fibre influences the tensile behaviour of fibres more than the fibre structural irregularity. The fibre dimensional irregularity affects not only the values of the breaking load and breaking extension, but also the shape of load-extension curves. However, the fibre structural irregularity simulated in the study appears to have little effect on the shape of the load-extension curves. In addition, the effect of crack or cavity size, type and distribution on fibre tensile properties is also investigated.


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This study examined how carbon nanotubes (CNTs) in electrospun polymeric nanofibres influenced the polymer morphology, and how polymer morphology change induced by different post-electrospinning treatments influenced CNT-polymer interaction and nanofibre properties. The results showed that both the polymer structure and morphology played important roles in determining the composite and nanofibre properties.


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Technical textiles, based on advanced polymeric materials, are an important segment of the synthetic textile market. This area has seen considerable growth in recent times, now accounting for almost 25% of all manufactured synthetic fibres, and has driven the recent development of a range of specialist high performance polymer fibres that are stronger, lighter or have improved heat and fire resistance. However, the increasing size of the market has highlighted the need for materials that have improved performance whilst maintaining low manufacturing costs. These factors have resulted in a change in how new specialty fibres are developed and the emphasis in this field is now on the upgrading or improving of the properties of commodity (conventional) fibres by modifying their properties to suit specific applications.

This paper will describe our work on preparing novel polymer nanocomposite fibres by the addition of clay nanoparticles during melt extrusion. The effect of the nanoparticles on the processing of the fibres and the result on the physical morphology and mechanical properties will be described.


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Technical textiles, based on advanced polymeric materials, are an important segment of the synthetic textile market. This area has seen considerable growth in recent times, now accounting for almost 25% of all manufactured synthetic fibres, and has driven the recent development of a range of specialist high performance polymer fibres that are stronger, lighter or have improved heat and fire resistance. However, the increasing size of the market has highlighted the need for materials that have improved performance whilst maintaining low manufacturing costs. These factors have resulted in a change in how new specialty fibres are developed and the emphasis in this field is now on the upgrading or improving of the properties of commodity (conventional) fibres by modifying their properties to suit specific applications.

This paper will describe our work on preparing novel polymer nanocomposite fibres by the addition of clay nanoparticles during melt extrusion. The effect of the nanoparticles on the processing of the fibres and the result on the physical morphology and mechanical properties will be described.


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Heat generation in fabrics coated with the conductive polymer polypyrrole was investigated. The PET fabrics were coated by chemical synthesis using four different oxidizing agent–dopant combinations. The samples from the four different dopant systems all show an increase in temperature when a fixed voltage is applied to the fabric. The antraquinone-2-sulfonic acid (AQSA) sodium salt doped polypyrrole coating was the most effective in heat generation whereas the sodium perchlorate dopant system was the least effective. The power density per unit area achieved in polypyrrole coated polyester–Lycra® fabric with 0.027 mol/l of AQSA acting as dopant was 430 W/m2. The power density per unit area achieved for the sodium perchlorate system, using the same synthesis conditions, was 55 W/m2.


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The measurement of fibre quality in bast fibres is related to the amount of gum (lignin, hemicellulose, wax and pectin) left in the fibre after the retting process. Large amounts of gums present represent poor separation of fibre. Efficiency of retting can be monitored by measuring the residual gum content of the retted fibre.

This paper investigated the use of ultrasonic vibration combined with chemical retting as a pre-treatment to improve accuracy of traditional residual gum content test. Work was conducted on chemically retted hemp fibre. Pre-treatment conditions were analysed by determining the best chemical combination, chemical concentration and treatment time. Fibres were examined for successful separation using optical microscopy and optical fibre diameter analysis (OFDA). The work proposed a new method for determining the residual gum content of hemp fibre.


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This paper studied the wool and alpaca fibre curvature and its variation during the fibre processing. It revealed the effect of wool fibre crimp on the cohesion properties of alpaca and wool blended slivers. Different wool and alpaca tops were blended via a number of gillings, and the role of wool fibre curvature in alpaca/wool blend processing has also been investigated. During the wool fibre processing, fibre curvature tended to diminish gradually from scoured fibre to top. Blending wool with alpaca fibres improved the cohesion properties of the blended sliver, compared with pure alpaca slivers. For a high ratio of alpaca component in the blend, a high-crimp wool should be used to achieve good sliver cohesion.


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This paper collates the different properties of bamboo fibres as claimed by bamboo fibre and product manufacturers. The available information suggests that bamboo fibres have unique properties such as excellent appearance and feel, natural antibacterial, UV-shielding and moisture-controlling characteristics. Hence bamboo fibres provide a very promising alternative to other natural fibres by virtue of their novel properties. However, those properties may largely depend on the manufacturing process, which is not widely disclosed. Moreover, common manufacturing process may require the use of a large amount of chemicals and hence further process development may be required in order to make the product truly eco-friendly. It is identified that the data of those unique properties rarely appear in scientific journals and the validity of those claims can be speculative. Therefore, there is a strong need for non-biased scientific research and evaluation on the unique properties of bamboo fibres.


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This work investigates the tensile behaviour of non-uniform fibres and fibrous composites. Wool fibres are used as an example of non-uniform fibres because they're physical, morphological and geometrical properties vary greatly not only between fibres but also within a fibre. The focus of this work is on the effect of both between-fibre and within-fibre diameter variations on fibre tensile behaviour. In addition, fit to the Weibull distribution by the non-brittle and non-uniform visco-elastic wool fibres is examined, and the Weibull model is developed further for non-uniform fibres with diameter variation along the fibre length. A novel model fibre composite is introduced to facilitate the investigation into the tensile behaviour of fibre-reinforced composites. This work first confirms that for processed wool, its coefficient of variation in break force can be predicted from that of minimum fibre diameters, and the prediction is better for longer fibres. This implies that even for processed wool, fibre breakage is closely associated with the occurrence of thin sections along a fibre, and damage to fibres during processing is not the main cause of fibre breakage. The effect of along-fibre diameter variation on fibre tensile behaviour of scoured wool and mohair is examined next. Only wet wool samples were examined in the past. The extensions of individual segments of single non-uniform fibres are measured at different strain levels. An important finding is the maximum extension (%) (Normally at the thinnest section) equals the average fibre extension (%) plus the diameter variation (CV %) among the fibre segments. This relationship has not been reported before. During a tensile test, it is only the average fibre extension that is measured. The third part of this work is on the applicability of Weibull distribution to the strength of non-uniform visco-elastic wool fibres. Little work has been done for wool fibres in this area, even though the Weibull model has been widely applied to many brittle fibres. An improved Weibull model incorporating within-fibre diameter variations has been developed for non-uniform fibres. This model predicts the gauge length effect more accurately than the conventional Weibull model. In studies of fibre-reinforced composites, ideal composite specimens are usually prepared and used in the experiments. Sample preparation has been a tedious process. A novel fibre reinforced composite is developed and used in this work to investigate the tensile behaviour of fibre-reinforced composites. The results obtained from the novel composite specimen are consistent with that obtained from the normal specimens.